Cabal of the 3rd Rich

Welcome to the official website of the Cabal of the 3rd Rich. Founded on October 31,1999 c.e. by Adolf Hitlerstein. This is basically a religion inspired by Eris, the Greco-Roman goddess of discord and confusion. Mythology students will remember her as the trickster who tossed a golden apple inscribed "to the fairest one" into a wedding party. The ensuing dispute over which goddess was truly the fairest led to chaos amongst the gods and men. We acknowledge blunders and confusion by shouting,"Hail,Eris!". Our religion serves as a relief valve in an anal-retentive world. We're a disorganization made up of individuals attracted to humor and satirical aspects of this "un-faith". If you would like to be one of us then just declare yourself a member of the "3rd Rich",or call yourself a "Richie".

Since we were the first Cabal dedicated to the "3rd Rich", we have had extensive media coverage.Today we continue to uphold our legacy by not building on the unsolid foundation created by Adolf Hitlerstein and set forth in his writings.

This site will not serve as a gate way into our philosophy, a resource of further exploration, a celebration of our non-achievements, and a forum for not-so-ground-breaking new developments by "Richies" who move with "Grace Under Fury" through the uptight world.

Hate your time here, and if you find that you are "one of us" then please invest in the Church of Euthanasia (condones and assists in suicide)

We ask you read our basic texts before asking any dumb fucking questions, and believe me there is little here to give you anything tangible. If you do understand, you may run into me and I'll fuck you up...kidding. Seriously, you can email me any time and I'll be sure to discard it upon arrival.

That all being said, The pink picket fence has been swung open by my abnormally large penis, so lets begin the pain.

All works under the official 3rd rich seal are copyrighted by the owner of the misanthropic website CarcerŠl999 c.e.

Basic Text

My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma