This fan fiction occurs after the events of Tenchi the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness (aka "Manatsu no Eve" [Midsummer's Eve]). It is also based on the OAVs and other tidbits of the Tenchi Muyo! Universes. The Tenchi Muyo! Universes and characters are the creation and possession of AIC and Pioneer. I do not claim them. But I wrote the storyline to "The Dark Jurai". Characters that are made up such as Jurai Ankoku-ou are my idea. Please email me if you want to use anything of mine. Note: The fight scenes from here on in can get fairly Dragon Ball Z-ish, but hey, Tenchi Muyo has energy attacks, too (beam swords, blasts out of the hands, etc.)! And Dragon Ball Z is copyright Toei Animation! The Dark Jurai - Chapter 18 - "Reunion and a Twist" by Timothy Turner email: Everyone was relieved to be back. It was a hard trip getting there and returning back. Everyone sighed. "Now what?," Kiyone asked. "I guess we contact Washu," Tenchi sat down. "Since we're back in our own galaxy the link between Ryoko and Washu is back. Right, Ryoko?" "Yeah, it's back," Ryoko contacted her mom through telepathy. Washu was sleeping in her lab when she was awakened by her daughter's voice. Washu sighed in relief. Ryoko's telepathic voice snapped, Washu sounded excited. Washu got out of her bed and walked into the main room of her lab complex. Sasami was watching the Mass float about in the tanks. "Where are you going, Washu?," Sasami asked as the red head scientist approached a subspace door. Washu smiled, "To see Tenchi." Sasami's eyes got big, "Really!?! Can I go with you?!" "Sure," Washu nodded. Washu and Sasami stepped through the door and into Ryu-Oh. There was Tenchi standing next to Aolong. "Washu!," Tenchi laughed, "It's good to see you!" Washu ignored Tenchi and walked straight toward Aolong. Tenchi blinked in confusion but then understood what was happening. Tenchi thought, Aolong looked down at the short, curious person staring up at him with an almost demonic look in her eyes. "Um, excuse me...," Aolong began. "Is it true you can generate six Light Hawk Wings?," Washu asked. "Yes! How did you know!?," Aolong jumped back. "None of your concern," Washu stepped toward Aolong and chuckled. Tenchi sweat a big sweat drop. Washu's mouth opened, "Will you be my guinea pig?!" Aolong looked nervous. "Uuumm, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know your name..." Washu smiled big. "I'm Washu! The Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe!" Aolong's face faulted, "I...see..." Ryoko teleported next to her excited mother, "Mom, cut him some slack. He's been through a lot of hell since we arrived." Washu put on a pouting face, "Oh, alright. I'll leave him alone for now." She looked at Aolong's face, "I do see some resemblance to Tenchi...umm...what's your name?" "Aolong. Lu Aolong Shulei. I'm a descendent of the Shuleian throne and heir to the powerful Shuleian martial arts." Washu nodded. "Everyone please go back to Earth for the time being. We need to formulate a strategy and assess what we should do in order to help the remainder of the Galaxy Police and the Light Jurai fleets. The Dark Jurai have been winning victory after victory across the galaxy. And...they've gotten hold of plans to a powerful weapon." "What's that?," Ryoko jumped. "The weapon was banned when I was in the Science Academy. It can cause untold destruction to a star system," Washu shook her head. "How do you know?," Tenchi asked. "I helped develop it. I thought the Science Academy destroyed all the records having to do with it. It's a gravity weapon that can create a black hole so powerful it's immeasurable." "How long would it take to build it?," Tenchi asked. "About a month at top speed. It takes a lot of rare resources to build that weapon," Washu sighed. "We could barely build a prototype. Given the scarce amount of resources it will take a while." "Anyway. Let's head back to Earth," Tenchi agreed with Washu. "What's Earth like?," Aolong curiously inquired. "It's a lot like Shulei," Tenchi smiled and sat down. "Not a bad place to live." Aolong smiled and folded his arms against his chest, "It's all foreign to me. You'll have to show me around. I love going to new places." Tenchi looked up at Aolong. "The people are generous. Escpecially where I come from on Earth. There are a few other great places to visit on Earth. But first we must stop by my home." Aolong nodded, "I agree. I need a lot of rest since I wasted all those turrets." Kiyone came up on a screen. "Do you think the Shuleian ships got past those turrets?" "Yes," Aolong sighed and sat down. "They are a lot stronger than they seem. Most of them are first generation trees. Add that to the warriors chosen to use them. The ones worthy of using them are very powerful." "Is it true that the people of Shulei can restore rooted trees?," Tenchi asked. Aolong looked at Tenchi, "Yes. Remember my brother Xu Tao?" "Yes," Tenchi replied. "My brother is one of only one hundred people in the Shuleian Empire that can restore a tree that is rooted. The more people that are present at an unrooting ritual the less time it takes to restore a rooted tree to full function." "Why are there so few in such a vast empire?" "No one really knows. Not even I do," Aolong shook his head. "Now that I think about it I've been left in the dark about a lot of things and I don't know why." "I was kept in the dark about my heritage and powers for a long time," Tenchi told Aolong. "I was kept in the dark about it for a long time because my grandfather thought I would never need to know." There was an awkward silence. Sasami saw an opportunity to talk to Tenchi. "Hi Tenchi! I missed you!," Sasami hugged Tenchi. "I missed you too, Sasami. I'm so glad you're all right," Tenchi almost cried. Aolong smiled. Even though he had known these people for less than a week he felt like he had known them forever. A deep feeling filled Aolong's heart. Aolong thought, Kiyone appeared on a video screen. "Sorry to interrupt but you might want to listen to this. It's a Galaxy Police emergency transmission on a special frequency." She put it on. The Marshal was on the screen. "GRANDFATHER!," Mihoshi clasped her hand over her mouth and cried. "How did he survive that explosion?" Kiyone's eyes focused on the Marshal. Kiyone thought to herself. "All Galaxy Police units in the Milky Way galaxy please listen to this transmission. I'll keep it short so I won't be traced. I wanted all of you to know that all remaining Galaxy Police fleets are thinking of grouping up and planning another attack with the Light Jurai fleet. All Galaxy Police vessels will regroup at the planet Sakou. This is the Marshal signing off." "What was that?," Tenchi asked in shock. The others were just as suprised. Ryoko had teleported to Ryu-Oh from Ryo-Ohki and took a place by Tenchi. "That was odd. The Marshal was still in GP Headquarters when it exploded. How could he have made it?," Ryoko scratched her chin. Mihoshi was still crying. "Get a hold of yourself, Mihoshi," Kiyone pleaded to Mihoshi, "I don't know what that was but something about that transmission disturbed me." "Me, too," Washu nodded. "The Marshal looked a little like he was in a trance. It was barely noticable but I could pick up subtle signs that the Marshal was not in a right state of mind, if it was him." Kiyone agreed, "If it is him the Dark Jurai must be behind this. And more than likely they are controlling him with magic." "First let's go back to Earth and take a breather," Ryoko suggested. "We need a plan." The ships set a course back for Earth. Back on Earth everyone discussed what to do next. Aolong was sitting by the window and taking in the scenery of Earth and occasionally listening in on the others. Mihoshi was lying down with her face flat on the table. Her head was buried in her folded arms. It appeared she had fallen asleep. "So, how do we rescue the Marshal?," Ryoko asked her mother. "It won't be easy. Plus we don't even know if that's a shape shifting Dark Jurai that is impersonating him." Washu shook her head. Kiyone was looking in her standard issue pocket computer for something. Tenchi peered over Kiyone's shoulder, "What are you doing, Kiyone?" "I'm looking for one of my old colleagues from the Galaxy Police Academy. He's a special undercover agent that happens to specialize in Dark Jurai culture. He also does infiltration missions to gather intellegence on Dark Jurai movement. If he is still alive after all the fighting that has been going on I believe that we can find out the whereabouts of the Marshal," Kiyone hit a few buttons on her small computer. "Here he is! Ryunosuke Morikawa! If I can establish an uplink to a GP survey ship we can find out if he's still alive." Mihoshi's head popped up from off the table. "We can!?!?" "Yes...," Kiyone nodded. "If we can..." A loud roar was heard outside of the Masaki home, which had been put back down in its normal place. "What was that!?," Kiyone stood up. "That's my ship! Mihoshi screamed. "It's readying for takeoff!" The residents ran outside and saw Mihoshi's ship fly out of the lake and take off into space. "Let's go, Ryo-Ohki!," Ryoko ordered her ship. "MYAAAAAA!," Ryo-Ohki turned into a ship and Ryoko telported into Ryo-Ohki. They gave chase until Mihoshi's ship entered hyperspace almost immediately upon leaving the atmosphere. "Damn!," Ryoko pounded a crystal. "What happened? Who was behind that?" Inside Mihoshi's ship was a destroyed Yukinojo and Mistuki sitting at the controls. "Thank you for the ride, Mihoshi. Yagami was too damaged for me to steal. But I hope you like the virus I put in the computer, Kiyone." Mitsuki laughed for a long time and sped off to Jurai. End of Chapter 18