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Di's Tastes of Texas & More

There is great joy in cooking. It brings family and friends together
to share in the preparation and the feasting. I will always enjoy the
times when friends and family have gathered in the kitchen, sharing
love and laughter, joy and sorrow. The most important thing
that should be created in your kitchen is . . .
Treasured times that will be held in yours and in others hearts
for years to come. Hopefully, within these pages, you will find ways
to create those memories in your kitchen with your loved ones.

All of the recipes included in this site are ones that
I use myself. I have been blessed in receiving them from
many friends and family. Some of the recipes also come from
Texas cookbooks that I have received throughout the
past 18 years. Cooking is one of my many passions in life.
I do so enjoy sharing in the pleasure of cooking with my children.
I hope that you will see my enjoyment within these pages and
get together with your children, family and friends in the kitchen,
a bit more often, to create some fabulous memories too.
(-: Diane :-)



Equal parts:
Friends, family, and loved ones
Work you enjoy
Personal growth
The ability to appreciate what you have

Step 1: This is the most important step.
Gather around you as many of your loved ones as you
possibly can, and do it as often as you possibly can.
Make sure that they all know how much you care about them
and how much you value your time with them, and you will be
rewarded with their love. If friends and family are in short
supply, try making new friends, or turn to your favorite
animals for companionship. It doesn't matter who you
surround yourself with, as long as you love them.

Step 2: Enjoy your work. If you have a job you don't enjoy,
try doing something different. This is easier said than done,
but life is too precious to spend toiling at something that
delivers no satisfaction. If necessary, develop new skills that
will enable you to go after the job of your dreams. If changing
jobs is not practical and you just can't have a job that you
enjoy, then try to enjoy the job that you have.
You will live longer if you do.

Step 3: Never stop growing. Set time aside to do things
that you enjoy. Try doing things you have never done before.
Read, learn, study, contemplate, volunteer, lead, follow,
experiment, debate, discuss, agree, disagree, challenge, and accept.
Those who cultivate these practices grow better with time,
those who do not only grow older.

Step 4: Take time to appreciate your blessings.
Take inventory often of the people who love you,
of the things that bring you security and happiness,
and be thankful in any and every way you can. If your
beliefs include a deity, then direct your thanks to Him or Her.
Tell your friends and family how fortunate you are to have them,
and remind yourself at least once a day how wonderful life is.

Step 5: Mix the ingredients in equal portions,
or in portions that suit you. Monitor the mixture closely and
adjust proportions daily according to your tastes and needs.

Serves as many people as will fit in your hopes and your
wishes and your heart, so be sure to make enough for everybody.
Serve immediately and often.

By: World Wide Recipes

August 1999



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