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Click here for site updates. Last updated on July, 08, 2006!!! Much much more coming soon! This page is being ressurected again! The site is being reconstructed, ressurected and reknewed! At last! Sasha Cohen Elgance Personified: Founded in 2000, i is finally being overhauled and being remade nad willbe kept updated once again. It will not be on the same scall for now, but eventually it will. For now, it will be small but reknewed regularly. Unfortunatley at this moment- the links below are ALL broken links right now. But this site is being re-opened for the first time in about four years... The site just sort of faded away for ahwile...the webmaster was working on fininshing high school, the passwords were lost, and life got in the way. But now this is beinng reborn, and hopefully it will be a good site again! I don't know how much of it should be redone to mark the starting over, but good content is going to take ahwile. Please let me know if you like the progress in the guestbook! Thank you, and thanks to those who signed the guestbook before. Your intrest and comments were appreicated. Coming soon on Elegance Personified: Check out the reviews of Sasha in COI or her latest Grand Prix or US Nationals. Send in your revewiew. There will be a new feature where you can submit a reveiw on site. Be sure to add your opinions through the polls. The poll site is not up yet. But it will be. When it returns, remember you can vote approximatley every 2 weeks. So feel free to vote again. Enjoy the site!

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About Sasha- USFSA Bio
Sasha Quotes
News and Schedule
Sasha in Shows/Tours

Sasha's Scoring in Events
Competitive History
Sasha's Jumps
Sasha's Music,Choregraphy,and Special Skills

Message Board
Take a Poll
Fan story submissions-coming in the future

Sasha Photos
Sasha Articles- currently under renovation
Animation and Videos
Check out my Slide Shows1--2

Sasha Support Buttons
Sasha Links
:Elegance Personified: Keeper of Sasha's Artistry

Miscellaneous/Cute extras
Why do you like Sasha?
Sasha Program Reviews

Copyright © 1999-2000 and 2004.Me, webmaster for Elegance Personified Sasha Cohen. Credits-Photo above, Simon Bruty Sports Illustrated. Splash page photo, Mark Duncan AP. Page established late October 1999. Previously part of the now defunct Figure Skaters- Grace On Ice website. Re-established 2000, and then renewed again in October 2004.

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by Dreambook View My Guestbook

Special Notice on this Site's name change....

In the Spotlight...
Nothing currently at this time.

...The old project link and banner is here as sort of an interesteing time capsule. To Sasha's sixteenth birthday celebration. Sasha is now 19.

Click on this Banner for more information.


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