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Well howdy there... I'm like really bored so i thought i would make another webpage since that seems to be my past time by default these days...

I thought and thought about what i could do... So i searched the web and decided to find the best pics i can of Colorado... Here is one

And I thought... okay... I have one... how about another??? so here is another i happened to stumble upon...

A rather cool sunrise i think. Don't you? Do they really look that beautiful there?
So i thought okay... nice back round... two pics... hmmm NOT ENOUGH!!! How about some music... well obviously you can already hear it... and if you can't TURN YOUR SPEAKERS ON NOW!!!!! There we go... not exactly christmas time i know... but thought oh what the hell... you like the song... why the hell not.
So what ya think? Pathetic yes? I know i know... but if your smiling even if your shaking your head at me... mission accomplished.
Here's something funny... this next picture i found on a site who's owners name is DEBBIE! Ain't that a trip...(there is a picture of her on this website and she's not near as cute as yourself). Its not a snow picture but i still thought it was cool... hope it doesn't ruin the theme of the page...

Okay, so now after rummaging through all these pictures of Colorado i'm starting to see why you like it so much. I'm afraid of heights though so i wouldn't make it long up there.
While we are on the subject of off theme photo's... how's this one for a not so wintery picture?????Its called the babbling brook... and it couldn't possibly babble more than i...

Drifting on back to our wintery play ground... i found a pretty b-a-a-a-a-d ass picture of some goats!!!
Well i hope you've enjoyed our little tour of Colorado. Now its time for a break down.........(don't ask).