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Scouting Organization
General Information

Boy Scouting was modeled after the Scouting movement founded by Lord Robert S. Baden-Powell in England in 1908.
Boy Scouting is actually owned by the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
It was incorporated on February 8, 1910, and chartered by Congress in 1916 .
High level organization chart:
Organization chart

The National Council does not attempt to administer directly the more than 150,000 registered Boy Scout units (troops, packs, explorer posts, etc.). To achieve this, each year, the National Council issues a charter to an autonomous organization called a Local Council. The United States and its territories is divided into Local Councils.
Local Councils are usually not-for-profit private corporations registered within the State in which they are headquartered.

The Local Council that we operate under is called the "Circle 10 Council".
The District that we operate under is called the "Great Plains District".
The Chartered Organization, in our case, is the "Wells Elementary PTA".
Chartering is done on a yearly basis.
Our Unit is called "Pack 1256".

The Pack
The Pack is a group that has been assigned a unique number, and it is made up of several dens. The Pack includes not only the boys in those dens, but also their families, and their leaders. The Packs meets once a month with Cub Scouts, leaders, parents and other family members attending. The Pack meeting is the climax of the month's den meetings and activities. It gives the dens something to look forward to and work toward.
This is a chance to recognize the boys, their parents, and their leaders.

The Den
A Cub Scout Pack is divided into smaller groups of about eight boys called dens, who meet weekly under the direction of adult Den Leaders and, in some cases, Boy Scout Den Chiefs. The Den Leaders are trained parent volunteers. The den allows boys to get to know each other better and engage in activities that would be difficult in a larger group. The den also provides leadership opportunities for the boys as they elect "denners" or help to teach each other.

Den meeting activities are planned around the monthly theme and include games, handicrafts, hikes and other outdoor fun, practicing skits and stunts in preparation for the next Pack meeting and taking part in simple ceremonies and songs. Sometimes work on advancement requirements is included, but most of that work is accomplished by the boys with their parents (see details on the Webelos rank for an exception). The Den Leaders may ask for special help occasionally from parents (helping with a meeting, sharing a special skill, or just providing a snack for the boys).

Dens are organized by rank, and ranks are organized by grade and age:

Grade and Age
Several years ago joining and advancement requirements for Cub Scouting were changed to a grade basis (with age as backup). Age is still used by some packs whose national organization has made that determination As a refresher, here are some age/grade requirements. Keep in mind that grade is the primary determination and age is the backup (note the work "or"):

The Pack Leadership
The pack leadership consists of Den Leaders, Den Leader Coach, the Chartered Organization Representative, the Pack Committee Chairperson, the Pack Committee and the Cubmaster. These are adult positions.

The Pack Committee
The Pack Committee takes care of the administrative needs of the pack. It is organized and chaired by the Pack Committee Chairperson. The committee consists of at least three people and is responsible for:
A complete Pack Committee consists of the following people:

Chartered Organization Representative
This person is the liaison between the Pack, the chartered organization, and the BSA. They make sure that the chartered organization is awaire of what the Pack is doing, and coordinates activities between the chartered organization and the Pack. It is also the responsibility of the chartered organization representative to communicate any relavent policies that the charter organization has to the Pack committee.
A point that a new scouter often misses is that the chartered organization 'owns' the Pack, not the Pack committee. The Pack committee is simply an administrative arm of the chartered organization.

The Chartered Organization Representative is a voting member of the local BSA Council and District committees. As such, they represent the Pack on these committees.
If the chartered organization has more than one unit (e.g., a Pack and a Troop) the Chartered Organization Representative serves all.

Pack Committee Chairperson
The Pack Committee Chairperson organizes and facilitates the running of the Pack committee.
This person works with the Cubmaster and Chartered Organization Representative to make sure that the responsibilities of the Pack Committee are being met.

The Cubmaster, who is sometimes refered to as the unit leader, is up front. Most parents think they run the show all by themselves. Now you know different. So what does a Cubmaster do? Plenty!
The Cubmaster is responsible for:

Den Leader Coach
The den leader coach is responsible for ensuring stable, active and enthusiastic den leaders for all Cub Scout and Webelos dens. They also help to insure that:

For more details, please visit "Organization of the Boy Scouts of America".

Last update: August 17, 2000
Send comments to: Marius Popa, Webmaster send an e-mail message to Marius Popa, Pack 1256, Webmaster