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Worshipping the Goddess Mephistoku

The Holy Order of Mephistoku's Logo

There are many cermonies that Myvars can preform to show their love of the goddess Mephistoku. One such ritual is the Ritual of Fersochia. In the ancient language of Tanimuth, Fersochia means "love", so this is a ceremony to show love. This ceremony is preformed as follows: First, the Myvar must set things up properly. A table of about 4ft. x 3ft. will be used for the ritual. The supplies you will need are: 5 white taper candles about 5 inches tall, a small bag full of sand, an ornate bowl full of water that has been boiled for at least 30 minutes, a white rose (roses are known as Fersochia flowers), and a small knife. Arrange the table so that the candles are accross the top of the table. Place the sand on one side of the table and the knife on the other. Put the bowl of water and the rose in the middle. Light the candles and let them burn for 5 minutes before you start. Now you are ready to begin. Start by saying the following: "The goddess Mephistoku bestows us with her love, so I shall do the same for her! Fersochia haref ti kaef monusi!" You then take the knife and cut the rose into peices and place them in the bowl. Take the sand in your hands and sprinkle it into the bowl while repeating "Fersochia haref ti kaef monusi!" over and over again. In The language of Tanimuth, this means "love is the key to everything". The candles should then be blown out and the water left overnight. The result is Fersochia water. This water should be put in a jar, as it is used in many other rituals. A ceremony that uses Fersochia water is the Ceremony of Tovimew (death). This is a ritual that should be preformed after the death of a Myvar. To prepare for this ceremony, you can use the same table you use for the Ritual of Fersochia. You will need: an ornate bowl of Fersochia water, 2 red pillar candles, 15 bluebird feathers, a golden pendant, and a whisker from a black cat. As before, put the bowl of Fersochia water in the middle of the table. The candles should be placed at the two top corners. The whisker is put on one side of the bowl and the feathers on the other. Drop the pendant into the water. You are now ready to begin. First, light the candles and say, "A Myvar has left us. I honor their memory as I light these candles. Desamonhogo (I honor you)!" Place the feathers in the bowl one at a time saying "Desamonhogo" as each one goes in the bowl. Take the whisker in your hand and say, "This whisker represents the goddess. She honors you as I burn this whisker." Using the flame of one of the candles, burn the whisker. Put out the candles. Before performing any ritual, you should be dressed properly. The proper outfit is a dark green robe with a golden sash. If you would like a list of more rituals you can perform to the goddess Mephistoku, email me your name and address with "Ritual Guide" as the subject and I will send you one. This is free to everyone, even Karuwtos(people who are not Myvars).

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