European Religion Timeline

--3000 BC: Sumerian Civilization
--2800 BC: Egyptian Civilization
--1800 BC: Minoan Civilization
---900 BC: Etruscan Civilization
---800 BC: Greek Civilization
---700 BC: Appearance of Celts
---600 BC: Greek Colonies in Italy influence Etruscans; Etruscan art shows depiction of fairies (Lasa)
---580 BC: Pythagoras born
---530 BC: Roman Civilization
600-500BC: Hallstatte period; Celts are distinct and identifiable
---525 BC: Croatona Italy, Earliest pentagram ring found, belonging to Pythagoreans; Thracian Zalmoxis taught the Druids the Pythagorean theory of reincarnation
---500 BC: Celts invade Britain; Italians worship Diana
---400 BC: Celts invade Northern Italy; Wall carvings of stag-horned god found at Camonica Italy; Gauls move into Poe Valley of Italy
---390 BC: Celts sack city of Rome
---300 BC: Celts invade Greece; Greek historian Theopompus wrote of Etruscan women; Celtic king Brennus laughed at Greeks for their iconography
---186 BC: Synod of Rome outlawed the Cult of Bacchus
---155 BC: Greek philosopher Critolaus introduces Greek philosophy to Romans
---100 BC: Etruscans absorbed by Rome; Celts driven out of Italy
----82 BC: Roman legions remove Celts from Italy
----56 BC: Romans contain Celts under Julius Caesar ----50 BC: Roman invasion of Gaul
----30 BC: Dionysus featured in relief art
----AD 19: Greek historian Straebo wrote Druidesses were devotees of Bacchus
----AD 43: Roman invasion of Britain
---AD 100: Celts brew beer
---AD 150: Celts conquered by Romans; Britain and Gaul under Roman rule
---AD 324: Constantine declares Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire
---AD 410: Roman withdrawal from Britain
---AD 662: Barbatus is sent to convert the Pagans of Benevento
---AD 663: Barbatus is made Bishop
---AD 743: Synod of Rome outlaws any offerings or sacrifices to Pagan gods ---AD 829: Synod of Paris oversaw deaths of witches, sorcerors, etc.
--AD 1022: First trial resulting in the death penalty, Orleans France
--AD 1300: Execution of Witches found 'socially acceptable'
--AD 1324: First Witch execution in Ireland, Dame Alice Kyteler
--AD 1335: First public witch trial in France, that of Anne-Marie DeGeorgel
--AD 1999: November 14, 3:52 AM, Sean becomes OFFICIALLY DISGRUNTLED

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