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Prayer and The Word of God is our Weapon against the Powers of this world. Prayer is important becuase it is the thing that draws us closer to God. It gives us a chance to communicate with God. When we pray we enter into God's Presence, and begin to seek after him.

Prayer as Jesus explained in Matthew 6:9-13

1. Our Father Who Art In Heaven, (Matthew 6:9)

First get your heart prioritized, and set your affections on things in heaven. You are dealing with the God of Heaven, and you must therefore put your treasure in Heaven and not on earth. You are talking to your Father. He knows what you need. He will take care of your basic needs. He loves you, so have confidence when you pray.

2. Hallowed Be Thy Name. (Matthew 6:9)

Worship God, and enter His gates with praise. His name is higher than any other.

3. Thy Kindom Come. (Matthew 6:10)

Seek First The Kingdom Of God, and all other basic needs will be taken care of. Seek Big Things; Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost.

4. Thy Will Be Done In Earth As It IS In Heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

Love God above all else, and love your neighbor as youself. Also pray for your Leaders (Civil and Spiritual) Pray that you grow into a strong love for God and that you judge not be critical.

5. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread. (Matthew 6:11)

Pray in faith that you will receive revelation and understanding from the Word. Pray and give your petitions, asking God for the things you need according to his will. Also pray for others who are in need that you know of.

6. And Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors. (Matthew 6:12)

Ask God for forgiveness. "Search Me, O Lord, and know my Heart, try me, and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me into the way everlasting".. Psalm 139:23, 24. Also the attitude of your heart determines your effectiveness in prayer. Whatever you want for yourself, treat others the same way.

7. Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil: (Matthew 6:13)

Pray that you stay in God's perfect will and that nothing will come between your relationship with him.

8. For Thine Is The Kingdom, And The Power, And The Glory, For Ever. Amen. (Mathhew 6:13)

When you end your prayer end it with praise once again.

Another good prayer program to follow.

1. Begin with Praise.
2. Ask Forgiveness.
3. Give your confessions.
4. Ask God For your needs.
5. Pray for others in need.
6. Read The Bible.
7. Meditate on what you read.
8. Thank God for what he has done in your life.
9. Pray Scriptures from the Bible.
10. Sing to God.
11. Listen for anything God may have to say.
12. End your time with Praise once again.

A Prayerless Christian is a Non-Factor.
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