TWICE DEAD a Taylor Madison mystery

More than thirty years ago, a minister named Ralph Posey absconded with the church funds, abandoning his wife and daughter. At least, that's what everyone in Perdue thought . . . until now.

When Ralph's skeleton is discovered, it quickly becomes obvious that he never left town at all -- he was murdered, and all evidence implicates his wife as the killer. Bonita Posey admittedly detested her husband, but she denies taking his life. Can Taylor uncover the truth in time to keep her octogenarian friend out of prison?

"Mystery writer Taylor Madison and her pet ferret Hazel are nicely settled in Perdue. She didn't find quite what she expected when she came to town, but she feels more at home in this small West Texas community than she ever did in the big city of Houston. One of the reasons for this is Deputy Sheriff Cal Arnette; another is the friendly, if retro, atmosphere of Perdue, where doors are seldom locked. That's not to say there are no secrets in Perdue, though gossip travels faster than the rattlesnakes feted in the town's annual festival. One well kept secret comes to light when Taylor and Cal help the elderly Bonita Posey clean out the long-empty house on the back of her property. Poking a broom handle up the chimney to clear it brings down a shower of soot and old bones-including a skull with a gold tooth.

"Bo's preacher husband-for that's whose bones they are-went missing thirty-five years ago along with his church's funds. There was little love lost between the pair of Poseys, which makes Bo the prime suspect in his murder. Taylor won't believe her outwardly cantankerous/inwardly old-softy friend is guilty, so she sets out to prove her innocence. This puts her in opposition to Cal, whose job it is to investigate the crime with an open mind. Problems for our amateur sleuth multiply as Taylor delves into the past, and as complications in the present surface to further stir the muddy waters. Bo's involvement in local politics have made her an enemy who tries to use the case to get rid of her and ruin Cal's chance at being elected sheriff.

"TWICE DEAD is a first rate mystery with excellent plotting and well developed human interest. Perdue has certainly spawned its share of unique personalities, and the author makes the most of them. Taylor has spunk, smarts and a sense of humor that can be wickedly funny. (Watch for a line about males and testosterone that had me whooping with laughter.) As the series goes on, Taylor and Cal's relationship deepens, but he still won't tell her what Cal is short for, only that it's not Calvin.

"If you haven't read the first in this highly entertaining series, reading TWICE DEAD is certain to whet your appetite for it. DIAMONDBACK takes place during Perdue's rattlesnake festival and chronicles Taylor's introduction to the town, Cal, fried rattler, and a venomous murder. The author is thoroughly professional, and the series is every bit as good as mysteries put out by big publishing houses. Watch for TRIPLE THREAT, book three in the series, coming in June. Meanwhile, I highly recommend TWICE DEAD."

Jane Bowers for Romance Reviews Today

"A fascinating mystery and a wonderful amateur sleuth adds up to a reader's delight. Dearl has created a masterful blend that calls for many repeats."

D.R. Meredith, author of MURDER IN VOLUME

"Elizabeth Dearl's TWICE DEAD has everything I love in a mystery--a smart and appealing heroine, an unusual and clearly drawn setting, just the right measure of romance, and--best of all--a terrific plot, which features a small town whose inhabitants harbor not-so-small secrets."

Leslie O'Kane, author of the Molly Masters series and the Allie Babcock series

"With its buried secrets, dusty bones, and engaging romance, TWICE DEAD is a devilish delight"

Edie Claire, author of NEVER PREACH PAST NOON

"Elizabeth Dearl's TWICE DEAD explores both the sunny side of small-town life and the shady parts of the human soul with equal aplomb. A missing evangelist, a mother-daughter feud with no known cause, a skeleton that drops from a chimney, a cunning frame -- TWICE DEAD takes more turns than a Texas twister. It'll keep you guessing."


"Taylor Madison, the spunky heroine of Twice Dead, has found the perfect place to write her mysteries, tiny Perdue, Texas, where old murder lurks, new murder threatens, and romance and intrigue are alive and well. What a fun read!"

Judy Fitzwater, author of DYING TO BE MURDERED

"Elizabeth Dearl, author of Diamondback, has once again created a rattling good mystery, this time about bones in a chimney and skeletons in the closet. In Twice Dead, Dearl's engaging sleuth, Taylor Madison, ferrets out a killer with the help of-- who else?--her pet ferret, Hazel."

Dolores Johnson, author of HOMICIDE AND OLD LACE

"Taylor Madison, mystery author cum amateur sleuth, has settled into Perdue, Texas and also has set about solving mysteries in the style of Jessica Fletcher of "Murder She Wrote." Both manage to find bodies strewn in their paths, but in this series, Taylor's a new breed. She's the kind who has a hot romance going with the local rugged deputy sheriff, a ferret that keeps her company, and a whole lot of in-your-face sass as she sorts out the bad guys."

Patricia Harrington, author of DEATH STALKS THE KHMER

"TWICE DEAD is the sequel to the first highly entertaining Taylor Madison adventure, DIAMONDBACK. Dearl has another hit on her hands with TWICE DEAD! This time out Taylor (assisted by her ferret buddy Hazel and her hunky Sheriff boyfriend Cal Arnette) gets into trouble trying to keep her friend Bonita Posey from being charged with the 30 year old murder of her snake of a husband. As old friends and enemies of Bo Posey crawl out of the woodwork, Taylor has her hands full keeping Bo and herself alive. The story is as action-packed and entertaining a read as you could ever hope for. I'm hoping this is a series that will last for many years to come."

Reviewed by Elizabeth Henze, for Murder Express

"No one in Perdue, TX bothers to lock their doors. Perdue's that kind of town--friendly and safe. Mystery writer Taylor Madison wants to settle down to a quiet life in Perdue with the town's sexy new sheriff, Cal Arnette. However, only a few months after solving the murder of Cal's predecessor, she discovers another body. This time it's the skeletal remains of Ralph Posey, the late and unlamented husband of Taylor's elderly friend Bo Posey. Everyone in Perdue had assumed Ralph left town over thirty years ago, but the forensic evidence proves he was murdered and stuffed up the chimney of Bo's guesthouse. Bo becomes the chief suspect in the murder investigation. Taylor, determined to prove Bo's innocence and despite Cal's pleas to stay out of it, begins her own investigation. Her well-meaning interference jeopardizes Cal's job and triggers an attempt on Bo's life. Friendly, safe Perdue harbors secrets. Secrets someone is willing to kill for. Secrets Taylor must uncover before the killer strikes again.

TWICE DEAD is a fast-paced, well-plotted murder mystery. Ms. Dearl plays fair with her readers. She serves up all the necessary clues, but mixes them with enough intriguing red herrings to make the exciting ending surprising as well as satisfying.

As much as I enjoyed watching Taylor unravel the mystery of Ralph Posey's death, I enjoyed the characters she met along the way even more. The inhabitants of Perdue are well developed and fascinating, particularly Bo, the crusty, eighty-five year old murder suspect, Faith, her ice-princess daughter, and Harvey Neville, an obese Paul Newman look alike obsessed with ballerinas. Taylor's relationship with Cal adds depth to the story, and Hazel, her delightful ferret, offers a welcome dash of comic relief.

Readers familiar with Ms. Dearl's first Taylor Madison mystery, DIAMONDBACK, will be delighted with her second outing. Others are in for a treat. A clever mystery, full of quirky, well-drawn characters, TWICE DEAD makes a great summer read. I highly recommend it."

Reviewed by Carrie S. Masek, for Scribes World Reviews

"TWICE DEAD is the second in the Taylor Madison series, and it's a pleasure to write that author Elizabeth Dearl has a solid hit with this tale of murderous doings in small town Perdue, Texas. In her first book, DIAMONDBACK (Avid Press), the author introduced readers to amateur sleuth Taylor Madison and to her new hometown, Perdue. The biggest tourist attraction in Perdue is the annual Rattler Festival, an event which makes "colorful" an apt description of the town and its inhabitants. In TWICE DEAD, the author continues to evolve her protagonist, Taylor Madison, deepening her character by showing the young woman's willingness to risk and tackle life on her own terms . . . with a little compromising on the side.

"Taylor is "going-on" 29 and a mystery writer by choice and an amateur sleuth by avocation. She's moved from big city Houston with pizza delivery service to Perdue where the only restaurant is Lucy's, a sit-down cafe on the town's main drag. Taylor has taken the town's characters to her heart, including the town's deputy sheriff Cal Arnette. He is intent on maneuvering Taylor into a union of a closer kind -- known as marriage. Taylor also is very fond of Bonita (Bo) Posey, the elderly owner of Posey's Grocery Store. When a skeleton is found, old timers, including Bo, instantly know who it is. The gleaming gold incisor in the skeleton's skull could only belong to Ralph Posey. Ralph was Bo's husband, and he mysteriously disappeared 35 years ago. Ralph Posey was a bible-thumping preacher. Unfortunately, he also was an abusive husband, a womanizer, and apparently, a crook. Five thousand dollars went missing from the church safe at about the same time as Ralph scooted out of town. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that plenty of folks wanted Ralph permanently out of their lives. Bo quickly becomes the primary suspect, particularly in the mind of Dave Underwood, a rival county commissioner and thoroughly unlikeable fellow.

"The mystery moves at a lively pace as Taylor explores tangled relationships and ferrets out long ago secret passions. Speaking of ferrets, Taylor has one, a companion/pet named Hazel, who makes a nice foil for the sleuth, especially when she's grumbling about life. Step by step, Taylor follows threads of information that eventually lead her to the hidden pasts of those who wanted Ralph dead. She's able then, to logically deduce why the murder happened, and of course, who dispatched the preacher onto his next life. This is definitely a book for the reader who loves to settle into a comfy armchair, have a cup of something nearby, and read nonstop to find out "who did it?" This series will pick up many fans and loyal readers over the years.

"Author Elizabeth Dearl also has included in the book a recipe, "Dorothy's Hot Rattlesnake Cider." Dorothy, by the way, is the talkative, see-it-all neighbor of Taylor Madison's, and she provides an extra piquant flavor to the series.

"I have no doubt that Elizabeth Dearl will be a household name among readers who enjoy a traditional mystery."

Reviewed by Patricia Harrington, for Mystery Reviews

"The saga of loveable, blonde, mystery writer Taylor Madison, begun in DIAMONDBACK, continues in TWICE DEAD. She has published three novels now, and is financially comfortable if not rich. So, when she hears that Bonita "Bo" Posey, owner of the grocery store in Perdue, Texas, is having a yard sale, her thrifty nature surfaces, and she can't resist taking a peek at Bo's stuff. So she cons her boyfriend, Deputy Cal Arnette, into going with her to check out the merchandise.

"Taylor still hasn't bought herself a real coat, and she is freezing in the little cottage where Bo stores her junk and her treasures, including a mahogany desk Taylor wants, but can't afford. When Cal suggests building a fire in the fireplace, Bo says no, because the chimney hasn't been cleaned in thirty years. Cal looks up the chimney and says it is indeed blocked. While he goes after his flashlight, Taylor pokes at the blockage with a broom handle. Nothing could have prepared her for the skeleton that plopped into the grate. It is the skeleton of Ralph Posey, Bo's husband, who vanished that very day thirty-five years ago.

"TWICE DEAD is a gem of a mystery, and Taylor Madison grows ever more loveable as she stumbles over and through a mountain of evidence as she tries to find the killer. She jumps to many wrong conclusions before she finally reaches the right one. This is a quick read, so you might not have to put it down if you start early enough! I enjoyed this one thoroughly and look forward to the next Taylor Madison caper."

Reviewed by Jo Rogers, for My Shelf Reviews

"TWICE DEAD, Elizabeth Dearl's second Taylor Madison mystery is a winner--the perfect complement to last year's DIAMONDBACK.

"This time out, Perdue, Texas mystery writer, Taylor Madison, and her feisty ferret, Hazel are "ash" deep in murder.

"Thirty years ago, $5000 dollars of church money and Ralph Posey, the Bible-thumping preacher, disappeared without a trace. Now, after all this time, uninvited, the old fellow literally drops in. . .into the fireplace that is.

"Someone had stuffed his body into the chimney of the house he once shared with his wife, Bonita "Bo" and their daughter. He's only bones now, but in his younger days, he had been an abusive husband and father.

"Naturally, Bo is under suspicion. Taylor won't believe this sweet old lady capable of such a dastardly deed. Can she and her Texas heart-throb, Deputy, Cal Arnette, prove it in time to save her friend and prevent another untimely death?

"TWICE DEAD can stand on its own merits as a great read, but be warned, it'll make you go back for more, looking for your own copy of its predecessor, DIAMONDBACK."

Lynda Douglas, author of DEADFALL (coming in Spring 2002)

"TWICE DEAD sees the return of writer Taylor Madison and her pet ferret Hazel who debuted in DIAMONDBACK. Taylor has moved into the previous sheriff's old house in the small town of Perdue, Texas and her boyfriend is the gorgeous acting sheriff, Cal Arnette.

"Taylor persuades Cal to take her out to her friend Bonita Posey's place as she's having a clearout of furniture. Whilst Taylor's browsing, Cal decides to light a fire, unfortunately he finds the chimney's blocked. He loosens the impediment, which turns out to be a skeleton. It seems that Bonita Posey's husband, thought to have run off thirty-five years ago to the day, didn't go very far at all.

"Bonita is the prime suspect in her husband's murder however Taylor staunchly defends her. Cal, mindful of the imminent sheriff's elections has to be seen to be doing everything above board and so Taylor and Cal's relationship becomes strained. Taylor sets about investigating what when on all those years ago, to prove her friend's innocence.

"This is one of my favourite scenarios, where events in the past are revealed and old mysteries solved and it is told well in TWICE DEAD. The main characters are delightful and a few new ones are introduced such as Bonita's daughter and granddaughter. The small town setting is perfect and the tale is so full of twists and turns that I kept changing my mind about the identity of the murderer.

"I love this series, more please and soon!"

Karen Meek, Reviewer for OVER MY DEAD BODY