About AFP The following Oz code is derived from the examples provided in the book:
      "A Little Java, A Few Patterns" by Matthias Felleisen and Daniel P. Friedman.

Chapter #5 Examples in Oz
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Chapter - 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% 5.13
class RemoveAnchovyV
   meth init skip end
   meth forBottom(?$) {New Bottom init} end
   meth forTopping(T R ?$)
      if {T instanceOf(Anchovy $)}
         then {R removeAnchovy($)}
         else {New Topping init(T {R removeAnchovy($)})}

% 5.32
class RemoveFishV
   meth init skip end
   meth forBottom(?$) {New Bottom init} end
   meth forTopping(T R F ?$)
      if {T instanceOf({F getClass($)} $)}
         then {R removeFish(F $)}
         else {New Topping init(T {R removeFish(F $)})}

% 5.44
class Integer
   feat X
   meth init(Xi) self.X = Xi end
   meth value(?$) self.X end
   meth getClass(?$) Integer end
   meth instanceOf(F ?$) F == Integer end
   meth equals(F ?$) {F instanceOf(Integer $)} andthen {F value($)} == self.X end
class RemoveIntegerV
   meth init skip end
   meth forBottom(?$) {New Bottom init} end
   meth forTopping(T R I ?$)
      if {T equals(I $)}
         then {R removeInteger(I $)}
         else {New Topping init(T {R removeInteger(I $)})}

% 5.51
class RemoveV
   meth init skip end
   meth forBottom(?$) {New Bottom init} end
   meth forTopping(T R O ?$)
      if {T equals(O $)}
         then {R remove(O $)}
         else {New Topping init(T {R remove(O $)})}

% 5.86
%% Note: N may get interspersed multiple times?
class SubstituteFishV
   meth init skip end
   meth forBottom(?$) {New Bottom init} end
   meth forTopping(T R N O ?$)
      if {T equals(O $)}
         then {New Topping init(N {R substituteFish(N O $)})}
         else {New Topping init(T {R substituteFish(N O $)})}
class SubstituteIntegerV
   meth init skip end
   meth forBottom(?$) {New Bottom init} end
   meth forTopping(T R N O ?$)
      if {T equals(O $)}
         then {New Topping init(N {R substituteInteger(N O $)})}
         else {New Topping init(T {R substituteInteger(N O $)})}

% 5.85
class SubstituteV
   meth init skip end
   meth forBottom(?$) {New Bottom init} end
   meth forTopping(T R N O ?$)
      if {T equals(O $)}
         then {New Topping init(N {R substitute(N O $)})}
         else {New Topping init(T {R substitute(N O $)})}

% 5.1
class PieD
      raFn  : {New RemoveAnchovyV init}
      rfFn  : {New RemoveFishV init}
      riFn  : {New RemoveIntegerV init}
      remFn : {New RemoveV init}
      sfFn  : {New SubstituteFishV init}
      siFn  : {New SubstituteIntegerV init}
      subFn : {New SubstituteV init}
   meth removeAnchovy(?$) raise abstract() end end
   meth removeFish(F ?$) raise abstract() end end
   meth removeInteger(I ?$) raise abstract() end end
   meth remove(O ?$) raise abstract() end end
   meth substituteFish(N O ?$) raise abstract() end end
   meth substituteInteger(N O ?$) raise abstract() end end
   meth substitute(N O ?$) raise abstract() end end
class Bottom from PieD
   meth init skip end
   meth removeAnchovy(?$) {self.raFn forBottom($)} end
   meth removeFish(F ?$) {self.rfFn forBottom($)} end
   meth removeInteger(I ?$) {self.riFn forBottom($)} end
   meth remove(O ?$) {self.remFn forBottom($)} end
   meth substituteFish(N O ?$) {self.sfFn forBottom($)} end
   meth substituteInteger(N O ?$) {self.siFn forBottom($)} end
   meth substitute(N O ?$) {self.subFn forBottom($)} end
class Topping from PieD
   feat T R
   meth init(Ti Ri)
      self.T = Ti
      self.R = Ri
   meth removeAnchovy(?$) {self.raFn forTopping(self.T self.R $)} end
   meth removeFish(F ?$) {self.rfFn forTopping(self.T self.R F $)} end
   meth removeInteger(I ?$) {self.riFn forTopping(self.T self.R I $)} end
   meth remove(O ?$) {self.remFn forTopping(self.T self.R O $)} end
   meth substituteFish(N O ?$) {self.sfFn forTopping(self.T self.R N O $)} end
   meth substituteInteger(N O ?$) {self.siFn forTopping(self.T self.R N O $)} end
   meth substitute(N O ?$) {self.subFn forTopping(self.T self.R N O $)} end

% 5.3
class FishD
   meth getClass(?$) FishD end
   meth instanceOf(F ?$) F == FishD end
   meth equals(F ?$) {F instanceOf(FishD $)} end
class Anchovy from FishD
   meth init skip end
   meth getClass(?$) Anchovy end
   meth instanceOf(F ?$) F == Anchovy orelse FishD,instanceOf(F $) end
   meth equals(F ?$) {F instanceOf(Anchovy $)} end
class Salmon from FishD
   meth init skip end
   meth getClass(?$) Salmon end
   meth instanceOf(F ?$) F == Salmon orelse FishD,instanceOf(F $) end
   meth equals(F ?$) {F instanceOf(Salmon $)} end
class Tuna from FishD
   meth init skip end
   meth getClass(?$) Tuna end
   meth instanceOf(F ?$) F == Tuna orelse FishD,instanceOf(F $) end
   meth equals(F ?$) {F instanceOf(Tuna $)} end

% 5.4
{Browse 4#{New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
               {New Topping init({New Tuna init}
                  {New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
                     {New Bottom init})})})}}
{Browse 4#{New Topping init({New Tuna init}
               {New Topping init({New Integer init(42)}
                  {New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
                     {New Topping init({New Integer init(5)}
                        {New Bottom init})})})})}}

% 5.5
{Browse 5#{{New Topping init({New Salmon init}
               {New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
                  {New Topping init({New Tuna init}
                     {New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
                        {New Bottom init})})})})} removeAnchovy($)}}

% 5.6
{Browse 6#{{New Topping init({New Salmon init}
               {New Topping init({New Tuna init}
                  {New Bottom init})})} removeAnchovy($)}}

% 5.34
{Browse 34#{{New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
               {New Bottom init})} removeFish({New Anchovy init} $)}}

% 5.41
{Browse 41#{{New Topping init({New Integer init(2)}
               {New Topping init({New Integer init(3)}
                  {New Topping init({New Integer init(2)}
                     {New Bottom init})})})} removeInteger({New Integer init(3)} $)}}

% 5.56
{Browse 56#{{New Topping init({New Integer init(2)}
               {New Topping init({New Integer init(3)}
                  {New Topping init({New Integer init(2)}
                     {New Bottom init})})})} remove({New Integer init(3)} $)}}

% 5.57
{Browse 57#{{New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
               {New Bottom init})} remove({New Anchovy init} $)}}

% 5.63
class NumD
   meth getClass(?$) NumD end
   meth instanceOf(F ?$) F == NumD end
   meth equals(F ?$) {F instanceOf(NumD $)} end
class Zero from NumD
   meth init skip end
   meth getClass(?$) Zero end
   meth instanceOf(N ?$) N == Zero orelse NumD,instanceOf(N $) end
   meth equals(N ?$) {N instanceOf(Zero $)} end
class OneMoreThan from NumD
   feat Predecessor
   meth init(P)
      self.Predecessor = P
   meth getClass(?$) OneMoreThan end
   meth instanceOf(N ?$) N == OneMoreThan orelse NumD,instanceOf(N $) end
   meth equals(N ?$)
      {Browse self#N}
      {N instanceOf(OneMoreThan $)} andthen
         {self.Predecessor equals(N.Predecessor $)}

% 5.58
{Browse 58#{{New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
               {New Topping init({New Integer init(3)}
                  {New Topping init({New Zero init}
                     {New Bottom init})})})} remove({New Integer init(3)} $)}}

% 5.59 | 5.76
{Browse 59#{{New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
               {New Topping init({New Integer init(3)}
                  {New Topping init({New Zero init}
                     {New Bottom init})})})} remove({New Zero init} $)}}

% 5.80
{Browse 59#{{New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
               {New Topping init({New Tuna init}
                  {New Topping init({New Anchovy init}
                     {New Bottom init})})})}
                        substituteFish({New Salmon init} {New Anchovy init} $)}}

Chris Rathman / Chris.Rathman@tx.rr.com