I have decided to go ahead and update this page one last time. I guess b'cuzz this page became so popular, and I have been getting alot of e-mails to "please update!". So, I figured that it needed just one more change until I was completly satisfied with it, and until it wasn't so "boring" anymore. (Like others has said. lol.)

So, enjoy what I have done for you. B'cuzz that's why I did this... was for you guys! (As if ya'll even really cared? lol.) Well...anyway... please make sure to sign my guestbook, kay? I would really like it if you did. So, just make me happy and sign the damn thing! LoL.

Any comments? Or suggestions? Why not e-mail me and tell me about them? dream_angel84_@hotmail.com

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This page was last updated : March 26, 2002.