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Rydia's Place

Rydia Page: Sexy Forsaken One (and a Master Polygamist)! Did you know that? =P

About Me!My FamilyThe JBK Girls!My Awesome FriendsPoetry and StoriesQuizzesThe Lucas and Brendan Shrine!My Final Fantasy FreaksSammy and Sarah Venture Online!Final Fantasy Stuff

Aren't Squall and Rinoa so cute?!
*** The Best Sites and Stuff ***

Final Fantasy: Worlds Apart | Final Fantasy: Heaven's Well | Heaven's Well Message Board | Square Heaven | Square Heaven Message Board | Final Fantasy Online | The NUThouse SOCK Brigade
SPAM Central | Anime Theme | Absolute Zero | Square Gamer | Final Fantasy Fever | Final Fantasy: Generations Apart | Final Fantasy Annihilated | Korean pictures! | Stefani's site | Mark's site
Ultimate RPGs | Robby's site | Barbara's site | Justin's site | Cindy's site | RinoaHeartilly's site | The Unofficial Ryan Phillippe Page | Eyes On Final Fantasy | Andrew's site

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Hey what's up everybody... well, this is my webpage... keke... hope you like it... I dunno, it's the first time that I've ever built one, so if it sucks, it's understandable, right?? =) I just wanna say hi to all my friends and family... and much love to you all... *muah*! =) Hehe... okay bye!!

*** Updated News ***

(08/12/99) Well, I just wanted to tell you guys that I have a much easier URL now... wanna know it? Hehe... =P it's instead of =) So I guess it's gonna be a lot easier on you, huh? Plus, I've added some new quizzes and new pictures of friends for my page... I love you all! Thanks for visiting!! =D

(08/23/99) Here's another update... =P I just wanted to remind you guys that FINAL FANTASY VIII is coming out on 9/9/99... can any of you guys wait?!?! =O Because I know that I can't!!! =D Woo hoo! And the minute I get it... I don't know if there will be too many new updates on this page... why? Because I'll be busy for, oh, I don't know... like maybe 100 hours... =D And BTW, I beat Final Fantasy V the other day... great game... =D I've finally completed my collection of Final Fantasy gameplay... the only ones that I HAVEN'T played yet are ... the ones in Japan that were never released in the US... =( *FFII and FFIII* Anyway... gotta jet! =D And please sign my guestbook! =) Thanks! =D

(09/03/99) Sorry guys... but uhm... in just SIX more days, FINAL FANTASY VIII WILL BE RELEASED HERE IN THE U.S.!!!! I FINALLY get to play the game that I've been waiting forever for... I swear, I am going to be so awesome at the game... =P And by the way... I'm sorry, but I really don't think I'll be updating much... I'm thinking about adding a Final Fantasy link though... anyway, I'm gonna go at midnight and buy the game... WOOOO HOOOO!!!!!! =D Love ya guys... bye!

(09/04/99) Hey guys... I guess i had a *lot* of time on my hands today, so I decided to add a Final Fantasy link to my webpage... man, it took sooo long! But it's not even 3/4 of the way done yet... I'm sorry that there's gonna be a lot of dead links on it, but it'll just have to do... at least, until i get it finished... don't worry, I'll do it soon, okay???? =) Anyway, just enjoy the new link that I've set up! And please continue to visit my page... thanks! =D

(10/08/99) Hey what's up!! Guess what? I finally beat Final Fantasy VIII today... like around midnight... it's the best game in the whole wide world!!!!!!!! Woo hoooooooo! The ending is sooooo awesome... for all of you non-Final Fantasy players, you need to get the game and try it out... it's incredible!! Of course, I cried on the end cuz it was sooooo sweet =D =D =D By far, FFVIII was the best one ever... Squaresoft really outdid themselves this time!! =D =D Well, gotta go... thanks for continuing to visit my page!! *muah*

(10/13/99) Well, guess what? i got Final Fantasy Anthology today! Yayyy!! Isn't that sooo cool? It's the Playstation version of FFV and FFVI... =D I love it soooo muchie... why? Cuz it has one of my favorite games! FFVI... =P Anyway, I better go... wanna play some of it and watch some TV... =) just thought I'd tell you guys about it... incase you haven't bought it yet =) *For all of you hard-core FF fans!!* Hehehe =P

(11/19/99) YES!!! I finally got around to updating my webpage again!! This time, I decided to add a lot more things... hope you guys like it... it's an introduction to a few of my other friends that you've yet to meet... it took me a few hours... but... oh well =) I added two new links... okie!! Catch you guys later! *muah* (hugs and kisses) =)

(11/26/99) Hey guys! I got around to updating the poetry/stories section... I still don't have any poems... but if you'd like to submit them to me, that'd be great... =D Anyway... I added a story about Rydia and Kain... two of my favorites from FFIV... and anyway... it's dedicated to the one and only Jeff!! Hope you guys like it =P

(11/27/99) K! I added a bunch of other stuff, too... Stef and I started on our first fic together! So you can just look under the story section... oh yeah... hahaha... Mish and I decided to add a link about our online adventures... check it out... it's cute =D

(03/05/00) Well... I've been doing a lot of updating to my page periodically, but I've just been too lazy to write it in my little updates section. =) I hope you like what I've done with the place... I've changed a lot of things around, if you couldn't tell. I've added new links and whatever... and I'll be updating the quiz section soon enough. =) Erm... guess that's about it for now. Thanks for continuing to visit my page... and please, if you have time, sign my guestbook! =P

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