This fan fiction occurs after the events of Tenchi the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness (aka "Manatsu no Eve" [Midsummer's Eve]). It is also based on the OAVs and other tidbits of the Tenchi Muyo! Universes. The Tenchi Muyo! Universes and characters are the creation and possession of AIC and Pioneer. I do not claim them. But I wrote the storyline to "The Dark Jurai". Characters that are made up such as Jurai Ankoku-ou are my idea. Please email me if you want to use anything of mine. Aolong is also my idea, yadda, yadda... Note: The fight scenes from here on in can get fairly Dragon Ball Z-ish, but hey, Tenchi Muyo has energy attacks, too (beam swords, blasts out of the hands, etc.)! And Dragon Ball Z is copyright Toei Animation! Author's note: I DO NOT hate Ayeka! Quite the contrary to what some of you may think. Please bear with the story line. I am not letting this happen to her out of any type of negative feelings. The Dark Jurai - Chapter 20 - "Ayeka's Struggle: A Beautiful Heart Torn" by Timothy Turner email: The Dark Jurai page is at: The Masaki household instantly converged in Washu's lab. "AYEKA!," Tenchi gasped. Ayeka was clasping her head and screaming, "GYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" She fell on her knees and cried. Her face twisted in horrible pain. "Why, Tenchi!?!?! Why did you leave me!?!?!" Tenchi began stepping forward, "Who said I left you? All the things I said on Sakou were inappropriate, but..." Washu stopped Tenchi and shook her head, "Words will not bring her back. This type of magic is hard to break. The magic has wired her to think that you have totally rejected her in every aspect of your relationship." Aolong watched Ayeka, not letting down his guard, "How do we break...? The Juraian princess lunged forward at Tenchi with all her might. Aolong used his speed to immediately put himself between Ayeka and Tenchi. He grabbed Ayeka's arms. "LET GO OF ME!!!," Ayeka snarled. "I want to kill Tenchi! He..." Aolong strengthened his grip, "You know Tenchi is much stronger than you are." Washu stepped into Aolong's view, "Don't say anything like that to her! You'll only make her mind worse! Words can't reach her!" Ayeka kicked Aolong very hard in the groin, effectively making him let go. She ran outside so quickly it was hard for Tenchi to keep up. Once outside she used her tiara to summon Ryu-Oh. "Stop her!," Washu pointed toward the lab door. Tenchi and the others went outside and saw Ayeka floating toward Ryu-Oh. The princess stopped in mid-air and looked down at the others. "I don't love you anymore, Tenchi. I was mistaken to have ever fought Ryoko over you. I have a new love in my life..." Her face was extremely evil-looking with undying hatred. Tenchi looked puzzled, "What!?!" "I love Jurai Ankoku-ou!," she laughed. "He's more of a man than you'll ever be! Would you fight him for me. Or...," she glared at Tenchi, "...Will you fight me?" Tenchi was perplexed, "I don't understand..." The torn princess flew toward Tenchi with speed that seemed unreal for someone of her power. Ayeka wasn't any near powerful as this before she was kidnapped. Tenchi's mind raced, He dodged his great aunt's fist. "What's the matter, Tenchi? Don't you want me back!?! AHAHAHAAAA!!" Her moves were getting faster. "I don't want to...," Tenchi stopped. "Don't want to what? Hit me?! Too bad. I will hit...," Ayeka was stopped in her tracks when Aolong's fist made a connection with her face. "Hesitation is just as bad as letting your guard down, Tenchi," Aolong faced halfway toward Tenchi, keeping an eye on Ayeka. "A lesson that Kaitu taught me when I started my training." "Thanks, Aolong," Tenchi's head sunk in shame. "Just think of this as a lucky event; your not getting hurt, that is." the green haired Juraian turned toward his distant relative. "Don't think about it and concentrate on the present moment." "Right," Tenchi activated his Light Hawk Wings. Aolong's punch had a strange effect on Ayeka. She gripped her head and began screaming wildly. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I DON'T WANT TO...!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!" Her face was more stricken with pain, as if she didn't want to attack Tenchi and the others. Everyone in the yard watched as the princess fell on her knees and cried. They were all confused at this strange behavior. "What's going on?" Washu scratched her head. "Ayeka seems to not want to harm us." "I-I..." Ayeka stuttered. Then her facial expression changed to a look of malice once more. "I WANT TO KILL TENCHI!!!! I WANT TO BE WITH JURAI ANKOKU-OU!!!!" She went inside of Ryu-Oh and left Earth's atmosphere. Kiyone used her Galaxy Police communicator watch to get Yagami to lift off out of the lake. "Come on, Mihoshi! We've got to go after her!" Mihoshi nodded, "Right! Let's go get her back!" The two officers teleported into Yagami and took off in hot pursuit. The second they left the atmosphere they prepared to capture Ryu-Oh. Kiyone began to hit a few buttons, "Mihoshi, prepare to fire the laser at low power. We don't want to damage Ryu-Oh beyond repair. More importantly we need Ayeka to survive." "I got you." Mihoshi concentrated on the auxiliary console and lowered the laser power. "Ready to fire." "Fire, Mihoshi!" Kiyone ordered. The blond GP officer sweat heavily, "Roger." She hit the laser's fire button. Ayeka was watching Yagami power up its lasers on a view screen, "They wouldn't dare." After about thirty seconds an alarm came on in Yagami. "What's the matter!?," Kiyone turned to the alarm console. A message read "Laser overheat." Mihoshi turned to the console as well, "I followed procedure! I didn't do anything wrong!!" Ayeka looked at the silent Yagami. "What's this? Are they hesitating? I should take advantage of this! Their personal feelings for me are getting in the way." She commanded Ryu-Oh to move in on Yagami. Her face still as evil as ever, "YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR INCOMPETENCE IN BATTLE!" The screen suddenly went blank and Mitsuki's blanked out disguise face appeared on the screen. "Hi!" Mitsuki said in the distorted voice. "I hope you love the virus I planted in Yagami's computer! I did it while you were on Shulei having fun with the lost branch! If you are seeing this screen it means you have about five minutes to live. That's right. The virus will cause your new laser cores to overheat and explode in about five minutes. I know everything about your upgrades and I've programmed the virus especially for Yagami. It was nice knowing you!" The screen went to a five minute countdown. "Oh, no! What are we going to do Kiyone!?" "I'm not going to give up here!" Kiyone's face turned red in deep odium. "I'm going to find out who this person is and bring him, her, or whatever in!" Mihoshi nodded, "We need to find out who it is. But first we must stop the countdown!" Both of them went to work. They had almost four minutes now. "What do we know about our upgrades?" Mihoshi asked. "Our parts are top of the line. I hear they just came out a week ago! How should I know!?" Kiyone tried fooling with the console with no luck. "DAMN IT! I can't eject the cores by computer! We can only eject them manually!" "How long will that take!?" "Three minutes! Even if we ejected them they would still explode in close proximity to the ship!" Kiyone's eyes were full with tears. An explosion rocked Yagami. Ayeka was firing on them because of the virus' crippling effect on Yagami. "Oh, no!" Mihoshi screamed. "At this rate we won't need the cores to explode! We'll be sucked out into space!" "If we can't eject the cores..." Kiyone loaded her Galaxy Police pistol, "...we'll have to destroy them! Mihoshi! It's time to go to work!" She tossed Mihoshi a pistol. "Right!" She loaded and cocked her pistol. Back on Earth Tenchi and the others looked at the sky and waited. A couple of minutes seemed to pass on forever. "What's going on?" Tenchi looked perplexed. "Shouldn't we go help them?" Ryoko nodded, "Yes...let's! I've been wanting to kick Ayeka's butt for so long! This is my chance!! Ryo-Ohki!" "MYAAAAAA!!!" Ryo-Ohki transformed and transported Tenchi and Ryoko on board. They joined the mini-conflict above the Earth. "Look!" Tenchi pointed toward a few flashes of light in the distance. "A fire fight...?" Ryoko looked in the same direction. "Either Ayeka or Mihoshi and Kiyone are in trouble. I hope it's the former..." she gunned Ryo-Ohki's engines and came in close. "Kiyone and Mihoshi are in danger!," Tenchi gasped. "Why are they just sitting there?!" Ryoko bared her teeth, "I don't know. But we have to help them!" She called Kiyone and Mihoshi on their communicator watches with no success. "Damn! They're not responding!" Ayeka came up on a communications screen. "How are you, my dear Ryoko? I don't know what's keeping them from firing on me. I guess they think there is some way to save me. But tenderness has no place on the battlefield." Ryoko powered up Ryo-Ohki's cannons, "They might like you and think that way... BUT I WON'T BE AS TENDER AS THEY!!!!" She fired a shot and hit Ryu-Oh in the stern. Ryoko's mood boiled over, "NEXT TIME I WON'T MISS, YOU BITCH!" Tears of anger filled her eyes. The evil-turned princess laughed, "So, you hate me that much? Why didn't you finish me off? AHAHAHAHAAA!!" The demon summoner fired a shot that hit Ryu-Oh's bridge. "I TOLD YOU I WOULDN'T MISS!!!!" Her head got lighter and her sight became red as blood. "HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT ME!?!?!" "Ryoko! Don't let the anger eat you alive!" Tenchi shouted. "I DON'T CARE! As long as I can make her suffer!!!" She commanded Ryo-Ohki to fire at full power on the next shot. "With the next shot I'll send you to all seven hells!!!" Washu's voice erupted into Ryoko's mind. Ryoko snapped back. the scientist's voice faded. Ryoko stopped for a moment. Ayeka took off into hyperspace despite the bridge being damaged. She had retreated to the inner safety of the tree inside Ryu-Oh. "Ryoko?" Tenchi poked Ryoko. "Are you all right?" Ryoko looked at Tenchi, "I won't let my anger get to me too early. Not till after we win this war. Let's see what went wrong with our Galaxy Police friends." On board Yagami Kiyone and Mihoshi were frantically shooting at the core. "We've got thirty seconds!" Kiyone cried out. "Shoot faster!" "I'm firing as fast as I can!" Mihoshi was unloading clip after clip into the left laser core while Kiyone was shooting the right laser core. "HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! The cores will reach critical heat in ten seconds!," the disguised Mitsuki recording on the screen laughed. "" End of Chapter 20