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There is some problems with the server currently, I've been in contact with Angelfire in an attempt to get everything running smoothly, but I'm afraid not all of the bugs have yet to be ironed out.


* All the pages on the web site are numerically ordered. What does that mean? Well simply put, I've designed it so that if you looking for sample number 21 all you have to do is type in ""

But on the other hand, if your looking for say sample 32 the only thing that would change above in the URL would be the b21 to b32. So it would look like this ""

*Yes the b always has to be in the URL, it's just a letter that I used to keep the different parts of the web site straight in my own mind, don't ask me where it came from : )

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

The Menu button will be helpful to those of you that are experienced web searchers that don't really need all the pretty pictures, I've linked all the pictures together, with "next" and "back" buttons. So that you can get to the next photograph of the following sample, of the last sample you were just looking at.

If you hate the "pop up" advertisement then I suggest you just minimize it. It will stay down on your scroll bar, but it won't pop up and be in the way anymore.


Thanks allot for all your emails, and your super kind words guys.......I don't think I would have went through the trouble of building this second site if it wasn't for how wonderful everyone has been. Good Luck with the test, I hope everyone does great!!

-Ann Marie