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Welcome to MoPaRz Domain! Here you will find great software, visual basic resources, gaming resources, adobe photoshop help, computer tweaks, and much more! The majority of the files on MoPaRz Domain are freeware, so feel free to browse the site and take what you like... If you find a file that doesn't properly credit the author in a section, contact me so I can make the changes.

Recent Site Headlines
Last 5 Days
Site Information
Site updates coming soon
New Banners and Links added
New Software and a Link added
Finally an update
August 9, 2000
May 20, 2000
May 1, 2000
April 11, 2000
April 2, 2000


Site Information
Aug 9, 2000 - Webmaster
This site will be hosted very soon and I have desided that i am going to go for a more professional approach with this site. This change will in effect, turn this site into an programming and graphics only orientated site, dropping the Gaming and Software sections. Along with this change, the site will also be redesigned. I would greatly appreciate any ideas and or other feedback regarding to this change.
Site updates coming soon
May 20 , 2000 - Webmaster
I am very sorry for taking so long to update the site. Hopefully within this month I will have the Adobe section up and running complete with a Photoshop and Flash tutorial section. There will also be numerous additions to the VB and Software sections as well.... stay tuned! I did update the links page though =)

New Banners and Links added
May, 1, 2000 - Webmaster
I decided it was time to redo all the banners, because the previous ones were not the way I wanted them. I also added a new section to my links page for Photoshop Tutorials.

New Software and a Link added
Apr, 11, 2000 - Webmaster
I added 1 program to the Security section and 2 programs to the misc. section of the Software area. I have also added a new Link.

Finally an update
Apr 2, 2000 - Webmaster
I have changed the form mail cgi to angelfire's sendmail cgi (for add-link and the survey) for a faster and more reliable setup. I have also finally opened the Polls in the Community section and the links page has also been updated. Enjoy =)

Fact of the Month
85% of American's say that the Government should not censor the Internet, to any extreme.

Contacting MoPaRx
E-mail:   AIM: XIIVIoPaRx



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