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Okay, this is my version of newbie training. This advice is my own and has not been judged upon by anyone else, use this if you wish, but be prepared not to know a lot of stuff if you don't read this, also take note that this is for experienced mudders, if you haven't mudded before, I suggest maybe reading the top part of this and then creating and using the "ask" channel to ask any questions, such as - ask how do I move around? - someone should help you out .

Okay, first off, class/race's there are certain classes and races that "go together", this means that you'll only have 1000xp per level for having only 40cp's or creation points (to view cp's type groups), if you don't have a class and race that "go together", then your xp per level will be higher at 40cp's+. Here are a list of good race/class combinations...
Ranger=Centaur, Elysian
Druid=Pixie, Treant

Alignment is not a set thing, you can create as good or evil, but can change back between the two whenever you want. It is a good idea to pick the one which you really want to be though. It is best to pick good or evil, as you'll get more xp being on of those than with neutral. Also, if you are a Deathknight, you can't be good, and if you are a Paladin you can't be evil (if you do switch aligns as either of these, you won't have the use of any spells).
It is also good to keep 50cp's so that when you hit level 90 and your xp tnl starts going up, you can gain a point (gain point costs 2 trains, you get 2 trains per level) to bring the xp back down to close normal. This isn't really needful for non-remorts because your xp gain isn't that much, or all that noticeable, but once you remort, do keep 50cp's and use the 10 when you hit level 90, with one gain per level.

I do not know the spells/skills every class can get at low levels, so a good idea is to create a "dummy" character and ask the people who are on what the good spells/skills you should have are, then recreate and use their advice. Also try using the command, slist , this will tell you the level you have to be for any race to use that skill/spell, it is VERY usefull, so remember it. When you create do NOT get the default, as that will give you skills/spells that you won't be able to use until much later and will put you way above the appropriate CP's.
When you level you gain trains, you can go to a trainer (see another section of my webpage) and type that will show you all the skills/spells you can get and how many trains they require. If you are interested in a skill/spell type slist and it'll tell you what lvl you have to be for it, if you're the level or higher than it and have the trains, then type gain then practice it (assuming you have enough practices only costs 1 per practice). one using bit of info, to use second + attacks, you must get parry above 80%, then dodge above 80% then second/third/etc. As far as training goes, you can, train , 2 trains raises one of them up one point, with hp and mana raising 10. It is best to do Con and Wis first. but here's what they do.

STR - Determines how much weight you can carry.
INT - Determines how much mana you gain per level, how quickly you learn things.
WIS - Determines how many practices you gain per level.
DEX - Determines how well you are at avoiding blows.
CON - Determines how many hit points you gain per level.

as you gain remorts these stats will start higher and no matter what remort you are, you can only train them to be 10 above their base.
If you have too many trains and not enough practices (or opposite), you can to put 10 practices into 1 train, or for 1 train into 10 practices

When you are created, you will notice that you are in a clan named Dreamers, this is a "safe" clan created by the immortals so that all "newbies" will be safe from harm, NO one may bring any harm to you directly or indirectly. The only way to get out of this clan is by hitting level 20, or by being guilded into a clan. If there are other Dreamers on you can talk to them using the Dreamers clan channel, just type clan . As a side note, it is very frowned upon and not really a good thing to be guilded while under lvl 20 because you may not know the areas as well as you should, and also know the mud, including the players, clans and good/bad things.

Okay, now on to the OOPS or Objects Of Power, there are 9 of these, when you get on the mud type help oop. When you hit level 5 you will notice that you gained 9 spells/skills that you never gained, these can only be used when either you or a clan member have possession of the OOPS, they may not be used if the person with the OOPS is in a safe room. Beware, people will try to kill you for the OOPS. If you drop an OOP, it will disappear and scatter to a random room in the mud, so don't drop them. If you or your clan have all the OOPs, you will get about a 1.5*xp gain per mob.

Hmm, what else...Clans, when you are on the mud you will notice that there are clans, you should be used to them. It is a generally accepted rule that Leaders won't guild anyone under 20, sometimes this is broken, but not often. Research each clan thoroughly, do not just choose a clan because you like the people, or how they treat you while your a dreamer, you will notice that they treat you a little differently once you are part of their clan, or someone elses. You can leave a clan, though Darracks aren't supposed to. If you leave a clan, it might or might not affect your life in the mud, if you change clans a lot, then you will be looked down on by people, if you leave a clan after being in it for a long time, and join another clan for a long time, no one see's you any different, it's all how you do it, please make sure that when you choose a clan, you know that that is the right clan for you. Also an effect of leaving a clan now is by being exiled, which means you can't join a clan until you are out of it, this is determined by your clan level, remort level, and character level.

Now for Leveling, it is best to be good or evil, you get xp based on the align. difference, hours of your char. and level difference. You can be neutral, but it'll be harder to level overall, maybe not at first, but probably around level 20 or so. When you start out, you will not know where to level and get good equip, this is where you should go... Acclimation, west side is good mobs, east is evil mobs, up is neutral mobs, north is a mob of both good and evil. some good equip in this area on both good and evil side. Also for equip, kill the horsemen in Miden'nir Forest, and get the equip off of the goblins. Around level 10 or so, Camelot is a good place to level, but wait until you aren't getting any good xp from Acclimation. The rest is for you to find out.

When you die your corpse is left on the ground where someone else can get it, and take whatever they want from it.

shit=Saint Helens Institute of Training, it is the central recall point. Memorize this whole area, it's not that big.

Clans, there are 5 clans which you may join, at level 20. I have them split into "Good" clans and "Bad" clans
Either=Lo'natar, Brotherhood.
Evil=Sha'Darrack, Epiphany.

Some info on each...(from my point of view, check help for their philo's.)
Avengers=Worhsip the Light, "Paladin's in action not necessarily in class"
Lo'Natar=Keepers of the Balance.
Brotherhood=Based on Honor, accept either good or evil.
Sha'Darrack=ultimate evil clan, must be evil to join, wish death and destruction of the Dream by orders of "Darrack" their god.
Remember this is in my view.

who list...
[ORAHA___Pal]__[L]___[ Tri'umv]___Bryant the <-Dream Walker->
_Race___ Class_ Clvl____Clan______Name_____Title

Please refer to the section for questing in the misc. link

Worshipping - A new system has been implemented, this is the worshipping of an immortal, a select few. followers lets you see who is following who, and worship tells you who all you can follow. It is highly recommended that you know what an immortal is about, and believing in it 100%, before worshipping him or her. If you decided that you don't want to worship the immortal anymore or make mistakes and change deities enough times, you will be branded a heathen and won't be allowed to worship anyone until either you: 1)remort, or 2)petition to the immortals. Another effect of heathen is that you can't sacrifice anything, and the last effect is that you can't use bless or frenzy.
That seems to be it, if you have any questions or comments about this page or just reg. info. you can email me, or talk to me on the mud, Bryant of course :p.