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What is Critical Mass?


That's a damn good question...  and I guarantee you just about anyone you talk to has a completely different idea - if they have any idea at all.  For those of you completely new to the movement I can tell you this:


Critical Mass is a world-wide movement that happens when a group of bicyclists get together to utilize those vast expanses of asphalt we call roads for something other than zipping about in four wheeled internal-combusting air-polluting gas-guzzling isolation chambers.  Bicyclists have just as much right to the roads as automobiles do, and Critical Mass just serves as a friendly reminder to everyone that bikes are transportation too!


Of course there are those who ride to protest all cars and their ilk, there are those who ride to simply increase awareness of cyclists on the roadways, there are those who ride for freedom and fresh air and there are even those who ride for no other reason then the fact that they thought it looked like something cool to do on a Friday afternoon.  Everyone is welcome, young and old, large or small.


The key to Critical Mass is that it is not a club, not an organization, there are not mandatory meetings, no - anything really.   Its a movement - a beast with no head but many claws so to speak.


What we are not includes a lot of things.   We are not a parade, we are not lawbreakers, and we are not out to antagonize people - we are here simply to objectively demonstrate that riding in Lubbock can be done!   Many people have asked if they can get arrested or ticketed for this - the simple answer is no.  It is impossible to determine if the LAPD will try to harass the cyclists in their peaceful ride home, but simply remember that we are just a bunch of individuals that happen to be riding home along the same route.   It has been best described as an ORGANIZED COINCIDENCE!  So fear not, and enjoy the feeling.

contents last updated: 01/22/00