My name is Gentle Angel, and I have a story to tell you. I
am a survivor of abuse. I now have two mental illnesses,
called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depressive
Disorder with Psychotic Features, that
is a result of what I have experienced.
What I will share with you may cause
you to remember things you didn't know happened.
If you feel that you are not safe within your
own heart, I ask that you do not continue further, for fear it will
hurt you. If you feel safe within your heart,
please continue forward, as I show you the real me, what
I have experienced, and my path to healing.

I am a licensed social worker, and know that many others out there know
what I know, and feel what I have felt, and will feel in the future. I have had
a tremendous strugle about how I could tell my story. I know I need to tell it
to aid in my healing process. I hope that I can help someone by reaching out
and letting you know it is OK to be angry, hurt, afraid, lonely, and the many
other feelings that the heart and soul experiences after being a victim. But...
there comes a time when you have to take charge, take those energies of
being afraid and angry, and use them for positive things. This is the point where
I have reached.

Along the way, I will show you different places to go, to learn more about
the stories of others, and places to go in time of need, sorrow, or, or healing.
I ask that no children be allowed to view this site. Some of the things that you
will read about is not meant for children. I am here to protect them, and what I
will show you will be very disturbing. If you have made it here by mistake, just
hit the back button to go back to the previous site.

I burn this candle in rememberance of all of the many
people who have be involved in domestic violence.

~*Forms of Abuse*~

~*Stories and Poems*~

Thank you LadyJ for the beautiful gift you have given me. I will
treasure it always, in rememberance of the pain,
but also the wisdom and knowledge I have gained.

~*My Awards*~

These angels were MURDERED!!!!! Click on the
graphic to read their story. I adopted these
angels to show that I abhor child abuse
and will do what I can to help make it stop.
To adopt your own angel so you too can
show your support in helping to stop child abuse click
on the "Heaven's Littlest Angels" logo below.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

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For the Love of Our Children.
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