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  Many of us really enjoy listening to music ..
  while we are driving, working on our computer, dining out,
  socializing with friends & family, exercising or just relaxing.
  I enjoy listening to romantic oldies from the 1920's thru 50's
  especially Easy Listening music, Classical, Latin Dance and
  Soft Jazz .. each with or without vocals.

If you ARE using Internet Explorer, a colorful prompt might appear at the bottom of this page,
asking if you want to: OPEN ( listen to ) this song from to hear it through your
computer's Windows Media Player; SAVE ( download ) this song into your music library;
or simply CANCEL ( ignore the song ).

If you ARE NOT using Internet Explorer, a light grey message might appear in the lower left
hand corner of this page to indicate downloading has taken place. Simple click that .exe box
after the song has downloaded to your computer. Then use your Windows Media Player to
listen to the music. You can easily delete the song from your computer if you don't like it.

Here are a few of my favorite Latin INSTRUMENTALS:
" Masquerade" time 4:26 .. very relaxing arrangement of electronic keyboard and drums.
" What a difference a day makes" 3:43 .. soft jazzy keyboard, sax and drums for dancing.
" Black Orpheus" 3:26 .. smooth, creative arrangement of guitar, xylophone and flute.

Plus some very 'easy listening' OLDIES .. these vocals run about 2 minutes each:
" East of the sun", " Embraceable you", " How deep is the ocean", " I hadn't anyone til you",
" I'll get by", " I'm confessin that I love you", " I only have eyes for you", " My ideal",
" They say falling in love is wonderful", " You go to my head",

MORE music will be added soon. Return to  ConradCHESS  home page. ..