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These pages take time to load, so please be patient.

Please, take your time to look over my site.
If this is your first visit, welcome!
If not, welcome back! Come on in friends.

These pages were designed to make you think,
to make you laugh, and maybe to cry.
This is a true, sad story. This is a tribute.
Dedicated to anyone who has ever lost a friend.
This site was made with all people in mind,
but made especially for all the horse people,
and anyone wanting to be horse people.

Show a young lady who has lost her best friend
how much compassion is left in the world.
Please forward this web page.

Thank You!

I have been told that my story
can make you feel like you were really there.
Good! That was was exactally what I had in mind.
I want to share this story with EVERYONE;
because I was told everyone doesn't know
the legacy our pets leave us...
Coming to terms with the loss of a pet can be difficult.
I decided to create this site in loving memory.
The story here is for all ages, and some can relate.
A word of caution, there is a Kleenex Warning.
I welcome your comments and questions at all times.
And of course, don't forget to leave your hoofprint in the guestbook!
Thank you and enjoy your visit.
(= Email Me =)

The rest of the story

The Rescue
Our History
The Saga
The End
The Girls
A New Start
Newest Member
Pet Links
Awards I Offer
Awards We Won
Our Home

Updated Novemember 8, 2004

(= Made By Me =)