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A b o u t ~ M e P i c t u r e s P o e t r y ~ P a g e E m a i l ~ M e

Thank you for visiting this wonderfully lame page. I am currently working on making it look worse, so please bear with me. I promise you, it will be the most unattractive piece of crap you've ever set your web surfing eyes on. LOL. Just kidding. Although I AM working on it.

Well anyway...I really don't know what else to put on wait, wanna see some poems or submit some for posting? Go HERE to my poetry page....check back to look for any changes on my page/pages...One love.

Here are some Links you might enjoy

Buy Books and other neat things at Chat to your hearts content at The GLOBE!
Bored?? Well go Play Games! SiT FaT DoWn SoUtH At SwIsHaHoUsE
Send a card to someone you love/loathe/lust Pictures of my Beautiful Latin Sisters and Brothers and others
The Phattest Radio Station coming straight out the ATX. If you like this type of stuff, here's a cool site done All In Dynamic HTML
My girl Susan's Page. Another cool FLASH site
See True Paradise with pictures of where my family is from More pictures of my family's native country of Honduras

Alright, well, that's really it! Email me at if you'd like and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks and take it light!

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Last Modified on 09/12/2000 by ME!