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Thoughts and Opinions


On Friendship

Eleanor Roosevelt wrote:

Many people will walk in and out of your life,
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head;
To handle others, use your heart.

Anger is only one letter short of danger.
If someone betrays you once, it is his fault;
If he betrays you twice, it is your fault.

Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.

He who loses money, loses much;
He who loses a friend, loses much more;
He who loses faith, loses all.

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,
But beautiful old people are works of art.

Learn from the mistakes of others.
You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.

Friends, you and me....
You brought another friend....

And then there were 3....
We started our group....
Our circle of friends....
And like that circle....
There is no beginning or end....

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.

True friends are hard to come by.  Even when you think that all the laughter, joy, and happiness you shared together will never keep you apart.  However, that's the problem.  What happens when the laughter, the joy, and happiness stops?  If  nothing happens, then they are not your true friends.  The real sign of true friendship comes when you are down, hopeless, and in despair, and when you look up they are there reaching out for you.  -Michelle


Love yourself

I love myself, the way I am
There's nothing I need to change.
I'll always be the perfect me,
There's nothing to rearrange.
I'm beautiful and capable
Of being the best me I can.
And I love myself - just the way I am.

Now I love you - the way you are,
There's nothing you need to do.
When I feel love inside myself,
It's easy to love you too.
Behind your fears, your rage and tears
I see your shining star.
And I love you - just the way you are.

I love the world - the way it is,
Cause I can clearly see
That all the things I judge are done
By people just like me.
So till the birth of peace of Earth
That only love can bring
I'll help it grow - by loving everything.

(Author Unknown)

Loving yourself is the first step to success.  If you believe that you are capable of conquering the world, then you can.  As long as loving yourself doesn't infringe on another person's rights. There's no limit, except the one you put on yourself.- Michelle


What goes through the mind of a cheated woman?  Everything.  Everything goes through her mind. She reanalyzes again, and again, and again, to look for answers.  Why?  What?  When?  How? Where? 

What hurts most is the betrayal of her trust.  After many long nights and days contemplating whether she should trust her partner, and when she finally decides that he’s trustworthy, he goes and violates that sacred gift.  Her world was happy, optimistic, and bright until he bursts her bubble of utopia.  Was that split second of happiness worth the endless pain she feels afterwards? She doesn't believe so.

She keeps torturing and asking herself “why did he do this to me?”   She can choose a path of ignorance and persuade herself that he meant nothing to me and it didn’t matter.  It’s his lost.  This state of mind would fit the old cliché “ignorance is bliss”.   But she would be lying to herself.

The other path is of complete agony.  Agonizing over:

ª       Why did he cheat on me?  Did I not satisfy his needs or was it because I became too dull.

ª       When did he find time?  Considering his claim of being busy all the time, when does he find time to fit another woman in his lifestyle.  I must agree that I didn’t take up much of his “precious” time at all.  I guess one can find time if he wanted too.

ª       How did this happen?  Where did the relationship go wrong?.

All she know right now is that she's hurting…her ego, her head, her stomach, and her heart.  Her ego is dramatically damaged with such an incident.  Her self-esteem plummeted to a low level.  Have she lost her desirability?  Does she not turn him on?  Has she become too ugly to satisfy his eyes, or too stupid to satisfy his mind?  What are the causes for his wandering eyes?

She don’t know if she can forgive him.  He denies all of her accusations.  It’s so funny how convincing he sounded.  But, she believes he has a specialty for such deception.  All she can think about is that he has violated her body.  It pains to think that he spoke the same sweet words to the other woman as he does to her…or kiss the same spots on  her body …or caress her so gently.  She actually believes it was genuine and exclusively for her ears, eyes, and body alone.  Everything becomes false.

As she replays all the incidents, things just fit perfectly like a puzzle.  Knowing that he has a limited number of friends, his many pages didn’t make sense.    His phone calls were always secretive.  It’s makes sense.

After many failed attempts for breakup, this is definitely the last straw.  She needs to investigate her accusations and leave this relationship with a good reason.  She doesn't want to regret it later thinking that she’s made a mistake.  But, she's positive her theory is accurate.  Now, every time she thinks of him, it brings her to tears.  She can’t get over the deception, the lies, and the pain.  It’s so unbearable, that for a split second, She doesn’t want to live anymore- only for a split second.  Her resentment toward men grows greater day by day.  Her insecurity has returned and her self-esteem has depleted. 

I hope that no one should ever experience such pain or sorrow.  Unfortunately, fidelity is a temptation which is a difficult battle to fight.  You can have all kinds of valid excuses, but that does not change the situation because the damage is done.  - Michelle

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