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"Wyndham" by Melanie K. Phantze

One: Wyndham The Castle Wyndham gives the appearance of a magnificent sentinel, rising from atop the sheer cliffs, overlooking the Wyndamere Sea. It is both beautiful and foreboding and stands four stories high, with two underground levels. The Castle is octagonal in shape and each of its eight sides make up separate wings. The Castle surrounds an extremely large open courtyard that is not only pleasing to the eye; it is functional as well. It is adorned with fruit and nut trees, berries, herbs, vegetables and flowers of every color and species imaginable. These are planted in a unique design. When viewed from the lofty rooftops, one can see a ship, an ocean and many, many large fish. It is a breathtakingly beautiful collage of color and forms. The trees provide cool shade on a hot summer’s day and are planted in strategic locations, under which wrought iron tables, chairs and benches are placed. Gardens are planted for convenience and optional enjoyment. There are lovely walkways tracing throughout; made of all colors, sizes, and shapes of seashells. These walks lead to the eight wings of the Castle and to the gigantic marble fountain situated at the very center of the courtyard where ice cold spring water flows continuously. The water is piped directly to the fountain and the Castle proper from a crystal clear spring on the nearest mountain, located just north of the Castle. The water supply of the entire province of Wyndingham is delivered in just this manner. The Northern Realm enjoys this same convenience. Those in the Southern Realm and Western Realm envy those of the north for having this convenience. All around the Castle roofline are turrets and battlements that support parapets at equal distances from one another. The Castle is constructed entirely of the pinkish sandstone found in this region and is impervious to the threat of fire. The massive kitchen is located in the lower level of the north wing and has fireplaces large enough for a good-sized man to stand upright. Each fireplace is large enough to roast an entire steer or hog and numerous iron hooks are installed to swing out for hanging huge pots that can easily swing back into the fire for cooking. Pots and pans of all shapes, sizes and varieties hang neatly and conveniently from a large rack in the center of the high ceiling. This is placed above a gigantic preparation table made of the same rose colored marble of the fireplace mantles in contrast to the dark gray slate of the floors and counters. On the exterior north wall is a door, which opens onto a stone stairway that leads to an underground spring house where all perishable foods and beverages are kept. The cold spring fed water runs directly into a stone channel, which is most efficient. Faith McFrugal, the head cook, was named aptly for she tolerates no unnecessary waste or spoilage. She inspects her spring house daily to ensure the help has not forgotten to set the crocks of milk and other dairy products directly into the chilly water. The non-smoked meats, fresh vegetables and the like are hung on shelves along the stone walls and in this way are kept cold. There are two large pantries stocked to overflowing with herbs, spices, and an uncountable array of dried foods. Faith and her husband, along with their children and grandchildren live directly above the kitchen. Geoffrey McFrugal is the head butler and runs his staff with an unbending iron will. He is a stiff, and some would say, dour man. He is not really so unbending as most would believe. How could he be if he is married to the cherubic and somewhat rotund and always jolly Faith? Both Geoffrey and Faith believe one should do one’s best at whatever job one sets out to accomplish. The under cooks and their families live on the other three levels of the north wing along with the maids and under butlers of the north wing. The royal family, their dearest friends, advisors and other key personnel inhabit the east wing. There are balconies that run the length of all four levels of the Castle and each looks out over the Wyndamere Sea. The Castle is impregnable on the eastern side due to the sheer cliffs that drop to the sea. The royal family, the Wyndhams, prefers the third and fourth levels for their apartments. These levels give one the best possible view of the sea. The southern wing houses the elderly and infirm with the southern exposure being kinder to old bones. This wing also houses the infirmary and apothecary on the fourth level. On this level are the personnel needed to care for the aged and to tend to the other residents of the Castle. The remaining wings house the Royal Army and Royal Navy. Two entire wings are used solely as guest quarters when needed. These are kept in a constant state of readiness and it takes virtually hundreds of people to maintain these quarters. These people are the embodiment of the efficient management of the Castle Wyndham. The first underground level is used primarily for the storage of all manners of stores and weaponry. A large portion of this level is used as a gaol, or prison, for miscreants of all types, though fortunately, these are few. Those few, who had the misfortune to spend time in the gaol are usually strangers, and not the happy, prosperous subjects of Wyndham. The second underground level is used as a brewery and storage for ales, wines, cordials, ciders and liquors. It is the perfect temperature for this purpose. There are many doors placed throughout the large cellar that lead to numerous underground tunnels. Of these tunnels, two are concealed behind cleverly placed stone slabs, which slide open if you know how to activate them. Only a very select few, other than the King and Queen, know how to access these concealed tunnels. These are to be used only as a last resort should the Castle fall to hostile forces. The hidden doors are oiled and maintained secretly and regularly by old George, the Keeper of the Cellars. George is very careful to never be observed performing his tasks and is absolutely loyal to his monarchs. George assumed the duty of Keeper of the Cellars upon his father’s death many years past. This is an arduous and complicated duty and George has been training his son, Francis, since he was a wee bairn. Francis is skilled and adept and will make an excellent Keeper when he relieves his father of his duties. The oak casks filled with all the various beverages are lined in precise rows and labeled with the date of creation and type of beverage. Each cask has tick marks alongside other dates to indicate aging thus ensuring the casks are rotated at the proper times. This process assures none will turn or sour. George and Francis are meticulous and proud of their expertise and with good reason. Castle Wyndham is a self-sufficient city with its orchards, gardens, livestock and endless supply of spring water. Its people are able to withstand a very long siege if ever it came under attack by an enemy force. The Castle is large enough to accommodate all the Realm’s subjects in the event of such an attack. Just as the architecture of the Castle, the House of Wyndham’s ancestors were meticulous and farsighted in the layout of the Province of Wyndingham. For miles around, tall thick walls surround the entire province and the Castle itself. There are guardhouses spotted along the entire wall and all gates are located next to a guardhouse. Guards are posted around the clock to protect their Realm. This is maintained even though there have been no wars or troubles of any significance since the Great War some two hundred years past. Even so, King Edward Wyndham feels it is prudent to be alert. During the Great War, King Edward’s ancestor, King Eric, had fought a long and arduous war and victory came when King Eric had united forces with the Northern Realm. The Great War had ravaged the land and the resources of all four Realms. And, it had cost thousands of lives. King Eric Wyndham of the Eastern Realm and King Paul Thornton of the Northern Realm felt it was a hollow victory for those very reasons. When the war was over, the four Realms -- East, West, North and South -- signed a treaty. The Treaty of the Four set down strictures to ensure lasting peace and established definitive and permanent regions, boundaries and trade agreements. The four kings, with the assistance of their Councils of Elders, hammered out common laws to govern the Realms. These great leaders had done a marvelous job and peace has been enjoyed for over two hundred years. All the people of the land know their history well. The Harpers of each Realm since time’s beginning has documented all momentous occasions and events. This is accomplished through writings, songs and in story form. Whatever the form, the information has to be factual. The Harpers are an integral part of an efficient means of communication between Realms. They travel the kingdoms delivering and collecting news and compose events and happenings into verse or ballads. The Harpers play instruments and sing, thus, entertaining whilst spreading the news. When a Harper arrives in an area it is cause for celebration and feasting. People of all ages look forward to these visits. It is a relief from the drudgery and monotony of their everyday lives. The senior Harper for each of the four Realm’s Harper Halls is usually chosen as such due to his seniority, wisdom, and loyalty to his Realm and for being the most talented of his calling. These are important traits for the senior Harper who acts as an advisor to his or her King and Queen. Since Harpers travel far and wide, they are privy to much information and become astute in determining the trivial from the significant. A junior Harper, upon returning from a journey, reports in detail to their superior all they have heard or witnessed during their travels. The senior Harper culls the mundane and reports to his King and Queen. Alas, Harpers not only record history, but influence its outcome simply by being in tune to the world around them. They are not spies, but are like an efficient intelligence network. A Harper’s duty is not a light one and at times can be an extremely heavy burden to carry. Just before the dawn, King Edward Wyndham was thinking about this as he leaned on the balcony wall looking out to sea, just as he has done each morning for as along as he can remember. In those pink-tinged moments before sunrise, the Castle is quiet and he can think in peace. There is a brisk breeze that blows in from the sea, carrying the subtle taste and scent of brine. Edward loves Castle Wyndham and his joy is the Wyndamere Sea, glorious in its beauty. He loves to take out a boat and sail across the emerald green water. Sailing is the only time Edward feels truly free from the burdens of his Kingship. Edward is above average in height, very muscular with very wide shoulders. His reddish-blond hair and beard is just beginning to show touches of graying and he keeps it neatly trimmed. He is royalty personified. His bearing regal, face stern and rugged, but the crinkles at the corners of his eyes give a hint to much joy and laughter. His eyes are a brilliant blue and can be coldly fierce when he is angered, yet they hold the light of a compassionate man with merriment hidden just below the surface. It is said by those who meet him that, “Aye, the King is a mountain of a man with the heart and honor of a saint, to be sure.” With but a scarce few minutes before the rising sun would bathe the Castle in its brilliant rays and warm the stone, Edward watched it rise as though from the very depths of the sea. He was enraptured, as always, by the breath taking sight. He sighed, both from pleasure and resignation, for he heard the stirrings of the Castle coming to life. The sounds roused him from his reverie. He felt content and smiled, the smile reaching his eyes. He looked forward to breakfast with his wife, Queen Winnifred. He loved her deeply. Their shared breakfast was always a luxury as they ate alone in their chambers. The opportunity to enjoy one another’s company was so rare and they enjoyed the few moments of each day. He began to ponder over the full day ahead, stiffening and looking quite fierce. He had to be sure everything was prepared for the annual Royal Trek which was a beneficial tool to be sure all was well throughout the Kingdom. The journey would be arduous and trying even for a man of his strength and patience. “Ah, but I am fortunate. I have my Winnie to stand by my side,” he thought. The mere thought of her brought an immediate and heartfelt smile to his lips. In that moment, one could see who was the cause of those laugh lines. Winnie, of course, would be of great assistance and support throughout the demanding journey. The Queen’s wondrous ability to weather any crisis, unforeseen obstacle, to handle disgruntled subjects, and a multitude of other irritations and anxieties, was a blessing to him daily. His heart rejoiced as he thanked heaven for Winnie. “Aye, I am indeed a fortunate man,” he said to himself. But as he thought of their offspring Prince William and Princess Willemina, his spirits waned. His heart grew heavy for the children, William and Mina, had become he and Winnie’s cross to bear. There seemed to be no way to reach the two children. He and Winnie had tried everything and every way they could think, but to no avail. The children persisted in being vain, spoiled, arrogant brats! Ah, ‘twas a sad thing to admit, if only to himself, that his son, heir to the throne, was not fit to rule other men. The King turned slowly away from the radiant sunrise and walked slowly toward his bedchamber. It was as if he had suddenly grown fragile and far older than his four score and three years. As he entered his chamber he heard a light tap at his door. He squared his shoulders, raised his chin, and wiped all expression from his face. “Enter!” he commanded. Kendrick McKuen, the King’s most trusted and loyal manservant, entered. “Top o’ the mornin’, yer Excellency. I’ve brought you and Her Majesty a bit o’ breakfast. It’s laid out ready an’ waitin’ on the table in the sittin’ room. And, I’ve laid out your clothes in your dressing room. All o’ the travelin’ bags have been packed an’ are bein’ loaded onto one o’ the supply wagons. Can I do anythin’ else fer yer Excellency?” says Kendrick. “No, thank you, Kendrick. As usual you have done it already!” laughed Edward. “Very well, Sire. I’ll be on my way to other duties then,” Kendrick replied. Smiling to himself, Edward walked into his dressing room to begin his morning ablutions. He perused the clothing that Kendrick had laid out for him. It was one of his favorite ensembles, bronze colored breeches, a jerkin of a slightly lighter hue and a deep v-neck white linen shirt with bloused sleeves and a long pointed collar. A matching belt and soft calfskin, knee length boots completed the outfit. Edward preferred this casual dress over more formal attire. He always felt pinched and awkward when he was required to wear the complicated, heavy robes of his position as King. He much preferred being comfortable. “At times,” he thought bemusedly, “I feel like a little boy playing at being King. Ah, well, I need to get moving. I’ve too much to do today and I can’t afford the time for day dreaming.” Queen Winnifred, while sitting in front of the ornately framed looking glass that hung above her dressing table, completing the finishing touches to her clothing and hair, was ruminating over the years past as she and remembered the precise moment she had fallen in love with Edward. She and her family had been attending a ball at the Castle Wyndham in celebration of Edward’s eighteenth birthday. He had been so strikingly handsome yet this was not his most appealing asset. Her heart was captured when she looked into his eyes and saw that compassion and tenderness were so evident. His mouth was beautiful, no cruelty or common bad temper there -- only smiles. Edward had taken one look at Princess Winnifred Clarice Thornton and knew he would have her for his Queen. They were married one year later in the most spectacular fashion. It was a veritable fairy tale wedding! All who attended the ceremony, and these were numerous, still spoke in awe at the majesty of it. “Oh, it was grand!” thought Winnie as she smiled. The marriage of Edward and Winnie only furthered the alliance and goodwill that had already existed between the Eastern Realm and the Northern Realm. Yes, her choice of a husband had been the single most important decision to date in her life and she had absolutely no regrets. Well, hardly any. She sighed deeply and a shadow crossed over her features as she thought of her beautiful son and daughter. They were a constant worry these days. She knew Edward was equally concerned. Both children were bright and had the potential to succeed at any endeavor they attempted. Yet, they put forth no true effort to do so. Sadly, Winnie finally admitted to herself that William and Willemina were spoiled, molly-coddled, selfish, little tyrants. Will, soon to be fourteen years of age, was not conversant in his studies and formal training required of him. He was heir to the throne, in the line of ascension after his father. She knew that if anything should happen to her and Edward, Will was not fit to rule. He was young, but children younger than he had ruled kingdoms in the past when the need arose. They were, of course, advised carefully by the Council of Elders. Will, however, would not be approved by the Elders with his current lackadaisical, arrogant attitude. “Well,” Winnie said to herself, “Quit worrying this bone and do something about those two little tyrants!” She stood, smoothing out the folds of her gown which was an elegant day gown appropriate for traveling. It was emerald green silk with a high bodice, long sleeves bloused to show the lime green inserts alternating with the dark green. The skirt was full and from bodice to toes was a lime green insert nesting in the dark green. There were touches of hand crocheted lace at the cuffs and bodice. The colors were very becoming to her creamy complexion, auburn hair and her striking emerald green eyes. She wore no jewelry with the exception of her wedding ring. The large octagon shaped emerald lying amidst a nest of diamonds was an unusual and stunning jewel. Winnie never wore any other jewelry when traveling. She felt it would be unseemly to arrive bejeweled at a subject’s modest home where she might be helping to prepare a meal, birthing a child or any number of other tasks. She willingly assisted with such tasks on the Royal Trek. With the finishing touches to her hair completed, Winnie entered the sitting room to join Edward for breakfast. She saw him standing, looking out the windows, his face a study of worry. She could always tell when he was bothered about something. To her, Edward’s face was an open book. He joked with her about this. “After all, as King, I hope my face is not so easily open to interpretation to just anyone!” But after all, no one knows him as well as she. “Good morning, Edward. Did you not sleep well?” she asked. “Oh, good morning, darling. Yes, yes, I slept very well. Why do you ask?” he replied. “Edward, you looked absolutely fierce just now. If not from lack of sleep, then something else must be preying on your mind,” Winnie responded firmly. “Not now, my sweet Winnifred. Let us breakfast together and enjoy this beautiful morning. The problems and worries will have to be dealt with soon enough. Let us enjoy at least a few minutes of calm. Such moments become more rare as each day passes,” he replied. “Very well, Edward, let us enjoy this bountiful repast which Kendrick was so kind to supply.” They shared a marvelous breakfast of fluffy scrambled eggs, sprinkled with cheese and spices, raspberry tarts, thickly sliced smoked bacon, assorted breads with a variety of jams and jellies, large sweet strawberries in fresh heavy cream and to wash it all down, a large pot of strong fragrant tea. Once, they settled down to eat, they both realized just how famished they were! The days of preparation for the annual Trek had been grueling. There had been a seemingly endless array of details, problems and mishaps that had required some sort of solution or involvement on their part. It was as though the world would cease if they did not intervene on its behalf. It was certainly trying to one’s patience. “I ‘m quite exhausted from all the preparations. It’s a relief to know all is in readiness. We’ve only the last minute meeting with our friends and advisors and we can start our journey,” mused Winnie. “Aye, are you finished eating? Then let us be on our way to the meeting,” said Edward. The King and Queen walked arm in arm amidst a companionable silence to the conference chambers. Upon entering, all those present rose, while simultaneously bowing or curtsying. Murmured greetings were issued to the King and Queen. “Please, please, my dear friends and colleagues, let us dispense of all the pomp and ceremony for now shall we?” Edward stated. “We’ve much to discuss and even more to do today. So, let us get on with the business at hand. Murmurs of agreement came from around the room in response to his statement. Winnie addressed the assembly, “Please do be seated ‘round the table everyone.” After much scraping of chairs and rustlings, everyone found a seat and waited expectantly to hear from their monarch. “We will begin with the most pressing issues. Once this meeting is concluded, Edward will meet with Lord Barrington in his study. Lady Barrington, I would like to speak to you in my quarters as well,” Winnie said. “Aye, Your Majesty,” acknowledged Lady Marie Barrington. Reading from her calendar and agenda sheets, Winnie began, “Right! Faith, is all progressing well in the kitchens concerning the Castle’s needs while we are away? And the food supplies for our journey?” “Aye, yer Majesty. There be ‘nuff victuals ter feed three castles. An’ the cook’s wagon be stocked ter o’er flowin’. Half of which I doan’t think ye’ll be a needin’. But, m’lady knows ‘ow fussy Kyle, our undercook, can be,” replied Faith. Winnie and several others present stifled laughter at Faith’s declaration. Faith being a favorite to all with her rotund girth, cherubic face, blue eyes and the always-flushed cheeks. Faith had been the kitchen supervisor since she took over upon her mother’s death some thirty years past. Faith runs her kitchen with an iron fist and a steel ladle. She can always be found marching about, wielding her ladle as if it were a sword to emphasize each word and shouting orders to the staff like a general commanding his troops. Though actually feared by some of the younger members of the staff, Faith’s heart is almost as large as she. Her capacity for being kind and caring is her most endearing trait. “It is to Faith’s credit that Castle Wyndham is so well supplied and fed. It is a daunting task which requires an instinctive orderliness and an eye for detail,” thought Winnie fondly. “Very well, next on the agenda. Faith are all preparations, menus and supplies in order for the annual Four Realm Gathering and William’s birthday celebration?” asked Winnie. “Aye, m’lady, all will be readied when ye return from yer tour,” answered Faith. “Faith, I know the extra work is much to ask since the Gathering preparations alone are laborious. But, the Prince’s birthday falls on the same day. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this extra effort on the part of you and your staff. There will be an extra coin and time off for all of you once the celebrations are concluded,” said Winnie. “Thank you again, dear Faith. We’ll not keep you from your duties any longer. Prince William has no idea that we are going to celebrate his birthday during he Gathering. He is under the impression that we will wait until afterwards. He will be very surprised indeed!” “Aye, m’lady. All will be well. I ‘ave a wonderful cake planned for the Prince. T’will be his best yet! I’ll be off ter me kitchens now,” Faith responded. “Godspeed ter yer highnesses.” And with an awkward attempted curtsy, she waddled off. “Um, next we have security. Edward?” said Winnie. Addressing his Captain of the Royal Guard, Edward began, “Captain McGregor, are all members of the Guard armed, supplied and in readiness for the Gathering?” “Aye, Majesty, all has been attended to. My men are at their best ever. I‘ve had them drilling and practicing for weeks just as you requested. They will do you proud, m’lord. I assure you. Your compliment of guards for the journey is at the ready and awaits your command. I have appointed only the best. Lieutenant McNeeley and Sergeant Avery will be in charge of the men. Both are excellent tacticians and the men respect them. If, God forbid, you should run into trouble, these men are the ones you need. Are there any further orders for us while you are away?” asked Captain McGregor. “No, only what we have already discussed. Thank you, Gerrard. I knew you would handle these duties with your usual efficiency and aplomb. The Queen and I are honored to have you as our Captain. May there be continued peace so none of your troops will need this extensive training,” stated Edward. Resounding, heartfelt amens rose from all in attendance. “Godspeed, Your Majesty,” replied Captain Gerrard McGregor, as he bowed and left the room. “Well, now on to other business,” murmured Winnie. “Ah, yes, of course. Mistress McCrey. Have we linens, toiletries, towels and such to meet the needs of the guests and Castle residents during the Gathering?” “Aye, m’lady. All these items, we have aplenty. We have made up extra large bathes of lavender, rose, honeysuckle and jasmine soaps. All in the lovely shapes of each flower for the ladies. I asked the chemist of the infirmary to make up bottles of all the same scents in bath oils and toilet waters. For the gentlemen, we’ve nice mixtures of spicy scents in the same manner. The linens, all sorts, have been completed by the tailors and seamstresses, complete with monograms of the Wyndham crest. The Castle fairly shines from all the cleaning that has been going on around the clock for weeks. The bedchambers have all been aired and readied. All the maids, valets, under butlers, manservants, servers and other such staff have been schooled to the last detail concerning duties required of them. The dinnerware, silver, pewter and crystal are sparkling clean. I cannot think of a thing we’ve forgotten, m’lady,” Glenna responded. “Thank you, Mistress McCray. You have outdone yourself! I believe this may be our best Gathering yet! I’ll let you get back to your duties now, Mistress. And, once again, thank you,” said Winnie. “You’re welcome, m’lady. T’will be a wondrous Gathering. May God watch over your all,” she replied with a curtsy. “Now, Geoffrey, the way things have gone thus far, I’m fairly certain that when I ask if all is in preparedness, you will undoubtedly reply all has been attended to, down to the smallest detail,” inquired Winnie, smiling brightly. “Aye, m’lady, all is readied. I have conferred with Faith concerning the menu and with George concerning the proper drink to accompany each and every morsel of food. This, of course, includes several very nice beverages, suitable for the youngsters and non-imbibers. My staff has been completely briefed and are prepared for both the expected and unexpected requirements of the guests,” said head butler, Geoffrey, ruefully. Edward and Winnie understood perfectly. There would be adults who grew ill from too much drink and food. And, children who grew ill from over indulging their sweet tooth. Geoffrey McFrugal and Glenna McCrey were very adept in discreetly ushering these guests to their assigned bedchamber and having Physician Shaunessy McPherson to attend their needs. Physician Shaunessy usually accomplished this by administering a quite nasty concoction. If one managed to ingest it and keep it down, one was soon right as rain. “Thank you, Geoffrey. Excellent work as always. We shall see you upon our return,” said Winnie. “Aye, Your Majesty. Safe journey,” replied Geoffrey as he bowed out with a courtly bow. “Physician Shaunessy, we are stocked and ready for any medical crisis?” inquired Edward meaningfully. “Aye, Sire. We are prepared for virtually any medical emergency which might arise,” replied the physician. “Very well and thank you. Off with you now. I know you’ve patients waiting,” Edward responded. “Aye, Sire. My plate is full today. Safe journey,” replied Physician Shaunessy as he left in a great flurry of urgency. Shaunessey seemed to always be running amuck, coat tails flapping and flitting about, all willy-nilly, looking quite incompetent to those who do not know him well. He is an excellent physician and an even better surgeon. Edward knew this and smiled at the physician’s humorous exit. “Glen,” said Winnie, to the gardener Glen Green. “Have the grounds been tended, benches and tables placed, and have we enough variety and quantity of blooms to rise to the occasion?” “Aye, m’lady. All you’ve asked is indeed done. The blooms are plentiful and of excellent quality this year. These will meet our needs nicely. My staff have the sketches already drawn for every centerpiece throughout the Castle,” said Green. “Very good. What about the roasting pits, seating and booths for the merchants and games masters for the Faire?” asked Winnie. “Aye. All are ready. I can think of naught we’ve forgotten,” Glen answered. “Excellent, as usual, Glen. Thank you,” Winnie said. “You’re most welcome, Your Highness,” Green muttered as he fairly ran from the room. Glen Green is more at ease with his dirt and plants than he is with people. He is well educated and is a master at his trade. If it grew from the earth, he knows all there is to know about it. Winnie stifled a laugh and returned to the agenda. “Sabrina, have all the gowns that were ordered been finished?” Winnie asked. “Yes, Your Highness. All are finished and pressed. They will be delivered to you, the Princess and the other ladies today,” replied head seamstress, Sabrina Douglas. “I am sure they will be smashing successes. Your gowns are always the envy of the ladies visiting from the other Realms.” “We are fortunate to have you, Sabrina,” said Winnie. Glowing with the blush of praise, Sabrina took her leave. “Walter,” spoke Edward. “Are the suits of clothing for the gentlemen finished as well." “Yes, My Lord,” responded Walter Douglas, head tailor. “Thank you, Walter. I am sure they are splendid,” said Edward. Walter acknowledged this praise with a nod and left. “Well, I for one feel as though I’ve worked a full day and it has only just begun!” said Winnie. “Edward would like the caravan to reach the first stop by nightfall. So, we will complete all other business as quickly as possible. Lady Barrington, would you join me in my study, please?” “Certainly, My Lady,” answered Marie. “John.” Edward spoke to Lord Barrington. “A moment please?” “Aye, M’lord,” said Lord Barrington. “Winnie, we will meet you both shortly in the chapel for the special service Friar McIntosh has arranged. It is to begin at six bells,” said Edward. “Very well, Darling. We will see you there,” replied Winnie. Once ensconced at her desk with Lady Marie seated across from her, Winnie began to speak straight a way of matters which were most delicate in nature. “Marie, you are my dearest and most trusted friend, more like a sister. I have some personal concerns to share with you and some very ominous information concerning the Four Realms. Edward and I have spoken of this at great length and have formulated possible courses of action. I will make you privy to these things for I trust you implicitly to keep my counsel. I will first address the personal matters.” I would like your honest opinion concerning the Prince and Princess. I would also like to hear any ideas on the matter you might have that will be beneficial. As the children’s mother, I am not blinded by my love for Will and Mina. It is because of my love for them that I have concerns. I am aware that they are not flourishing in any positive way and I am afraid that as far as they are concerned, all is quite negative. They are lackadaisical in their studies. They are arrogant, vain and, oh, the list of negatives goes on and on.” “It breaks my heart as their mother. As Queen, I have been forced to admit Will is not fit to rule other men unless he dramatically changes for the good. We are a flourishing, prosperous Realm. The heir to the throne must be a strong and good man or bring ruin to the Realm.” Mina’s attitude and behavior is so unsavory at this point that if she doesn’t come to her senses, she will never make a proper match. “ “I am ashamed to admit this about my own children, but the truth must be faced and decisive action taken to save those two from themselves. What are your thoughts on the matter, Marie? I am so very afraid for them. Can you help me?” Winnie pleaded as she looked to Marie with a mixture of hope and despair, her eyes tearing. “Oh, Winnie, please do not be so distressed. Really, I honestly believe the children will grow to be exceptional adults. Surely, with a more stringent curriculum and training they will come around. They are still quite young. William is but fourteen years and Mina twelve. They will excel in time. William won’t take the throne for many years to come unless God forbid, Edward was to die, become infirm or abdicate in his old age. Mina has ample time to realize what is required of one in her station. I will speak to Governess Katherine Gray and their tutor, James Langley, concerning new approaches and ask their opinions. I am sure all will be resolved satisfactorily,” state Marie with conviction, feeling less convinced than she had made herself sound for Winnie’s benefit. “Yes, that would be a beginning. Thank you. My time to attend to such matters is extremely limited. There are simply not enough hours in the day for Edward and I to get it all done,” moaned Winnie.

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