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These are my **Picture's**!

This is me the PrInCeSs!

These are pictures of my b/f*~* I LOVE HIM ALOT*~

This is my b/f Jesse & me at Homecoming 2001

This is my neice Lalya but we call her "Lalya Bug" And my sister-in-law Melissa.

This is my neice Lalya she is a year old in this picture

This my nephew Nathanel he was 3 years old in this picture

This is my brother John and Lalya takin a nap

This is my Mom her name is Nina she is the best mom on this earth! I love u mom!And My dog chaquita, she is 2 years old, she is half weenie dog, and half chiwawa (how ever you spell it)!!

This is a picture of my mom she was at schoool

This is my other dog Paco, he is 3 years old, he is half boxer, and half bull dog

Bye!!! Think Yall 4 visting my page