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DAR Patriot Lookup: Reference Code RXZBT7K



Dear Raymond Viverette,
A search of our Patriot Index provided the information found below.
Search Results    
      1 - Combinations of Patriot & Spouse Records Found 
 VIVERETTE,   Thomas 
 Birth:     Circa 1750
 Service:  NC
 Rank:  PS
 Death:  NC   Before (ante) 15 Dec 1791
 Patriot Pensioned:   No     Widow Pensioned:   No 
 Children Pensioned:   No     Heirs Pensioned:   No 
 Spouse:   Elizabeth Hickman
  If you would like information that might be in the original 
applications write to
Records Copy
Registrar General's Office
1776 D Street NW
Washington DC 20006-5392