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This page is devoted to my life,
and the lives of my children.

Written June 5th of 2000

I am a man of 62 (borned 02/17/38) and I have four adopted children. Ladale, my first adopted child came to me when he was five years old, and he is now thirteen.

I have gone through a lot with him, as he is PDD and also CP. He can only say one word sentences, and he is not able to set still. He is a very active little boy, and can be very happy one minute, and very mad the next. This last school year, he has decked three teachers at his school, and also a nurse at ACH in Little Rock.
Ladale has added a lot to my life, and I am very proud to be his daddy.
Craig is multiple handicapped, and he is now nine years old. He came to me also at the age of five. Craig smiles from head to toe, and is a very happy little boy. He cannot do anything for himself, and is tube fed. Craig has burns on over sixty to eighty percent of his body from being dipped in scalding water at a very young age. He was a typical child until this happened.

Craig also has added a lot to my life. He is homebound due to his health problems, and the school sends a teacher out to our home three days a week, plus also he has P.T., O.T. and Speech here in our home.
Craig loves T.V. and Disney VCR Tapes. He cannot talk, but has his own way for letting you know what he needs.

He also loves to watch other children play, as he is doing in the above picture at the park in Paris, Texas.
Jimmy is ten, and he has been with me also since he was five years old. Jimmy has brain damage, some due to his abuse, and some from birth. He has the nickname of "Smily", as he almost always has a smile on his face. Jimmy has the ability to talk your head off.

Jimmy loves praise and works real hard to get it. I have never met a child that will try has hard as Jimmy does to do well, both at school and at home.
Jimmy is liked by all of his teachers, and has a lot of friends at school. He loves to go to school, and loves to come home and show me what he has done for the day (His school work).
Henry is sixteen years old, and has been with me since he was ten. Henry has emotional problems due to his abuse as a young child, and came to me from a Residentual Treatment Center in Tyler, Texas.

Henry is the oldest child in the picture
Henry gets into a lot of trouble at school. He is in High School, but got kicked out because he tried to beat the Principal with a long pole. He is now in a Behavior Class, but even got kicked out of it three days before school ended for the Summer. I might have to home school him this next year.
I also have a fifteen year old. His name is Danny. He has been with me for about six months now. He was having a lot of family problems, and asked if he could come and live with me. I have not adopted him, but is very much a part of my family.

He enjoys the family, and feels like he belongs here. Danny will remain with me until he becomes an adult, and decides to go on his own.

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