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Other Projects and External Links


Other Project(s): (other ways we make our point)

This new project is only in its germination stage now... 

Just say NO to elevators!!!


External Links: (a good job disserves good publicity)    Quickly reference all the CM sites around the world - be amazed!


Critical Mass Web Wheel:   Binds the CM universe together in a handy rotating format...  Imagine each site as a new ace of spades stuck in the CM spoke making one more 'click' of protest against the increasingly industrialized bike-unfriendly world...


Students for Environmental Awareness:  The Texas Tech University student organization that is in no way affiliated with the Lubbock Critical Mass movement...  Currently in the process of being re-organized so this page is grossly out of date and un-informative...


South Plains Student Sierra Coalition:   The Lubbock area student organization that is in every way affiliated with the Lubbock Critical Mass movement...



NON-AFFILIATED WebPages of interest:  (These links will take you to areas completely outside of the realm of Critical Mass and their appearance here does not in any way suggest that they support CM or even are aware of its existence):


TTU Rec. Outdoors Program:  Your local connection to the world of wilderness and outdoor recreation.


Doonesbury:  A damn good comic.  If you don't read it then you are only getting half of the news.   Awarded the Pulitzer prize, cited on the floor of the senate... it doesn't get much better than this.


The Onion:  For time wasting purposes.


contents last updated: 2/4/00