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One Voice

This is cute, but I'm sure that everybody knows their names!

This is from way back and he sounds kinda congested but it's cute...I guess.

I have no idea what this one is! =)

He sounded so insecure was so suh-weet!

The sexiest part of the video.

Ok, so the movie was super cheesy, but, come on...I know this part made you wanna *SIGH*

Justin at the VMA's.
I love this little ditty.

Oh, LMAO!!

Justin, the Daredevil
For those of you who couldn't tell, that was JC talking! (you mean there's someone who doesn't know their voices??? The blasphemy!)

Justin gets attitude!
Mmhmm, tell the truth, how many of y'all got turned on just reading that? I know y'all were thinking nasty thoughts!

Justin and JC's tribute to The Mouse

He's talking bout me again!

Gawd bless Lynn and Randy!