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Step by Step

Top o' the day to you all, I hope you are having a wonderful and spiffy day. For those of you that haven't yet had the pleasure of making my aquaintance, (that being the majority) I am known as the Irish Angel. I spread the joys of Irish dance throughout the world of cyberspace! (just kidding.) My name is Monica, and I am from grand ol' Ft. Worth in the Lone Star State of Texas. Find out more about me here.

I made this page for all of us out there who love anything to do with the wonderful world that is Irish Dance. Now, as you can most likely see, this page is a wee bit bare at the moment, but have no fear, it WILL become better shortly!

If you want to learn more about the exciting world of Irish Dance, go right to Ann's Place. She has all you need to know about what exactly Irish stepdancing is, where to find a teacher in your area and lots of other spiffy stuff. To check out a full feiseanna list, jig on over here If you want to go visit a great stepdancing website, then Diochra is for you. This is a most excellent website with information, articles and a spiffy online newsletter- Lovers of the Dance. Check it out! A site I visit nearly everyday is Siamsa This one is by FAR the best Irish dancing website I've come across yet. Theresa has done a beyond spiffy job with this page,and she also has some very hilarious Soft Spike experiences! Hehee! Another spiffy site is Irish Dancers Kick Butt! made by Eire Libra. Celtica is a REELY spiffy site with everything Irish dance, LOTD and Riverdance. She even has a few Backstreet things tossed into it. Realy great page, in my opinion.

A great Irish Dance catalog fillled with everything from ghillies to jewelery is The Ceili Company If you are in the mood for fun, jig on over to my Irish Dance Fun Stuff page where you can participate in quizzes and surveys. You can also go to my old Riverdance page.

Dontcha just LOVE this pic? I do! In case you are unfamiliar with these two, they are Jean Butler and Colin Dunne, my two fave dancers and the Goddess and God of Irish Dance as I like to affectionatley call them! Click on the Jean and Colin piccy to get to my new fan site about these two fab dancers!

Do you like poetry? You don't? Well, how about IRISH DANCE POETRY?!? You're all of a sudden interested? Well, okay, click on the link below to arrive at my world of Irish dance poetry!

Damsha Poetry

Please take a minute to sign my slambook. In my opinion, it's much spiffier than a regular old boring guestbook! I mean, where in a guestbook could you answer the burning question of "If you were the Grand Pubah of the Mysterious Order of Elks, what would you do?" You can't! Make a girl happy and please sign the thing! :o)

Take a peek at the answers!~*~ Sign the darn book already!

This spiffy little dealie up there shows that I am part of the 'got dance' campaign! I, for one, believe that dance (Irish especially!) is needed for one to survive! If you share these sentiments, I suggest you click your mouse on the logo and join today!

Reely Spiffy Irish Dance Websites

Irish Dancing Magazine
Trinity Irish Dancers Official Site
Dancing On Dangerous Ground Official Site
Riverdance- The Official Site
