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Welcome to DrO's Wakeboarding

The web site has moved. I was tired of all those dam pop ups from angelfire so I moved it to a different host. It is alot better there and stuff. I have been adding more pics and things while I was workign on it. I have been working on the new web site some and it is comeing along pretty well but I don't have all the boards, bindings, and accessories. But I will be putting a few new products up everyday. The new site is going to be great when I get it all finished and the URL will be soon as I get the site done and get some advertisers for the site. If you would like to advertise your company or site on my web page please email me at If you are in North Texas email me if you want to ride somewhere and I will hook us up with a boat and a lake and stuff. Well check out the new site and tell me what you think by signing my guestbook.

The New DrO's Wakeboarding

DrO's Web Design