
I moved to Vancouver, Canada, in May of 2006. Frankly, I just needed to get the hell out of Ireland. I'm a Canadian Citizen (as well as an Irish Citizen), so Canada was the logical choice for a destination.

I'm not "happy" here, but I guess that's more about me than it is about Canada. Whereever you go, there you are.

Aim of Site

This is the culmination of needing some sort of creative output, not having it at work, and not having the time/inclination to find something at home. So I turned to the Net, being a techie, with a smattering of HTML knowledge, a good ability with words, and not a lot else!

This page will be about whatever I stick on it. I've no particular aims, just that I NEED to DO something. So this will be part Games fan site, part Music reference site, etc... You get the picture.

This page last updated....

24/11/2006, 00:07 PST.

A little bit about me

My name is Brian Lynchehaun. I currently live in Vancouver, Canada. I'm currently in my first year of Langara College, with my ultimate goal to be a Degree in Engineering Physics through either UBC or SFU. I'm still undecided between the pair of them.

For those of you who wish to see me, I've put a pic up on my stuff page. All previous warnings apply, don't come crying to me if you don't like what you see.


If you would like to read a review of some PC games (over four so far...), please go to my reviews page.


This will be(is) my music page. Just general interest about music, what I like and where to go on the net to get some music.


Got any favourite authors? Mine are in here, plus a couple of of book reviews.

My book

For those small few interested in what I'm up to right now, go here and have a read. This is my (feeble) attempt at a sci-fi novel. All criticism gratefully accepted.


The title says it all really. This will be a hodgepodge of Stuff, from poems to rants to links on interesting stuff. No visual art, because I suck at visual art.

Contacting me

If you feel the need to contact me (and only you know why!), you can send me an email by clicking here.
My ICQ status:
My ICQ number is 24039135. Feel free to contact me.

Ottava rima? Me? That can't be right!
   Too frivolous? But tut, there's no such thing!
Let others ponder thoughts of wrong and right,
   Or sit and think how much they love the spring;
I'd rather spend my time in gleeful spite,
   Or maybe laugh, or maybe sit and sing.
Besides, it might be fun to be inspiring -
But surely it would get so very tiring.
What Poetry Form Are You?

Ok, I had a counter setup, but apparently dropped dead in the 2 years since I've touched this site. So, standard CGI counter it is.....

My guestbook got eaten too, so here's a new one. Feel free to fill it in.

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