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May 1, 2001
137 days until Lane comes home
17 weeks pregnant
It's been a pretty busy day today. I went with my dad and step mom so we could all run errands. Dad is the limo driver, LOL. We ate lunch at the "Local Diner." Yes, that is actually the name of the place. Lane would be jealous since he enjoyed their food last time he was here. And I've been updating this page. You'll probably notice some big changes. Tomorrow I need to run more errands to get Lane's care package finished and mailed. I've not been as good a wife as last time in regards to mailing him things.

This past weekend I drove down to Houston to visit with my grandmother, mom, and aunt. We took my little cousin to lunch and shopping since it was her birthday. She was telling us about her 8th grade "prom" that is coming up. She lives in Deer Park (suburb of Houston) in a trailer park. She said her date has reserved a limo for them. My aunt shockily says, "A limo?" And Tracy says, "Yeah ... he's rich." I'm thinking how rich can he be if he lives in a trailer in Deer Park? My mom said Tracy thinks everyone, except for herself, is rich. Must be true.

April 17, 2001
151 days until Lane comes home
15 weeks, 1 day pregnant This is just for Lane ....
He called me yesterday morning to tell me that he was briefly able to look at my website while in Perth and I needed to up date it since it hasn't been done since the previous deployment.

Right now I'm staying with my dad while Lane is on yet ANOTHER deployment. Staying with him is very frustrating and it is constantly trying my patience. I was supposed to come out here to work with him, but there isn't any work to do. So, I end up sitting on my ass all day and reading emails and watching TV.

Not much else is going on. I really would like to be able to stay in Texas for a while because my high school 10-year reunion is this summer. It will be interesting to see if people still act like they are in high school.

And just in case you noticed that I'm pregnant ... yep! I had quit my job at LPL and Lane had a month off before reporting to his new ship. Considering we hadn't seen each other in four months, we had a lot of catching up to do *wink wink*. So, my baby is your typical "WestPac Baby". LOL, I wonder if the Navy has an acronym for that just like they do everything else. Let's call it "WestPacPreg". hehe!!