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  Chess Bio .. IECC Grandmaster EDUARDO MAYER  

  I am Chilean, 75 years old, chemical engineer and 
  computer technician. I have a daughter, anthropologist, 
  and a son, economist. I am nowadays retired .. but still
  do some consulting jobs and I live in Santiago.

  About my “chess life”:
  I began playing chess in school at the age of 17. My enthusiasm
  was so big, that I almost missed my chance of going to College! 
  In my first University, where I was studying Engineering, there  
  was this senior student, a young person who had gained the GM's 
Championship of Chile. The enthusiasm for chess there was enormous. I improved my rudiments 
enough at theory and my practice. In that year came to Chile: Paul Keres, A.Kotov, L.Pachman 
and a child of 16 years old named "Bobby" Fisher. To see them play was a holiday. It was an 
unforgettable event! And to think that in only 13 years, that "child" was going to be Chess 
Champion of the world!

For economic reasons I had to switch to the Technical University F. Santa Maria in Valparaiso, 
my natal city. In this University, chess was not practiced, so I had the honor of founding a 
club, and enjoyed filling it with the enthusiasm of young talents at this game - science - art. 
And later in life, having become a professional in the industries where I worked, my "mission" 
was to organize Chess Clubs!

Fast forward to the year 1995, when I began to be employed at Guatemala, Central America. But 
there were not many chess aficionados. Since those were the years in which internet emails and 
webpages started to become massive, I became interested in playing by e-mail, and I was lucky 
enough to choose IECC. Here I have played in all kinds of events: Game Matches, Class events, 
Thematics, Swiss, etc. And after 5 years, I was a little bored of playing almost always with 
the same ones in my level, but good luck struck again! 

A flattering e-mail from a gentleman named Conrad Goodman came to me saying that due to my good 
performance in various IECC Events, I was invited to be part of IECC's Team, and to defend our 
Team against players from other Chess Clubs. This was new to me because I was not playing on my 
own anymore, I was defending our team. Realizing that this was a major responsibility, I began 
preparing myself, and I have continued doing so, in order to play a good role inside our Team. 
I managed to improve my chess, got to know many good players from other clubs & countries plus
enjoy working with a great Team Captain and organizer as Conrad, whom I consider to be my close, 
although far away, friend. I enjoy collaborating with him and now also help Alan Page plus Mirko 
Djuric in organizational tasks. Finally I’d like to thank Rainer Tavenrath for putting the faces 
plus Chess Bio of our Team members on a webpage that allows us to know each other a bit better.

Thank you for making time to read. Best wishes, Eduardo Mayer / Email: 
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