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Hello, and welcome to my website. I am Dan Jones of Fort Worth, Texas. I'm a father, husband, teacher, Tai Chi enthusiast, graduate of Piedmont (CA) High School, University of California, Berkeley, and Indiana University. This is my first attempt at building a webpage, and it's turning out to be kind of a scrapbook. I hope you'll take a couple of minutes, relax, and enjoy a look at another person's life experiences. The site was kind of updated on 7/27/11.

Family. My best friend, and wife, Maile; our daughter Natalie, 23 years old, boundless energy, social; our parents who have supported us through thick and thin; our brothers and sisters, et al.

Friends. My confidants and fellow travellers.

Tai Chi Chuan. A complete philosophy. I have studied the Southern Wu Style form from Johnny Kwong Ming Lee. Today I'm more inclined to do Chi Kung exercises for health.


Nature. Camping, hiking, brewing a pot of Starbuck's ground Sulawesi and sitting around a campfire. Great moments.

Merce Cunningham. I studied modern dance at his studio in New York for about a year and a half. In my opinion (and I'm sure I'm not alone), the most important dance pioneer of this century.

  Joshu Sasaki.A Zen Buddhist priest who has touched my heart. He's 104 years old, and a timeless, golden Buddha.


Travel. There's a bit of wanderlust in me. I've travelled to Europe, India, Japan, Hong Kong, mostly as a fearless, more adventurous young man, with a pack on my back.

Mathematics (to a point). I've been happily teaching sixth grade math, and coaching basketball and pole vault for 25 years.

Pole vaulting. Cleared 13'7" in high school. At 40, I picked up a pole and cleared 12'. One heck of a ride! I also love teaching it. One of my vaulters cleared 15'4" this year! Very proud of his accomplishment.
April, 1966August, 1995

(click on images to enlarge)
Technology. As far as my knowledge and skills with the computer, I'm like a runner in the Boston Marathon, who has started so far back in the field that he/she reaches the STARTING line 15 minutes after the gun goes off. That's OK, I think. I've only had a cell phone for a couple of years. And, it's not even an Iphone. Things are moving pretty fast. I'll try to keep up.

Music. I took up the bass guitar a couple of years ago. Also, the harmonica. The blues get me going, but I like a lot of different kinds of music.

Painting and Drawing. Maile is the creative inspiration and motivator in our family. When I have time, I like to draw and paint. Daughter Natalie likes to draw too. Here are a few examples of Natalie's drawings when she was younger. She has sinced graduated from college with a degree in Studio Art.

Angelfire - Free Home Pages. Hey, it's a great place to learn.
"The Onion" a weekly news format. Very funny people.
Many good Tai Chi Links.
This is a collection of different math sites - lessons, editorials, games, puzzles, etc.
Chi Kung website. Very powerful exercises for health and vitality.
James Berardinelli, a reliable web movie critic.
Knots - I think this is pretty cool.
A couple of great computer resource sites TUCOWS and NONAGS
My favorite libation,
...And, Diablo, my favorite computer game.

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