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Internet Policy


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Atlanta Public Library
Internet Computer Workstation
Public Access Policy

Welcome to the Atlanta Public Library's public access Internet computer. The goal of the Atlanta Public Library is to provide the highest quality public library service which will effectively contribute to the enrichment of all residents of the community and to increase public awareness of the services offered in a modern public library system. In support of the goal, the library's Internet computer workstation provides the opportunity to enhance our existing collection by connecting to information networks from around the world.

The same standards of intellectual freedom expressed in the Atlanta Public Library Policy Manual apply to the Library's access to the internet. We firmly believe that the valuable information and interaction available on this worldwide network far outweigh the possibility that users may come across material that is inconsistent with the goals of the Library.  To maximize availability of the computer workstation and to insure fair accessibility for all, users must adhere to the following guidelines.


1.1  The Library does not monitor, and has no control over, the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content.  Users are responsible for material that is accessed from the Internet.

1.2  The Library assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect damages arising from the use of its connection to the Internet.


2.1  Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of this privilege.  Inappropriate use of the Internet computer workstation include, but are not limited to:

Violation of computer system integrity

Unauthorized tampering with computer hardware or software

Storage of data to anything other than a diskette purchased from the library

Violation of software license agreements and copyright laws

Violation of another user's privacy

Violation of computer system security

2.2  Illegal acts involving Library computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state, federal authorities.


3.1  Although the Internet may provide valuable information for a worldwide network, the Internet is an unregulated medium.  Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information.  A good information consumer evaluates the validity of information found.

3.2  While the Internet offers access to wealth of material that is personally, professionally, and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages, is also enables access to some materials that may be offensive, disturbing, and/or illegal.  Parents and/or guardians of minors are responsible for monitoring and supervising their children's use of the Internet.  Parents are encouraged to read My Rules for Online Safety available from the Seattle Public Library's Home Page and Child Safety on the Internet Highway, produced by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children an Interactive Service Organization.

3.3  The workstation is available for free to anyone in the area.

3.4  The Library reserves the right to deny access to anyone who has violated the rules in the Library Policy Manual.

3.5  Library Patrons are encouraged to become computer literate and to see Internet education courses independent from the orientation session.*  It is beyond the resources of the Library to train patrons in all aspects of computer functionality and the Internet.  The Library will develop a collection of computer and Internet self-help materials.  When time permits and when no other sources are available, the library staff may obtain information for patrons using Internet resources.

3.6  The Internet computer workstation is intended to be used as a shared resource and should be used for information gathering only.

3.7  Prospective users will sign an Internet Use Contract.  Children under 10 will be required to have a parent or guardian with them to use the Internet.  Older children may have their parent or guardian sign the release statement giving the child full Internet privileges.


4.1  The Internet computer will be used by library staff and library patrons.  The staff will manage the Internet computer as a shared resource.  The Internet will be available to the public during Library hours until 30 minutes before closing.  There will be no exceptions.  The Library will allow use on a first come, first serve basis.  In order to better facilitate public access, the library reserves the right to implement and change procedures as needed.


5.1  The computer workstation may be used for word processing and spreadsheet application.

5.2  Any files or data that are downloaded from the Internet should be placed on a diskette purchased in the Library.  Any unauthorized data found on the hard drive will be erased.

5.3  Library staff reserve the right to implement a charge for printing in order to offset the cost of providing paper and ink.

5.4  All patrons who wish to use the Library's Internet computer are required to sign and date the following "Limitation of Liability."


6.1  The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has read and understands the Atlanta Public Library's Internet Computer Workstation Public Access Policy.

6.2  The undersigned further acknowledges and agrees that the Atlanta Public Library assumes no liability for any loss or damage to the user's data or for any damage or injury arising from use of the Internet computer workstation.

*Orientations and training sessions will be available on an as needed basis by the Library for patrons.





1.  You must be SIGNED UP at the Circulation Desk to use the Public Access computers.

2.  Parents or guardians must STAY with children under 10.

3. There is a 30 MINUTE time limit per patron.  If there is no one else waiting, you may be able to stay on until someone else needs the computer.  A sign-in sheet is provided at each computer station.  Failure to sign in will constitute privileges being denied.  A sign will be placed on the computer monitor when you begin to alert staff and patrons how long you have been online.

4.  Only LIBRARY SOFTWARE may be used on these computers.  Patrons may not bring in their own programs to run, install, or try out on ANY library computer.

5.  Patrons wanting to save work may purchase a diskette at the Circulation Desk.  You cannot use a diskette brought from home.

6.  We reserve the right to remove noisy, rude, or disruptive people from the Computer Area.  The patron who is signed on to the computer is responsible for the conduct of anyone who is with them.

7.  Library Staff can give only LIMITED assistance and cannot TUTOR the patron on the use of the Program or Computer.

8.  Paper may be PURCHASED from the Library for 5 CENTS a sheet.  Patrons are responsible for any printing done on the computer.  There is a flat fee of 25 CENTS a page whether the patron used library paper or their own.

9.  ALL public access computers will be turned off 30 MINUTES before the library closes.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

10.  We encourage you to call ahead and make a reservation.  Reservations will be held for 10 minutes.  SAME DAY reservations only!

11.  The patron is responsible for the computer until he/she signs out at the Circulation Desk.  Failure to sign out till constitute privileges being denied the next time you sign in to use the computer.


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