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I put music on my page! Whoo whoo! I hope you like it! I also added a lot to my character information. More will come soon!


I am planning on making a Goten and probably Piccolo page to my information! That's all for now, I haven't had a lot of time b/c of volleyball!


I don't have a lot of time today, so I just put up a Chichi and Bulma page, and maybe I will have time for Piccolo finally. Also, I put a different DBZ theme song on my Character Info page!


I really have not had any time at all recently and I hope to just make all the parts a little bit better today instead of adding any more for the moment...but there really is a lot to come!!!


I have really been beyond swamped. I never have time to work on this. But today I am going to be putting picutes in all of the character information things. Okay, gotta go for now!


Whoa. I have really not had any time at all because of school and athletics and band. I have been overly busy. I have actually worked on it a few times last week, but I didn't have time to add it in the updates. Like the color change thing that messes up the music. I am going to try to fix that tonight. I am also probably going to put a Krillian page in my character page and I might start a Saga Information thing. Bye!


Oh man! I have sooo updated this page since I last put that on there! There is a lot of new stuff, I just never remember to put updates on there! Right now I am working on a image gallery and I am also changing around some stuff on the page to give it a different look. Bye! <><


Okay! Woo hoo! Today I caught up on the DBZ stuff on Cartoon Network b/c I have missed like, 400 episodes because of basketball practice. Anyway, I changed some stuff on the pages and I am going to write more info now! Peace out!


Merry Christmas everyone! I haven't worked on my page drastically in a while.....hmmmm, I wonder why. Nevermind. Anyway, I am working on my animation gallery as much as possible and I will soon start pictures. Okay! Bye! <><


Hola! OoOoOokay! Recently I have been MAJORLY working on the picture gallery and the animation gallery, also, I am going to start a movie section too! OOOOkay! That's all for I have been working on saga info a lot!


Hey everybody! I am not going to do much to my site for a while! I am gonna start up a fanfic section, maybe a fanfic site or shrine to Gokou! But I am still definatly working on this site! <>< EMILY