Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 03/21/2010

Posts By: natecain

  Date    Post    Topic  
09/04/2009Seconded...Proving running times of algorithms
05/21/2009Not so much parsing issues...WolframAlpha
04/23/2009Source?A programming language with extensible syntax
04/13/2009New EcmaScript/Javascript specificationNew EcmaScript/Javascript specification
10/27/2008Or maybe not...ANN: Ur/Web: Statically-typed metaprogramming for the web
10/17/2008Taking the argumentOn the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/19/2008HDLs are not Turing complete?On the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages
10/21/2008Seems that URL should behaskell for gpu
09/11/2008Elaborated...Polymorphic Algebraic Data Type Reconstruction
07/01/2008No such discussion is complete....Hardware Design and Functional Programming: a Perfect Match
07/02/2008A better choice (IMESHO)Hardware Design and Functional Programming: a Perfect Match
07/02/2008"In the HW world, where youHardware Design and Functional Programming: a Perfect Match
04/26/2008Are there any pascalIs Halting Problem Valid for P?

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Chris Rathman/