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Welcome to The X Vault

I believe in the individual's right to complete freedom of thought and expression.

The construction and content of this site are entirely my own work and reflect my desire to create a place in the virtual world that is free from the shackles of fear, ignorance and intolerance that suffuse society in the real.

If you have any questions, comments or desire to publish my work(!)click here to contact me

Beliefs - mists and quicksand

Background - The Life and Times of X

Writings - Strange Poetry

Writings - A little light relief-an exerpt from my journal

Profile - The Alter Ego

To return to this page at any time, please click on the Yin and Yang icon that you'll find at the top and bottom of every page.

In respect for other people's beliefs:  There are some elements of this site that may be considered to be of a disturbing nature.

©E Parker 2000