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Glittery Suga Stars©

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*~, this thing is so hard to keep up with cuz i have nothing new to add. every once in awhile i get some pic to add but ever since my scaner started to hate me and the digital camera started to hate my bother, the only pic i got was from others. so its up to you for pic to get up. everythin else hasnt changed. thanks! the newest are under "celebs". 6-9-04*~


My Car (future car)

My cousins

Hey! dis is my home page...don't forget to sign the g-thang and look at all the cool pix. If you go to SGP or if you can get wit me some how, and you are not under my pix and you wanna, give me a pix and I will scan it fo ya!!!...thanks

this thing cracks me up everytime!
its like what the freak is he doin?!

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