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If the Pre-Trib Rapture is a Lie

By Todd Strandberg


In the ten years that I've been active on the Internet, I've never had a week where I've received so many e-mail messages that attack the pre-trib rapture. I don't post the majority of them in the Interesting E-mail page because they're generally carbon copies of each other.

The typical letter starts out, "I appreciate what you're doing, but this pre-trib rapture teaching is a lie from the devil." Some of them go as far to say that the pre-trib rapture is the mark of the Beast or the Great Falling Away. Other messages proclaim that pre-tribulationism is cultic and not a part of the Christian Church.

My reply has always been, "If Satan has us pre-tribbers doing his bidding, I seriously doubt he'll have any need for the Antichrist."

I've made an observation that I think those opposed to the pre-trib rapture should really consider. If the pre-trib rapture is a lie conceived by the devil, why is it that out of 2 billion people that claim to be Christians only about 20 million hold to this view? The other 1.94 billion believe an a-millennial, post-trib, mid-trib, and a few other similar positions.

One writer put it rather well when he said, "The Pre-trib view is the only view that's under constant attack today." I agree with him 100 percent.

I've noticed that the pre-trib rapture has been assailed from just about every conceivable angle. The liberal media, post-trib, pre-wrath, cults, New Age, and the unsaved have all taken swipes at the position that this site is attempting to advance.

What really gets my dander up is how post-tribulationists, the most vocal of the group, claim that the pre-trib view is a satanic plot. If this is so, then the liberal media, cults, the unsaved, and the New Age movement should be on my side.

Satan's kingdom must be terribly divided against itself. Matthew 12:26, "And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?"

Here are some statements and positions these groups have taken against the pre-trib rapture:

Cults: The Seventh Day Adventists actively condemn the pre-trib rapture. They refer to it negatively as the secret rapture.

The liberal media: The press mostly ignores the pre-trib rapture, but every once in a while they malign it. One news reporter wrote about the rapture saying, "Someday these Fundamentalist Christian claim there are going to vaporize." Look up the word vaporize in the dictionary and you'll find it's not very flattering.

The New Age movement: Many New Age gurus teach that the small minded folks among us (Christians) will need to be removed from earth before the New World Order can begin - which is fine with me.

The unsaved: The ungodly will write saying, "It will be nice to get rid of you Bible thumpers." Other non-believers will question my sanity for believing in such nonsense.




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