Apostle John Lennon

Apostle John Lennon was chosen for this exclusive list for obvious reasons.He changed the face of Rock-N-Roll forever, and was a major player in this countries change. I'm not about to sit here and tell you if that change was good or not, but when a man can change the world and the way we see things it should be respected. This man had the F.B.I. following him, that's how important he was. His music left a mark in the world, but his life left us a legacy. He Is the first on our list that is no longer with us. Mark David Chapman--A Beatles fan,later turned jesus fanatic murdered John out side of Johns village apartment. Mark was angry about John's song in where John said "I don't believe in gods, I don't believe in religion, I just believe in me". Beautiful words from this gentle man who was taken out of our lives by an Xtian. Remember him and who took him from us.


Bio on Mr. Lennon