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Her name is Nisha Trueblade of House Mystilynn

She is a Bladesinger Second, of the High councle of blades.
Guilds: B*I*T*C*H, War Ministress/ Third in Command/ Division Commander, Omega Femina


She fights for the rights of the Elven kingdoms, defending to the death, if needs be, the lowliest of Elves. All her honor rests in her blade, and her skills to weild it.

She was born on Brux, the second level of the Beastlands, Daughter of Jaden Trueblade Phoenix, and Halstrom Phoenix. Has come to Rhy-din to be with her remaining family.

She has joined B*I*T*C*H, in which she is Third in Command, War Ministress, Legion Commander, and a Division Commander, to the Queen of Ice Mirages