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I should have been connected by now.

Vampireism. What is it? For that matter what is being human? Both live with blood. One is an 'self contained' liveing body-system; action for action, a vacum, no matter lost and no matter gained. A real vampire doesn't have to eat drink or feed. There body is self contained and self sustaining; adaptable to any environment... The so called mer-wolve's aren't much different; just slightly less 'inclined in certain areas'... Many of the more peaceful and or deadly vampires that live 'reside in the wolf packs culture'so to speak. The two 'so called conditions' are not very much unlike the traits and or technologys that are equiped with Human Armor or Star-Jet-Suit issues; even the most basic grunts under FSS-'time police'-regulations have to have earned their armor or Jet-Suit status from whatever service they transfer in from... One of the most common things seen along with humans in armor or jet-suits is were-wolves in the same technology; most vampires with choices in technology like that choze the Suit under the armor; but over the armor is not much different either: most people, human, were-wolve, vampire, or dragon don't have the $197,000,000,000,000,000,,,,,,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to buy the single basic jet-suit to begin with; most of the time they are 'ussually' the ones who try to hide "standard v-chip technology" (or SVT or sometimes labeled TB or TV) exsitense. They do have something in common though; unlike what others like to preach or say. They are all still under the same systems of tracking and control. Vampires and Were-wolves think, so do humans... Kind of illogical to think that someone could gain power from drinking someone elses blood. Why not drink their own blood then? That is what humans techniqually do; even if they don't physically put it in their mouths; their body still processes and lives off it. So is that what being human really means; haveing a body that won't reject and or fail on you? If that is so; then it would be highly iregular to set traps and or villify any and all vampires, were-wolves, and or humans in armor or suits WHO ALL HAVE THE SAME THING AND STANDARDS. Which basically boiles down to following orders and this that and the other. Now it is another story to be trying to catch those same groups doing illegal things; specially if someone or group is being totally ignorant about it; like not keeping to FEDRAL SYSTEM STANDARDs and not installing the proletariat and general population because the people not following FSS regulations or the group that has been caught trying to manipulate, and or find a way to steal, someone elses (F)SS-ID are scared of the masses to begin with beacuse of reason like how much they have lied about the v-chip technologys exsistence and the distortion of HISTORY IN GENERAL for illegal motives and or long and short term banking scams (one of the most commonly occuring things that is 'like an gateway crime to some of the more serious ones' that can be commited; BUT, back to my point, what does god say about it? Judge not lest ye be judged.

Poncho and Lefty sing the Blues.
Where did you come from?