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TECH SWING CLUB Constitution

Article I.



Article II.

TECH SWING CLUB will unite swing dancers at Tech while recruiting and teaching new dancers and promoting unity in a friendly social dancing environment.


Article III.

1.        Official Tech Swing Club (TSC) members must be Tech students (IF YOU DONT GO TO TECH, You can be an associate member of TSC with paid dues. Associate members act as members but will not be able to hold power or vote.)

2.        TSC Membership dues are $10 / semester.

3.        You will receive a membership card each semester.

4.        Dues will pay for the cost of running the program.

5.        TSC is open to all Texas Tech students (also associate members) without regard to race, religion, sex, disability, or national origin.

6.        Lessons and dances are free to members and associate members.

7.        TSC lessons will only be available to members and associate members.

8.        The dances are open to everyone.

9.        No aerials (lifts) are allowed unless permission is granted by an officer

10.     Tech Swing Club is not liable for any injuries caused by or occurring during a dance, a practice, or a meeting.


Article IV.



·         Oversee and run meetings and duties of the club

·         Schedule meetings

·         Be the mediator to the advisor and to external functions

·         Will be a publicist and be involved with informing the public about the club


Vice President (can be two; internal and external):  

·         Assist president

·         Act as president in their absence

·         Chairs and oversees special assignments as assigned



·         Prepare the annual budget

·         Ensure that the club stays within the budget

·         Report financial matters to the Executive committee

·         Be accountable for all money from appropriate funds such as RHA & SGA

·         Organize fundraisers

·         Open and maintain account at on-campus bank in UC

(Guidelines: Campus Activities and Involvement office in the UC rm. 210)



·         Keeping and distributing information to members

·         Maintaining accurate membership lists

·         Maintaining records including meeting minutes

·         Flyers and paperwork

·         E-mail or typing as needed



Create/maintain a website for TECH SWING CLUB



·         Takes Photographs and Video of DANCES or special events

·         Creates dated Albums

·         Contacts UD

·         Keeps record or takes picture of all advertisements such as banners, posters, chalk writing

·         Keeps one copy of each flyer used

·         Keeps record of all newspaper articles/write-ups about SWING CLUB

·         Helps with publicity of special events


Committee head(s):

·         Oversee and organize duties such as refreshments, flyers, banners, place(s) to dance, audio music and/or equipment, public relations, fundraisers.

·         Select or appoint sub-committees to carry out specific duties as needed. These sub-committees will be composed of club members.

·         In charge of dance instructors and dance lessons

·         Flyer, poster, banner design and approval (Campus Activities and Involvement office in the UC) and chalk/sidewalk advertising (SGA provides supplies for banners to registered student organizations)

·         Chooses places to advertise and leave flyers (class rooms, UC, local coffee shops, other student organization (Registered Student organizations have mailboxes in Campus Activities and Involvement office in the UC Rm. 210)

·         Helps with publicity of special events

·         There may be more than one Committee head

·         MAKES COMMITTEES of helpers


ALL officers:

·         Attend all meetings, dances, lessons

·         Positions last one year

·         Elections will be held by secret ballot in May

·         Short campaign speech before election

·         Unopposed candidates automatically make office

·         Second vote or President will break tied votes

·         Help with publicity of special events


*      Any officer that fails to do duties or show up to meetings will receive a warning letter or call. If the warning is ignored, the officer will be removed by majority vote of the executive committee.


*      In special situations, advisor and other executive committee members will ask for officer nominations. These nominations will be accepted upon approval of current members in the next election meeting.



·         Dance and have fun with activities!

·         Help pass out flyers 1 day in advance, and the DAY OF each dance (in classrooms etc)

·         Spread the word of dances and lessons

·         Help out with different duties including banner painting, flyers, etc.

 (See duties under Committee Head. These duties are assigned to members by the Committee Head)


Article V.

·         Meetings will be held and announced by president or by E-mail or phone, at least one week in advance, unless emergency meeting is scheduled.

·         Lessons will be once a week, practice afterwards

·         BIG DANCES will be held about once a month.

·         Workshops will tentatively be held twice a semester



Article VI.

The SWING CLUB is not affiliated with any other organizations.


Article VII.

Proposed activities:


·         Practice and TEACH people to dance regularly

·         Recruit other dancers

·         Have a dance about once a month (or as much as we can handle!)


·         Dance Demos

·         Publicity of events


Article VIII.

The executive Committee will choose the advisor. The responsibilities of the advisor include;

·         Assisting student leaders and members with administration complications

·         Providing additional support from related campus departments

·         Meeting regularly with the Executive Committee to discuss organizational matters and relaying and updating information  


Article IX

Procedures will be handled according to Robert’s Rules of Order.


Article X.

In adopting amendments, any amendment requires a proposal and a ‘second’, who must be paying members, and Executive Committee majority vote decides the adoption.


Adoption date: __________________


Signed: ________________________


Print: __________________________







Michele Franzwa


Vice President (can be two; internal and external)

Jessica Fortier



Joel Ebuh



Danny Beluska


Committee Head (can be more than one)

Raquel Melon, Landon Taylor, Jarrod Upton



Lauren Carpenter



Melissa Thompson



Cheryl Williams