Saint George

George Carlin was named as a saint for what he has brought to the world of bland humor and politics. I'm sure he wouldn't like to 'just' be known as a political comedian, since many of his jokes are about funny things that people do in life. But, he is one of the grandest satirist, and a brilliant and sharp man as well. This man can teach all of us many things in life; How to live it, see it, know it, and be it. No one should go through life not hearing this man at least once. He will be held up to very high standards and his works should be studied, and practiced. This man can teach us all how to live...he did with me. Saint George!

Below is George's very own web page that he put up himself. I've read it and it's a pisser! No one in history has made us look at words like this man has.


Georege' Web Page