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Butterfly's Site

Well this is my lovely page...Well i play Soccer...and its the most bad ass sport ever in the world...I love to go to raves and party with friends...always fun to meet new people!!! I am 5'10'' blonde hair .. hazel eyes .. 123lbs... I live in Austin Texas...its the most bad ass party city *thats if your 18* not me yet... hehe I am only 16 ... and my friends on the internet.. specially in the room #coolies :) everyone is awsome!! I listen to Rap R & B and some alternative... oh and i can't dissinclude TECHNO...thats the most bad ass music ever...have to give mad probs to The One and only Brandon Powers!! for helpin me with my cool / sumwhat page.. It'll get better someday...when i know what i'm really doing :) hope ya all liked it...and come again... :) *Under Construction*

Together As 3 PiX (May 20th)

PaRtiE PiX

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