Welcome to my home.
Enter it of your own free will, and leave behind some of the joy that you bring with you.
I got a new rant up.
  I wish to tell you a little about my self before we get to the real purpose of this page, which is to serve as a soapbox for my considerably opinonated self. I shall also post links to my favoite sites and links to any sufficently bizzare sites I come across.

  I was born in the year  Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Eight in the small Texas town of Amarillo. I am currently residing close to Houston. I don't think it will be a carrer, but right now I service time clocks for a living. I already have a degree in electronics, and I plan to start on one in networking.
One of my past times is reading. I read mostly adventure, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror novels. I also read some classic literature and poetry. this ranges from Shakespere, to Homer, to De Sade, to Scott, to Gothe, and many more. My other past time is computers, in fact I built the system that this page was created on.
But enough about me, I am my biggest(and only) fan and even I am bored with this sensless drivel. On to the rants and links

This weeks Rant & Rage. Gun Control

Past Rants
Drug Wars & Pacifists
FBI & The Web, Jesse & Al
Professional Sports
Warning Labels & Elian Gonzalez.


Links both favorite and bizzare