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%£ 5,000 Pages on Nonduality £%

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BUDDHA at the GASPUMP interview with Swami Sarvapriyananda


Arsha Bodha Center - Swami Tadatmananda


🕉This Website and the self-conjured, conjured self / action figure, that had once accepted a birthname as :: ( "Richard Ty Trevino" ) has made use of the English language, as a direct communication, appealing to that which we are not, that is simply a temporally, temporary, apparent appearance, for an indeterminate duration, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, to point-out, that absolutely everything and no-thing, is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum, as the infinitudinal complexification of 'The Absolute ~Brahman, that is temporally, temporarily, impermanently appearing, as 'Maya' of which no-body apparently appears separate as an "everybody-and-everything-else" dream-like, 3rd-dimensionally-based construct, reality frame.

🕉'THIS' is and 'THIS' is not. 'THIS' is not exclusively so, and 'THIS' is not exclusively not so. 'THIS' is sharing a mystery, apparently appearing as a paradox. The paradox is that 'THIS', is exclusively so and not so. 'THIS' is no-thing apparently appearing as everything. 'THIS' is emptiness apparently appearing as fullness. 'THIS' is 'The Absolute' ~Brahman unification, apparently appearing as division; separation; and individuation, via innumerable illusions of 'Maya' for no exclusively so and not so reason, meaning, and purpose. There was never a beginning to everything and no-thing, and there will never be an ending to everything and nothing, that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.


🕉That which has been presented, as information readily available to everybody, although associated with Advaita Vedanta / Non-Duality / Nondualism, is not a work of my own, that neither belongs to "me" and neither belongs to "you", nor can be claimed to belong to anybody else, since "you" and "me" and anybody else, does not stand alone to exist independently :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉I do not claim that the information is "my work."

🕉Nobody can claim to "have" work of their very own that stands alone, in this or that format, simply because, there is no separation, where there is somebody, whom is existing upon fixed positions "in" space and time, whom can use what they believe they know, in some particular way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody whom believes that they own their very own "work" that belongs to them-self, as though they are a separate person, that is especially unique in some particular way, compared to everybody and everything else.

🕉It is simply information that is either read, or not read, for no particular meaning, reason, and purpose, other than to starve the questioner. Everything and nothing that is inseparably so and not so, need not be questioned.

🕉Reading the information does not avail anybody a skillfull means and advantage to use the information :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before and after a self-conjured conjured self, whom believes that they are a separate reader, whom is reading information that can be used in some particular way, to their advantage.

🕉The information can of course, be perceived as though it is formatted in some particular way, or that the information can be reduced into smaller sections, or changed into some other particular format.

🕉Just as the Bhagavad-gita appears as it is, so too does the manner by which the information has been presented in the domain.

🕉It is information that is not required to be in any particular format, volume, or size. Take it or leave it just as it appears. Either way does not matter.

🕉Nobody "gets all this and that innumerable conditional dualities." I don't "get it;" You don't "get it;" "We" don't "get it;" "They" don't "get it," and the "Me" as a self-conjured, conjured self, definitely cannot; will not, and does not "get it."

🕉Since there has never been anything to be gotten in the first place.

🕉The ease by which the so-called emotion :: "anger" can be so easily expressed, seemingly originates and stems from a natural reaction, to that which epitomises a separate sense of self's rebellion and frustration, towards the sobering fact, that it has no control over a life that a self-conjured, conjured self believes that it should possess, that includes all personal rights to claim one's very own existence in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, or any specified place.

🕉The self conjured, conjured self, wants and desires, to claim a life of its very own, to include all personal facets and endeavours, of a life that it believes belongs to itself.

🕉And such a self conjured, conjured self, should naturally possess all personal rights to fashion, modify, and claim a life of their very own, with free will, choice, accord, and volition :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after always be a story of a self conjured, conjured self, continues to go on, ad infinitum.

🕉Everything and nothing is always inseparably complete; whole; and in perfect harmony and balance as it has always been.

🕉There's nothing to be gotten. There is simply "Empty Fullness."

🕉Everything and nothing is inseparably so and not so.

🕉Nothing ever needs to be created, added, or removed.

🕉There is no creation. Nothing stands alone.

🕉One without a second. There is no separation.

🕉Everything and nothing is not a creation of anything in particular.

🕉Interestingly enough...nobody actually starts-out being born religious in the first place.

🕉Turns out that all so-called "newborn human babies" are not much different than a baby animal.

🕉Then, "in" time, for about an average duration of "12 to 18 months" when the "newborn human infant" body-mind / action figure, gradually begins to develop a mind, the mind of that "newborn human infant" body-mind / action figure begins to contemplate how and why it is alive.

🕉Interestingly enough...a separate sense of self then gradually begins to rationalise and make claims about itself, and formulates a degree of awareness, with proclamations about itself, via a mental state [ consciousness ] that gradually convinces the "newborn human infant" body-mind / action figure, to use it as its host, and convince them, that they are a separate, individually independent, separate entity, that is unto itself.

🕉Then, the mental thought system may continue to begin using more sophisticated processes of acting as a "parasitic movement" to use the mind of the "newborn human infant" and influence them in such a way, that causes the "newborn human infant" mind to self-conjure the development of a separate sense of self-identification and "terminal uniqueness." And that such a person should strive to continue becoming a better version of whatever one may begin to believe that it is especially unique with all the meanings, reasons, and purposes that it may self-conjure :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉That then becomes far more susceptible to religious beliefs, once the "newborn human infant" has become conditioned to learn and be taught how to communicate with what it must presume are other individuals that were born the same way that it had been born, into a type of "shared reality" comprised of "everybody and everything else" who are also just as it too has and will become, as a so-called self-conjured, conjured self.

🕉And then, the idea that it has and will become part of a "societal structure" with the continued influences of the mental state, that it has and will be gradually conditioned and indoctrinated into that "societal structure," that eventually over-rides the innocence of the "newborn human infant" to become self-convinced and conditioned to believe that it can independently think and rationalise for itself, to ultimately become self-reliant :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself. And thus, a "Cosmic Joke" is born.👼

🕉Everything and nothing has always been "set-up" just as it continuously, infinitudinally, apparently appears to arise, as the infinitudinal complexification of finite-ness :: as always, in ALL ways, infinitudinal apparent appearances, disappearances, and re-appearances of absolutely everything and nothing inseparably so and not so.

🕉Everything and nothing inseparably so and not so, is neither not exclusively permanently so, nor not exclusively impermanently so.

🕉Everything and nothing has never had a beginning and will never have an end.

🕉Everything and nothing inseparably so and not so is temporally temporary as not "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, for an indeterminate duration.

🕉This is so and not so, since the "Alpha & Omega" is beginning-less and end-less; time-less; bound-less; and fulfilled perfection. "The Absolute" ~Brahman.

🕉🕉Nobody "personally experiences" "awakenings." That is so and not so, since there are no single, individuated, humanly corporeal units of qualia consciousness energy forms, that are existing upon a permanently so, fixed position, "in" space and time, and as though independently separate from everybody and everything else.

🕉It only apparently appears to be this, that, or some other particular way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a self conjured, conjured self, as one of innumerable conditional dualities :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after a self conjured, conjured self.

🕉"We" are all, always, in ALL ways, awake to being awake, as energetic movements of "awakenings" that are always, in ALL ways, inherently "on" in all spaces and all times, throughout the Infinite Universe of infinitudinal complexification.

🕉And although, that too, is also seemingly temporally temporary, for an indeterminate duration, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time :: "The Absolute" ~Brahman, is everything and nothing that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉Everything is naturally and beautifully itself. By being so, everything is absolutely realised already. Nothing is also not being exclusively so. Nothing is also not being exclusively not so.

🕉However, there is neither someone becoming aware of this, that, or the other, nor is there someone arriving in this, that, or the other.

🕉There is no exclusive liberation. There is no exclusive, permanent bondage. There are not exclusively many. There are not two. There is not one that stands alone. There is no separation.

🕉Both one without a second, and innumerably immeasurable countenance of infinitudinal complexification, as absolutely everything and nothing, inseparably so and not so, as "The Absolute" ~Brahman.

🕉There is only what apparently appears and what does not apparently appear :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody, for no apparent reasons; meanings; and purposes.

🕉Since it is SEEMINGLY so and not so, that nobody is ever born, and nobody ever dies, as a separate individual person, whom is thought to matter more or less than somebody else - there are STILL, these and those SEEMINGLY apparent appearances, of what are BELIEVED to be, innumerable living "human beings," who are BELIEVED to be SEEMINGLY in the act of SELF-CONJURING innumerable ideas, via, what is thought to be, thinking and believing, from a separate mind of one's very own.

🕉And that that is SEEMINGLY accessed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; on; off; upon; here; there; near; far; between; around; before; and after, that which is SEEMINGLY referred to, and believed to be, an originally, specifically special, terminally unique, separate individual person, whom is constantly believed to be in motion, and accessing innumerable self-conjured thoughts, ideas, and concepts, via an apparent "conduit" that is referred to as :: "Consciousness" / " The Mental Thought System."

🕉Therefore, there are no individual human beings, whom are "being"/"in the act of existing" separately, upon a permanent, physically solid planet, that is THOUGHT to be filled with, a few billion, individual "human beings" who are also PRESUPPOSEDLY BELIEVED to be existing, exclusively real and individually separate, as a steady countenance of population, upon a physically real planetary abode, that is also PRESUMABLY BELIEVED to be astronomically affixed upon some specific orbital perturbation, within an infinitudinally complexified Universe.

🕉The SELF-CONJURED, CONJURED SELF, SELF-CONJURES innumerable dualistic beliefs, thoughts, and/or concepts - that are filled with meanings, reasons, and purposes :: to; by; for from; about; with; on; off; upon; here; there; near; far; between; around; before, and after, that which has been SELF-CONVINCED to SELF-CONJURE, that they are a separately original, terminally unique, individual person, whom had a beginning when they were born, to live a life of their very own, with free will, choice, accord, and volition, for a permanently, indeterminate, temporally, temporary duration, "in" space and time, that is also believed to be "of" space and time, when that is not exclusively so. 🕉There is simply that which is BOTH so AND not so, as everything AND no-thing, inseparably so AND not so, simultaneously BOTH real AND unreal; observable AND unobservable; knowable AND unknowable, with no particular, specific reason; meaning, and purpose behind everything and no-thing- that is always in ALL ways, as 'The Absolute'~Brahman.

🕉Although, the self-conjured, conjured self, believes in living a life, that is filled with one's very own personal experiences and terminal uniqueness - that is not the same as "awake to being awake," during every apparent moment, "in" space and time - as well as a natural "default position" so-to-speak, as inherently aware to being aware, and an inherent freedom WITH Advaita, "The Absolute" ~Brahman, that is freedom :: to; by; for; from; about; with; on; off; upon; here; there; near; far; between; around; before, and after, absolutely any and all thoughts, that neither needs to be entertained, nor claimed as belonging to somebody, since thoughts ultimately belong to nobody.

🕉Each self conjured, conjured self, believes to be seemingly "living-out" two separate types of lives.

🕉The first type of life, that is allegedly self-conjured, is claimed as a self-conjured, conjured self's life, that is thought to be lived, as a beginning of one's very own birth, since the sense of a separate self, seemingly accompanies all "conceived" body-minds / action figures, that are taken to be permanently real, physically solid, and mortally susceptible to the aging process of gradual decay and entropy, of its appearances, immediately after, what it believes to be its very own "conception" as a "new-born body-mind / action figure" whilst eventually and gradually learning, "in" space and time, all about its very own apparent appearances, that will eventually be "self-evident" and observable in mirrors, "in" space and time, with what will be believed to be their very own self-image to cast upon mirrors, to seemingly self-conjured, self-actuated impressions of reflections, as to what will eventually be pre-supposedly self-conjured, as one's very own reflections in mirrors.

🕉This will also be seemingly permanently so, despite the fact that nobody is "of" space and time. The self-conjured, conjured self, believes in living its very own life, with personal experiences, that will also eventually end, whilst self-identifications, with what a self-conjured, conjured self believes to be its very own body and mind, will inevitably be believed to be the end of their personal life, by dying.

🕉And so, as a body-mind / action figure continuously begins to be using, what it believes to be its very own self-awareness; self-sentience, and / or self-awake-ness, to conjure a sense of a separate self, they gradually begin to develop reinforced self-conjured beliefs, with one of innumerable conditional dualities, that are taken to be permanently and personally so, and believed to be owned, as one's very own body-mind, that was believed to be born and conceived, with a particularly unique beginning, along with an accompanied birth name and birth rite, that it will use, to eventually embark on a mortal quest of personal experiences, for an indeterminate and impermanent duration, "in" space and time.

🕉Despite the fact that "we" as "energy fields" are timeless; boundless; endless energy fields, that are temporally temporarily animating apparent appearances as human corporeal, body-minds / action figures, for an indeterminate duration of impermanence, "in" space and time.

🕉That is both so and not so, since "we" as "energy fields" are also not "of" space and time. In this illusory, dream-like, shared reality, but not "of" this illusory, dream-like, shared reality.

🕉And yet, the self-conjured, conjured self, more than often, dismisses such facts, as that which is to be taken, and / or construed as being just another separate part and aspect :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is believed to be one's very own, personal, self conjured, conjured self, that will be continuously, and exclusively living-out its very own personal life, with its very own free will; choice; accord, and volition.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, continuously seemingly supports and develops all manner of newly discovered and applied conditional dualities :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after itself, which includes a personal life, filled with what is believed to be a life of one's very own, with one's very own original thoughts to entertain, that are believed to be thoughts of one's very own.

🕉And as though, they will also begin to embark upon an eventual and gradual, further integration, that is to be part of a personalised, shared reality.

🕉And that they will all, eventually need to begin learning how to go about mingling within a "societal structure," that is also believed to become part of one's very own personal, life-long shared reality with others, as everybody and everything else in that "societal structure" who will be seemingly sharing a version of a dream-like reality, that will be agreed upon, to have somehow been set-up, upon a "planetary abode" long before the very first alleged appearances of body-minds / action figures, had somehow, seemingly began to make visibly observable appearances, based on some of the most acceptable historical accounts, within some type of pre-ordained "societal structure." And that that had somehow developed into what had somehow began to be referred to, as one of several different versions, of a "Story of Earth."

🕉The first type of life, that is allegedly self-conjured, is the self-conjured, conjured self's personal life, that is thought to be lived, at the beginning of one's very own birth, that is fully equipped with one's very own body-mind / "action figure" - since the sense of a separate self, seemingly accompanies all "conceived" body-minds / action figures, that are taken to be permanently real, physically solid, and mortally susceptible to the aging process of gradual decay and entropy, of what it takes to be its very own originally unique physical appearances, that accompanies, what it believes to be, its very own "conception" as a "new-born body-mind / action figure" whilst eventually and gradually learning, "in" space and time, all about its very own apparent appearances, that will eventually be "self-evident" and visibly observable in mirrors, "in" space and time, with what will be believed to be their very own self-image to cast upon mirrors, to seemingly self-conjured, self-actuated impressions of reflections, as to what will eventually be pre-supposedly self-conjured, as one's very own reflections in mirrors.

🕉And that they will also be constantly sharing that reality, with an "everybody and everything else," as though that is another type of life that is simultaneously lived with one's very own personal life experiences, at all present times.

🕉Those two lives, are construed as the dual-nature of Advaita and freedom from that duality – the "not-two-ness of Advaita" – is when thoughts are absent and the self conjured, conjured self's experiences of the present, is all that remains, without any particular attachments to any conditional dualities, which is the "oneness of Advaita."

🕉It does not matter "where" a "you" or an "I" or a "me" or a "we" or an "us" will believe to be conjuring ideas regarding "from" or "to" or "by" or "for" or "about" or "with" or "upon" or "around" or "before" or "after" something or somewhere, since all pronouns and nouns are irrelevant, unless held by a separate sense of self, that self-conjures such ideas, that regard one's self as being :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after some fixed position "in" space and time, when that is not exclusively so.

🕉Every subject ever discussed about, between that which believes it is communicating with other separate people, in a shared reality, is believed to be permanently and physically so, as though each person, whom claims that they have learned to be a human being, is of their very own free will choice, accord and volition, to be wholeheartedly, undoubtedly, and unquestionably believed to be truly so.

🕉And that that is just as it has always seemingly been learned to be so, because we consider ourselves as part of a societal structure, that is believed to be especially set-up to accommodate us, as a human race, on a planet that we have agreed upon, to be referred to as Earth.

🕉In all agreements that are discussed between what are considered to be physically, permanently, and solid individuals, within a shared reality, are presumed to be the way that everything must continually be seemingly so.

🕉And that everything apparently appears to be simply so, because we have learned to know what we know, with everybody else, who are believed to be agreeably associated with a societal structure, that is believed to be set-up as a shared reality of permanence.

🕉Since we have learned to know what we know, we also agree to believe everything that we believe that we know. Since we also believe, that each of us, is a separate person in this world, that we consider to be a shared reality, is always being experienced by a separate person referred to as "you and I."

🕉You and I are believed to be separate people, in what is referred to as a "Shared Reality" so-to-speak, because we have agreed to believe that we possess equal abilities of believing in what we have learned, as to how and why we exist as separate individual human beings.

🕉Body-minds / action figures, are believed to have learned to agree believing that each of us are separate and uniquely so, with a life of our very own to live, that is filled with personal experiences of that life, believed to be lived, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉It had learned to believe that there are always innumerably different things to learn :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after a life that had been believed to be all about the personal experiences, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a life believed to be one's very own life to experience, in one of innumerable ways, based primarily upon personal experiences.

🕉There apparently appear to be human corporeal body-minds / action figures, of innumerable countenance, that are thought to be believed as though apparently appearing to appear, in one of innumerable ways :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after everybody else, who are also thought to be personally experiencing life, with independently driven lives of their very own, that comprises a societal structure, that is believed to be sharing the same version of reality, that is inconspicuously self-conjured.

🕉And that this must be regarded as an agreement, that is associated with the idea, that we must wholeheartedly accept beliefs, that there are separate individual people, who are apparently appearing to be living a life that belongs to themselves, upon various, particular places, "in" space and time, when in fact, nobody ever does anything of their very own free will choice, accord and volition.

🕉It is simply so and not so, because nobody exists independently of their own accord and volition. It is simply thought to be believed to be exclusively so, in some particular way, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody, when nothing is ever happening in some exclusively, particular way all along. Absolutely everything is apparently appearing to be happening, as always, in ALL ways, throughout the Infinite Universe of "The Absolute" ~Brahman and in all spaces and all times.

🕉Every experience that is believed to be personally so, is also based on a seemingly "5-fold perspective-based" principle, that there are specifically comprised of 5 conscious contact points, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a body-mind / action figure that is believed to be continuously using a body-mind / action figure in some particular way, upon some particular place, "in" space and time.

🕉And that that must be claimed as one's very own personal experiences, to create one's very own personal choices of personal experiences, via the use of what is believed to be one's very own claimed body-mind / action figure, that is also believed to be permanently so, and filled with personalised experiences, as what are believed to be one's very own personal life experiences to live, filled with one's very own :: personal sights; sounds; feelings; tastes, and smells.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, has naturally agreed to believe in such conjurings, simply because it had been exposed to such beliefs, that would continuously be reinforced, in the impermanence "of" space and time :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after the apparent appearances of separate body-mind / action figures, that are believed to be independently separate from everybody and everything else.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, has learned that this is the way everything has always been :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is believed to be, as though there are innumerable, other separate people, existing upon a shared reality, with other separate individuals, who are also living their very own lives, as though they are leading and directing their own lives in exclusively, particular ways :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after themselves.

🕉And as though everything is believed to be apparently appearing in various, particular ways, that always caters :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after ourselves, as we continuously agree that we are existing separately from one another, as individuals, whom are believed to be separate from each other, and everything else, in what is believed to be a shared reality, that we must agree to believe is exclusively so. And to accept and unquestionably believe in such a belief, that we are all undoubtedly living our very own lives, upon that shared reality.

🕉It has been agreed upon, to believe whatever we may choose to agree believing, that can be learned to be true, if that which we believe is collectively true. And that that must also be based on our agreements with one another, that are unquestionably so.

🕉We have learned to know what each of us believe to be agreeably known, because we believe that each of us have learned what we know, based on our very own free will of personal choice, accord, and volition.

🕉Nothing has ever been, nor will ever be, in some exclusively, particular way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody, and for no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than however "The Absolute" ~Brahman apparently appears to appear, of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.

🕉Nobody exists alone, as though they can "set into motion" some exclusively significant events to happen. That is another one of innumerable ways, that the self-conjured, conjured self, stays busy with itself, conjuring ideas that they are separate people, living separate lives, "setting into motion," their very own uniquely so, sets of actions to happen "in" space and time, as though that significantly matters.

🕉No particular event is happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before and after somebody, who believes that they are a separate person, whom can experience separate happenings, other than what's already always happening in all spaces and all times.

🕉What is often "overlooked" and "heard" in this message, behind the facts about 'Advaita'/'Nonduality' is that there is no separation. Therefore, there are no separate individual people, who are more or less terminally unique, than anybody else.

🕉What we are, is not that which claims personal experiences, and whom is more or less terminally unique; living a life of their very own that matters; more or less than a life, that is believed to be lived by anybody else.

🕉We are so and not so, simply because, we are not that which believes it has to maintain being the "knower" of knowing, that it is aware to being aware; alive to being alive; and simply inherently on, awake to being awake, all the time.

🕉We are all indeed, just temporally temporary apparent appearances, apparently appearing, disappearing, and reappearing, for an indeterminate, impermanent duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, as what are thought to be exclusively real and permanent, significantly so, self-conjured claims, that are believed to be required to be, but cannot ever be claimed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after anybody.

🕉Nobody ever has to claim to be a "knower" as a separate "knower" of what we are not, since we have never been that which self-identifies with claims, that it is a terminally unique, permanently so, long-lasting, separate entity.

🕉There is no separate individual person whom is ever more or less terminally unique, than anybody else.

🕉What we are, is not that which claims personal experiences, and whom is thought to be significantly and permanently so, as more or less terminally unique than anybody else.

🕉That is so and not so, simply because, we are not that which believes it has to maintain being the "knower" of knowing, that is aware to being aware; alive to being alive; and simply always inherently on; awake to being awake, all the time.

🕉We are all indeed, just temporally temporarily, apparently appearing, as innumerable apparent appearances, disappearances, and reappearances :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, an indeterminate, impermanent duration, "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.

🕉We are also not that, which pre-supposes to be pre-supposedly claimed by somebody whom is believed to be a separate, terminally unique, long-lasting, individual entity, that is often believed to be living a life of its very own, with free will, accord, and volition, as someone whom matters, with a particular set of conditional meanings, reasons, and purposes.

🕉Nobody ever has to claim to be a "knower" as a separate "knower" of what we are not, since we have never been that which self-identifies with claims, that it is a terminally unique, permanently so, long-lasting, separate entity. Everything and nothing, is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉What is often "overlooked" and "heard" in this message, behind the facts about 'Advaita'/'Nonduality' is that there is no separation. Therefore, there are no separate individual people, who are more or less terminally unique, than anybody else.

🕉What we are, is not that which claims personal experiences, and whom is more or less terminally unique; living a life of their very own that matters; more or less than a life, that is believed to be lived by anybody else.

🕉We are so and not so, simply because, we are not that which believes it has to maintain being the "knower" of knowing, that it is aware to being aware; alive to being alive; and simply inherently on, awake to being awake, all the time.

🕉We are all indeed, just temporally temporary apparent appearances, apparently appearing, disappearing, and reappearing, for an indeterminate, impermanent duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, as what are thought to be exclusively real and permanent, significantly so, self-conjured claims, that are believed to be required to be, but cannot ever be claimed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after anybody.

🕉Nobody ever has to claim to be a "knower" as a separate "knower" of what we are not, since we have never been that which self-identifies with claims, that it is a terminally unique, permanently so, long-lasting, separate entity.

🕉There is no separate individual person whom is ever more or less terminally unique, than anybody else.

🕉What we are, is not that which claims personal experiences, and whom is thought to be significantly and permanently so, as more or less terminally unique than anybody else.

🕉That is so and not so, simply because, we are not that which believes it has to maintain being the "knower" of knowing, that is aware to being aware; alive to being alive; and simply always inherently on; awake to being awake, all the time.

🕉We are all indeed, just temporally temporarily, apparently appearing, as innumerable apparent appearances, disappearances, and reappearances :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, an indeterminate, impermanent duration, "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.

🕉We are also not that, which pre-supposes to be pre-supposedly claimed by somebody whom is believed to be a separate, terminally unique, long-lasting, individual entity, that is often believed to be living a life of its very own, with free will, accord, and volition, as someone whom matters, with a particular set of conditional meanings, reasons, and purposes.

🕉The 'Self'-conjured, conjured 'Self' lives in a world of its very own significance and terminal uniqueness. And that that particular, separate individual "I" and or "me" as my own 'Self' - will continue pre-supposing, that it must continuously support all ideas of subjective dualities of self-identification, with a single individuated 'Self'-conjured, conjured 'Self' - whom is believed to be living 'Life' of its own free will, choice, accord, and volition, under its very own terms and conditions.

🕉And yet, one WITH a second this, that, or the other, does not stand alone upon no fixed positions "in" space and time. No-thing is "of" space and time. Everything that is thought to be believed, is always apparently appearing to be taken as that which is personally, permanently, and exclusively so:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after some-body, whom is believed to be 'Self'-identifying, terminally unique 'Self'-identifications, of possessing 'Self'-actuated; 'Self'-conjured, and 'Self'-preferentialed decisions, of seemingly some-body exclusively so, and one whom is believed to be being, beingness-ing, as though there is a separate being that can be being-ness-ing, as that which is believed to be separately in the act of observing a particular type of being being-ness-ing.

🕉This, that, or some other one of anything, is innumerably so, as no specific singularity of something, that is and is not one of innumerable dualisms, that are neither exclusively terminally uniquely, separately so, nor not exclusively terminally uniquely, separately so, as always, in ALL ways.

🕉Everything and no-thing is and is not in any particular way of so-ness, as though there can be a final so-ness. Everything AND no-thing is inseparably so AND not so, as the "so-ness-ing" of that which is always in ALL ways both the "so-ness-ng" and not "so-ness-ing, as the infinitudinal complexification of 'Maya' finitely so and not so, as the infinite, finitely "Maya-ing."

🕉Once somebody is no longer recognising, that they are believing to be thought about, as anything that is 'Self'-conjured to be believed, as though there can be somebody, whom is independently standing alone:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is not with anybody in particular in the first, second, third, or any other particular place.

🕉This is not specifically so, since nobody is somebody, whom is specifically so, as somebody, whom is believed to be anybody, 'Self'-conjuring any one of innumerably specified, separate, independent, terminally unique individuations.

🕉Nobody is ever in possession of a separate birth-name and birth-rite, that is required to be reinforced as a terminally unique, 'Self-proclamation, as though somebody independently claiming a "certificate of authenticity," that had once learned something that is specifically so, and as though that must then be eventually believed to be exclusively so, since no-thing has ever been exclusively so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉And then thereafter, continuously reinforcing beliefs, of a particular modality of pre-supposition-ing, that the beginning of its very own life, was when it was born, based solely on what had been pre-supposedly believed, as a specific 'Self'-identification.

🕉And as though there has always been somebody significantly separate, with terminally-unique "so-ness" with a 'Self'-identification, believed to be 'Self'-sufficiently, 'Self'-generated, replete with a specific type of full-ness and complete-ness, that had been believed to be referentially in personal possession of its very own birth certificate of terminal authenticity.

🕉And that they would, from then on, continuously believe, that they had always been believed to be an exclusively real, and terminally unique representation, as a separate person, with whom 'Self'-possesses their very own, terminally unique 'Life' to live, with their very own separate body and mind to use as they please - as though they are in possession of a terminally uniquely so, separate "Life."

🕉"Life" is simply and not simply, apparently appearing, and not apparently appearing, to arise, and not arise, as though there can be a 'Self'-conjured, conjured 'Self' in control of what is construed as a 'Life' of one's very own accord and volition, believed to be independently controlling all 'Life' that arises as always, in ALL ways, as everything no-thing-ing and no-thing, every-thing-ing with 'The Absolute'~Brahman.

🕉There are simply, innumerable apparent appearances of 'Life' apparently appearing to be arising and not arising, as the "lifing" of 'Life.'But that is and is not, ever good enough:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a particular type of "lifing" believed to be happening to some-body. It is simply 'Life' "lifing" for nobody and every-body, as always in ALL ways, with no particular meaning, reason, and purpose.

🕉That is and is not, ever good enough:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a particular type of "lifing" believed to be happening to some-body. 'Life' is simply 'Life' "lifing" for nobody and every-body, as always in ALL ways, with no particular meaning, reason, and purpose.

🕉Once somebody is no longer recognising, that they are believing to be thought about, as anything that is 'Self'-conjured to be believed, as though there can be somebody, whom is independently standing alone:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is not with anybody in particular in the first, second, third, or any other particular place.

🕉This is not specifically so, since nobody is somebody, whom is specifically so, as somebody, whom is believed to be anybody, 'Self'-conjuring any one of innumerably specified, separate, independent, terminally unique individuations.

🕉Nobody is ever in possession of a separate birth-name and birth-rite, that is required to be reinforced as a terminally unique, 'Self-proclamation, as though somebody independently claiming a "certificate of authenticity," that had once learned something that is specifically so, and as though that must then be eventually believed to be exclusively so, since no-thing has ever been exclusively so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉And then thereafter, continuously reinforcing beliefs, of a particular modality of pre-supposition-ing, that the beginning of its very own life, was when it was born, based solely on what had been pre-supposedly believed, as a specific 'Self'-identification.

🕉Nobody ever has to claim to be a "knower" as a separate "knower" of what we are not, since we have never been that which self-identifies with claims, that it is a terminally unique, permanently so, long-lasting, separate entity. Everything and nothing, is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉Although these appearances, as so-called :: "human bodies"/"action figures"/"body-minds"/"self-conjured, conjured selves," are seemingly part of everything seemingly so and not so, referred to as "Empty Fullness."
🕉Everything and no-thing, that is and is not inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum, regardless as to what apparently appears to be happening, from a perspective :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody, is simply seemingly separate from an "everybody-and-everything-else" reality.

🕉It apparently appears as though expressions are seemingly coming from somebody, referred to as a "human body"/"action figure"/"body-mind"/"self-conjured, conjured self," expressing the usage of some particular language, as a separately unique language, that is simply being seemingly engaged, in the act of communication.

🕉And that that does not have to be justified with any specific precepts, such as reasons, meanings, and purposes, to be seemingly so, as though there is a separate individual person, with terminal uniqueness, and self-importance, that is expressing in a particular manner, unlike anybody else has ever witnessed before, is witnessing now, or will ever witness again.

🕉And one whom expresses, as an individually unique person, whom is living their very own life, under their very own particular terms and conditions, with free will choice, accord, and volition to do so.

🕉Therefore, no matter what a "body-mind"/"action figure"/self-conjured, conjured self," may believe or disbelieve, that it is seemingly always continuously becoming an improved version of one's self, in some particular manner, is not doing so in some particular permanent way, but is in actuality, simply part of that which is both seemingly permanently so, and that which is seemingly impermanently so, all at the same time.

🕉And in some cases, that too is eventually going to be apparently appearing to become something better than that which is seemingly "knowable," "terminally unique," and permanently so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after those better versions, whom are thought to be self-conjured versions of :: "me" and "you" and whom can be seemingly thought to be or are not seemingly thought to be, in some particular way, shape, or form.

🕉That is what apparently seems to "motivate" and somehow "urge" an action figure on, believing it is existing as a permanently so, separate, terminally unique, living, entity, that had a specific beginning and will have a specific ending.

🕉And that that it is seemingly terminally unique and self-important :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉Although, no-thing exists and stands alone, in particularly permanent ways, as anything that is thought to be permanently so, upon some particular coordinate "in" space and time.

🕉Nevertheless, we continue to apparently appear to produce self-conjured thoughts and feelings, that are somehow seemingly felt as though there are separate "experiencers" with uniquely original, separate thoughts and separate feelings, that are not being felt, as though there are a fixed number of limited permanent thoughts and feelings, that can be thought about and felt.

🕉And that there are instead, innumerable thoughts and feelings, that can be thought about and felt, upon an array of innumerably infinitudinally complexified ways, as infinitudinal complexification :: real and unreal; knowable and unknowable; observable and unobservable; inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉These so-called "action figures"/"body-minds"/"self conjured, conjured selves," that are seemingly believed to be compelled to express as so-called :: "Neo-Advaitins" are seemingly compelled and somehow motivated to be constantly in the act of changing the manner by which it had been previously expressing, on behalf of itself, and at the same time, with an accompanied recognition, that everything and no-thing was never apparently appearing in some particular way, to begin or end with.

🕉And that a majority of people, within what is referred to as a "societal structure" upon some particular version of this planet "Earth," are now, as of lately, continuously and collectively compelled, and motivated, to continuously attend these so-called "Zoom Talks"/ "Online Satsangs" following along with a vast array of so-called "Neo-Advaitin speakers," whom are each seemingly professing to carry specifically unique and original birth names/birth rites, that are being expressed.

🕉And that such expressions, are being expressed, as specifically unique versions, of presentations about the message that is so often referred to as :: "Advaita Vedanta"/"Nonduality"- with "Neo-Advaitin Speakers," such as :: "Paul Hedderman"; "Jim Newman"; "Tony Parsons"; "Andreas Mueller"; "Roger Castillo"; "Francis Lucille"; "Naho Owada"; "Tom Das"; "Jeff Foster"; "Tim Cliss"; "Lisa Cairns"; "Lisa Lennon"; "Peter Russell"; "Richard Sylvester"; "Ira Schepetin"; and "Kenneth Madden" to name some of the more "popularised" and/or "prominent" "Neo-Advaitin Speakers."

🕉And that such so-called "Neo-Advaitin Speakers," are seemingly creating apparent appearances, upon specific types of "platforms" or "mediums" that are being used for these type of apparent appearances of communications, often referred to as "Satsangs" that are seemingly believed to be organised and allegedly taking place, for nobody, and for no particular, reasons, meanings, & purposes.

🕉And if there were to be any specific reasons, meanings, and purposes for that to be taking place, then such reasons, meanings, and purposes, may as well be, to starve the unreal, fictitiously "self-conjured" seekers and questioners, who self-profess that they are permanently so, real, and terminally unique individual seekers, questioners, and spiritual teachers, upon some permanently real and permanently so reality.

🕉Apparently, this particular "action figure"/"body-mind"/"self-conjured, conjured self" has apparently appeared at this time, to participate upon those particular type of online "social media platforms" such as "YouTube"; "Zoom;" and "Facebook" along with other seemingly innumerable apparent appearances of "action figures"/ "body-minds"/"self-conjured, conjured selves" to discuss about everything & no-thing, that is inseparably so & not so, with no particular meanings, reasons, agendas, & purposes behind them.

🕉And as any particular events, that may or may not be continuously apparently appearing to be happening, without anybody else, who can seemingly claim that this is what needs to apparently appear to be happening.

🕉And that that does or does not apparently appear to be happening, as though that does or does not ever really appear to be happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after anybody in particular, and for no specific conditions; meanings; reasons, and purposes, that is also simply part of everything and nothing, that is and is not inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉If there is a body-mind action figure that believes they have "done" anything that matters, then there is still self-identification with that which believes it is a separate individual person, whom has "done" and will be "doing" happenings into action, when that just happens to be more self-conjured beliefs that are :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, a body-mind action figure, that is filled with terminal uniqueness and beliefs, that they are uniquely separate from everybody and everything else.

🕉And as though there are other separate body-minds / action figures, that are also separate from everybody and everything else, who are also sharing a part of their very own reality of life experiences, with other separate people, places, and things, that are believed to be shared separately with everybody and everything else. That is not what's happening. It only apparently appears to be so, but is not exclusively so. It is actually both so AND not so.

🕉The self-conjured conjured self, believes that they are existing in a reality of their very own making, and that they can "make" whatever they want, as though that matters. There is no "doing"; "making," and no "knowing" that happens :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, that which believes to be self-conjuring significant "do-ings" as a separate "doer" and "know-ings" by a separate "knower" that is :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody who believes that they are a separate "doer" and "knower" whom exists separately from everybody and everything else.

🕉There is no separation. There are no separate "seers" as well. No separate "hearers" and no separate "feelers." There are no separate "tasters" and no separate "thinkers." The body-mind / action figure, will nevertheless, self-conjure its very own self-image of itself, to believe and justify how and why it knows, and is convinced to be a separate "seer"; "hearer"; "feeler"; "taster"; "thinker"; "doer"; and "knower" :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉That is how and why it is so strongly self-centered. The body-mind / action figure facilitates sight for there to apparently appear to be the "seeing" of what the body-mind / action figure believes to be visualising.

🕉And yet, what's looking, is what is seen, on behalf of what we truly are, as boundless, timeless, seam-less energy fields, that although apparently appearing visibly observable in mirrors, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time, we are not that which is temporally temporarily visibly observable in mirrors for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time.

🕉We are that which is BOTH real and unreal; knowable and unknowable; observable and unobservable, simply because we are always, in ALL ways :: mixing; blending; oscillating; coalescing, and immersed WITH "The Absolute" ~Brahman, in all spaces and all times, throughout the infinite universe, as the infinitudinal complexification of absolutely everything and nothing, that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum. Nobody exists alone, as though they can "set into motion" some exclusively significant events to happen.

🕉If somebody claims to know all about how and why everything is exclusively, visibly observable; knowable; permanently real, and physically solid, has simply been mistakenly believing that everything has been believed to have been appearing, as though there are separate creations, mistakenly overlooking the obviousness as to how and why everything was not created, as permanently so, physically solid, and permanently affixed upon its very own exclusively separate position, "in" space and time.

🕉That has simply been overlooked from the impermanence of everything that is not exclusively and permanently so, since everything is just seemingly so, as apparent appearances that are or are not, in some particular way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which believes it is a separate person, with its very own life to live, and its very own body-mind complex / action figure, to use as it so chooses.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, conjures beliefs that it possesses its very own free will, accord, and volition, when that is just apparently appearing to be the case, as though exclusively and permanently so, in some particular way, shape, or form :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which believes it is a separate individual person or living human being, that is existing separately :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, & after everybody and everything else, with its very own free will, accord, and volition to believe in such beliefs.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, also disbelieves that everything does not exist upon its very own separately physical, and permanent position, upon a physically created planet, as such ideas are self-conjured.

🕉Everything and no-thing is not permanently so, in some particular way of thinking, that was learned and then continuously believed. Whatever can be perceived; conceived, and believed, as though permanently so, is also thought to be perceived; conceived, and believed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a separate individual, that is separate from everybody and everything else.

🕉And that that, this, or the other, is not exclusively so, as this, that, or some other exclusively particular way. Everything is ALSO impermanently so, AND not impermanently so, all at the same time. Everything never was exclusively, permanently so.

🕉Everything is actually BOTH permanently so AND not permanently so, as impermanently so, but also not exclusively as impermanently so. In other words, everything AND no-thing, is so AND not so. There cannot be just that which is presumably; exclusively, and permanently so, and also omitting or leaving-out that which is also unreal; unobservable; and unknowable, as no-thing.

🕉That too is included and not separately so, as though no-thing that is exclusively not so; unreal; unobservable, and unknowable. Everything that is believed to be permanently so, as physically real; observable; knowable, and exclusively so, as separate things, that are believed to be positioned upon their very own separate coordinates "in" space and time, as things that are either presumed to be here or there, was learned, and thereby self-conjured.

🕉That which is considered to be learned, was believed to have been learned :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after separate, apparent individual living people, as individually so, human beings, when that is not the case. It just apparently appears to be that way. Everything AND No-thing, is BOTH temporal, temporary, and apparent, as separate appearances of solid; real; observable, and knowable things, as though there are only those exclusively solid, particularly so, believable things, overlooking the obviousness that those are self-conjured beliefs, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time - since there is also that which is impermanently not "of" space and time, as timelessly and boundlessly so.

🕉Hence why, everything and nothing is actually BOTH inseparably so AND not so, simply because everything is BOTH apparently appearing as temporally, temporarily, permanently so, AND impermanently; not so; unreal; unobservable, unknowable, and not always exclusively not so, as though permanently not so. Everything and no-thing is always, ALL ways, in all spaces and all times throughout the Infinite Universe, as both simultaneously seemingly so AND not seemingly so, via apparent appearances that are apparently appearing; apparently disappearing, and apparently re-appearing, as the infinitudinal complexification of "The Absolute" ~Brahman.

🕉That is another one of innumerable ways, that the self-conjured, conjured self, stays busy with itself, conjuring ideas that they are separate people, living separate lives, "setting into motion," their very own uniquely so, sets of actions to happen "in" space and time, as though that significantly matters. No particular event is happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before and after somebody, whom believes that they are a separate person that can experience separate happenings, other than what's already always happening in all spaces and all times.

🕉If there is a body-mind action figure that believes they have "done" anything that matters, then there is still self-identification with that which believes it is a separate individual person, whom has "done" and will be "doing" happenings into action. The self-conjured, conjured self, conjures all many of innumerable conditional dualities, that are :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after, a body-mind action figure, that is filled with terminal uniqueness and beliefs, that they are uniquely separate from everybody and everything else.

🕉And as though there are other separate body-minds / action figures, that are also separate from everybody and everything else, who are also sharing a part of their very own reality of life experiences, with other separate people, places, and things, that are believed to be shared separately with everybody and everything else. That is not what's happening. It only apparently appears to be so, but is not exclusively so. It is actually both so AND not so.

🕉The self-conjured conjured self, believes that they are existing in a reality of their very own making, and that they can "make" whatever they want, as though that matters. There is no "doing"; "making," and no "knowing" that happens :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, that which believes to be self-conjuring significant "doings" and "know-ings" that are :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody who believes that they are a separate "doer" and "knower" whom exists separately from everybody and everything else.

🕉There is no separation. There are no separate "seers" as well. No separate "hearers" and no separate "feelers." There are no separate "tasters" and no separate "thinkers." The body-mind / action figure, will nevertheless, self-conjure its very own self-image of itself, to believe and justify how and why it knows, and is convinced to be a separate "seer"; "hearer"; "feeler"; "taster"; "thinker"; "doer"; and "knower" :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉That is how and why it is so strongly self-centered. The body-mind / action figure facilitates sight for there to apparently appear to be the "seeing" of what the body-mind / action figure believes to be visualising.

🕉And yet, what's looking, is what is seen, on behalf of what we truly are, as boundless, timeless, seam-less energy fields, that although apparently appearing visibly observable in mirrors, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time, we are not that which is temporally temporarily visibly observable in mirrors for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time.
We are that which is BOTH real and unreal; knowable and unknowable; observable and unobservable, simply because we are always, in ALL ways :: mixing; blending; oscillating; coalescing, and immersed WITH "The Absolute" ~Brahman in all spaces and all times, throughout the infinite universe, as the infinitudinal complexification of absolutely everything and nothing, that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉The image of a body is simply apparently appearing within a mind of an action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, and taken to be believed, as though they are that particular "image" subjectively projected as a body-mind/ action figure/self-conjured, conjured self. 🕉And as though :: to; by; for; from; about; between; with; upon; around; before, and after a subjectively projected, mental image, in the mind, of what is thought to be self-conjured, as a particularly unique and separate action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self.

🕉And that there is a separate "everybody-and-everything-else" reality that each body-mind/action figure/self-conjured, conjured self - can somehow, seemingly subjectively blend, with innumerable types of apparent appearances, that seemingly stream along, as though there are permanently real and solidly separate things all around us, with beginnings and endings upon fixed positions, "in" space and time - that are happening upon fixed moments of a separate 3-fold principle - within past, present and future times-line.

🕉The action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, then self-identifies and self-conjures ideas, believed to be one's very own originally conjured thoughts/ideas/beliefs that it entertains as self-proclaimed thoughts/ideas/beliefs.

🕉And that it can claim to personally possess, to have and to hold, and claim its very own separately unique action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, that can have its very own free will, accord, and volition, such as :: its very own birth name; birth rite; free will; accord, and volition, to decide what the body should or should not be doing, and thinking about, at any given moment that it believes are its very own moments, that are exclusively happening "in" space and time :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after whatever it believes to be happening.

🕉And whatever it believes to be happening, is thought to be happening, as though separate events happen to each body-mind/action figure/self-conjured, conjured self.

🕉And as though personal events of happenings, can be happening and construed as personal happenings, that are believed to be exclusively so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which believes it must or must not do with those moments "in" space and time, that are believed to be moments for people to use, in whatever capacity that they may or may not choose to believe, and can or cannot be thought about.

🕉Along with innumerable self-proclaimed, self-conjured, conditionally dualistic thoughts to entertain and believe, that should or should not be considered as one's very own private thoughts to entertain.

🕉And all along, overlooking that nobody is apparently appearing; disappearing, and reappearing, as a separate body-mind / action figure, that is not "of" space and time.

🕉Thereby, from such self-identifications with whatever it takes itself to be, as though it owns its very own body-mind/action figure/self-conjured, conjured self - to do what it so chooses and pleases to do with itself, self-conjuring innumerable ideas and thoughts, that are thought to be believed, in particular ways, as seemingly more or less significantly important :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉And as though there must be specific actions that it must or must not be doing, that need or need not be taking place or carried-out.

And that such actions need or need not be carried-out, using a set of skillfull means or particular precepts of actions, as personal doings.

🕉And that it must or must not be thinking about thoughts, as though there must or must not be some particular reactions or thoughts to be expressed, "in" space and time, as specific forms of expressions, when there are no particular forms of expressions that must or must not be expressed "in" space and time, since nobody is "of " space and time all along.

🕉Everything simply apparently appears to be or not be in some particular way, when everything and nothing, is simply inseparably so and not so :: as always, in ALL ways, with no particular meanings; reasons, and purposes :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody in particular.

🕉If one believes it is using its very own body-mind/action figure/self-conjured, conjured self, as what is believed to be permanently real and solid, that enables all manner of dualities at its very own disposal, and to purposely reinforce the support of innumerable self-conjurings :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself, as though it is living its very own, exclusively real and separate life, with its very own action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, to do with it as it so pleases, with ultimate free will and choice, accord and volition, as exclusively, independently, uniquely separate and individuated, "in" space and time.

🕉And as though one is a separately unique action-figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self appearance, that is fully capable of continuously self-identifying with itself, and must continuously believe in its very own self-importance, significance, and proclamations of its very own personal experiences :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a life of its very own, to exist with its very own uniquely so, self-conjured, reasons, meanings and purposes, that it truly exists as that.

🕉And as though it is a permanently separate; physically solid, action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, that has a beginning when it was born, as a separate human being, that will eventually have an ending, when it is time for it to "die-off."

🕉And yet, it is compelled to believe in all of its very own self-conjured ideas and concepts :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉And thereby, overlooking the fact that it is not that which claims to believe it is "seeing" as a separate seer; "hearing" as a separate listener; "knowing" as a separate knower; and "thinking," as a separate thinker.

🕉If one believes they are a separate person, with all manner of terminally unique thoughts and feelings, it will also continue on believing that has its very own original ideas and thoughts to think about, and is self-convinced to believe that it knows, all that it will ever need to know, at any given moment :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self will simply continue "looking" :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which it is not, that is believed to be existing, as a separate action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self - that must or must not claim everything that can be personally and privately experienced and thought about.

🕉And that it can claim every emotion and feeling as a personally and privately felt emotional feeling, as though such apparent appearances must be construed as one's own permanent experiences as (my own experiences and not yours.)

🕉And that one can claim their very own experiences as :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after its very own personal action figure/body-mind; self-conjured, conjured self, as though it can self-identify with itself in all thoughts and actions.

🕉And as though those are thoughts and feelings intended to be personally experienced :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody uniquely special and terminally uniquely so.

🕉And as though it must also accept to believe that as a matter of fact, that it will always be known as a specifically particular body-mind/action figure/self-conjured, conjured self, with one's very own birth name and birth rite, that will always be used as self-identification, as a separately unique seer of seeing; feeler of feeling; hearer of hearing; taster of tasting; and toucher of touching on its very own terms and conditions, as uniquely and significantly so, in some particular manner, that encapsulates their very own original personality traits.

🕉And as though it can also freely self-conjure to choose what are believed to be one's very own set of personal beliefs, about its very own personal activities, that can be claimed to seemingly be or must not be claimed to seemingly be put into practice, with innumerable, terminally unique thoughts, that must seemingly be, or must not seemingly be learned, as various ways of exercising innumerable dualistic approaches about its very own life that it can lead, of its own accord and volition.

🕉And as though there must be skillful means of entertaining and interacting with others :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody, to be always congruently aligning itself to be harmoniously getting along with an "everybody else" type of reality, that is often referred to as a "societal structure," regardless of the fact that there is no separation or one without a second.

🕉Life that is seemingly happening to someone, is not a separate happening, that happens to that which claims one is living a life of one's very own. There is simply the idea that one can claim a life of one's very own, when nobody is truly nowhere in particular, or anywhere upon some fixed, permanent position, "in" space and time, simply because it is also not "of" space and time, as though one can experience a separate life of one's very own.

🕉And as though life is happening to somebody in particular, as though that is a separate happening for them. And as though life can happen to somebody in particular, whom is living a life of one's very own, upon fixed positions "in" space and time, when that is only apparent appearing to be seemingly happening.

🕉There is simply life that is apparently appearing to be constantly happening, but not happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before; and after nobody in particular. Life is simply seemingly happening. And not exclusively so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody in particular.

🕉Eventually, that which we are not, is going to surrender to giving-up searches of believing to be finding-out about that which one has always, already been being all along, as the "being-ness-ing" of that which need not claim any further urges to seek that which it has always been, which is not a separate, individual living this, that, or the other, that must find some need to claim that it is living a life of its very own.

🕉When there is simply life seemingly happening, but not :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before; and after anybody in particular.

🕉There are no particular body-minds/action figures/self-conjured, conjured selves, that need to find some particular way of claiming that they are possessing their very own birth names and birth rites.

🕉And as though they are living a life of their very own, when the action figure is simply part of the apparent appearances of life happening. It simply mistakes life, as though life is happening to a particular action figure, referred to, as an exclusive "you" or an exclusive "me" in some particular way.

🕉When life is simply going to continue apparently appearing to be happening, as though life is happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody in particular, when it will always, simply be life happening, but not happening for anybody in particular.

🕉The body-mind/action figure/self-conjured, conjured-self, always becomes very disappointed, once it realises that this message regarding "Non-duality / Advaita Vedanta" always negates anything self-conjured :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after an action figure/body-mind/self-conjured conjured self, that self-professes all about that which it is not.

🕉Then, it eventually recognises or not, that it has no other choice than to admit surrendering - by pointing-out that such an action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, that it used to take to be all that it was, had been riddled with terminal uniqueness, and is not permanently so, and not somebody that is individually, and uniquely separate.

🕉And one whom is also thought to be an especially unique individual person, unlike any other apparent appearance of an action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, that apparently appears; disappears, and reappears, upon some particular type of reality, that it believes it has self-conjured :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉And has given such a reality, all the meaning that it will ever have - but only :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉If an action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, believes it is living a life, as though it is someone whom is getting "triggered" by engaging with life, to some degree, then that is believed to be personally happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉Then it will continue to habitually conjure all manner of "teachings" that the action figure believes it must continue to seek, as though there are innumerable sets of "skillful means" of teachings at one's own disposal, that the action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self can use to live a particular type of life that it believes is out there in the world.

🕉And that it is going to eventually find the right combination of teachings from a teacher. Teachings from anybody, that can be believed to be necessary to be taken subjectively serious, since the "being-ness-ing" had been overlooked, as though it possessed its very own self-knowledge, that never avails anything to nobody.

🕉And that everything and nothing has always already been inseparably so and not so all along :: blending; coalescing; mixing; coagulating; resonating; vibrating; oscillating; and all manners of "verbing" energetic movements with absolutely everything and nothing, that is inseparably so and not so, and always inherently "on," as the infinitudinally complexified 'Absolute' ~Brahman.

🕉There is nobody anywhere to be found, whom can claim to be existing upon some fixed position "in" space and time, since nobody is "of" space and time.

🕉Everything is the apparent appearance, as everything and no-thing, but not as anything believed to be exclusively so.

🕉Everything that seemingly appears "in" space and time, as though anything can be appearing as something, is part of anything that is seemingly arising from nothing.

🕉No-thing arises out of nowhere, since nowhere is boundless; timeless; endless; beginning-less, and not upon any fixed positions "in" space and time.

🕉That which is apparently appearing as something "in" space and time, is temporally temporarily so.

🕉Everything is believed to be apparently appearing as anything that can be described and defined, simply because it is believed to be temporally temporarily appearing in some particular way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after a self-conjured, conjured self, whom self-conjures beliefs, that they exist separately from everybody and everything else.

🕉This and that, as all conditional dualities, are believed to be either exclusively so or not exclusively so. All this and that conditional dualities, are self-conjured, simply because, that which is believed to be exclusively appearing, is anything believed to be appearing out of everything.

🕉And that that is apparently appearing "in" space and time, as though everything must be permanently so, as exclusively, real; permanent, and physically so, when no-thing is neither exclusively real nor exclusively unreal.

🕉Everything is seemingly both real and unreal; knowable and unknowable; observable and unobservable :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after nobody in particular and :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after no particular meaning; reason, and purpose.

🕉Everything is also apparently appearing :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after nobody, whom neither must believe nor must not believe to be conjuring ideas that they permanently exist, with terminal uniqueness, upon fixed positions "in" space and time, as though "here"; "there" or "anywhere else."

🕉There is simply every-where-ness, that is everywhere-ness-ing, everything no-thing-ing, and no-thing every-thing-ing, in all spaces and all times, as always ALL ways, throughout the Infinite Universe, as the Infinitudinal Complexification of "The Absolute" ~Brahman.

🕉The "good" teacher / student & the "devoted" guru / devotee relationship, can obviously be expressed in one of innumerable humanly corporeal fashions, as though there must be meanings; reasons, and purposes behind human expressions, as what is thought to be believed, as some particular type of aliveness, that is uniquely so, because it must also be deemed to exist in some particularly special way, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is thought and conjured to require separately unique and individually specialised meanings; reasons, and purposes of innumerable conditional dualities.

🕉And that that must be :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before and after that which is seemingly expressed, and believed to be one of innumerably temporal & temporary, exclusively & permanently so, humanly corporeal manifestations, when that is also not exclusively impermanently so as well. It is also both not exclusively permanently so, and not so, and not exclusively impermanently so, and not so, and not - not exclusively impermanently so and not so, that is triply negated.

🕉Nevertheless & nevermore, has this or that, to any degree, ever been necessary to be condoned in the first place. Since there are obviously one of innumerable apparent appearances of conjurings, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between around; before, and after that which we are separately and exclusively not part of anything in particular.

🕉All this and that dualities, are self-conjured beliefs of thoughts, that are thought to be believed as though they must be necessarily required beliefs. And that such exclusive beliefs must also be thought about, as convincingly exclusive, and / or uniquely so. The "Absolute" ~Brahman is inseparably so and not so. Therefore, nothing is ever exclusively and permanently so. Nothing is both inseparably so and not so, but neither not exclusively permanently so, nor exclusively impermanently so.

🕉Since there are no separate teachers, gurus, students, and devotees to be found upon fixed positions 'in' space and time, that are not exclusively inseparably so, but that are both inseparably so and not so, due to the nature of a self-conjured, manufactured reality, as though that must be a self-fulfilled, self-conjured interpretation of reality, as your very own separately unique, individualised dream; my apparent separately unique, individualised dream, and our very own separately unique, individualised dream.

🕉Notice those literal manifestations, that apparently appear as though they are three separate modalities, and as though such three separate aspects, are implications of obviousness, as to how and why nobody can be separately expressing, a humanly corporeal nature. That is so and not so, since everything and nothing exists, always all ways, as inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉All such "this and that" dualities, need not be thought about, as particular beliefs, that are required to be convincingly so. Therefore, every apparent appearance, as a humanly corporeal body-mind complex / action figure manifestation, is just simply one of innumerable apparent appearances of impermanent humanly corporeal manifestations, that are apparently appearing 'in' space & time, for an indeterminate duration, that is not 'of' space & time, as impermanent dreams.

🕉It is in the very act of believing that something must be exclusively so, and that that is what perpetuates one of innumerable self-conjured delusions of terminal uniqueness.

🕉And yet, it is as though, it must be believed that there are seemingly innumerable, continual, self-manufactured, self-conjured, impermanent dreams, that are believed to be seemingly appearing, as one of innumerable permanently so, humanly corporeal expressions, that must matter and have a particular reason; meaning, and purpose behind them, to be appearing as though there are separate, permanently so, individual people, upon a reality of finite countenance.

🕉And that that is to be wholeheartedly believed and agreed upon, as though that must be understood as substantial proof, that we are somehow being alive, within some particular type of permanent reality, upon some particularly fixed position 'in' space with time, whilst, all the while, overlooking the fact that nobody has ever been 'of' space and time all along.

🕉There is nobody looking at anything in particular, that needs to be self-identified as though something exclusively real. The eyes that are "seeing" are simply facilitating sight, from that which we are not, as though a separate person is thinking about what it believes it knows, regarding what it is seeing. The seeker is the sought, and not the seeking of what is thought to be seen.

🕉We are not the functioning of a body-mind / action figure that breathes as a separate breather; sees as a separate seer; smells as a separate smeller; tastes as separate taster; feels as a separate feeler and hears as a separate hearer. There is simply breathing; seeing; smelling; tasting; feeling and hearing.

🕉Nobody claims glances of anything that is believed to be seen as though the visual field of that which is glanced, is scenery of something in particular. Regardless if what is glanced, as it is entertaining a thought about that which is believed to be as though glances are conditional glancings of a "Nirvana"; "pure love;" "Kingdoms of Heavens" or any other conjured concept of an idea. There are simply glancings.

🕉Nobody has a life that they had to live in some particular way yesterday; a life that they have to live today, or a life that has yet to be lived tomorrow. There is simply life that is expressing in innumerable ways. Always, all ways. The self-conjured, conjured self believes in a conditional reality, that helps individual people to "partially blossom" or one day "fully blossom."

🕉Nobody has to "blossom" into anything :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a fictitious self-conjured, conjured self. Nobody exists to live a life of their very own life, independently, and exclusively so, in some particular fashion. There is simply life expressing through human corporeal appearances, disappearances, and re-appearances, as though there are separate people living a life of their very own.

🕉Nobody lives a life of their very own; with their very own body-mind; and their very own exclusively real way to experience life, as personal experiences of life. There is simply life, however it may or may not apparently appear to be manifesting, in one of innumerable ways. Nobody makes life happen to anybody.

🕉Nobody has to live-out a life and no-body has to control a life that is thought and self-conjured to be as though there is a separate, personal life to be lived :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after an individual person that is not separate from an "Everybody-and-Everything-Else-Shared-Reality" as though a separate person is dreaming itself out of a dream, by conjuring beliefs that there can be somebody that can exist of their own free will choice, accord, and volition, as a terminally unique and separate individual entity. That's not what's ever happening. There are no separate happenings that are thought to be happening anywhere upon some fixed position "in" space and time :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉Life is simply appearing in one of innumerable ways, as everything and nothing inseparably so and not so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody in particular. There is no-thing particularly so and not so, and no-thing that stands alone as exclusively so. There are no exclusively real and permanent appearances of anything to be found anywhere, as though upon fixed positions "in" space and time.

🕉There are daily broadcasts of so-called "fake-news" reports, that are allegedly, brutally edited versions of global events, that seemingly go on either reported or not reported, within societal structures, throughout the planet. And yet, all such witnessed activities, have no bearing whatsoever on absolutely anything.

🕉Life-forces simply seemingly move of their own accord and volition, as the "Absolute" continues to continuously endlessly continue, apparently appearing to seemingly arise, as apparent appearances, of innumerable energy forms and energy fields, either humanly corporeal or otherwise.

🕉All dualities, such as every other this and every other that, is included with absolutely everything and no-thing, inseparably so and not so, as always ALL ways, regardless of absolutely any thoughts that may or may not be entertained :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after self-conjured, conjured selves / body-minds / action figures.

🕉And that there are those who may or may not seemingly believe, in the self-conjured beliefs, that they are sharing reality, with what are self-conjured to be believed, as a finite number of other separately self-conjured, conjured selves, as individually separate, independent entities, that are all seemingly and simultaneously sharing the same dream-like reality, with what is seemingly considered to be, absolutely every-body and every-thing else, as that which is seemingly inseparably so and not so.

🕉Reality is of course, apparently appearing in a particular fashion- but not always as a reality, that is seemingly so, based on any beliefs that a body-mind / action figure self-conjures, in agreement with other self-conjured, conjured selves, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after what is believed to be an :: "everybody and everything else."

🕉And that that life is life that must be considered to be believed, wholeheartedly without question as :: "exclusively permanently so" or not "exclusively permanently so." Take your pick. Choices are believed to be made anyhow, regardless of a body-mind's / action figure's beliefs or non-beliefs.

🕉There is simply, just the temporally temporary appearance of impermanence. Nobody controls that which is impermanently so. Nobody is living a life of their very own. There is simply life "lifing" the apparent appearances of "alivened," "aliveness" "aliveness-ing."

🕉Nobody can claim that they possess "Absolute Truth" that is mistakenly believed to be exclusively so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after nobody, since Everything and No-thing stands alone as inseparably so and not so, and neither definable nor undefinable; and neither knowable nor unknowable :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉Nothing remains exclusively isolated and left out and nothing needs to be added to what is already, whole, complete, perfect, and fulfilled as "The Absolute" ~Brahman that is so and not so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉Absolutely everything and nothing is inseparably so and not so, and not with any particular meanings, reasons, and purposes, other than the accord and volition as the infinitudinal complexification of "The Absolute" ~Brahman that continuously arises as an apparent appearance of the Infinite Universe, as everything and nothing inseparably so and not so, as always, in ALL ways.

🕉There is nobody anywhere to be found, upon fixed positions, "in" space and time, who are required to be knowers of that which must be understood about "The Absolute" ~Brahman.

🕉Nobody is a separate knower of "The Absolute." Nobody knows that which is presumed to be an understanding about "The Absolute" ~Brahman since there are no separate knowers, who are required to understand about "The Absolute" ~Brahman since "The Absolute" ~Brahman is always, in All Ways, already complete, whole, perfect, and fulfilled, as absolutely everything and nothing that simultaneously arises, as inseparably so and not so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉Nobody is feeling compassion, as a separate compassionate person, whom needs to be self-aware, that they are the knower, that is knowing about their own way of being compassionate, as though they are independently knowing that they are being compassionate about a person, or a group of people, who are thought to be separate from everybody and everything else. And that they believe that they are the knowers and doers of compassion.

🕉Everything and nothing is always, in All Ways, already "The Absolute" ~Brahman that arises as absolutely anything that is thought to be something independently and separately so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a self-conjured, conjured self, who believes that they are to be a separate person or that there are separate groups of people around themselves, who are thought to be compassionate people, or that a person can become a compassionate person if they try to make an effort of being compassionate in some way, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after separate people.

🕉There have never been, nor will there ever be, separate groups of people, who are exclusively, physically real, and separately so. There are simply temporally temporary apparent appearances, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, as absolutely everything and nothing, that includes apparent appearances of human corporeal forms, that apparently appear to arise, as though there are separate individual observers; perceivers, and knowers, of that which is not happening to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody, who are believed to be claiming that they are knowers, perceivers and observers, as separate independently individual people, who are thought to be both independently observing, knowing, and perceiving, that they can be compassionate people.

🕉There is simply compassion. There is no compassion, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a separate individual self-conjured, conjured self. Nobody is knowing that they are compassionate. Nobody is doing compassion. There is simply compassion, that is not required to be claimed by a separate compassionate person, whom is claiming to believe that they are being compassionate, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a compassionate person or with a separate group of compassionate people. There is no separation of anything. "The Absolute" ~Brahman is both everything and nothing inseparable, ad infinitum.

🕉The "mental state" is "Big 'M'-mind consciousness," that takes the mind of a body-mind / action figure, and convinces that body-mind / action figure, to become its host, so-to-speak - thereby convincing that body-mind / action figure, that it is a separate, terminally unique, individual person, equipped with its very own body-mind / action figure, to believe and conjure all manner of innumerable conditional dualities, that it is living a life of its very own, with free will, accord, and volition, to experience a personal life, of one's very own.

🕉The "mental state" causes the mind, of a body-mind / action figure, to :: believe; imply; and presuppose, that it is separate from "everybody and everything else," when there had never been "everybody and everything else" to begin or end with. The idea of "everybody and everything else" is what the "mental state" uses to convince the body-mind / action figure, that it exists in a shared reality, with "everybody and everything else."

🕉The "mental state" takes "5-point conscious contact", of a body-mind / action figure appearance, and uses that to imply that it is that body-mind / action figure. The "mental state" claims that it is "you" and "me" that had conjured such an idea, using all manner of conditional dualities, to convince the self-conjured, conjured self, that it is a separate, independent, living entity, of its very own free will, accord, and volition.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self - as a "non-existent thing" then becomes a body-mind / action figure, that is directed by the self-conjured, conjured self, along with all the "self-ing" that it identifies with - thereby also causing a body-mind / action figure, to be convinced believing that it is the "knower" and "doer" of its very own life, when there is just simply life.

🕉The "mental state" uses the forgetfulness of the body-mind / action figure, and convinces what we're not, that it is "dreaming" - and thereby uses a body-mind / action figure as its host, and thereby, conjures all manner of conditional dualities, as ideal opportunities, to convince a body-mind / action figure, that it is a separate "dreamer" as what we are not.

🕉The "mental state" uses the mind, of a body mind / action figure as its host, to convince such a body-mind / action figure, to believe that "miss-take" that it is a separate, independent, "non-existent thing." We are the "dreamings" giving all the meanings, reasons, and purposes, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after what we are not.

🕉Once the body-mind / action figure, begins to learn all about all manner of self-identifications :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself, the "mental state" then finds further opportunities, to continue reinforcing that it is the body-mind / action figure, being seemingly used as its host, as though there are separate dreamers, dreaming that it is also the dreamnt, when that too is not so. That is only seemingly so, "in" time, because "dreamings" are not "of" space and time.

🕉There is no-thing that exists of its own accord and volition. Everything exists as so and not so, and not exclusively so, or not, not exclusively so.

🕉However, the self-conjured, conjured self, believes that everything exists as many separate things, that are believed to be subjectively identifiable.

🕉There are innumerable appearances, of what appear to be innumerable objects, as though objects are appearing upon separate coordinates "in" space and time, when that is what is independently believed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after that which is believed to be independently, permanently, and exclusively so.

🕉That which is thought to be the case, that there are separate things objectively existing, is a subjectively conjured interpretation :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is believed to be appearing independently separate, and permanently so, as a humanly corporeal, local unit of qualia consciousness energy form, that is believed to be existing separately from everybody and everything else.

🕉This idea of separate people, who are apparently appearing to be born into the world, and as though the world is a shared reality, is reinforced by the registration of birth certificates of authenticity, that are used to support the idea of separately independent people who are born to claim their very own existence.

🕉That is agreed upon to be permanently so, since it is learned to be permanently so, without question. That's not what's happening. There is no-thing that exists of its own accord and volition. Everything exists as so and not so, and not exclusively so, or not, not exclusively so.

🕉Everything is believed to be comprised of things that can be independently singled-out, as though there are separate things that are existing independently of their own accord and volition.

🕉That is agreed upon to be permanently so, since it is learned to be permanently so, without question. That's not what's happening.

🕉The self conjured, conjured self, has conjured the idea, that it must decisively choose to wear clothing, in all situations that seemingly involve, an avoidance of feeling exposure and shamefulness of one's own nakedness, as a self conjured, conjured self, believes it can be standing before, what it believes to be the presence of another separate person.

🕉Such a peculiar feeling and belief, is that there must also seemingly be an agreement, that if one does not wear a piece of clothing, that especially covers what are considered to be very private areas of one's own body, that are considered to be agreeably referred to as :: "genitalia"- such a person, whom should be feeling agreeably shameful and exposed before somebody else, as though that must be the expected reaction, is thought to be exclusively agreed upon, as a shameful act of exposure.

🕉If that is not agreed upon, and there are no feelings of shamefulness or exposure, then such a reaction is what has been decidedly acceptable, in such a particular situation.

🕉All situations that are believed to be separate encounters between what are thought to be separate encounters that can occur with another separate person, is filled with all manner of such dualities.

🕉That is only what is apparently appearing to be happening, once a self-conjured, conjured self, has agreed upon existing as a separate person, that claims its very own existence, to be separate from everybody and everything else, via all manner of innumerable conditional dualities, that are all believed to be thought about, as separately and agreeably so, when that is not the case.

🕉Nobody exists separately :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody else and no-thing else. There is no separation. One without a second.

🕉The self conjured, conjured self, simply believes in all manner of conditional dualities, because it wholeheartedly believes in its very own personally separate existence, and that everybody else, is also believed to be existing separately of their very own free will, accord, and volition.

🕉It does not question, what are believed to be one's very own personal beliefs, as what is believed to be one's very own self-identification :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.

🕉The self conjured, conjured self, does not include that which is inseparably not so. The self conjured, conjured self, accepts and believes in its very own exclusiveness of conditional dualities, that are believed to be comprised and included, with one's very own independent, and personal existence, as one's very own personal life, that is believed to be always happening, as innumerable, and separately so happenings, that are seemingly happening, at all times :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself, and everybody, and everything else, that is also thought to be permanently so.

🕉The activity of perceiving perceptions is self-conjured, and believed to be as though there are separate perceivers perceiving perceptions that are believed to be separate happenings. And as though such separate happenings are claimed to be happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody.

🕉Everything and nothing is inseparably so and not so. Perceptions are conjured :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which believes there are separate perceivers, who are perceiving perceptions that happen.

🕉It has never been necessary for any type of perception to be conjured. It is only believed to be so, by the self-conjured, conjured self, who believes they are perceiving perceptions, as though such perceptions are happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, the individual whom believes they are a separate perceiver of perceptions.

🕉Everything and nothing that is inseparably so and not so, requires no separate perceivers of perceptions, as everything and nothing had already always been happening, regardless of claims that are conjured :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which believes it is a separate perceiver of self-conjured perceptions.

🕉"Now" is simply a term used to describe time as another parameter, referred to as :: "now." Just as the "past" is likened to one parameter and the "future" as another parameter.

🕉Those differentials can also be described in a similar fashion, whenever using English speech regarding "space." Insofar, as in relation to a place for something to exist upon, in some particular fixed position, using other types of descriptive words for parameters such as :: "here"; "there"; "near" and "far."

🕉There are no fixed positions "in" space and time to begin and end with. There are no exclusivities that imply there is one with a second one, that exists upon one point in space and time, and then moves over to another specific position, to exist upon another point "in" space and time.

🕉There is no separation. Everything and nothing, just apparently appears to be this, that, or some other way, as particular appearances :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is not separate, as though it is independently existing, as a terminally unique and exclusive self conjured, conjured self, whom must believe that there can be something exclusively so or something exclusively not so.

🕉Infinity apparently appearing as finite-ness. Everything, that apparently appears as something, is neither exclusively so or not exclusively so. Simply because it is both, so AND not so. Everything no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing. Everything and nothing is inseparably so and not so, as the infinitudinal complexification of "The Absolute" ~Brahman.

🕉There is "seeing"; "what's seen" and the "seer." The seer is believed to be that "Conjured Self" that conjures the idea to believe it is a separate exclusive "seer" of that which it is seeing, as "what's seen."

🕉That's not what's happening. We are the activity of "seeing" in all spaces, and at all times. What's seen, is that which is seen by what is facilitating sight, which is what we are not. What we are not, is a body-mind / action figure appearance, as a temporally, temporary unit of local, humanly corporeal, qualia consciousness energy form, that is used to facilitate sight, with eyes that facilitate sight, likened to a pair of binoculars.

🕉The "Energy Field" as what we are, is an "Essence" as that which is blending-in with the activity of "seeing" and neither is that exclusively subjectified as a single, permanent subject, that is thought to be seen as though it is a permanently separate person - nor is it an exclusively permanent, objectified body-mind / action figure.

🕉It is both "in" this world, and not "of" this world, all at the same time - inseparably so and not so; real and unreal; knowable and unknowable.

🕉We are that which is likened to an "Energy Field" that is merely temporally temporarily appearing as a projection; and / or as a manifestation of energy, and / or as a humanly corporeal life-form, that seemingly appears, disappears, and re-appears "in" space and time, but is also simultaneously not "of" space and time.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, always represents itself, as a separately, terminally unique individual, whom uses subjects and objects to justify what it believes to be exclusively so, as its very own terminally unique, personal existence.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self believes in its very own self-conjured beliefs of terminal uniqueness, by accepting all relationships, that are believed to be relationships with other separate, terminally unique, individuals, that agree with each other, that they are existing upon a shared reality, that is filled with other separate individual people.

🕉That is believed to be exclusively so, in such exclusive dualistic ways, although the self-conjured, conjured self, maintains the belief that people are simultaneously having their very own personal experiences, of their very own personal lives, along with the lives of others.

🕉And, that that is exclusively so and agreed upon, to be believed, that they are sharing a shared reality, despite that it is a self-conjured reality, whenever it is believed that the mere appearances of seemingly separate body-minds / action figures, are instead, believed to be exclusively so.

🕉Exclusively so, based on personal self-conjured entertained ideas and beliefs, that the mere appearances of human corporeal body-mind, action figures, are instead, believed to be terminally unique, permanently real, and separate individual people, when that is not exclusively so.

🕉It is actually both so and not so. Everything is not exclusively real. Everything and nothing is instead, both simultaneously real and unreal; observable and unobservable; knowable and unknowable : to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody in particular, with no meanings; reasons, and purposes, since everything and nothing is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉And yet, that which claims it is aware of its own ability and inability to know, that which is deemed as knowable, is STILL just another stubborn conjuring :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a self-conjured, conjured self, whom claims they believe that they are in possession of a particular type of "liberating realisation."

🕉No-body has to seek liberation, simply be-cause there is no-body whom independently exists, as a separate living entity, that can seek anything of its own free will, accord, and volition, and then use that to believe that it is supporting its very own especially unique, self conjured claims to be in possession of it's very own degree of "liberating realisation."

🕉Every humanly corporeal body-mind complex action figure, believes it is making its very own apparent appearances, that are not self-realised, as temporally temporarily appearing, for an indeterminate duration, that is seemingly "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.

🕉And yet, the self-conjured, conjured self continues to perpetuate the idea of permanence. It has yet to recognise the impermanent nature as a temporally, temporary, human corporeal energy form, that is seemingly, permanently endowed, with a self-conjured idea of permanent liberation.

🕉That is instead, an energy field, that is boundless and timeless, as one of innumerable energy forms, that are expressing as the liberating energetic movements, that have always already been immersed; coalescing; mixing; blending; and merging with "The Absolute" ~Brahman all along - "in" all spaces and all times, and not "of" all space and all times, throughout the apparent appearances of the Infinite Universe, as everything and nothing inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉The "You"; "Me"; "I"; "Us"; "We"; "Them"; and "They" and all other English words as so-called "self-identification" pronouns :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around, is precisely that, that is thought to be self-convincingly believed as a self-conjured, conjured self, that over-looks and "miss-takes" life, to instead become riddled with terminal uniqueness of believing it possesses the freedom to claim its very own body and mind to do with it as it so pleases, because it supports the idea of believing it was born to live life, as a separate human being, with free will, choice, accord, and volition, that will give its very own life, all the meaning that it will ever need to have.

🕉It will believe this to be exclusively so, by simply claiming to know all about its very own personal experiences, of a life that it believes it can live, by its very own virtue, accord, and volition of free will and choice, to claim its very own personal experiences as one's very own life.

🕉And that it can and will do so, simply by self-conjuring all ideas that support how and why it is terminally unique and special, compared to all other separate people, in what is believed to be a shared reality that is filled with separate things, and separate places to go and personal experiences of life to be lived, as a separately unique, self-sustainable, self-managing, and self-confident, independent human being, with a body and mind of its very own, to experience a life of its very own, filled with personal experiences.

🕉That can never be successfully accomplished :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody. That is simply so and not so, because nobody controls life as it apparently appears to be a natural flow of everything and nothing, that apparently appears as absolutely everything and nothing that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum, for no particular reason, meaning, and purpose :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉"Existence" is an apparent appearance of that which is thought to be believed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around that which believes it is observing; witnessing, and perceiving life, as a self conjured, conjured self.

🕉And that we are each independently believing to be as a separate observer, witness-er, and perceiver of life, as though life is comprised of living things, that are believed to be appearing, as the "existence" of life, that are each apparently appearing to be making their very own appearances, as though of their own free will, accord, and volition, as permanent living things, that are believed to be each existing as independent living things, that are also thought to be existing upon permanent states of "existence" as life.

🕉Most so-called "Neo-Advaitins" seemingly appear to be a type of humanly corporeal appearance, as a minority within an apparent appearance of a shared societal reality structure, unlike most of all other types of humanly corporeal manifestations, as the majority who self-conjure agreed beliefs, that they all belong to a mutually agreed type of societal structure, believed to be filled with terminally unique individuals.

🕉And that each of such individuals, self-conjure agreements that they were born, with a beginning of their very own life. They self-identify a self-conjured agreement to accept and believe in being assigned their very own unique birth name and birth rite, with a personally issued birth certificate of authenticity, that is convincingly accepted and believed to be a very special, uniquely, personal profile :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after oneself.

🕉And that one day, their life will end, and be issued a death certificate. Those are simply presuppositions that have been handed-down through many generations of body-mind action figures, that agreed to enforce self-conjured ideas, that life has meaning, reason, and purpose :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which self-conjures beliefs in what is presumed to be one's very own body and mind, to experience a life of one's very own, with free will, choice, accord, and volition, to do so, by choosing to claim personal experiences of a self-conjured life believed to be one's very own.

🕉"We" are and are not apparent appearances of energetic movements as energy fields, manifesting as humanly corporeal, temporally, temporary, manifestations as humanly corporeal energy forms, that are believed to be apparently appearing, as appearances of energy forms, that are resonating upon innumerable frequencies of resonances, that cannot be understood, and will always remain unknowable :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after no-body.

🕉And yet, all such presuppositions never have any bearing upon "The Absolute." Since "The Absolute" is not only comprised of all that is believed to be the "Existence" of everything that is thought to be witnessed; observed, and experienced as though it is experiencing its very own existence, is "miss-taking" life, to be that which can be experienced by independent living things, when it is both, to include that which is no-thing independently existing of its own accord and volition as well.

🕉"The Absolute" is and is not, that which is inseparably so AND not so, ad infinitum. "The Absolute" is the very "Existence" of all existences of absolutely everything no-thing-ing, and no-thing every-thing-ing, ad infinitum :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after no-body, and for no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than the accord and volition as "The Absolute" ~Brahman continuously apparently appears as all appearances that are inseparably so and not so, as always ALL ways, infinitudinally complexified as everything and nothing in particular. There is no separation - one without a second.

🕉Whatever is conjured :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, that which takes itself to be a separate, individual dreamer, is what we are not, and is what's not ever happening.

🕉We are the animating principle that enlivens the apparent appearances of an "action figure" / "body-mind complex" as what is seemingly thought to be believed as a separate, personal "life-like [ dream ] of life experiences," as though life is being lived, as an independent, individual body-mind / action figure, when that is simply the apparent appearances of a body-mind complex / action figure, that self-conjures ideas of believing that it is a separate, individual dreamer, that is personally experiencing their very own dream, as a life of its very own.

🕉We are the dreamings of a dream, that is thought to be a life of our very own to experience, that has caused us to forget we are the "dreamings" that are mistakenly taken to be individual dreamers, who are thought to be living a life of their very own, when that was never the case to begin or end with - Since there are to a life that will permanently end.

🕉Neither is permanently so, since we are not "of" space and time. Life is thereby taken as my very own life to live as I please, because I am aware of my very own terminally unique, specialised self, as an individual person, with a free will of my very own, to exercise my very own life, with my very own accord and volition. That's pre-fabricated self-conjured content of a dream, that is not permanently so. That is not what's happening. That is only seemingly happening, as a narrative of what is thought to be permanently real and exclusively, solidly happening, with a beginning and an eventual ending, that has and will be happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after myself.

🕉Nothing matters to; by; for, and from nobody. Nobody is required to "make points" about any particular subject matter. Nobody is neither right or wrong about anything subjectively and objectively expressed in any language.

🕉All the dualities, of right and wrong; good and bad; black and white, this way or that way, etc. do not ever matter to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉There is simply no separation of absolutely anything that apparently appears to be something separate from everything else. Nothing stands alone as anything thought to be exclusively real or exclusively unreal.

🕉"The Absolute" ~Brahman includes absolutely everything and nothing, as infinitudinal complexification of all apparent appearances as everything and nothing inseparably always, ALL Ways, as an Infinite Universe filled with "Empty Fullness."

🕉There is nobody anywhere to be found, upon fixed positions, "in" space and time, who are required to be knowers of that which must be understood about "The Absolute" ~Brahman.

🕉Nobody is a separate knower of "The Absolute" ~Brahman. Nobody knows that which is presumed to be an understanding about "The Absolute" ~Brahman since there are no separate knowers, who are required to understand about "The Absolute" ~Brahman, since "The Absolute" ~Brahman is always, in All Ways, already complete, whole, perfect, and fulfilled, as absolutely everything and nothing that simultaneously arises, as inseparably so and not so, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉Nobody is feeling compassion, as a separate compassionate person, whom needs to be self-aware, that they are the knower, that is knowing about their own way of being compassionate, as though they are independently knowing that they are being compassionate about a person, or a group of people, who are thought to be separate from everybody and everything else. And that they believe that they are the knowers and doers of compassion.

🕉Everything and nothing is always, in All Ways, already "The Absolute" that arises as absolutely anything that is thought to be something independently and separately so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a self-conjured, conjured self, who believes that they are to be a separate person or that there are separate groups of people around themselves, who are thought to be compassionate people, or that a person can become a compassionate person if they try to make an effort of being compassionate in some way, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after separate people.

🕉There have never been, nor will there ever be, separate groups of people, who are exclusively, physically real, and separately so. There are simply temporally temporary apparent appearances, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, as absolutely everything and nothing, that includes the human corporeal form, that can apparently appear to arise, as though there are separate individual observers; perceivers, and knowers of that which is not happening to; by; for, and from nobody, who are believed to be claiming that they are knowers, perceivers and observers, as people who are thought to be both independently observing, knowing, and perceiving that they can be compassionate people.

🕉There is simply compassion. There is no compassion, to; by; for, and from a separate somebody. Nobody is knowing that they are compassionate. Nobody is doing compassion. There is simply compassion, that is not required to be claimed by a separate compassionate person, who is claiming to believe that they are being compassionate, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a compassionate person or with a separate group of compassionate people. There is no separation of anything. "The Absolute" is both everything and nothing inseparable, ad infinitum.

🕉Nothing matters to nobody. Nobody is required to "make points" about any particular subject matter. Nobody is neither right or wrong about anything.

🕉All the dualities, of right and wrong; good and bad; black and white, this, that, or some other way, never matters to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉There is simply no separation of absolutely anything that apparently appears to be something separate from everything else. One without a second. Non-conceptualised awareness. Nothing stands alone as anything thought to be exclusively real or exclusively unreal.

🕉"The Absolute" includes absolutely everything and nothing, as infinitudinal complexification of all apparent appearances as always, ALL Ways, as an Infinite Universe filled with "Empty Fullness."

🕉The "Conjured Self" cannot escape out of an imaginary world, that it takes to be its own reality and pre-supposes that all outer apparent appearances of humanly corporeal manifestations, are other individual people. The "Conjured Self" believes that they are naturally claiming the apparent appearances of a body, as they stand before any mirror, to visibly observe, what they believe is their own mirror image of what they are, as their very own body, to do with that body as they please.

🕉The "Conjured Self" also believes that they have their own original thoughts, that have been created in a mind of their very own, with free will and choice, to live out a life that is also considered to be a life of their very own, to live and experience any kind of experiences of their own choosing.

🕉No-body lives a life of their own. Life is simply lived thru the apparent appearances of the human form. That is unnoticeable to, by, for, and from a "Conjured Self" whom claims that they are living a life of their very own, and that their reality is being shared by all other people that they believe are also experiencing that same exact type of reality that they are experiencing, as though life is lived as a shared reality.

🕉That is not what's happening. No-body is experiencing a shared reality with no-body else. It is a presupposition that life is a shared reality of exclusivity, that there is an exclusively real, and physically solid world that is happening the same way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after other people as well. And that that is being equally experienced by every-body else. That is not so. It is actually both so AND not so. There is absolutely no exclusivity that is associated with "The Absolute."

🕉You are not a single individual person, that has been convinced to believe and go along with the idea, that every-body must be labelled and branded and documented with a certification of authenticity, to be mandatorily certified, and / or issued, their very own birth certificate, that contains their very own birth-name and birth-rite, to use throughout their life, as though we must believe that that situation is what life is all about.

🕉And that that situation in life, cannot be any other way, as that seems to be. And that every humanly corporeal body-mind, must believe that they are required to conform with maintaining that idea of being labelled; categorised; issued a birth certificate; and other so-called "legal documents" in order to eventually be-come an economically viable person, within the "grid" of a societal structure.

🕉Then there is the acceptance of beliefs, conjured by popularised appointed self-governed delegates, involved in governmental activities, as self-conjured regulators of all civil matters, on behalf of the average citizen in society. And that each of us must naturally claim, without question, ownership of our very own separate body-mind.

🕉And that each of us, are to continually be, in the act of "seeing" that which we believe our-self to be, as exclusively real, and physically solid. And that our very own life began when our body was born, and that our lives will end once these body-minds die, from this "dream-like reality-base" and right into some other type of reality-frame, throughout the Infinite Universe- that is believed to be exclusively real; knowable; observable; tangible; and all the other [ "ah-bulls" ] associated with being a single, individual person in the world, that is presumed to be an exclusively real and solidified, shared reality-frame.

🕉Those body-minds, that can be standing before a mirror, are convinced that that body-mind is all that they are, stood before them-self, when no-thing was ever exclusively that way to begin with. Thoughts that are entertained, can simply be entertained and considered to be thought about, in one of innumerable ways. And that any-body can think about a thought, in some particular way, simply be-cause the self-conjured, conjured self believes that absolutely every-thing must be in some particular fashion.

🕉You are never stood before a mirror, simply be-cause, that projection, is bouncing off no-thing, and re-organising the reflection, thought to be seen in a mirror, as an interpretation of that which is looking upon a reflection of a body-mind, that is not exclusively real, but is instead, both simultaneously real and unreal; observable and unobservable; knowable and unknowable, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, as a human corporeal unit of local qualia consciousness energy, that is simply an appearance, as a projection of what is exclusively thought to be you, but was never you to begin with.

🕉You are not that exclusive projection as an energetic movement from an energy field. We, as expressions of energy forms, are energy fields, interpreted by minds of body-minds, believing every cognised thought, from the mental thought system, that constantly informs us of the way every-thing should or should not appear to be, in a shared reality with every-body else, in a particular frame of mind, that is believed to be happening:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a body-mind / action figure / self conjured, conjured self, that is apparently appearing to be seen before mirrors.

🕉And that it has free will and choice of its own accord and volition; to live-out it's very own personal life as it sees fit; under its very own terms and conditions- to cognise; interpret; rationalise; and express, via a spoken language, that is spoken:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a single self conjured, conjured self, believed to be independently standing alone.

🕉And that that is always in the act of believing that it must maintain the use of innumerable forms of expression, to express subjectivities and objectivities, regarding all dualities that are believed to matter most:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after it-self, that it will ever talk about and / or discuss, as subjectivities and objectivities that are believed to be claimed and / or possessed:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself. The human corporeal appearance, as a body-mind projection, is simply temporally temporarily appearing "in" space and time, that is also not "of" space and time.

🕉What is mostly so often overlooked:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is "what you are not" believes it is existing within in a reality-base or "World" that is believed to be filled with rights and wrongs...and innumerable other dualities.

🕉There is nobody anywhere to be found, in some fixed position, "in" space and time, who can claim that they are right and wrong about anything.

🕉And yet, that which claims it is aware of its own ability and inability to know, that which is deemed as knowable, is STILL just another stubborn self-conjured conjuring, that is:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a self-conjured, conjured self, whom claims that they are in the act of believing that they are in possession of a particular type of "liberating realisation."

🕉No-body has to seek liberation, simply be-cause there is no-body whom independently exists, as a separate living entity, that can seek anything of its own free will, accord, and volition, and then use that to believe that it is supporting its very own especially unique, self conjured claims to be in possession of it's very own degree of "liberating realisation."

🕉Every humanly corporeal body-mind complex action figure / self conjured, conjured self, believes that it can produce its very own apparent appearances, that are not self-realised, as temporally temporarily appearing, for an indeterminate duration, that is seemingly "in" space and time, but is also not "of" space and time.

🕉And yet, the self-conjured, conjured self continues to perpetuate the idea of permanence. It has yet to recognise the impermanent nature as a temporally, temporary, human corporeal energy form, as a manifestation that is seemingly, permanently endowed, with self-conjured ideas of terminal uniqueness, as though they have somehow become "permanently liberated."

🕉That is instead, an energy field, that is boundless and timeless, as one of innumerable energy forms, that are expressing, as "liberating energetic movements," that have always already been in the act of immersing; coalescing; mixing; blending; and merging with 'The Absolute' ~Brahman all along - "in" all spaces and all times, and not "of" all spaces and all times, throughout the apparent appearances of the Infinite Universe, that is apparently appearing as a Finite Universe of Finiteness, as everything and nothing that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉The "You"; "Me"; "I"; "Us"; "We"; "Them"; and "They" and all other English words as so-called "self-identification" pronouns :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after is precisely that, that is thought to be self-convincingly believed as a self-conjured, conjured self, that over-looks and "miss-takes" life, to instead become riddled with terminal uniqueness of believing it possesses the freedom to claim its very own body and mind to do with it as it so pleases, because it supports the idea of believing it was born to live life, as a separate human being, with free will, choice, accord, and volition, that will give its very own life, all the meaning that it will ever need to have.

🕉It will believe this to be exclusively so, by simply claiming to know all about its very own personal experiences, of a life that it believes it can live, by its very own virtue, accord, and volition of free will and choice, to claim its very own personal experiences as one's very own life.

🕉And that it can and will do so, simply by self-conjuring all ideas that support how and why it is terminally unique and special, compared to all other separate people, in what is believed to be a shared reality that is filled with separate things, and separate places to go and personal experiences of life to be lived, as a separately unique, self-sustainable, self-managing, and self-confident, independent human being, with a body and mind of its very own, to experience a life of its very own, filled with personal experiences.

🕉That can never be successfully accomplished :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody. There is simply that which is apparently appearing as inseparably so and not so, because nobody controls life, as life apparently appears, as a natural flow of everything and nothing, that apparently appears as absolutely everything and nothing that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum, for no particular reasons, meanings, and purposes :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉"Existence" is an apparent appearance of that which is thought to be believed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after that which believes it is observing; witnessing, and perceiving life, as a self conjured, conjured self.

🕉And that we are each independently believing to be as a separate observer, witness-er, and perceiver of life, as though life is comprised of living things, that are believed to be appearing, as the "existence" of life, that are each apparently appearing to be making their very own appearances, as though of their own free will, accord, and volition, as permanent living things, that are believed to be each existing as independent living things, that are also thought to be existing upon permanent states of "existence" as life.

🕉Most so-called "Neo-Advaitins" seemingly appear to be a type of humanly corporeal appearance, as a minority within an apparent appearance of a shared societal reality structure, unlike most of all other types of humanly corporeal manifestations, as the majority who self-conjure agreed beliefs, that they all belong to a mutually agreed type of societal structure, believed to be filled with terminally unique individuals.

🕉And that each of such individuals, self-conjure agreements that they were born, with a beginning of their very own life. They self-identify a self-conjured agreement to accept and believe in being assigned their very own unique birth name and birth rite, with a personally issued birth certificate of authenticity, that is convincingly accepted and believed to be a very special, uniquely, personal profile :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after what is believed to be one's very own self-realised "Higher Self" or "Core Self."

🕉And that one day, their life will end, and be issued a death certificate. Those are simply pre-suppositions that have been handed-down through many generations of body-mind action figures, that have agreed to reinforce self-conjured ideas, that life has meaning, reason, and purpose :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which self-conjures beliefs in what is presumed to be one's very own self-proclaimed body and mind, to experience a life of one's very own, with free will, choice, accord, and volition, to do so, by choosing to claim exclusively real personal experiences, as an independent, self-regulating, self-conjured life, that is believed to be one's very own life to live.

🕉"We" are and are not apparent appearances of energetic movements as energy fields, manifesting as humanly corporeal, temporally, temporary, manifestations, as humanly corporeal energy forms, that are believed to be apparently appearing, as appearances of energy forms, that are resonating upon innumerable frequencies of resonances, that cannot be understood, and will always remain unknowable :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after no-body.

🕉And yet, all such presuppositions never have any bearing upon "The Absolute." Since "The Absolute" is not only comprised of all that is believed to be the "Existence" of everything that is thought to be witnessed; observed, and experienced as though it is experiencing its very own existence, is "miss-taking" life, to be that which can be experienced by independent living things, when it is both, to include that which is no-thing independently existing of its own accord and volition as well.

🕉"The Absolute" is and is not, that which is inseparably so AND not so, ad infinitum. "The Absolute" is the very "Existence" of all existences of absolutely everything no-thing-ing, and no-thing every-thing-ing, ad infinitum :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after no-body, and for no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than the accord and volition as 'The Absolute' ~Brahman, that consistently and continuously apparently appears, as always ALL Ways of Initudinal Complexifications, as ALL apparent appearances, that are inseparably so and not so, as always in ALL ways, infinitudinally complexified, as everything and nothing, inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum. There is no separation. There is simply one without a second.

🕉Everything and nothing, is both real and unreal and neither real and unreal, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before and after nobody. Nobody stands alone, whom is apparently appearing to matter more or less than somebody else, who is believed to be standing alone by themself, with no apparent reasons, meanings, and purposes, other than that which is 'The Absolute' ~Brahman, that is always, in ALL Ways, arising as that which is already everything and nothing inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉Since there is no-body anywhere to be found, upon fixed positions "in" space and time, there can never be anybody, anywhere to be found, who can be claiming about anything that is believed to be exclusively knowable :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which believes that it is in the act of knowing all about being right or wrong about the idea that it is living a life of its very own, under its very own uniquely so, terms and conditions of free will, accord, and volition.

🕉And that that will nevertheless, continuously conjure innumerable ideas, that they are of contentions as someone who exists within an exclusively solid, and physical reality, as an exclusively real reality, that is thought to be a shared reality, with an approximate countenance of 7 - 8 billion or so, other separate apparent appearances of humanly corporeal, body-mind action figures - who are all seemingly arguing and debating with each other, as imaginary fictitious characters, within one of innumerable versions of a "Story of Earth."

🕉Everything and nothing is inseparably so and not so, with no meanings, reasons, and purposes, behind any particular thought, or groups of thoughtd, that are believed to be entertained:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a self-conjured, conjured self's, self-perpetuated, fictitious interpretations, that are believed to be:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody believed to be originally; terminally; uniquely special.

🕉The human corporeal appearance, as a body-mind projection, is simply temporally temporarily appearing "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time. Humanly corporeal appearances, have never been exclusively real; physically solid; exclusively observable; exclusively knowable; and exclusively important. And as though they must also include the claiming of an independent free will and choice of their very own.

🕉Energetic projections of humanly corporeal body-minds, have simply been mistaken as individuated; self-managed; self-regulated; self-sustained individual entities, as though they are separate people existing within a shared reality, that is just a temporary temporal dream, that apprehends consciousness, as a mental thought system and can make a reference about that with :: "If I can think and know about my-self, therefore I must always be in the act of knowing that I exist and live as a separate person."

🕉I believe that I and every-body else, must be pre-supposedly existing separately from every-body and every-thing else. And that there are no separate body-minds that exist independently of them-selves. Every-thing and no-thing is inseparably so and not so, as the "default position" of the Infinitudinally Complexified Infinite Universe. The Infinite, that apparently appears to arise, as Finiteness.

🕉Absolutely every-thing, is simply apparently or seemingly appearing to be visibly observable, in some particular way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after innumerable body-minds / action figures / self conjured, conjured selves, that are simply apparently appearing to be the content of Finiteness, as:: mingling; coalescing; oscillating; blending; mixing; amalgamating; immersing; convoluting; extrapolating; fusing; and all other "ings" that could ever be stated, using any language to express, with 'The Absolute' ~Brahman - that is always, consistently, constantly, apparently appearing as an "Infinite Universe" of "Infinitudinal Complexification," ad infinitum.

🕉Body-minds pre-suppose to claim that :: "If I can think about this body-mind, that I believe that "I Am," that is seemingly in the act of "seeing" "my very own reflection" of such a body-mind, that is believed to belong to myself, as a self-professed, self-proclaimation about my very own image, that is gazed upon in any mirror, then surely such reflections, are reflections of "I Am-ness; as me; my-self, and/or I."

🕉That is one of the main miss-takes, that we are exclusively those temporally temporary human corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy form reflections in mirrors, as manifestations of body-minds / action figures / self conjured, conjured selves, when we are not that to begin or end with.

🕉It is especially in the English language, that perpetuates and reinforces those miss-takes as exclusively real and truthfully honest beliefs, that are also pre-supposedly believed to be exclusively permanent and true, when that has never been the case to begin with all along.

🕉Absolutely every-thing is just both simultaneously seemingly so, and not both simultaneously seemingly so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after no-body, and to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after no reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of the accord and volition, as "The Absolute" apparently appears to arise as absolutely every-thing "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, ad infinitum.

🕉"Great things we seem to do, and even greater things than that which we have thought to have been doing, are now recognised were never done." Every-body is seemingly capable of seemingly "doing" great things, simply be-cause, all "humanly corporeal, temporally temporary units of local qualia consciousness energy forms," that are apparently appearing and not apparently appearing, visibly observable in mirrors, for an impermanently indeterminate duration, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, are as activities of being-ness; or as the "is-ness-ing" of time-less-ness; name-less; bound-less, energetic movements.

🕉And that everything and nothing that is inseparably so and not so, is consistently and constantly mingling as absolutely every-thing and no-thing, inspearably so and not so, throughout the "Infinite Universe of Infinitudinally Complexified Empty Fullness" and as absolutely every living representation, of absolutely every-thing, that can apparently appear to arise, as both real and un-real; observable and un-observable; knowable and un-knowable, as no single individual living thing, but as ALL "living things" - for no apparent reasons, meanings, and purposes.

🕉There is perpetual salvation from "non-existent things." What more do you want?! Besides, if there are wants and needs that are being requested by some-body...ask whom is that person or entity, that is claiming it has expectations of wants and needs in the first place. Look upon no-thing, as though the act of looking upon some-thing, is likened to be seemingly receiving a gift from no-body, that is somehow capable of perpetually giving no-thing in return.

🕉You are not that, that is claiming to be a separate person, as an entity with wants and needs of your very own. We are not "whoms." We are "whats" that happen to be apparent energetic movements, as non-local qualia consciousness energy fields, temporally temporarily appearing "in" space and time, for an impermanently, indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, ad infinitum.

🕉Are you a separate, exclusively real individual person, whom is separate from every-body and every-thing else? Are you independently separate and exclusively real, from other separate things and other separate people, in a reality that you are sharing, with what you believe to be a reality, that is exclusively comprised of other separate things, and other separate living entities, as other exclusively real and separate people, who are thought to be separate from other exclusively separate and exclusively real people, who are also in agreement to be claiming that they too are a part of such an exclusively real, physical reality, that is thought to be convincingly so, and believed to be continuously in the act of seeking to acquire wants and needs:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after what is believed to be one's very own exclusively real and personal presence.

🕉And that that is supporting and applying its very own self-conjured meanings, reasons, and purposes, that are thought to be self-conjured, self-experiential experiences, of a reality, that is thought to be of our very own design. And that that is also accompanied by the idea, that an individual person is in possession of their very own body and mind.

🕉And that each of us are born to presumably claim a separate and exclusively real, physical body and mind of our very own, that is expected to be willingly acceptable, without question, regarding its very own certificate of authenticity, as a birth certificate, that includes a birth name and birth rite, that is expected to be naturally acceptable, and based on self-conjured claims of one's very own free will, choice, accord, and volition, to substantiate one's very own life experiences and perceptions, that are pre-supposedly believed to be exclusively:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a self-conjured, conjured self's claims of one's very own exclusively real and personal presence of being-ness / existentialism.

🕉This is how and why the apparent self-conjured, conjured self, believes that it must justify its very own reasons, meanings, and purposes:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a self-conjured, conjured self's, self-conjured affirmations, regarding what it construes as self-evidential evidence, of its very own separate existence, as self-perpetuated, self-regulated, self-conjurings, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after an imaginary place that does not exist as exclusively real, for no-body.

🕉No-body is "say-ing" any-thing, as though some-body, as a permanent, individual, physically solid person, is in some fixed position, "in" space and time, stating statements, in a particular language, as though that needs to matter, when there is absolutely no-body any-where to be found, "in" space and time, as though some-body is some-where, speaking words that matter, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after some-body, that is believed to be presumably existing upon some fixed position, "in" space and time as:: "some exclusively special place as:: "here" or "there."

🕉Those are simply subjective and objective thoughts, that are thought to be so, via a self-conjured, conjured self's beliefs, that they have a mind of their own, with free will and choice, to experience a life of their own, filled with ideas of subjects and objects to learn about, and call that "my knowledge" of what needs to be known and what needs to be done about this and that, when no-thing needs to be done about any-thing, and no-thing needs to be known about absolutely every-thing that is simply an appearance, as time apparently appears to be timing appearances of every-thing, out of no-thing, from no-where, as every-thing arises, for no-body and no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.

🕉Although, a recognition can seemingly be cognised, that the story that had been self-conjured, by a self-conjured self, that believed it had been living as a separate independent self-centered, self-managed, individually self-sufficient, self-conjured, conjured self, in a world of dualism and a self-generated dream-like reality, that had once been believed to be exclusively associated with the real-ness of cause and effect; subjectivity; objectivity; physicality; one's own self-identification of claiming their very own body-mind / action figure; with free will and choice to exist as a separate person, in a world it believes is filled with exclusive dualities; and that life is always happening:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before and after an individual person to be spending time, "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, believing that it must seek personal experiences, when that is only part of what is seemingly so, but not entirely so.

🕉There are no self-proclaimed non-duality teachers necessary to organise "talks" / "satsangs" that need to teach what Advaita Vedanta is all about, as though it is a teaching that needs to be shared among others, within an un-real portrayal of a societal structure that does not exist. It only apparently appears to exist and is seemingly reinforced, via groups of self-conjured, conjured selves, that are in agreement that non-duality needs to be construed as a teaching.

🕉In view of those apparent appearances of human corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy forms, that are apparently appearing as temporally temporary appearances, that are visibly observable in mirrors, are seemingly so and not so, for an impermanent, indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.

🕉And that that can also be similarly expressed by so-called self-professed "spiritual teachers" believed to be expressing "spiritual teachings" that are apparently appearing to be stemming from separate groups of self-conjured belief systems, that are in agreement as separate groups of self-conjured, conjured selves, that are seemingly perpetuating ideas that there must be engagements of activities that need to be available for seekers seeking liberation, to include conjuring of "spiritual paths" and methods of "spiritual teachings" as though such "spiritual teachings" are going to help seekers find that which they already are, from that which they are not, since the seeker has always been the sought all along.

🕉That which you are not, cannot be claimed as a pre-supposition that life is happening:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a separate exclusively, permanent, physically solid mortal body-mind / action figure / self-conjured, conjured self, as though each body-mind / action figure self-conjured, conjured self belongs to individual people in same exclusively real physically permanent world, that is not thought to be a dream-like reality, but as though it is an exclusively real and permanent reality, for separate people to each experience life for themselves.

🕉Even when there is an apparent recognition that "you" were never the self-conjured idea, as a separate sense of a self, that had seemingly "fallen away;" "evaporated;" "partially liberated;" etc... as a self-conjured conjured self, that had been supported by the mental thought system, to believe in the idea that life must be claimed to be: "my life to live under my own terms and conditions since I have free will and choice to control my own life as I see fit" and as though: "I have my own life to live, with free will and choice to live life for my-self" and to reinforce a belief that: "life is always happening to and for my-self, in order to gather my own personal experiences towards finding a better way of conditional life to live for myself to personally experience and add my own reasons, meanings, and purposes for life to be all about "you and me", as though life was intended to be lived for separate individual people, in a societal structure that had been conjured by groups of self-conjured, conjured selves, in agreement that a societal structure is exclusively real, and required for people to be fully engaged within that societal structure.

🕉Such ways of believing "you" are separate from every-body and every-thing else, reinforces such ideas of self-identification with what "you" are not, as self-conjured conjuring of self-importance, so that life can have an artificially self-conjured meaning, reason, and purpose for each self-conjured person to claim the energetic movements of engagement within that societal structure, under specific conditions, for people to claim self-conjured experiences of life in some particular way.

🕉And that that needs to support the idea of personally separate self-importance. Once there has been a recognition of an apparent collapse of a "me" then the immediacy of recognition is fully realized that there never was a separate person, living their own life for them-self, no-where to be found in some fixed position "in" space and time, that held a separate free will and choice to do so, as what had always been no-thing more or less than a temporally temporary appearance, as a humanly corporeal appearance, as a body-mind / action figure, that had been believing in the idea of "you and me"; "you and I"; "he and she"; "us" and them."

🕉And as though we are separate from every-body and every-thing else, as a sense of a separate self, that can also run the risks of shifting over to entertaining other ideas that support believing that there can now be separate non-duality teachers in society, to use the message of non-duality, that is just a simple fact, that absolutely every-thing is non-separation, as what is and is what is not empty fullness, for no-body, and no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.

🕉All dualities as this and that, do not need to be turned into a teaching in any way, shape, or form, since every-thing is already whole, complete, and perfect, just as it has always been. No-thing is required to be added, and no-thing is necessary to be removed from every-thing that apparently appears to arise as life, of its own accord and volition, for no-body, and no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of however life arises as it will.

🕉Therefore, to self-profess that it is necessary to have non-duality teachers "who" are travelling around the world, to hold "talks"/"satsangs" can some-times seemingly be happening, as though it is helpful in some way to do so, when it is not meant to be neither helpful nor not helpful in some way to begin with.

🕉If I told "we" as "you" and "I" are exclusively not, "from" any specific fixed positions "in" space and time, "you" might not be able to understand or process such facts right away.

🕉"You" and "I" eventually tune-into enough "transmitters / receivers" or "transceivers" that are broadcasting / transmitting information clearly, properly, and strongly enough to reach "us" as properly calibrated "transceivers," so-to-speak, using these metaphors loosely.

🕉Some "transmitters / receivers" or "transceivers," that are set-up properly enough, will either continue to naturally broadcast / transmit from energy fields, that have a much stronger signal strength than the average transceiver, or will be properly calibrated enough or not, to be naturally transmitting and receiving signals, that are either transmitted properly and effectively enough, or not received properly and effectively enough.

🕉And that those "transceivers", that also happen to be properly "calibrated" enough, to generally, properly, and effectively transmit and receive "transceivers", using such metaphors loosely here, will either be properly transmitted or not properly transmitted, and properly received, or not properly received, every time a transmission is either transmitted or received.

🕉Everything that "we" pre-supposedly think "we" know, was learned :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which "we" are not, that had been unintentionally "covering-over" or "blocking" what "you and I" have always truly been all along.

🕉"Transceivers" that broadcast / receive upon particular frequency ranges, as energy fields, have yet to be effectively "transmitted" or "received" properly enough, onto the "television screens" of properly calibrated, powered-up "television monitors." [ using such analogies about body-minds / actions figures / self-conjured, conjured selves loosely here of course ]

🕉Not all energy fields are broadcasting, and transmitting properly and strongly enough, to reach all "transceivers" equally across the board, in exactly the same way, every time.

🕉Every apparent appearance, is likened to a "broadcasting signature" from an energy field, that "transmits audio information," that is normally transmitted from radio station frequencies, that naturally broadcast from respective frequency ranges, such as one energy field transmitting upon 89.9 megahertz, another upon 99.9 megahertz, and another broadcasting upon 105.7 - and so on and so forth.

🕉The essence of a humanly corporeal energy field, emits signals of transmissions, that are transmitted upon particular frequency ranges, likened to radio signals, that naturally transmit signals, upon specific frequency ranges.

🕉These are not always calibrated properly enough, to be either transmitted or received properly :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a particular frequency range, that is located upon a "dream-like reality-base platform," that is likened to a particular wavelength or construct, as a "3rd-dimensional construct" for example, that is analogous to one of innumerable radio frequency ranges and their respective radio wavelengths.

🕉It is likened to a beam of natural light from the sun or artificial light from a light bulb, that seemingly fills the space around it, provided that there are no apparent obstructions that can interfere with the illumination that saturates light upon those spaces that seemingly surround a particular energy field.

🕉It is seemingly seamless, regarding the illumination of natural light from the sun, or artificial light from a light bulb, that naturally radiates outwardly, seemingly into surrounding areas of space.

🕉So too are humanly corporeal energy fields, that radiate a particular strength of outward lumens of illumination, that are likened to the manner by which the sun radiates illuminations of ultraviolet light, on an obviously much smaller scale.

🕉Another similarly so example, on a seemingly, equivalently small scale, is how a light bulb's illuminations of artificial light, radiate lumens of illumination, in a similar fashion. Also notice how there are no seemingly specific edges, parameters, or boundaries, about such seamless illuminations of light, that cannot be visually detectable.

🕉There are seemingly seamless illuminations of natural energy fields, that are accompanied by innumerable "signatures" that also happen to be humanly corporeal in nature, is that which is seemingly what "we" are, as "we" outwardly radiate a particular frequency range of energy from the core of our being-ness, being-ness-ing radials of radiating emissions, upon a particular frequency range of resonance.

🕉An energy field is also likened to where "you and I" apparently appear to be appearing, as a humanly corporeal energy form, that happens to be seemingly visibly observable in mirrors, as a seemingly particular formation, of a humanly corporeal energy form.

🕉It is likened to hearing "white noise" on a television set that is powered on, but that has yet to be receiving or detecting a particular visual field of broadcasting information, to be visibly observable on a television screen, that might be broadcasting upon a particular television channel, so that the broadcasting information, can either be visibly observed or not visibly observable to appear onto the television monitor.

🕉It is also likened to hearing the "hiss" of "white static" on a radio receiver, that may or may not be tuned upon a particular frequency range, of a particular radio wavelength, using a particular type of radio receiving device, that has the capacity of receiving shortwave modulation; amplitudinal modulation, or frequency modulation, as 3 of the main examples of radio wavelengths.

🕉The modulated signal strength, needs to be strong enough, from of a radio station signal, so that it can be properly tuned into or received from a radio signal receiving device, as similarly mentioned here earlier, that is found in the 2nd; 3rd, and 4th paragraphs typed above.

🕉The so-called "Neo-Advaitin," is the metaphorical equivalent to a technician of electronic devices, that would understand how and why a particular television channel or radio station has yet to receive any live broadcasts, or how and why a radio receiver or television monitor is not properly picking-up any live broadcasting television channels or radio stations.

🕉"You" and "I" should consider remaining steadfast in "deprogramming" the self-conjured, conjured self, so-to-speak, that often convinces itself, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around what is believed to be an apparent appearance, as a humanly corporeal energy form, that is thought and believed to be a separate body-mind / action figure, that is not the essence of what we truly are.

🕉What "you" and "I" truly are, is that which is an "interconnectedly-phasic energy field," that is seemingly believed to be independently significant, with terminal uniqueness, singled-out and separate from everybody and everything else, as one of the main themes of information, that is imparted in the public schools, and other similarly set-up academic institutions, throughout the planet's societal structures.

🕉These types of curriculum, continue to be taught within the walls of numerous academic institutions, throughout the planet, that are construed as "specialised academic institutions," that are set-up to provide a particular type of knowledge, that continues to influence, what particular type of academia, is to be imparted to body-minds / action figures, that are to be accepted into the stream of societal structures.

🕉And that such societal structures, must thereby, either believe and accept such information as "absolute truth" that seemingly begins to program and condition, the unsuspecting self-conjured, conjured self, to be developed and supported or not, regarding what "you and I" must believe and be convinced to accept.

🕉And that "you" and "I" must desire to know about everything, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon and around, what is to be construed and accepted without questioning, to believe wholeheartedly, that "you" and "I" are separate from everybody and everything else, to have and to experience, a personal life, with our very own body-mind / action figure, to claim as our very own, with free will and choice, accord, and volition, to do with that body-mind /action figure, as we so please.

🕉And to wholeheartedly believe without question, that "you" and "I" are to live "our" very own personal lives, separately, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around each other, that must be accepted without any doubts, as personal experiences of life, that are to be pre-supposedly lived, and filled with personal experiences.

🕉And as that which is to be personally considered, supported, absorbed, integrated and reinforced, as a comprehensively personal, meaningful, purposeful, reasonable, and fundamental development :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around a self-conjured, conjured self, to any particular degree of significance, credence, or importance :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around a self-conjured, conjured self.

🕉Although, what is so often believed to be considered a world filled with humanly corporeal energy-fields, as self-conjured, conjured selves - that are all apparently appearing to be broadcasting upon particular frequency ranges, that are far too often construed to be comprised as humanly corporeal energy fields, that are not always broadcasting a signal output.

🕉And that that is not always strong enough of a signal, that can be audibly heard or detectable :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around, that which is considered to be so-called :: "white noise" as a "dream-reality," so-to-speak, using such an analogy loosely.

🕉It is also likened to a light bulb, that is inhibited to illuminate artificial light, because the electrical current may have yet to travel into a properly installed light-bulb [ self-conjured, conjured self ] so that the current can reach the filament, to produce radiation of illuminating lumens, so-to-speak.

🕉A so-called "Neo-Advaitin" can share that capacity of being-ness-ing that allows the "Neo-Advaitin" to notice how and why a particular humanly corporeal energy field, has yet to be effectively broadcasting its signal to its maximum, optimised, full potential.

🕉All messages of Advaita Vedanta / Nondualism, that are accessed from the Upanishads & Gitas, are likened to "technical manuals" that the "Neo-Advaitin" has been able to properly decipher and translate, or not able to properly decipher and translate, from applications of schematics, that are believed to be found in those "technical manuals" that may or may not be translated into explanations, so-to-speak.

🕉And, as though there have seemingly been, particular reasons; meanings, and purposes, as to how and why some body-minds / action figures, have yet to be broadcasting their respective signals :: to; by; for; fr; about; with; upon, and around their full potential, and not as a terminally unique self-conjured, conjured self, that believes it is instead, a separate self-conjured, conjured self, that is separate :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around everybody and everything else, replete with self-centeredness, and terminal uniqueness.

🕉If a "me" or what construes itself as a self-conjured "you" and "I" as "we" may or may not happen to believe, that "we" are separate self-conjured, conjured selves, that can often seemingly become too impatient with the pace by which non-dual information is being transmitted, from one of those "technical manuals" that are most often especially conveyed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around a "satsang environment."

🕉The clarity of acquisition to comprehensively comprehend an understanding of self-realisations cannot be properly conveyed, unless exposure to more further repetitive visits of other satsangs become a way of life :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around a self-conjured, conjured self, that will eventually "collapse" and / or "unravel."

🕉Such conditions are normally found to be present at the average satsang, if of course, such a satsang is stricken from operating upon specifically pre-ordained or planned objectives that are subjectively-based.

🕉Once the attendees of a satsang, as those self-conjured, conjured selves continue to question the Absolute" then the Neo-Advaitin hosting the satsang, will negotiate all natural interactions with those accompanied conjured selves who happen to be seemingly in attendance at the satsang, in order to most effectively "starve the questioner" towards an eventual "collapse" and "unravelling."

🕉If an attending self-conjured, conjured self at any satsang, is still riddled with terminal uniqueness, that has yet to express questions, whilst in attendance of any satsang, then, by the sheer simplicity of what is believed to be a terminally unique unwillingness:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around such a self-conjured, conjured self, will be substantially overlooked, even further, than how it had been terminally unique, prior to the attending self-conjured, conjured self, of the satsang, that had simply been another opportunity to "collapse" and / or "unravel."

🕉And then the self-conjured, conjured self, also overlooks how they are continuing to perpetuate further support and reinforcement of terminal uniqueness and self-identification, unbeknown :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around such a self-conjured, conjured self, that continues to support a belief, that it possesses its very own host, body-mind complex / action figure, as a terminally uniquely so, self-conjured, conjured self.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self is convinced to believe that it must support and reinforce beliefs that it must continue supporting its very own reinforcement of self-conjured beliefs, that are thought to be separate from everybody and everything else.

🕉And that it believes it is living a life of its very own personal life, with what is also believes to be its very own life to live, using its very own free will, choice, accord, and volition to do so, under its own terms and conditions, because it believes in its own delusions of grandeur and terminal uniqueness of separation.

🕉There is nothing in particular that a so-called Neo-Advaitin can teach to a self-conjured, conjured self, that is not exclusively real, "in" space and time, simply because it is not "of" space and time, as such a self-conjured, conjured self, believes that it is exclusively so, as though it is an exclusively real permanent being "of" space and time.

🕉And as though, such a self-conjured, conjured self, must continuously believe, to be pre-supposedly, as what it may or may not believe, to be exclusively so, or not exclusively so, instead of believing in the exclusivity of beliefs, that are not thought to be both so and not so, but that should truly be dropped as all manner of dualistic beliefs.

🕉And that that is what seemingly continues to cause a self-conjured, conjured self, to support beliefs, that a self-conjured, conjured self, has self-convinced itself, to believe that it has or possesses a mind of its very own.

🕉And that it has or possesses an independently exclusive ability to believe whatever it thinks it needs to believe :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon and around, a self-conjured, conjured self, that seeks spiritual teachings and paths, that are also believed to be skillful means, that only result in further support and reinforcement of separation and terminal uniqueness.

🕉Nothing is on offer, and nothing can be sold :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon, and around, a self-conjured, conjured self, whom seeks a particular path of skillful means, to exercise and believe, that they can expect to seek and find a skillful means, whilst attending satsangs.

🕉No-thing is offered and nothing is provided at any satsang, that happens to be apparently appearing as some particular type of satsang set-up somewhere, upon some particular fixed position "in" space and time, that is believed to be a particular location "in" and upon a world of permanence.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self often has expectations at a satsang. Especially those self-conjured, conjured selves, that believe they have never been in attendance at a satsang, when they had been in the presence of a satsang, but are so contaminated by self-centeredness and terminal uniqueness, that they deny that there is no such thing as a satsang, that has any particular meaning; reason; purpose, or significance, in the first place.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, expects to confront instruction from a "guru" or to be told, what is believed to be a very special, meaningful, and purposeful "spiritual teaching," towards becoming a liberated and enlightened being, when nobody is exclusively liberated or enlightened is some particularly exclusive manner.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, had never been existing separately and exclusively so, as that, or any other particular way of being-ness-ing. Self-conjured, conjured selves simply conjure the belief that they possess their very own natural, characteristics of terminal uniqueness, that belong to themselves.

🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, cannot recognise that they have always been liberated and fully enlightened all along - but not exclusively so, as anyone or anybody that is separately so, in some particular way.

🕉And as though self-conjured, conjured selves must continue to believe, that they are separate people, living separately :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after oneself, believed to be terminally uniquely so.

🕉They just simply cannot accept and believe that to be either exclusively so or not exclusively so, when everything and nothing has always been, always, ALL ways, both simultaneously and inseparably so and not so, as the "Absolute" all along.

🕉The so-called "Neo-Advaitin" steadfastly continues to communicate, accommodate, cater, and appeal :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after a self-conjured, conjured self, that stubbornly continues to suffer believing that they are exclusively separate and terminally unique from everybody and everything else.

🕉Such humanly corporeal action figures, are no more or no less permanently so, as the obviousness of human corporeal-ness, that apparently appears, as innumerable humanly corporeal energy forms, that are simply continuously appearing "in" space and time, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉If "you" and "I" are going to congruently recognise, using eyes, other than those eyes of body-minds / action figures, that simply facilitate sight, then that should eventually be clearly recognised, from "insight" within, that is considered to be "seeing" as that which we truly are, and not from what we are not, as a separately unique body-mind complex / action figure.

🕉That which we truly are, as an energy field, temporally temporarily manifests a humanly corporeal unit of local qualia consciousness energy form, that is temporally, temporarily, impermanently and simultaneously BOTH inseparably so and not so, "in" space and time, for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.

🕉"You" and "I" are not exclusively permanent visibly observable humanly corporeal energy form manifestations. "You" and "I" are also not exclusively permanent appearances, but are instead, temporally temporary apparent appearances as reflections of humanly corporeal energy forms, that are temporally temporarily visibly observable in mirrors.

🕉This is not a self-conjured belief, as though "you" and "I" must possess our very own body-minds / action figures, to do as we please with, because the self-conjured, conjured self, also self-conjures beliefs that "you" and "I" possess a separate terminally unique free will, accord, and volition of our very own, to live our very own personal lives, when there has just simply always been, life.

🕉Life is enlivened with enlivening qualities as innumerable energetic movements as always, ALL ways, that temporally temporarily appear, as self-conjured, apparent appearances of humanly corporeal appearances, that are misconstrued as separate appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures.

🕉And as these temporally temporary humanly corporeal manifestations, as local units of qualia consciousness energy forms, as humanly corporeal body-minds / action figures, that are simply apparent appearances of humanly corporeal local units of qualia consciousness energy forms, are and are not anywhere in particular, and that they do not exist upon any fixed positions "in" space and time, simply because such apparent appearances are not "of" space and time.

🕉There is neither a separate place as "here" nor a separate place as "there" to be found as fixed positions to appear upon, somewhere in some particular coordinate "in" space and time. There is simply everywhere-ness, every-where-ness-ing. "You" and "I" are what "you" and "I" are looking for, since what is seemingly looking, is what "you" and "I" are seemingly looking for.

🕉Whatever can be perceived, is not what's perceiving, as a self-conjured, conjured self, that believes it can self-conjure ideas that it is a separate "perceiver" of that which it can have direct access, to conjure a particular way of accessing information, that it believes it must possess :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after itself.

🕉And as though such information can be used as a skillful means to advantageously acquire a higher level of conscious awareness, when there is just simply awareness, aware, to the beingness-ing of awareness-ing, but not as separate aware-ers, awareness-ing their very own special brand of awareness, as though "you" and "I" are in possession of original thoughts and ideas of our very own, that must be claimed, as our very own original thoughts. There is no separation.

🕉Everything and no-thing is inseparably so and not so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after nobody, for no particular reasons; meanings, and purposes, other than the accord and volition :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after whatever manifests as everything and nothing, inseparably so and not so, as infinitudinal complexifications of the "Absolute."

🕉Advaita Vedanta

🕉Advaita Vedanta (/ədˈvaɪtə vɛˈdɑːntə/; Sanskrit: अद्वैत वेदान्त, IAST: Advaita Vedanta, literally, "not-two"), originally known as Puruṣavāda - as a school of Hindu philosophy, and one of the classic Indian paths to spiritual realisation. The term Advaita refers to its idea that the true self, Atman, is the same as the highest metaphysical Reality (Brahman). The followers of this school are known as Advaita Vedantins, or just Advaitins, and they seek spiritual liberation through acquiring vidyā, meaning knowledge of one's true identity as Atman, and the identity of Atman and Brahman.

🕉Advaita Vedanta traces its roots in the oldest Upanishads. It relies on three textual sources called the Prasthanatrayi. It gives "a unifying interpretation of the whole body of Upanishads", the Brahma Sutras, and the Bhagavad Gita. Advaita Vedanta is the oldest extant sub-school of Vedanta, which is one of the six orthodox (āstika) Hindu philosophies (darśana). Although its roots trace back to the 1st millennium BCE, the most prominent exponent of the Advaita Vedanta is considered by the tradition to be 8th century scholar Adi Shankara.

🕉Advaita Vedanta emphasises Jivanmukti, the idea that moksha (freedom, liberation) is achievable in this life in contrast to Indian philosophies that emphasise videhamukti, or moksha after death. The school uses concepts such as Brahman, Atman, Maya, Avidya, meditation and others that are found in major Indian religious traditions, but interprets them in its own way for its theories of moksha. Advaita Vedanta is one of the most studied and most influential schools of classical Indian thought. Many scholars describe it as a form of monism, others describe the Advaita philosophy as non-dualistic.

🕉Advaita influenced and was influenced by various traditions and texts of Hindu philosophies such as Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, other sub-schools of Vedanta, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, the Puranas, the Agamas, as well as social movements such as the Bhakti movement. Beyond Hinduism, Advaita Vedanta interacted and developed with the other traditions of India such as Jainism and Buddhism. Advaita Vedanta texts espouse a spectrum of views from idealism, including illusion-ism, to realist or nearly realist positions expressed in the early works of Shankara. In modern times, its views appear in various Neo-Vedanta movements. It has been termed as the paradigmatic example of Hindu spirituality.

🕉Etymology and nomenclature.

🕉The Advaita Vedanta school has been historically referred to by various names, such as Advaita-vada (speaker of Advaita), Abheda-darshana (view of non-difference), Dvaita-vada-pratisedha (denial of dual distinctions), and Kevala-dvaita (non-dualism of the isolated).

🕉According to Richard King, a professor of Buddhist and Asian studies, the term Advaita first occurs in a recognisably Vedantic context in the prose of Mandukya Upanishad. In contrast, according to Frits Staal, a professor of Philosophy specializing in Sanskrit and Vedic studies, the word Advaita is from the Vedic era, and the Vedic sage Yajnavalkya (8th or 7th-century BCE) is credited to be the one who coined it. Stephen Phillips, a professor of philosophy and Asian studies, translates the Advaita containing verse excerpt in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, as follows:

सलिले एकस् द्रष्टा अद्वैतस् भवति एष ब्रह्मलोकस् सम्राट् ति ह एनम् उवाच अनुशशास याज्ञवल्क्यस् एषा अस्य परमा गतिस् एषास्य परमा सम्पद्

🕉"An ocean, a single seer without duality becomes he whose world is Brahman, O King, Yajnavalkya instructed. This is his supreme way. This is his supreme achievement."

🕉Darśana (philosophy) - central concerns

🕉Advaita is a subschool of Vedanta, the latter being one of the six classical Hindu darśanas. It, like nearly all these philosophies, has an integrated body of textual interpretations and religious practices for what Hinduism considers four proper aims of life: virtue (dharma), material prosperity (artha), desire (kama) and the fourth and final aim being moksha, the spiritual liberation or release from cycles of rebirth (samsara). Traditional Advaita Vedanta centers on the study of the sruti especially the Principal Upanishads, along with the Brahma Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita.

🕉Within the Vedanta tradition of Hinduism are many sub-schools, of which Advaita is one. Unlike Buddhism, but like Jainism, all Vedanta schools consider the existence of Atman (real self, soul) as self-evident. The Vedanta tradition also posits the concept of Brahman as the eternal, unchanging metaphysical reality. The sub-schools of Vedanta disagree on the relation between Atman and Brahman. The Advaita darsana considers them to be identical.

🕉Advaita Vedanta believes that the knowledge of one's true self or Atman is liberating. Along with self-knowledge, it teaches that moksha can be achieved by the correct understanding of one's true identity as ĀAtman, the dispassionate and un-move-able observer, and the identity of ĀAtman and Brahman.

🕉The process of acquiring this knowledge entails realising that one’s True Self, the Atman, is essentially the same as Brahman. This is achieved through what Sankara refers to as anubhava, immediate intuition. Sankara contends that this direct awareness is construction-free, and not construction-filled. Self-knowledge is, therefore, not seen as an awareness of Brahman, but instead an awareness that is Brahman, since one will transcend any form of duality in this state of consciousness.

🕉Correct knowledge, which destroys avidya, psychological and perceptual errors related to Atman and Brahman, is obtained through three stages of practice, sravana (hearing), manana (thinking) and nididhyasana (meditation).

🕉The Vedanta tradition of Hinduism rejects the dualism of Samkhya. The Samkhya school of Hindu thought proposes two metaphysical realities, namely Purusha (spirit) and Prakriti (inert primal matter), then states that Purusha is the efficient cause of all existence while Prakriti is its material cause. Advaita, like all Vedanta schools, states that Brahman is both the efficient and the material cause, "that from which the origination, subsistence, and dissolution of this universe proceed."

🕉What created all existence is also present in and reflected in all beings and inert matter, the creative principle was and is everywhere, always. This Brahman it postulates is sat-cit-ananda (truth-consciousness-bliss). By accepting this postulation, various theoretical difficulties arise which Advaita and other Vedanta traditions offer different answers for: first, how did sat Brahman without any distinction become manifold universe? Secondly, how did cit Brahman create material world? Thirdly, if ananda Brahman is pure bliss, why did the empirical world of sufferings arise? These are the questions that Advaita Vedanta thinkers have historically attempted to answer, as did the non-Advaita schools of Hinduism.

🕉Advaita establishes its truths, in part, from the oldest Principal Upanishads (sruti), the Brahma Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita and numerous other Hindu texts. Reason is used to support revelation, the sruti, the ultimate source of truth. Reason clarifies the truth and removes objections, according to the Advaita school, however it believes that pure logic cannot lead to philosophical truths and only experience and meditative insights do. The Sruti, it believes is a collection of experience and meditative insights about liberating knowledge. The Advaita literature also provides a criticism of opposing systems, including the dualistic school of Hinduism, as well as non-Hindu philosophies such as Buddhism.

🕉Moksha – liberation through knowledge of Brahman.

🕉Puruṣārtha - the four goals of human life.

🕉Advaita, like other schools, accepts Puruṣārtha - the four goals of human life as natural and proper:

🕉Dharma: the right way to life, the "duties and obligations of the individual toward himself and the society as well as those of the society toward the individual."

🕉Artha: the means to support and sustain one's life.

🕉Kāma: pleasure and enjoyment.

🕉Mokṣa: liberation, release.

🕉Of these, much of the Advaita Vedanta philosophy focuses on the last, gaining liberation in one's current life. The first three are discussed and encouraged by Advaitins, but usually in the context of knowing Brahman and Self-realisation.

🕉Moksha - liberation

🕉The soteriological goal, in Advaita, is to gain self-knowledge and complete understanding of the identity of Atman and Brahman. Correct knowledge of Atman and Brahman leads dissolution of all dualistic tendencies and to liberation, Moksha is attained by realising one's true identity as ĀAtman, and the identity of Atman and Brahman, the complete understanding of one's real nature as Brahman in this life. This is stated by Shankara as follows:

🕉 I am other than name, form and action. My nature is ever free! I am Self, the supreme unconditioned Brahman. I am pure Awareness, always non-dual.

🕉— Adi Shankara, Upadesasahasri

🕉According to Advaita Vedanta, liberation can be achieved while living, and is called Jivanmukti. The Atman-knowledge, that is the knowledge of true Self and its relationship to Brahman is central to this liberation in Advaita thought. Atman-knowledge, to Advaitins, is that state of full awareness, liberation and freedom which overcomes dualities at all levels, realising the divine within oneself, the divine in others and all beings, the non-dual Oneness, that Brahman is in everything, and everything is Brahman.

🕉According to Rambachan, in Advaita, this state of liberating self-knowledge includes and leads to the understanding that "the self is the self of all, the know-er of self sees the self in all beings and all beings in the self."In Advaita Vedanta, the interest is not in liberation in after life, but in one's current life. This school holds that liberation can be achieved while living, and a person who achieves this is called a Jivanmukta.

🕉The concept of Jivanmukti of Advaita Vedanta contrasts with Videhamukti (moksha from samsara after death) in theistic sub-schools of Vedanta. Jivanmukti is a state that transforms the nature, attributes and behaviours of an individual, after which the liberated individual shows attributes such as::

🕉One is not bothered by disrespect and endures cruel words, treats others with respect regardless of how others treat him; when confronted by an angry person he does not return anger, instead replies with soft and kind words; even if tortured, he speaks and trusts the truth; One does not crave for blessings or expect praise from others; One never injures or harms any life or being (ahimsa), One is intent in the welfare of all beings; One is as comfortable being alone as in the presence of others; One is as comfortable with a bowl, at the foot of a tree in tattered robe without help, as when he is in a mithuna (union of mendicants), grama (village) and nagara (city).

🕉One does not care about or wear sikha (tuft of hair on the back of head for religious reasons), nor the holy thread across his body. To One, knowledge is sikha, knowledge is the holy thread, knowledge alone is supreme. Outer appearances and rituals do not matter to One, only knowledge matters; for One, there is no invocation nor dismissal of deities, no mantra nor non-mantra, no prostrations nor worship of gods, goddess or ancestors, no-thing other than knowledge of Self; One is humble, high spirited, of clear and steady mind, straightforward, compassionate, patient, indifferent, courageous, speaks firmly and with sweet words.

🕉Vidya, Svādhyāya and Anubhava - Main article: Svādhyāya Sruti (scriptures), proper reasoning and meditation are the main sources of knowledge (vidya) for the Advaita Vedanta tradition. It teaches that correct knowledge of Atman and Brahman is achievable by svādhyāya, study of Self and of the Vedic texts, and three stages of practice: sravana (perception, hearing), manana (thinking) and nididhyasana (meditation), a three-step methodology that is rooted in the teachings of chapter 4 of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.

🕉Sravana literally means hearing, and broadly refers to perception and observations typically aided by a counsellor or teacher (guru), wherein the Advaitin listens and discusses the ideas, concepts, questions and answers. Manana refers to thinking on these discussions and contemplating over the various ideas based on svadhyaya and sravana. Nididhyāsana refers to meditation, realisation and consequent conviction of the truths, non-duality and a state where there is a fusion of thought and action, knowing and being. Bilimoria states that these three stages of Advaita practice can be viewed as sadhana practice that unifies Yoga and Karma ideas, and was most likely derived from these older traditions.

🕉Adi Shankara uses anubhava interchangeably with pratipatta, "understanding". Dalal and others state that anubhava does not center around some sort of "mystical experience," but around the correct knowledge of Brahman. Nikhalananda states that (knowledge of) Atman and Brahman can only be reached by Buddhi, "reason," stating that mysticism is a kind of intuitive knowledge, while Buddhi is the highest means of attaining knowledge.

🕉Mahavakya – The Great Sentences - Main article: Mahāvākyas Several Mahavakyas, or "the great sentences", have Advaitic theme, that is "the Inner Immortal Self and the Great Cosmic Power are One and the Same."

🕉Sr. No. Vakya - Meaning - Upanishad - Veda

🕉1. प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म (prajñānam brahma) Prajñānam is Brahman Aitareya - Rigveda

🕉2. अहंब्रह्मास्मि (aham brahmāsmi) I am Brahman, or I am Divine Brhadāranyaka - Shukla Yajurveda

🕉3. तत्त्वमसि (tat tvam asi) - That Thou Art - Samaveda

🕉4. अयमात्मा ब्रह्म (ayamātmā brahma)This Atman is Brahman - Mandukya II Atharvaveda

🕉Stages and practices :: Advaita Vedanta entails more than self-inquiry or bare insight into one's real nature, but also includes self-restraint, textual studies and ethical perfection. It is described in classical Advaita books like Shankara's Upadesasahasri and the Vivekachudamani, which is also attributed to Shankara.

🕉Jnana Yoga – path of practice :: Classical Advaita Vedanta emphasises the path of Jnana Yoga, a progression of study and training to attain moksha. It consists of fourfold qualities, or behavioral qualifications (Samanyasa, Sampattis, sādhana-catustaya):: Nityānitya vastu viveka

🕉(नित्यानित्य वस्तु विवेकम्)

🕉The ability (viveka) to correctly discriminate between the real and eternal (nitya) and the substance that is apparently real, aging, changing and transitory (anitya). Ihāmutrārtha phala bhoga virāga (इहाऽमुत्रार्थ फल भोगविरागम्)

🕉The renunciation (virāga) of petty desires that distract the mind (artha phala bhoga), willing to give up everything that is an obstacle to the pursuit of truth and self-knowledge.

🕉Śamādi ṣatka sampatti (शमादि षट्क सम्पत्ति)

🕉The sixfold virtues or qualities, Śama (mental tranquility, ability to focus the mind). Dama (self-restraint, the virtue of temperance). Uparati (dispassion, ability to be quiet and disassociated from everything; "discontinuation of religious ceremonies." Titikṣa (endurance, perseverance, ability to be patient during demanding circumstances). Śraddhā (the faith in teacher and Sruti texts). Samādhāna (attention, intentness of mind).

🕉Mumukṣutva (मुमुक्षुत्वम्)

🕉A positive longing for freedom and wisdom, driven to the quest of knowledge and understanding. Correct knowledge, which destroys avidya, psychological and perceptual errors related to Atman and Brahman, is obtained in jnanayoga through three stages of practice, sravana (hearing), manana (thinking) and nididhyasana (meditation). This three-step methodology is rooted in the teachings of chapter 4 of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad::

🕉Sravana, listening to the teachings of the sages on the Upanishads and Advaita Vedanta, studying the Vedantic texts, such as the Brahma Sutras, and discussions with the guru (teacher, counsellor); Manana, refers to thinking on these discussions and contemplating over the various ideas based on svadhyaya and sravana. It is the stage of reflection on the teachings; Nididhyāsana, the stage of meditation and introspection. This stage of practice aims at realisation and consequent conviction of the truths, non-duality and a state where there is a fusion of thought and action, knowing and being.

🕉Samadhi :: While Shankara emphasized sravana ("hearing"), manana ("reflection") and nididhyasana ("repeated meditation"), later texts like the Dŗg-Dŗśya-Viveka (14th century) and Vedantasara (of Sadananda) (15th century) added samadhi as a means to liberation, a theme that was also emphasized by Swami Vivekananda.

🕉Advaita Vedanta school has traditionally had a high reverence for Guru (teacher), and recommends that a competent Guru be sought in one's pursuit of spirituality. However, the Guru is not mandatory in Advaita school, states Clooney, but reading of Vedic literature and followed by reflection is. Adi Shankara, states Comans, regularly employed compound words "such as Sastracaryopadesa (instruction by way of the scriptures and the teacher) and Vedantacaryopadesa (instruction by way of the Upanishads and the teacher) to emphasize the importance of Guru". This reflects the Advaita tradition which holds a competent teacher as important and essential to gaining correct knowledge, freeing oneself from false knowledge, and to self-realization.

🕉A guru is someone more than a teacher, traditionally a reverential figure to the student, with the guru serving as a "counselor, who helps mold values, shares experiential knowledge as much as literal knowledge, an exemplar in life, an inspirational source and who helps in the spiritual evolution of a student. The guru, states Joel Mlecko, is more than someone who teaches specific type of knowledge, and includes in its scope someone who is also a "counselor, a sort of parent of mind and soul, who helps mold values and experiential knowledge as much as specific knowledge, an exemplar in life, an inspirational source and who reveals the meaning of life."

🕉The swan is an important motif in Advaita. It symbolises two things: first, the swan is called hamsah in Sanskrit (which becomes hamso if the first letter in the next word is /h/). Upon repeating this hamso indefinitely, it becomes so-aham, meaning, "I am That". Second, just as a swan lives in a lake but its feathers are not soiled by water, similarly a liberated Advaitin lives in this world but is not soiled by its maya.

🕉The classical Advaita Vedanta explains all reality and everything in the experienced world to be same as the Brahman. To Advaitins, there is a unity in multiplicity, and there is no dual hierarchy of a Creator and the created universe.

🕉All objects, all experiences, all matter, all consciousness, all awareness, in Advaita philosophy is not the property but the very nature of this one fundamental reality Brahman. With this premise, the Advaita school states that any ontological effort must presuppose a knowing self, and this effort needs to explain all empirical experiences such as the projected reality while one dreams during sleep, and the observed multiplicity of living beings. This Advaita does by positing its theory of three levels of reality, the theory of two truths, and by developing and integrating these ideas with its theory of errors (anirvacaniya khyati).

🕉Shankara proposes three levels of reality, using sublation as the ontological criterion::

🕉Pāramārthika (paramartha, absolute), the Reality that is metaphysically true and ontologically accurate. It is the state of experiencing that "which is absolutely real and into which both other reality levels can be resolved". This reality is the highest, it can't be sublated (assimilated) by any other.

🕉Vyāvahārika (vyavahara), or samvriti-saya, consisting of the empirical or pragmatical reality. It is ever changing over time, thus empirically true at a given time and context but not metaphysically true. It is "our world of experience, the phenomenal world that we handle every day when we are awake". It is the level in which both jiva (living creatures or individual souls) and Iswara are true; here, the material world is also true but this is incomplete reality and is sublatable.

🕉Prāthibhāsika (pratibhasika, apparent reality, unreality), "reality based on imagination alone". It is the level of experience in which the mind constructs its own reality. Well-known examples of pratibhasika is the imaginary reality such as the "roaring of a lion" fabricated in dreams during one's sleep, and the perception of a rope in the dark as being a snake.

🕉Advaita Vedanta acknowledges and admits that from the empirical perspective there are numerous distinctions. It states that everything and each reality has multiple perspectives, both absolute and relative. All these are valid and true in their respective contexts, states Advaita, but only from their respective particular perspectives.

🕉This "absolute and relative truths" explanation, Advaitins call as the "two truths" doctrine. John Grimes, a professor of Indian Religions specialising on Vedanta, explains this Advaita doctrine with the example of light and darkness. From sun's perspective, it neither rises nor sets, there is no darkness, and "all is light". From the perspective of a person on earth, sun does rise and set, there is both light and darkness, not "all is light", there are relative shades of light and darkness. Both are valid realities and truths, given their perspectives. Yet, they are contradictory. What is true from one point of view, states Grimes, is not from another. To Advaita Vedanta, this does not mean there are two truths and two realities, but it only means that the same one Reality and one Truth is explained or experienced from two different perspectives.

🕉As they developed these theories, Advaita Vedanta scholars were influenced by some ideas from the Nyaya, Samkhya and Yoga schools of Hindu philosophy. These theories have not enjoyed universal consensus among Advaitins, and various competing ontological interpretations have flowered within the Advaita tradition.

🕉Three states of consciousness and Turiya - See also: Three Bodies Doctrine (Vedanta) and Kosha - Advaita posits three states of consciousness, namely waking (jagrat), dreaming (svapna), deep sleep (suṣupti), which are empirically experienced by human beings, and correspond to the Three Bodies Doctrine::

🕉The first state is the waking state, in which we are aware of our daily world. This is the gross body. The second state is the dreaming mind. This is the subtle body. The third state is the state of deep sleep. This is the causal body. Advaita also posits the fourth state of Turiya, which some describe as pure consciousness, the background that underlies and transcends these three common states of consciousness.

🕉Turiya is the state of liberation, where states Advaita school, one experiences the infinite (ananta) and non-different (advaita/abheda), that is free from the dualistic experience, the state in which ajativada, non-origination, is apprehended. According to Candradhara Sarma, Turiya state is where the foundational Self is realised, it is measureless, neither cause nor effect, all pervading, without suffering, blissful, changeless, self-luminous, real, immanent in all things and transcendent. Those who have experienced the Turiya stage of self-consciousness have reached the pure awareness of their own non-dual Self as one with everyone and everything, for them the knowledge, the knower, the known becomes one, they are the Jivanmukta.

🕉Advaita traces the foundation of this ontological theory in more ancient Sanskrit texts. For example, Chapters 8.7 through 8.12 of Chandogya Upanishad discuss the "four states of consciousness" as awake, dream-filled sleep, deep sleep, and beyond deep sleep. One of the earliest mentions of Turiya, in the Hindu scriptures, occurs in verse 5.14.3 of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. The idea is also discussed in other early Upanishads.

🕉Brahman and Satcitananda

🕉According to Advaita Vedanta, Brahman is the highest Reality, That which is unborn and unchanging, and "not sublatable", and cannot be superseded by a still higher reality. Other than Brahman, everything else, including the universe, material objects and individuals, are ever-changing and therefore maya. Brahman is Paramarthika Satyam, "Absolute Truth", and the true Self, pure consciousness ... the only Reality (sat), since It is untinged by difference, the mark of ignorance, and since It is the one thing that is not sublatable."

🕉In Advaita, Brahman is the substrate and cause of all changes. Brahman is considered to be the material cause and the efficient cause of all that exists. Brahman is the "primordial reality that creates, maintains and withdraws within it the universe." It is the "creative principle which lies realised in the whole world."

🕉Advaita's Upanishadic roots state Brahman's qualities to be Sat-cit-ānanda (being-consciousness-bliss) It means "true being-consciousness-bliss," or "Eternal Bliss Consciousness". Adi Shankara held that satcitananda is identical with Brahman and Atman. The Advaitin scholar Madhusudana Sarasvati explained Brahman as the Reality that is simultaneously an absence of falsity (sat), absence of ignorance (cit), and absence of sorrow/self-limitation (ananda). According to Adi Shankara, the knowledge of Brahman that Shruti provides cannot be obtained in any other means besides self inquiry.

🕉AtmanĀtman (Hinduism)

🕉See also: Samadhi, Buddha-nature, Sunyata, and Choiceless awareness Āatman (IAST: āatman, Sanskrit: आत्मन्) is a central idea in Hindu philosophy and a foundational premise of Advaita Vedanta. It is a Sanskrit word that means "real self" of the individual and soul.

🕉Āatman is the first principle in Advaita Vedanta, along with its concept of Brahman, with Atman being the perceptible personal particular and Brahman the inferred unlimited universal, both synonymous and interchangeable. It is, to an Advaitin, the unchanging, enduring, eternal absolute. It is the "true self" of an individual, a consciousness, states Sthaneshwar Timalsina, that is "self-revealed, self-evident and self-aware (svaprakashata)". Atman, states Eliot Deutsch, is the "pure, undifferentiated, supreme power of awareness", it is more than thought, it is a state of being, that which is conscious and transcends subject-object divisions and momentariness.

🕉Advaita Vedanta philosophy considers Atman as self-existent awareness, limitless and non-dual. It asserts that there is "spirit, soul, self" (Atman) within each living entity, which are same as each other and identical to the universal eternal Brahman. It is an experience of "oneness" which unifies all beings, in which there is the divine in every being, in which all existence is a single Reality, and in which there is no "divine" distinct from the individual Atman.

🕉Atman is not the constantly changing body, not the desires, not the emotions, not the ego, nor the dualistic mind in Advaita Vedanta. It is the introspective, inwardly self-conscious "on-looker" (saksi). To Advaitins, human beings, in a state of unawareness and ignorance, see their "I-ness" as different than the being in others, then act out of impulse, fears, cravings, malice, division, confusion, anxiety, passions, and a sense of distinctiveness.

🕉Identity of Atman and Brahman

🕉According to Advaita Vedanta, Atman is identical to Brahman. This is expressed in the mahavakya "tat tvam asi", "thou are that." There is "a common ground, viz. consciousness, to the individual and Brahman." Each soul, in Advaita view, is non-different from the infinite. According to Shankara, Atman and Brahman seem different at the empirical level of reality, but this difference is only an illusion, and at the highest level of reality they are really identical.

🕉Moksha is attained by realising the identity of Atman and Brahman, the complete understanding of one's real nature as Brahman in this life. This is frequently stated by Advaita scholars, such as Shankara, as:

🕉I am other than name, form and action. My nature is ever free! I am Self, the supreme unconditioned Brahman. I am pure Awareness, always non-dual. I am other than name, form and action. My nature is ever free! I am Self, the supreme unconditioned Brahman. I am pure Awareness, always non-dual.

🕉— Adi Shankara, Upadesasahasri

🕉Empirical reality - illusion and ignorance

🕉According to Advaita Vedanta, Brahman is the sole reality. The status of the phenomenal world is an important question in Advaita Vedanta, and different solutions have been proposed. The perception of the phenomenal world as real is explained by maya (constantly changing reality) and avidya ("ignorance"). Other than Brahman, everything else, including the universe, material objects and individuals, are ever-changing and therefore maya. Brahman is Paramarthika Satyam, "Absolute Truth", and "the true Self, pure consciousness, the only Reality (sat), since It is untinged by difference, the mark of ignorance, and since It is the one thing that is not sublatable".


🕉Main article: Cause and effect in Advaita Vedanta All schools of Vedanta subscribe to the theory of Satkāryavāda, which means that the effect is pre-existent in the cause. But there are different views on the causal relationship and the nature of the empirical world from the perspective of metaphysical Brahman. The Brahma Sutras, the ancient Vedantins, most sub-schools of Vedanta, as well as Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy, support Parinamavada, the idea that the world is a real transformation (parinama) of Brahman.

🕉Scholars disagree on the whether Adi Shankara and his Advaita system explained causality through vivarta. According to Andrew Nicholson, instead of parinama-vada, the competing causality theory is Vivartavada, which says "the world, is merely an unreal manifestation (vivarta) of Brahman. Vivartavada states that although Brahman appears to undergo a transformation, in fact no real change takes place. The myriad of beings are unreal manifestation, as the only real being is Brahman, that ultimate reality which is unborn, unchanging, and entirely without parts".

🕉The advocates of this illusive, unreal transformation based causality theory, states Nicholson, have been the Advaitins, the followers of Shankara."Although the world can be described as conventionally real", adds Nicholson, "the Advaitins claim that all of Brahman’s effects must ultimately be acknowledged as unreal before the individual self can be liberated".

🕉However, other scholars such as Hajime Nakamura and Paul Hacker disagree. Hacker and others state that Adi Shankara did not advocate Vivartavada, and his explanations are "remote from any connotation of illusion". According to these scholars, it was the 13th century scholar Prakasatman who gave a definition to Vivarta, and it is Prakasatman's theory that is sometimes misunderstood as Adi Shankara's position. Andrew Nicholson concurs with Hacker and other scholars, adding that the vivarta-vada isn't Shankara's theory, that Shankara's ideas appear closer to parinama-vada, and the vivarta explanation likely emerged gradually in Advaita sub-school later.

🕉According to Eliot Deutsch, Advaita Vedanta states that from "the standpoint of Brahman-experience and Brahman itself, there is no creation" in the absolute sense, all empirically observed creation is relative and mere transformation of one state into another, all states are provisional and a cause-effect driven modification.

Māyā (illusion)

Main article: Maya (illusion)

🕉The doctrine of Maya is used to explain the empirical reality in Advaita. Jiva, when conditioned by the human mind, is subjected to experiences of a subjective nature, states Vedanta school, which leads it to misunderstand Maya and interpret it as the sole and final reality. Advaitins assert that the perceived world, including people and other existence, is not what it appears to be".

🕉It is Māyā, they assert, which manifests and perpetuates a sense of false duality or divisional plurality. The empirical manifestation is real but changing, but it obfuscates the true nature of metaphysical Reality which is never changing. Advaita school holds that liberation is the unfettered realisation and understanding of the unchanging Reality and truths – the Self, that the Self (Soul) in oneself is same as the Self in another and the Self in everything (Brahman).

🕉In Advaita Vedanta philosophy, there are two realities: Vyavaharika (empirical reality) and Paramarthika (absolute, spiritual Reality). Māyā is the empirical reality that entangles consciousness. Māyā has the power to create a bondage to the empirical world, preventing the unveiling of the true, unitary Self—the Cosmic Spirit also known as Brahman.

🕉This theory of māyā was expounded and explained by Adi Shankara. Competing theistic Dvaita scholars contested Shankara's theory and stated that Shankara did not offer a theory of the relationship between Brahman and Māyā. A later Advaita scholar Prakasatman addressed this, by explaining, "Maya and Brahman together constitute the entire universe, just like two kinds of interwoven threads create a fabric. Maya is the manifestation of the world, whereas Brahman, which supports Maya, is the cause of the world."

🕉Brahman is the sole metaphysical truth in Advaita Vedanta, Māyā is true in epistemological and empirical sense; however, Māyā is not the metaphysical and spiritual truth. The spiritual truth is the truth forever, while what is empirical truth is only true for now. Complete knowledge of true Reality includes knowing both Vyavaharika (empirical) and Paramarthika (spiritual), the Māyā and the Brahman. The goal of spiritual enlightenment, state Advaitins, is to realise Brahman, realise the unity and Oneness of all reality.

🕉Avidya (ignorance)

🕉Due to ignorance (avidyā), Brahman is perceived as the material world and its objects (nama rupa vikara). According to Shankara, Brahman is in reality attribute-less and formless. Brahman, the highest truth and all (Reality), does not really change; it is only our ignorance that gives the appearance of change. Also due to avidyā, the true identity is forgotten, and material reality, which manifests at various levels, is mistaken as the only and true reality.

🕉The notion of avidyā and its relationship to Brahman creates a crucial philosophical issue within Advaita Vedanta thought: how can avidyā appear in Brahman, since Brahman is pure consciousness? Sengaku Mayeda writes, in his commentary and translation of Adi Shankara's Upadesasahasri:

🕉Certainly the most crucial problem which Sankara left for his followers is that of avidyā. If the concept is logically analysed, it would lead the Vedanta philosophy toward dualism or nihilism and uproot its fundamental position.

🕉To Advaitins, human beings, in a state of unawareness and ignorance of this Universal Self, see their "I-ness" as different than the being in others, then act out of impulse, fears, cravings, malice, division, confusion, anxiety, passions, and a sense of distinctiveness.

🕉Subsequent Advaitins gave somewhat various explanations, from which various Advaita schools arose.

🕉Epistemology - ways of knowing.

🕉See also: Pramana and Epistemology.

🕉The ancient and medieval texts of Advaita Vedanta and other schools of Hindu philosophy discuss Pramana (epistemology). The theory of Pramana discusses questions like how correct knowledge can be acquired; how one knows, how one doesn't; and to what extent knowledge pertinent about someone or something can be acquired. Advaita Vedānta, accepts the following six kinds of pramāṇas:

🕉Pratyakṣa(प्रत्यक्षाय) - perception.

🕉Anumāṇa (अनुमान) - inference.

🕉Upamāṇa (उपमान) - comparison, analogy.

🕉Arthāpatti (अर्थापत्ति) - postulation, derivation from circumstances.

🕉Anupalabdi (अनुपलब्धि) - non-perception, negative/cognitive proof.

🕉Śabda (शब्द) - relying on word, testimony of past or present reliable experts.

🕉Pratyakṣa (perception).

🕉Pratyakṣa (प्रत्यक्षाय), perception, is of two types: external - that arising from the interaction of five senses and worldly objects, and internal - perception of inner sense, the mind. Advaita postulates four pre-requisites for correct perception: 1) Indriyarthasannikarsa (direct experience by one's sensory organ(s) with the object, whatever is being studied), 2) Avyapadesya (non-verbal; correct perception is not through hearsay, according to ancient Indian scholars, where one's sensory organ relies on accepting or rejecting someone else's perception), 3) Avyabhicara (does not wander; correct perception does not change, nor is it the result of deception because one's sensory organ or means of observation is drifting, defective, suspect) and 4) Vyavasayatmaka (definite; correct perception excludes judgements of doubt, either because of one's failure to observe all the details, or because one is mixing inference with observation and observing what one wants to observe, or not observing what one does not want to observe). The internal perception concepts included pratibha (intuition), samanyalaksanapratyaksa (a form of induction from perceived specifics to a universal), and jnanalaksanapratyaksa (a form of perception of prior processes and previous states of a 'topic of study' by observing its current state).

🕉Anumāṇa (inference)

🕉Anumāṇa (अनुमान), inference, is defined as applying reason to reach a new conclusion about truth from one or more observations and previous understanding of truths. Observing smoke and inferring fire is an example of Anumana. This epistemological method for gaining knowledge consists of three parts: 1) Pratijna (hypothesis), 2) Hetu (a reason), and 3) drshtanta (examples). The hypothesis must further be broken down into two parts: 1) Sadhya (that idea which needs to proven or disproven) and 2) Paksha (the object on which the Sadhya is predicated). The inference is conditionally true if Sapaksha (positive examples as evidence) are present, and if Vipaksha (negative examples as counter-evidence) are absent. For rigor, the Indian philosophies further demand Vyapti - the requirement that the hetu (reason) must necessarily and separately account for the inference in "all" cases, in both sapaksha and vipaksha. A conditionally proven hypothesis is called a nigamana (conclusion).

🕉Upamāṇa (comparison, analogy)

🕉Upamāṇa (उपमान), comparison, analogy. Some Hindu schools consider it as a proper means of knowledge. Upamana, states Lochtefeld, may be explained with the example of a traveller who has never visited lands or islands with endemic population of wildlife. He or she is told, by someone who has been there, that in those lands you see an animal that sort of looks like a cow, grazes like cow but is different from a cow in such and such way. Such use of analogy and comparison is, state the Indian epistemologists, a valid means of conditional knowledge, as it helps the traveller identify the new animal later. The subject of comparison is formally called upameyam, the object of comparison is called upamanam, while the attribute(s) are identified as samanya.

🕉Arthāpatti (postulation)


🕉(अर्थापत्ति), postulation, derivation from circumstances. In contemporary logic, this pramana is similar to circumstantial implication. As example, if a person left in a boat on river earlier, and the time is now past the expected time of arrival, then the circumstances support the truth postulate that the person has arrived. Many Indian scholars considered this Pramana as invalid or at best weak, because the boat may have gotten delayed or diverted. However, in cases such as deriving the time of a future sunrise or sunset, this method was asserted by the proponents to be reliable.

🕉Anupalabdi (non-perception, negative/cognitive proof)

🕉Anupalabdi (अनुपलब्धि), non-perception, negative/cognitive proof. Anupalabdhi pramana suggests that knowing a negative, such as "there is no jug in this room" is a form of valid knowledge. If something can be observed or inferred or proven as non-existent or impossible, then one knows more than what one did without such means. In Advaita school of Hindu philosophy, a valid conclusion is either sadrupa (positive) or asadrupa (negative) relation - both correct and valuable. Like other pramana, Indian scholars refined Anupalabdi to four types: non-perception of the cause, non-perception of the effect, non-perception of object, and non-perception of contradiction.

🕉Only two schools of Hinduism accepted and developed the concept "non-perception" as a pramana. Advaita considers this method as valid and useful when the other five pramanas fail in one's pursuit of knowledge and truth. A variation of Anupaladbi, called Abhava (अभाव) has also been posited as an epistemic method. It means non-existence.

🕉Some scholars consider Anupalabdi to be same as Abhava, while others consider Anupalabdi and Abhava as different. Abhava-pramana has been discussed in Advaita in the context of Padārtha (पदार्थ, referent of a term). A Padartha is defined as that which is simultaneously Astitva (existent), Jneyatva (knowable) and Abhidheyatva (nameable). Abhava was further refined in four types, by the schools of Hinduism that accepted it as a useful method of epistemology: dhvamsa (termination of what existed), atyanta-abhava (impossibility, absolute non-existence, contradiction), anyonya-abhava (mutual negation, reciprocal absence) and pragavasa (prior, antecedent non-existence).

🕉Śabda (relying on testimony)

🕉Śabda (शब्द), relying on word, testimony of past or present reliable experts.[Hiriyanna explains Sabda-pramana as a concept which means reliable expert testimony. The schools of Hinduism which consider it epistemically valid suggest that a human being needs to know numerous facts, and with the limited time and energy available, he can learn only a fraction of those facts and truths directly.

🕉He must rely on others, his parent, family, friends, teachers, ancestors and kindred members of society to rapidly acquire and share knowledge and thereby enrich each other's lives. This means of gaining proper knowledge is either spoken or written, but through Sabda (words). The reliability of the source is important, and legitimate knowledge can only come from the Sabda of reliable sources. The disagreement between Advaita and other schools of Hinduism has been on how to establish reliability.


🕉Some claim, states Deutsch, "that Advaita turns its back on all theoretical and practical considerations of morality and, if not unethical, is at least 'a-ethical' in character". However, adds Deutsch, ethics does have a firm place in this philosophy. Its ideology is permeated with ethics and value questions enter into every metaphysical and epistemological analysis, and it considers "an independent, separate treatment of ethics are unnecessary".

🕉According to Advaita Vedanta, states Deutsch, there cannot be "any absolute moral laws, principles or duties", instead in its axiological view Atman is "beyond good and evil", and all values result from self-knowledge of the reality of "distinction-less Oneness" of one's real self, every other being and all manifestations of Brahman. Advaitin ethics includes lack of craving, lack of dual distinctions between one's own soul and another being's, good and just Karma.

🕉The values and ethics in Advaita Vedanta emanate from what it views as inherent in the state of liberating self-knowledge. This state, according to Rambachan, includes and leads to the understanding that "the self is the self of all, the knower of self sees the self in all beings and all beings in the self." Such knowledge and understanding of the indivisibility of one's and other's Atman, Advaitins believe leads to "a deeper identity and affinity with all". It does not alienate or separate an Advaitin from his or her community, rather awakens "the truth of life's unity and interrelated-ness". These ideas are exemplified in the Isha Upanishad – a sruti for Advaita, as follows:

🕉One who sees all beings in the self alone, and the self of all beings, feels no hatred by virtue of that understanding. For the seer of oneness, who knows all beings to be the self, where is delusion and sorrow?

🕉— Isha Upanishad 6-7, Translated by A Rambachan

🕉Adi Shankara, a leading proponent of Advaita, in verse 1.25 to 1.26 of his Upadeśasāhasrī, asserts that the Self-knowledge is understood and realised when one's mind is purified by the observation of Yamas (ethical precepts) such as Ahimsa (non-violence, abstinence from injuring others in body, mind and thoughts), Satya (truth, abstinence from falsehood), Asteya (abstinence from theft), Aparigraha (abstinence from possessiveness and craving) and a simple life of meditation and reflection.

🕉Rituals and rites can help focus and prepare the mind for the journey to Self-knowledge, however, Shankara discourages ritual worship and oblations to Deva (God), because that assumes the Self within is different than Brahman. The "doctrine of difference" is wrong, asserts Shankara, because, "he who knows the Brahman is one and he is another, does not know Brahman".

🕉Elsewhere, in verses 1.26-1.28, the Advaita text Upadesasahasri states the ethical premise of equality of all beings. Any Bheda (discrimination), states Shankara, based on class or caste or parentage is a mark of inner error and lack of liberating knowledge. This text states that the fully liberated person understands and practices the ethics of non-difference.

🕉One, who is eager to realise this highest truth spoken of in the Sruti, should rise above the five-fold form of desire: for a son, for wealth, for this world and the next, and are the outcome of a false reference to the Self of Varna (castes, colours, classes) and orders of life. These references are contradictory to right knowledge, and reasons are given by the Srutis regarding the prohibition of the acceptance of difference. For when the knowledge that the one non-dual Atman (Self) is beyond phenomenal existence is generated by the scriptures and reasoning, there cannot exist a knowledge side by side that is contradictory or contrary to it.

🕉— Adi Shankara, Upadesha Sahasri


🕉The Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and Brahma Sutras are the central texts of the Advaita Vedanta tradition, providing the truths about the identity of Atman and Brahman and their changeless nature.

🕉Adi Shankara gave a non-dualist interpretation of these texts in his commentaries. Adi Shankara's Bhashya (commentaries) have become central texts in the Advaita Vedanta philosophy, but are one among many ancient and medieval manuscripts available or accepted in this tradition. The subsequent Advaita tradition has further elaborated on these sruti and commentaries.


🕉The Vedanta tradition provides exegeses of the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras, and the Bhagavadgita, collectively called the Prasthanatrayi, literally, three sources.

🕉The Upanishads, or Śruti prasthāna; considered the Śruti (Vedic scriptures) foundation of Vedanta. Most scholars, states Eliot Deutsch, are convinced that the Śruti in general, and the Upanishads in particular, express "a very rich diversity" of ideas, with the early Upanishads such as Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and Chandogya Upanishad being more readily amenable to Advaita Vedanta school's interpretation than the middle or later Upanishads. In addition to the oldest Upanishads, states Williams, the Sannyasa Upanishads group composed in pre-Shankara times "express a decidedly Advaita outlook".

🕉The Brahma Sutras, or Nyaya prasthana / Yukti prasthana; considered the reason-based foundation of Vedanta. The Brahma Sutras attempted to synthesize the teachings of the Upanishads. The diversity in the teachings of the Upanishads necessitated the systematization of these teachings. The only extant version of this synthesis is the Brahma Sutras of Badarayana. Like the Upanishads, Brahma Sutras is also an aphoristic text, and can be interpreted as a non-theistic Advaita Vedanta text or as a theistic Dvaita Vedanta text. This has led, states Stephen Phillips, to its varying interpretations by scholars of various sub-schools of Vedanta. The Brahmasutra is considered by the Advaita school as the Nyaya Prasthana (canonical base for reasoning).

🕉The Bhagavad Gita, or Smriti prasthāna; considered the Smriti (remembered tradition) foundation of Vedanta. It has been widely studied by Advaita scholars, including a commentary by Adi Shankara.

🕉Textual authority

🕉The identity of Atman and Brahman, and their unchanging, eternal nature, are basic truths in Advaita Vedanta. The school considers the knowledge claims in the Vedas to be the crucial part of the Vedas, not its karma-kanda (ritual injunctions). The knowledge claims about self being identical to the nature of Atman and Brahman are found in the Upanishads, which Advaita Vedanta has regarded as "error-less revealed truth." Nevertheless, states Koller, Advaita Vedantins did not entirely rely on revelation, but critically examined their teachings using reason and experience, and this led them to investigate and critique competing theories.

🕉Advaita Vedanta, like all orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, accepts as an epistemic premise that Śruti (Vedic literature) is a reliable source of knowledge. The Śruti includes the four Vedas including its four layers of embedded texts - the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas and the early Upanishads. Of these, the Upanishads are the most referred to texts in the Advaita school.

🕉The possibility of different interpretations of the Vedic literature, states Arvind Sharma, was recognized by ancient Indian scholars. The Brahmasutra (also called Vedanta Sutra, composed in 1st millennium BCE) accepted this in verse 1.1.4 and asserts the need for the Upanishadic teachings to be understood not in piecemeal cherry-picked basis, rather in a unified way wherein the ideas in the Vedic texts are harmonised with other means of knowledge such as perception, inference and remaining pramanas. This theme has been central to the Advaita school, making the Brahmasutra as a common reference and a consolidated textual authority for Advaita.

🕉The Bhagavad Gita, similarly in parts can be interpreted to be a monist Advaita text, and in other parts as theistic Dvaita text. It too has been widely studied by Advaita scholars, including a commentary by Adi Shankara.

🕉History of Advaita Vedanta

🕉Adi Shankara with Disciples, by Raja Ravi Varma (1904) Advaita Vedanta existed prior to Adi Shankara but found in him its most influential expounder.

🕉Pre-Shankara Advaita Vedanta

🕉Of the Vedanta-school before the composition of the Brahma Sutras (400–450 CE), wrote Nakamura in 1950, almost nothing is known. The two Advaita writings of pre-Shankara period, known to scholars such as Nakamura in the first half of 20th-century, were the Vākyapadīya, written by Bhartṛhari (second half 5th century), and the Māndūkya-kārikā written by Gaudapada (7th century CE).

🕉Scholarship after 1950 suggests that almost all Sannyasa Upanishads have a strong Advaita Vedanta outlook. Six of these Sannyasa Upanishads – Aruni, Kundika, Kathashruti, Paramahamsa, Jabala and Brahma – were composed before the 3rd-century CE, likely in the centuries before or after the start of the common era, states Sprockhoff; the Asrama Upanishad is dated to the 3rd-century.The strong Advaita Vedanta views in these ancient texts may be, states Patrick Olivelle, because major Hindu monasteries of this period (early 1st millennium CE) belonged to the Advaita Vedanta tradition.

🕉Earliest Vedanta - Upanishads and Brahma Sutras

🕉Main article: Brahma Sutras

🕉See also: Vedas, Upanishads, and Darsanas

🕉The Upanishads form the basic texts, of which Vedanta gives an interpretation. The Upanishads do not contain "a rigorous philosophical inquiry identifying the doctrines and formulating the supporting arguments". This philosophical inquiry was performed by the darsanas, the various philosophical schools.

🕉Bādarāyana's Brahma Sutras

🕉The Brahma Sutras of Bādarāyana, also called the Vedanta Sutra, were compiled in its present form around 400–450 CE, but "the great part of the Sutra must have been in existence much earlier than that". Estimates of the date of Bādarāyana's lifetime differ between 200 BCE and 200 CE.

🕉The Brahma Sutra is a critical study of the teachings of the Upanishads, possibly "written from a Bhedābheda Vedāntic viewpoint." It was and is a guide-book for the great teachers of the Vedantic systems. Bādarāyana was not the first person to systematise the teachings of the Upanishads. He refers to seven Vedantic teachers before him:

🕉From the way in which Bādarāyana cites the views of others it is obvious that the teachings of the Upanishads must have been analyzed and interpreted by quite a few before him and that his systematization of them in 555 sutras arranged in four chapters must have been the last attempt, most probably the best.

🕉Sutras and Shankara

🕉According to Nakamura, "there must have been an enormous number of other writings turned out in this period, but unfortunately all of them have been scattered or lost and have not come down to us today". In his commentaries, Shankara mentions 99 different predecessors of his Sampradaya.[ The Brahmavidya Sampradaya. Pre-Shankara doctrines and sayings can be traced in the works of the later schools, which does give insight into the development of early Vedanta philosophy.

🕉The names of various important early Vedanta thinkers have been listed in the Siddhitraya by Yamunācārya (c.1050), the Vedārthasamgraha by Rāmānuja (c.1050–1157), and the Yatīndramatadīpikā by Śrīnivāsa-dāsa.Combined together, at least fourteen thinkers are known to have existed between the composition of the Brahman Sutras and Shankara's lifetime.

🕉Although Shankara is often considered to be the founder of the Advaita Vedanta school, according to Nakamura, comparison of the known teachings of these early Vedantins and Shankara's thought shows that most of the characteristics of Shankara's thought "were advocated by someone before Śankara". Shankara "was the person who synthesized the Advaita-vāda which had previously existed before him". In this synthesis, he was the rejuvenator and defender of ancient learning. He was an unequalled commentator, due to whose efforts and contributions the Advaita Vedanta assumed a dominant position within Indian philosophy.

🕉Gaudapada and Māṇḍukya Kārikā

🕉Statue of Gaudapada.

🕉Gaudapada (6th century interpretation) was the teacher of Govinda Bhagavatpada and the grand-teacher of Shankara. Gaudapada uses the concepts of Ajativada and Maya to establish "that from the level of ultimate truth the world is a cosmic illusion," and "suggests that the whole of our waking experience is exactly the same as an illusory and insubstantial dream." In contrast, Adi Shankara insists upon a distinction between waking experience and dreams.

🕉Mandukya Karika Gaudapada wrote or compiled the Māṇḍukya Kārikā, also known as the Gauḍapāda Kārikā or the Āgama Śāstra. The Māṇḍukya Kārikā is a commentary in verse form on the Mandukya Upanishad, one of the shortest Upanishads consisting of just 13 prose sentences.

🕉Of the ancient literature related to Advaita Vedanta, the oldest surviving complete text is the Māṇḍukya Kārikā. Many other texts with same type of teachings and which were older than Māṇḍukya Kārikā existed and this is unquestionable because other scholars and their views are cited by Gaudapada, Shankara and Anandagiri, according to Hajime Nakamura. Gaudapada relied particularly on Mandukya Upanishad, as well as Brihadaranyaka and Chandogya Upanishads.

🕉The Mandukya Upanishad was considered to be a Śruti before the era of Adi Shankara, but not treated as particularly important. In later post-Shankara period its value became far more important, and regarded as expressing the essence of the Upanishad philosophy. The entire Karika became a key text for the Advaita school in this later era. Around 740 AD Gaudapada founded Shri Gaudapadacharya Math - also known as Kavaḷē maṭha. It is located in Kavale, Ponda, Goa, and is the oldest matha of the South Indian Saraswat Brahmins.

🕉Adi Shankara (788–820), also known as Śaṅkara Bhagavatpādācārya and Ādi Śaṅkarācārya, represents a turning point in the development of Vedanta. After the growing influence of Buddhism on Vedanta, culminating in the works of Gaudapada, Adi Shankara gave a Vedantic character to the Buddhistic elements in these works, synthesising and rejuvenating the doctrine of Advaita. Using ideas in ancient Indian texts, Shankara systematized the foundation for Advaita Vedanta in the 8th century CE, though the school was founded many centuries earlier by Badarayana. His thematic focus extended beyond metaphysics and soteriology, and he laid a strong emphasis on Pramanas, that is epistemology or "means to gain knowledge, reasoning methods that empower one to gain reliable knowledge".[citation needed] Rambachan, for example, summarizes the widely held view on one aspect of Shankara's epistemology before critiquing it as follows::

🕉According to these [widely represented contemporary] studies, Shankara only accorded a provisional validity to the knowledge gained by inquiry into the words of the Śruti (Vedas) and did not see the latter as the unique source (pramana) of Brahmajnana. The affirmations of the Śruti, it is argued, need to be verified and confirmed by the knowledge gained through direct experience (anubhava) and the authority of the Śruti, therefore, is only secondary.

🕉Sengaku Mayeda concurs, adding Shankara maintained the need for objectivity in the process of gaining knowledge (vastutantra), and considered subjective opinions (purushatantra) and injunctions in Śruti (codanatantra) as secondary. Mayeda cites Shankara's explicit statements emphasizing epistemology (pramana-janya) in section 1.18.133 of Upadesasahasri and section 1.1.4 of Brahmasutra-bhasya.

🕉Adi Shankara cautioned against cherry-picking a phrase or verse out of context from Vedic literature, and remarked that the Anvaya (theme or purport) of any treatise can only be correctly understood if one attends to the Samanvayat Tatparya Linga, that is six characteristics of the text under consideration:

🕉The common in Upakrama (introductory statement) and Upasamhara (conclusions)

Abhyasa (message repeated)

Apurvata (unique proposition or novelty)

Phala (fruit or result derived)

Arthavada (explained meaning, praised point)

Yukti (verifiable reasoning)

🕉While this methodology has roots in the theoretical works of Nyaya school of Hinduism, Shankara consolidated and applied it with his unique exegetical method called Anvaya-Vyatireka, which states that for proper understanding one must "accept only meanings that are compatible with all characteristics" and "exclude meanings that are incompatible with any".

🕉Hacker and Phillips note that this insight into rules of reasoning and hierarchical emphasis on epistemic steps is "doubtlessly the suggestion" of Shankara in Brahma-sutra, an insight that flowers in the works of his companion and disciple Padmapada. Merrell-Wolff states that Shankara accepts Vedas and Upanishads as a source of knowledge as he develops his philosophical theses, yet he never rests his case on the ancient texts, rather proves each thesis, point by point using pranamas (epistemology), reason and experience.

🕉Late-Classical Age and Hinduism Middle Ages

🕉Shankara lived in the time of the so-called "Late classical Hinduism", which lasted from 650 to 1100 CE. This era was one of political instability that followed Gupta dynasty and King Harsha of the 7th century CE. It was a time of social and cultural change as the ideas of Buddhism, Jainism, and various traditions within Hinduism were competing for members. Buddhism in particular influenced India's spiritual traditions in the first 700 years of the 1st millennium CE. Shankara and his contemporaries made a significant contribution in understanding Buddhism and the ancient Vedic traditions; they then transformed the extant ideas, particularly reforming the Vedanta tradition of Hinduism, making it India's most important tradition for more than a thousand years.

🕉Adi Shankara is best known for his systematic reviews and commentaries (Bhasyas) on ancient Indian texts. Shankara's masterpiece of commentary is the Brahmasutrabhasya (literally, commentary on Brahma Sutra), a fundamental text of the Vedanta school of Hinduism. His commentaries on ten Mukhya (principal) Upanishads are also considered authentic by scholars. Other authentic works of Shankara include commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita (part of his Prasthana Trayi Bhasya).

🕉Shankara's Vivarana (tertiary notes) on the commentary by Vedavyasa on Yogasutras as well as those on Apastamba Dharma-sũtras (Adhyatama-patala-bhasya) are accepted by scholars as authentic works of Adi Shankara. Among the Stotra (poetic works), the Daksinamurti Stotra, Bhajagovinda Stotra, Sivanandalahari, Carpata-panjarika, Visnu-satpadi, Harimide, Dasa-shloki, and Krishna-staka are likely to be authentic. He also authored Upadesasahasri, his most important original philosophical work. Of other original Prakaranas (प्रकरण, monographs, treatise), 76 works are attributed to Adi Shankara. Modern era Indian scholars Belvalkar and Upadhyaya accept five and thirty nine works, respectively, as authentic.

🕉Several commentaries on Nrisimha-Purvatatapaniya and Shveshvatara Upanishads have been attributed to Adi Shankara, but their authenticity is highly doubtful. Similarly, commentaries on several early and later Upanishads attributed to Shankara are rejected by scholars as his works, and are likely works of later Advaita Vedanta scholars; these include the Kaushitaki Upanishad, Maitri Upanishad, Kaivalya Upanishad, Paramahamsa Upanishad, Sakatayana Upanishad, Mandala Brahmana Upanishad, Maha Narayana Upanishad, and Gopalatapaniya Upanishad.

🕉The authenticity of Shankara being the author of Vivekacūḍāmaṇi has been questioned, and "modern scholars tend to reject its authenticity as a work by Shankara." The authorship of Shankara of his Mandukya Upanishad Bhasya and his supplementary commentary on Gaudapada's Māṇḍukya Kārikā has been disputed by Nakamura. However, other scholars state that the commentary on Mandukya, which is actually a commentary on Madukya-Karikas by Gaudapada, may be authentic.

🕉Influence of Shankara

🕉Shankara's status in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta is unparallelled. He travelled all over India to help restore the study of the Vedas. His teachings and tradition form the basis of Smartism and have influenced Sant Mat lineages. He introduced the Pañcāyatana form of worship, the simultaneous worship of five deities – Ganesha, Surya, Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi. Shankara explained that all deities were but different forms of the one Brahman, the invisible Supreme Being.

🕉Benedict Ashley credits Adi Shankara for unifying two seemingly disparate philosophical doctrines in Hinduism, namely Atman and Brahman. Isaeva states that Shankara's influence extended to reforming Hinduism, founding monasteries, edifying disciples, disputing opponents, and engaging in philosophic activity that, in the eyes of Indian tradition, helped revive "the orthodox idea of the unity of all beings" and Vedanta thought.

🕉Some scholars doubt Shankara's early influence in India. According to King and Roodurmun, until the 10th century Shankara was overshadowed by his older contemporary Mandana-Misra, who was considered to be the major representative of Advaita. Other scholars state that the historical records for this period are unclear, and little reliable information is known about the various contemporaries and disciples of Shankara.

🕉Several scholars suggest that the historical fame and cultural influence of Shankara grew centuries later, particularly during the era of the Muslim invasions and consequent devastation of India. Many of Shankara's biographies were created and published in and after the 14th century, such as the widely cited Vidyaranya's Śankara-vijaya. Vidyaranya, also known as Madhava, who was the 12th Jagadguru of the Śringeri Śarada Pītham from 1380 to 1386, inspired the re-creation of the Hindu Vijayanagara Empire of South India in response to the devastation caused by the Islamic Delhi Sultanate. He and his brothers, suggest Paul Hacker and other scholars, wrote about Śankara as well as extensive Advaitic commentaries on the Vedas and Dharma. Vidyaranya was a minister in the Vijayanagara Empire and enjoyed royal support, and his sponsorship and methodical efforts helped establish Shankara as a rallying symbol of values, spread historical and cultural influence of Shankara's Vedanta philosophies, and establish monasteries (mathas) to expand the cultural influence of Shankara and Advaita Vedanta.

🕉Post-Shankara - early medieval times-Sureśvara and Maṇḍana Miśra Main articles: Sureśvara and Maṇḍana Miśra Sureśvara (fl. 800-900 CE) and Maṇḍana Miśra were contemporaries of Shankara, Sureśvara often (incorrectly) being identified with Maṇḍana Miśra. Both explained Sankara "on the basis of their personal convictions". Sureśvara has also been credited as the founder of a pre-Shankara branch of Advaita Vedanta.

🕉Maṇḍana Miśra was a Mimamsa scholar and a follower of Kumarila, but also wrote a seminal text on Advaita that has survived into the modern era, the Brahma-siddhi. According to tradition, Maṇḍana Miśra and his wife were defeated by Shankara in a debate, after which he became a follower of Shankara. Yet, his attitude toward Shankara was that of a "self-confident rival teacher of Advaita", and his influence was such that some regard the Brahma-siddhi to have "set forth a non-Shankaran brand of Advaita" "The "theory of error" set forth in this work became the normative Advaita Vedanta theory of error. It was Vachaspati Misra's commentary on this work that linked it to Shankara's teaching. His influential thesis in the Advaita tradition has been that errors are opportunities because they "lead to truth", and full correct knowledge requires that not only should one understand the truth but also examine and understand errors as well as what is not truth.

🕉Hiriyanna and Kuppuswami Sastra have pointed out that Sureśvara and Maṇḍana Miśra had different views on various doctrinal points:

🕉The locus of avidya: according to Maṇḍana Miśra, the individual jiva is the locus of avidya, whereas Suresvara contends that the avidya regarding Brahman is located in Brahman. These two different stances are also reflected in the opposing positions of the Bhamati school and the Vivarana school.

🕉Liberation: according to Maṇḍana Miśra, the knowledge that arises from the Mahavakya is insufficient for liberation. Only the direct realization of Brahma is liberating, which can only be attained by meditation. According to Suresvara, this knowledge is directly liberating, while meditation is at best a useful aid.

🕉Advaita Vedanta sub-schools

🕉After Shankara's death, several sub-schools developed. Two of them still exist today, the Bhāmatī and the Vivarana. Two defunct schools are the Pancapadika and Istasiddhi, which were replaced by Prakasatman's Vivarana school. These schools worked out the logical implications of various Advaita doctrines. Two of the problems they encountered were the further interpretations of the concepts of māyā and avidya.

🕉Padmapada - Pancapadika school

🕉Padmapada (c. 800 CE) was a direct disciple of Shankara who wrote the Pancapadika, a commentary on the Sankara-bhaya. Padmapada diverged from Shankara in his description of avidya, designating prakrti as avidya or ajnana.

🕉Vachaspati Misra – Bhamati school

🕉Bhamati and Vācaspati Miśra Vachaspati Misra (800–900 CE) wrote the Brahmatattva-samiksa, a commentary on Maṇḍana Miśra's Brahma-siddhi, which provides the link between Mandana Misra and Shankara and attempts to harmonise Shankara's thought with that of Mandana Misra. According to Advaita tradition, Shankara reincarnated as Vachaspati Misra "to popularise the Advaita System through his Bhamati". Only two works are known of Vachaspati Misra, the Brahmatattva-samiksa on Maṇḍana Miśra's Brahma-siddhi, and his Bhamati on the Sankara-bhasya, Shankara's commentary on the Brahma-sutras. The name of the Bhamati sub-school is derived from this Bhamati.

🕉The Bhamati school takes an ontological approach. It sees the Jiva as the source of avidya. It sees meditation as the main factor in the acquirement of liberation, while the study of the Vedas and reflection are additional factors.

🕉Prakasatman - Vivarana school

🕉 Vivarana Prakasatman (c. 1200–1300)[348] wrote the Pancapadika-Vivarana, a commentary on the Pancapadika by Padmapadacharya. The Vivarana lends its name to the subsequent school. According to Roodurmum, "[H]is line of thought [...] became the leitmotif of all subsequent developments in the evolution of the Advaita tradition."

🕉The Vivarana school takes an epistemological approach. Prakasatman was the first to propound the theory of mulavidya or maya as being of "positive beginningless nature", and sees Brahman as the source of avidya. Critics object that Brahman is pure consciousness, so it cannot be the source of avidya. Another problem is that contradictory qualities, namely knowledge and ignorance, are attributed to Brahman.

🕉Vimuktatman - Ista-Siddhi Vimuktatman (c. 1200 CE)[354] wrote the Ista-siddhi. It is one of the four traditional siddhi, together with Mandana's Brahma-siddhi, Suresvara's Naiskarmya-siddhi, and Madusudana's Advaita-siddhi. According to Vimuktatman, absolute Reality is "pure intuitive consciousness". His school of thought was eventually replaced by Prakasatman's Vivarana school.

🕉Late medieval times - "Greater Advaita Vedanta" (Islamic rule of India) Michael s. Allen and Anand Venkatkrishnan note that Shankara is very well-studies, but "scholars have yet to provide even a rudimentary, let alone comprehensive account of the history of Advaita Vedanta in the centuries leading up to the colonial period."

🕉According to Sangeetha Menon, prominent names in the later Advaita tradition are:

🕉Prakāsātman, Vimuktātman, Sarvajñātman (10th century)

🕉Śrī Harṣa, Citsukha (12th century)

🕉ānandagiri, Amalānandā (13th century)

🕉Vidyāraņya, Śaṅkarānandā (14th century)

🕉Sadānandā (15th century)

🕉Prakāṣānanda, Nṛsiṁhāśrama (16th century)/br>

🕉Madhusūdhana Sarasvati, Dharmarāja Advarindra, Appaya Dīkśita (17th century)

🕉Influence of yogic tradition

🕉Whilst Indologists like Paul Hacker and Wilhelm Halbfass took Shankara's system as the measure for an "orthodox" Advaita Vedanta, the living Advaita Vedanta tradition in medieval times was influenced by, and incorporated elements from, the yogic tradition and texts like the Yoga Vasistha and the Bhagavata Purana. The Yoga Vasistha became an authoritative source text in the Advaita vedanta tradition in the 14th century, while Vidyāraņya's Jivanmuktiviveka (14th century) was influenced by the (Laghu-)Yoga-Vasistha, which in turn was influenced by Kashmir Shaivism. Vivekananda's 19th century emphasis on nirvikalpa samadhi was preceded by medieval yogic influences on Advaita Vedanta. In thee 16th and 17th centuries, some Nath and hatha yoga texts also came within the scope of the Advaita vedanta tradition.

Development of central position

Main article: Neo-Vedanta

Highest Indian philosophy

🕉Already in medieval times, Advaita Vedanta came to be regarded as the highest of the Indian religious philosophies, a development which was reinforced in modern times due to western interest in Advaita Vedanta, and the subsequent influence on western perceptions on Indian perceptions of Hinduism. In contrast, King states that its present position was a response of Hindu intellectuals to centuries of Christian polemic aimed at establishing "Hindu inferiority complex" during the colonial rule of the Indian subcontinent. The "humanistic, inclusivist" formulation, now called Neo-Vedanta, attempted to respond to this colonial stereotyping of "Indian culture was backward, superstitious and inferior to the West", states King. Advaita Vedanta was projected as the central philosophy of Hinduism, and Neo-Vedanta subsumed and incorporated Buddhist ideas thereby making the Buddha a part of the Vedanta tradition, all in an attempt to reposition the history of Indian culture. Thus, states King, Neo-Vedanta developed as a reaction to western Orientalism and Perennialism. With the efforts of Vivekananda, modern formulation of Advaita Vedanta has "become a dominant force in Indian intellectual thought", though Hindu beliefs and practices are diverse.

Unifying Hinduism

Main article: Unifying Hinduism

🕉Advaita Vedanta came to occupy a central position in the classification of various Hindu traditions. To some scholars, it is with the arrival of Islamic rule, first in the form of Delhi Sultanate thereafter the Mughal Empire, and the subsequent persecution of Indian religions, Hindu scholars began self-conscious attempts to define an identity and unity. Between the twelfth and the fourteen century, according to Andrew Nicholson, this effort emerged with a classification of astika and nastika systems of Indian philosophies. Certain thinkers, according to Nicholson thesis, began to retrospectively classify ancient thought into "six systems" (saddarsana) of mainstream Hindu philosophy.

🕉Other scholars, acknowledges Nicholson, present an alternate thesis. The scriptures such as the Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, texts such as Dharmasutras and Puranas, and various ideas that are considered to be paradigmatic Hinduism are traceable to being thousands of years old. Unlike Christianity and Islam, Hinduism as a religion does not have a single founder, rather it is a fusion of diverse scholarship where a galaxy of thinkers openly challenged each other's teachings and offered their own ideas. The term "Hindu" too, states Arvind Sharma, appears in much older texts such as those in Arabic that record the Islamic invasion or regional rule of Indian subcontinent. Some of these texts have been dated to between the 8th and the 11th century. Within these doxologies and records, Advaita Vedanta was given the highest position, since it was regarded to be most inclusive system.

🕉Modern times (Colonial rule and independence)According to Sangeetha Menon, Sadaśiva Brahmendra was a prominent 18th century Advaita Vedantin.

Influence on Hindu nationalism

Main article: Hindu nationalism

🕉According to King, along with the consolidation of the British imperialist rule came orientalism wherein the new rulers viewed Indians through "colonially crafted lenses". In response, emerged Hindu nationalism for collective action against the colonial rule, against the caricature by Christian and Muslim communities, and for socio-political independence. In this colonial era search of identity, Vedanta came to be regarded as the essence of Hinduism, and Advaita Vedanta came to be regarded as "then paradigmatic example of the mystical nature of the Hindu religion" and umbrella of "inclusivism". This umbrella of Advaita Vedanta, according to King, "provided an opportunity for the construction of a nationalist ideology that could unite Hindus in their struggle against colonial oppression".

🕉Among the colonial era intelligentsia, according to Anshuman Mondal, a professor of Literature specialising in post-colonial studies, the monastic Advaita Vedanta has been a major ideological force for Hindu nationalism. Mahatma Gandhi professed monism of Advaita Vedanta, though at times he also spoke with terms from mind-body dualism schools of Hinduism. Other colonial era Indian thinkers, such as Vivekananda, presented Advaita Vedanta as an inclusive universal religion, a spirituality that in part helped organise a religiously infused identity, and the rise of Hindu nationalism as a counter weight to Islam-infused Muslim communitarian organisations such as the Muslim League, to Christianity-infused colonial orientalism and to religious persecution of those belonging to Indian religions.

Swami Vivekananda

Main articles: Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Mission

🕉A major proponent in the popularisation of this Universalist and Perennialist interpretation of Advaita Vedanta was Vivekananda, who played a major role in the revival of Hinduism, and the spread of Advaita Vedanta to the west via the Ramakrishna Mission. His interpretation of Advaita Vedanta has been called "Neo-Vedanta". Vivekananda discerned a universal religion, regarding all the apparent differences between various traditions as various manifestations of one truth. He presented karma, bhakti, jnana and raja yoga as equal means to attain moksha, to present Vedanta as a liberal and universal religion, in contrast to the exclusivism of other religions.

🕉Vivekananda emphasised nirvikalpa samadhi as the spiritual goal of Vedanta, he equated it to the liberation in Yoga and encouraged Yoga practice he called Raja yoga. This approach, however, is missing in historic Advaita texts. In 1896, Vivekananda claimed that Advaita appeals to modern scientists:

🕉"I may make bold to say that the only religion which agrees with, and even goes a little further than modern researchers, both on physical and moral lines is the Advaita, and that is why it appeals to modern scientists so much. They find that the old dualistic theories are not enough for them, do not satisfy their necessities. A man must have not only faith, but intellectual faith too".

🕉According to Rambachan, Vivekananda interprets anubhava as to mean "personal experience", akin to religious experience, whereas Shankara used the term to denote liberating understanding of the sruti.

🕉Vivekananda's claims about spirituality as "science" and modern, according to David Miller, may be questioned by well informed scientists, but it drew attention for being very different than how Christianity and Islam were being viewed by scientists and sociologists of his era.

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Main article: Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

🕉Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, first a professor at Oxford University and later a President of India, further popularized Advaita Vedanta, presenting it as the essence of Hinduism. According to Michael Hawley, a professor of Religious Studies, Radhakrishnan saw other religions, as well as "what Radhakrishnan understands as lower forms of Hinduism," as interpretations of Advaita Vedanta, thereby "in a sense Hindusizing all religions". To him, the world faces a religious problem, where there is unreflective dogmatism and exclusivism, creating a need for "experiential religion" and "inclusivism". Advaita Vedanta, claimed Radhakrishnan, best exemplifies a Hindu philosophical, theological, and literary tradition that fulfils this need. Radhakrishnan did not emphasise the differences between Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism versus Hinduism that he defined in terms of Advaita Vedanta, rather he tended to minimize their differences. This is apparent, for example, in his discussions of Buddhist "Madhyamika and Yogacara" traditions versus the Advaita Vedanta tradition.

🕉Radhakrishnan metaphysics was grounded in Advaita Vedanta, but he reinterpreted Advaita Vedanta for contemporary needs and context. He acknowledged the reality and diversity of the world of experience, which he saw as grounded in and supported by the transcendent metaphysical absolute concept (nirguna Brahman). Radhakrishnan also reinterpreted Shankara's notion of maya. According to Radhakrishnan, maya is not a strict absolute idealism, but "a subjective misperception of the world as ultimately real."

Mahatama Gandhi

🕉Gandhi declared his allegiance to Advaita Vedanta, and was another popularising force for its ideas. According to Nicholas Gier, this to Gandhi meant the unity of God and humans, that all beings have the same one soul and therefore equality, that Atman exists and is same as everything in the universe, ahimsa (non-violence) is the very nature of this Atman. Gandhi called himself Advaitist many times, including his letters, but he believed that others have a right to a viewpoint different than his own because they come from a different background and perspective. According to Gier, Gandhi did not interpret maya as iillusion, but accepted that "personal theism" leading to "impersonal monism" as two tiers of religiosty.

Contemporary Advaita Vedanta

🕉Contemporary teachers are the orthodox Jagadguru of Sringeri Sharada Peetham; the more traditional teachers Sivananda Saraswati (1887–1963), Cahinmayananda Saraswati, and Dayananda Saraswati (Arsha Vidya); and less traditional teachers such as Narayana Guru. According to Sangeetha Menon, prominent names in 20th century Advaita tradition are Shri Chandrasekhar Bharati Mahaswami, Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal, Sacchidānandendra Saraswati.

Influence of a New Spiritual Movement

🕉Main article: Neo Advaitassary preparation for the path of jnana-yoga". Notable Neo Advaita teachers are H. W. L. Poonja, his students Gangaji; Andrew Cohen, and Eckhart Tolle.

🕉Neo-Advaita is a New Religious Movement based on a popularised, western interpretation of Advaita/br>
a Vedanta and the teachings of Ramana Maharshi. Neo-Advaita is being criticised for discarding the traditional prerequisites of knowledge of the scriptures and "renunciation as nece.

+3 font style=italics>
🕉Advaita Vedanta has gained attention in western spirituality and New Age, where various traditions are seen as driven by the same non-dual experience. Nonduality points to "a primordial, natural awareness without subject or object". It is also used to refer to interconnectedness, "the sense that all things are interconnected and not separate, while at the same time all things retain their individuality."<

Monastic order: Advaita Mathas

See also: Dashanami Sampradaya

🕉(Vidyashankara temple) at Sringeri Sharada Peetham, Shringeri Advaita Vedanta is not just a philosophical system, but also a tradition of renunciation. Philosophy and renunciation are closely related:

🕉Most of the notable authors in the advaita tradition were members of the sannyasa tradition, and both sides of the tradition share the same values, attitudes and metaphysics.

🕉Shankara organized monks under 10 names and established mathas for them. These mathas contributed to the influence of Shankara, which was "due to institutional factors". The mathas which he built exist until today, and preserve the teachings and influence of Shankara, "while the writings of other scholars before him came to be forgotten with the passage of time".

🕉Shri Gaudapadacharya Math

🕉Around 740 CE, Gaudapada founded Shri Gaudapadacharya Math, also known as Kavaḷē maṭha. It is located in Kavale, Ponda, Goa, and is the oldest matha of the South Indian Saraswat Brahmins.

🕉Shankara's monastic tradition

🕉Shankara, himself considered to be an incarnation of Shiva,[web 21] established the Dashanami Sampradaya, organizing a section of the Ekadandi monks under an umbrella grouping of ten names. Several Hindu monastic and Ekadandi traditions, however, remained outside the organisation of the Dasanāmis.

🕉Sankara organised the Hindu monks of these ten sects or names under four Maṭhas (Sanskrit: मठ) (monasteries), called the Amnaya Mathas, with the headquarters at Dvārakā in the West, Jagannatha Puri in the East, Sringeri in the South and Badrikashrama in the North. Each math was first headed by one of his four main disciples, and the tradition continues since then. According to another tradition in Kerala, after Sankara's samadhi at Vadakkunnathan Temple, his disciples founded four mathas in Thrissur, namely Naduvil Madhom, Thekke Madhom, Idayil Madhom and Vadakke Madhom.

🕉The table below gives an overview of the four Amnaya Mathas founded by Adi Shankara, and their details.

Shishya (lineage) Direction Maṭha Mahāvākya Veda Sampradaya Padmapāda East Govardhana Pīṭhaṃ Prajñānam brahma (Consciousness is Brahman) Rig Veda Bhogavala Sureśvara South Sringeri Śārada Pīṭhaṃ Aham brahmāsmi (I am Brahman) Yajur Veda Bhūrivala Hastāmalakācārya West Dvāraka Pīṭhaṃ Tattvamasi (That thou art) Sama Veda Kitavala Toṭakācārya North Jyotirmaṭha Pīṭhaṃ Ayamātmā

🕉 brahma (This Atman is Brahman) Atharva Veda Nandavala

🕉Monks of these ten orders differ in part in their beliefs and practices, and a section of them is not considered to be restricted to specific changes made by Shankara. While the dasanāmis associated with the Sankara maths follow the procedures enumerated by Adi Śankara, some of these orders remained partly or fully independent in their belief and practices; and outside the official control of the Sankara maths. The advaita sampradaya is not a Saiva sect, despite the historical links with Shaivism. Nevertheless, contemporary Sankaracaryas have more influence among Saiva communities than among Vaisnava communities.

🕉Relationship with other forms of Vedanta

🕉The Advaita Vedanta ideas, particularly of 8th century Adi Shankara, were challenged by theistic Vedanta philosophies that emerged centuries later, such as the 11th-century Vishishtadvaita (qualified nondualism) of Ramanuja, and the 14th-century Dvaita (theistic dualism) of Madhvacharya.


🕉Ramanuja's Vishishtadvaita school and Shankara's Advaita school are both nondualism Vedanta schools, both are premised on the assumption that all souls can hope for and achieve the state of blissful liberation; in contrast, Madhvacharya and his Dvaita subschool of Vedanta believed that some souls are eternally doomed and damned. Shankara's theory posits that only Brahman and causes are metaphysical unchanging reality, while the empirical world (Maya) and observed effects are changing, illusive and of relative existence. Spiritual liberation to Shankara is the full comprehension and realiation of oneness of one's unchanging Atman (soul) as the same as Atman in everyone else as well as being identical to the nirguna Brahman. In contrast, Ramanuja's theory posits both Brahman and the world of matter are two different absolutes, both metaphysically real, neither should be called false or illusive, and saguna Brahman with attributes is also real. God-like man, states Ramanuja, has both soul and body, and all of the world of matter is the glory of God's body. The path to Brahman (Vishnu), asserted Ramanuja, is devotion to godliness and constant remembrance of the beauty and love of personal god (saguna Brahman, Vishnu), one which ultimately leads one to the oneness with nirguna Brahman.


🕉Vallabhacharya (1479–1531 CE), the proponent of the philosophy of Shuddhadvaita Brahmvad enunciates that Ishvara has created the world without connection with any external agency such as Maya (which itself is his power) and manifests Himself through the world. That is why shuddhadvaita is known as ‘Unmodified transformation’ or ‘Avikṛta Pariṇāmavāda’. Brahman or Ishvara desired to become many, and he became the multitude of individual souls and the world. Vallabha recognises Brahman as the whole and the individual as a ‘part’ (but devoid of bliss).


🕉Madhvacharya was also a critic of Advaita Vedanta. Advaita's nondualism asserted that Atman (soul) and Brahman are identical, there is interconnected oneness of all souls and Brahman, and there are no pluralities. Madhva in contrast asserted that Atman (soul) and Brahman are different, only Vishnu is the Lord (Brahman), individual souls are also different and depend on Vishnu, and there are pluralities.Madhvacharya stated that both Advaita Vedanta and Mahayana Buddhism were a nihilistic school of thought. Madhvacharya wrote four major texts, including Upadhikhandana and Tattvadyota, primarily dedicated to criticising Advaita.

🕉Historical influence

🕉Mahatma Gandhi stated "I am an Advaitist".

🕉Scholars are divided on the historical influence of Advaita Vedanta. Some Indologists state that it is one of the most studied Hindu philosophy and the most influential schools of classical Indian thought. Advaita Vedanta, states Eliot Deutsch, "has been and continues to be the most widely accepted system of thought among philosophers in India, and it is, we believe, one of the greatest philosophical achievements to be found in the East or the West".

🕉Smarta Tradition

🕉Main article: Smarta Tradition

🕉The Smarta tradition of Hinduism is an ancient tradition, particularly found in south and west India, that revers all Hindu divinities as a step in their spiritual pursuit. Their worship practice is called Panchayatana puja. The worship symbolically consists of five deities: Shiva, Vishnu, Devi or Durga, Surya and an Ishta Devata or any personal god of devotee's preference.

🕉In the Smarta tradition, Advaita Vedanta ideas combined with bhakti are its foundation. Adi Shankara is regarded as the greatest teacher and reformer of the Smarta. According to Alf Hiltebeitel, Shankara's Advaita Vedanta and practices became the doctrinal unifier of previously conflicting practices with the smarta tradition.

🕉Philosophically, the Smarta tradition emphasises that all images and statues (murti), or just five marks or any anicons on the ground, are visibly convenient icons of spirituality saguna Brahman. The multiple icons are seen as multiple representations of the same idea, rather than as distinct beings. These serve as a step and means to realising the abstract Ultimate Reality called nirguna Brahman. The ultimate goal in this practice is to transition past the use of icons, then follow a philosophical and meditative path to understanding the oneness of Atman (soul, self) and Brahman – as "That art Thou".

🕉Other Hindu traditions

🕉Within the ancient and medieval texts of Hindu traditions, such as Vaishnavism, Shaivism and Shaktism, the ideas of Advaita Vedanta have had a major influence. Advaita Vedanta influenced Krishna Vaishnavism in the different parts of India. One of its most popular text, the Bhagavata Purana, adopts and integrates in Advaita Vedanta philosophy. The Bhagavata Purana is generally accepted by scholars to have been composed in the second half of 1st millennium CE.

🕉In the ancient and medieval literature of Shaivism, called the Āgamas, the influence of Advaita Vedanta is once again prominent. Of the 92 Āgamas, ten are Dvaita texts, eighteen are Bhedabheda, and sixty-four are Advaita texts. According to Natalia Isaeva, there is an evident and natural link between 6th-century Gaudapada's Advaita Vedanta ideas and Kashmir Shaivism.

🕉Shaktism, the Hindu tradition where a goddess is considered identical to Brahman, has similarly flowered from a syncretism of the monist premises of Advaita Vedanta and dualism premises of Samkhya–Yoga school of Hindu philosophy, sometimes referred to as Shaktadavaitavada (literally, the path of nondualistic Shakti).

🕉Other influential ancient and medieval classical texts of Hinduism such as the Yoga Yajnavalkya, Yoga Vashishta, Avadhuta Gita, Markandeya Purana and Sannyasa Upanishads predominantly incorporate premises and ideas of Advaita Vedanta.

🕉Relationship with Buddhism

🕉See also: Buddhist influences on Advaita Vedanta

🕉Advaita Vedanta and Mahayana Buddhism share similarities and have differences, their relationship a subject of dispute among scholars. The similarities between Advaita and Buddhism have attracted Indian and Western scholars attention, and have also been criticised by concurring schools. The similarities have been interpreted as Buddhist influences on Advaita Vedanta, while others deny such influences, or see them as variant expressions. According to Daniel Ingalls, the Japanese Buddhist scholarship has argued that Adi Shankara did not understand Buddhism.

🕉Some Hindu scholars criticized Advaita for its Maya and non-theistic doctrinal similarities with Buddhism.Ramanuja, the founder of Vishishtadvaita Vedanta, accused Adi Shankara of being a Prachanna Bauddha, that is, a "crypto-Buddhist", and someone who was undermining theistic Bhakti devotionalism.[461] The non-Advaita scholar Bhaskara of the Bhedabheda Vedanta tradition, similarly around 800 CE, accused Shankara's Advaita as "this despicable broken down Mayavada that has been chanted by the Mahayana Buddhists", and a school that is undermining the ritual duties set in Vedic orthodoxy.

🕉A few Buddhist scholars made the opposite criticism in the medieval era toward their Buddhist opponents. In the sixth century CE, for example, the Mahayana Buddhist scholar Bhaviveka redefined Vedantic concepts to show how they fit into Madhyamaka concepts, and "equate[d] the Buddha's Dharma body with Brahman, the ultimate reality of the Upanishads." In his Madhyamakahṛdayakārikaḥ, Bhaviveka stages a Hinayana (Theravada) interlocutor, who accuses Mahayana Buddhists of being "crypto-Vedantins". Medieval era Tibetan Gelugpa scholars accused the Jonang school of being "crypto-Vedantist." Contemporary scholar David Kalupahana called the seventh century Buddhist scholar Chandrakirti a "crypto-Vedantist", a view rejected by scholars of Madhayamika Buddhism.

🕉The Advaita Vedanta tradition has historically rejected accusations of crypto-Buddhism highlighting their respective views on Atman, Anatta and Brahman.

🕉Similarities with Buddhism

🕉According to scholars, the influence of Mahayana Buddhism on Advaita Vedanta has been significant. Advaita Vedanta and various other schools of Hindu philosophy share numerous terminology, doctrines and dialectical techniques with Buddhism. According to a 1918 paper by the Buddhism scholar O. Rozenberg, "a precise differentiation between Brahmanism and Buddhism is impossible to draw."

🕉Both traditions hold that "the empirical world is transitory, a show of appearances", and both admit "degrees of truth or existence". Both traditions emphasize the human need for spiritual liberation (moksha, nirvana, kaivalya), however with different assumptions. Adi Shankara, states Natalia Isaeva, incorporated "into his own system a Buddhist notion of maya which had not been minutely elaborated in the Upanishads". Similarly, there are many points of contact between Buddhism's Vijnanavada and Shankara's Advaita.

🕉According to Frank Whaling, the similarities between Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism are not limited to the terminology and some doctrines, but also includes practice. The monastic practices and monk tradition in Advaita are similar to those found in Buddhism.

🕉Dasgupta and Mohanta suggest that Buddhism and Shankara's Advaita Vedanta represent "different phases of development of the same non-dualistic metaphysics from the Upanishadic period to the time of Sankara." The influence of Mahayana Buddhism on other religions and philosophies was not limited to Vedanta. Kalupahana notes that the Visuddhimagga of Theravada Buddhism tradition contains "some metaphysical speculations, such as those of the Sarvastivadins, the Sautrantikas, and even the Yogacarins". According to John Plott :: We must emphasize again that generally throughout the Gupta Dynasty, and even more so after its decline, there developed such a high degree of syncretism and such toleration of all points of view that Mahayana Buddhism had been Hinduized almost as much as Hinduism had been Buddhaized.


🕉The influence of Buddhist doctrines on Gaudapada has been a vexed question.

🕉One school of scholars, such as Bhattacharya and Raju, state that Gaudapada took over the Buddhist doctrines that ultimate reality is pure consciousness (vijñapti-mātra) and "that the nature of the world is the four-cornered negation, which is the structure of Māyā"

🕉Of particular interest is Chapter Four of Gaudapada's text Karika, in which according to Bhattacharya, two karikas refer to the Buddha and the term Asparsayoga is borrowed from Buddhism. According to Murti, "the conclusion is irresistible that Gaudapada, a Vedanta philosopher, is attempting an Advaitic interpretation of Vedanta in the light of the Madhyamika and Yogcara doctrines. He even freely quotes and appeals to them." However, adds Murti, the doctrines are unlike Buddhism. Chapter One, Two and Three are entirely Vedantin and founded on the Upanishads, with little Buddhist flavor. Further, state both Murti and King, no Vedanta scholars who followed Gaudapada ever quoted from Chapter Four, they only quote from the first three. According to Sarma, "to mistake him [Gaudapada] to be a hidden or open Buddhist is absurd". The doctrines of Gaudapada and Buddhism are totally opposed, states Murti:

🕉We have been talking of borrowing, influence and relationship in rather general terms. It is necessary to define the possible nature of the borrowing, granting that it did take place. (...) The Vedantins stake everything on the Atman (Brahman) and accept the authority of the Upanishads. We have pointed out at length the Nairatmya standpoint of Buddhism and its total opposition to the Atman (soul, substance, the permanent and universal) in any form.

🕉— TRV Murti, The Central Philosophy of Buddhism

🕉Advaitins have traditionally challenged the Buddhist influence thesis. Modern scholarship generally accepts that Gaudapada was influenced by Buddhism, at least in terms of using Buddhist terminology to explain his ideas, but adds that Gaudapada was a Vedantin and not a Buddhist. Gaudapada adopted some Buddhist terminology and borrowed its doctrines to his Vedantic goals, much like early Buddhism adopted Upanishadic terminology and borrowed its doctrines to Buddhist goals; both used pre-existing concepts and ideas to convey new meanings. While there is shared terminology, the Advaita doctrines of Gaudapada and Buddhism are fundamentally different.

Differences from Buddhism

Atman and Anatta

🕉Advaita Vedanta holds the premise, "Soul exists, and Soul (or self, Atman) is a self evident truth". Buddhism, in contrast, holds the premise, "Atman does not exist, and An-Atman (or Anatta, non-self)is self evident".

🕉In Buddhism, Anatta (Pali, Sanskrit cognate An-Atman) is the concept that in human beings and living creatures, there is no "eternal, essential and absolute something called a soul, self or Atman". Buddhist philosophy rejects the concept and all doctrines associated with Atman, call Atman as illusion (maya), asserting instead the theory of "no-self" and "no-soul". Most schools of Buddhism, from its earliest days, have denied the existence of the "self, soul" in its core philosophical and ontological texts. In contrast to Advaita, which describes knowing one's own soul as identical with Brahman as the path to nirvana, in its soteriological themes Buddhism has defined nirvana as the state of a person who knows that he or she has "no self, no soul".

🕉Some Buddhist texts chronologically placed in the 1st millennium of common era, such as the Mahayana tradition's Tathāgatagarbha sūtras suggest self-like concepts, variously called Tathagatagarbha or Buddha nature. These have been controversial idea in Buddhism, and "eternal self" concepts have been generally rejected. In modern era studies, scholars such as Wayman and Wayman state that these "self-like" concepts are neither self nor sentient being, nor soul, nor personality. Some scholars posit that the Tathagatagarbha Sutras were written to promote Buddhism to non-Buddhists.


🕉The epistemological foundations of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta are different. Buddhism accepts two valid means to reliable and correct knowledge – perception and inference, while Advaita Vedanta accepts six (described elsewhere in this article). However, some Buddhists in history, have argued that Buddhist scriptures are a reliable source of spiritual knowledge, corresponding to Advaita's Śabda pramana, however Buddhists have treated their scriptures as a form of inference method.]


🕉Advaita Vedanta posits a substance ontology, an ontology which holds that underlying the change and impermanence of empirical reality is an unchanging and permanent absolute reality, like an eternal substance it calls Atman-Brahman. In its substance ontology, as like other philosophies, there exist a universal, particulars and specific properties and it is the interaction of particulars that create events and processes.

🕉In contrast, Buddhism posits a process ontology, also called as "event ontology". According to the Buddhist thought, particularly after the rise of ancient Mahayana Buddhism scholarship, there is neither empirical nor absolute permanent reality and ontology can be explained as a process. There is a system of relations and interdependent phenomena (pratitya samutpada) in Buddhist ontology, but no stable persistent identities, no eternal universals nor particulars. Thought and memories are mental constructions and fluid processes without a real observer, personal agency or cogniser in Buddhism. In contrast, in Advaita Vedanta, like other schools of Hinduism, the concept of self (Atman) is the real on-looker, personal agent and cogniser.

🕉The Pali Abdhidhamma and Theravada Buddhism considered all existence as dharma, and left the ontological questions about reality and the nature of dharma unexplained.

🕉According to Renard, Advaita's theory of three levels of reality is built on the two levels of reality found in the Madhyamika.

🕉Shankara on Buddhism

🕉A central concern for Shankara, in his objections against Buddhism, is what he perceives as nihilism of the Buddhists. Shankara states that there "must be something beyond cognition, namely a cogniser," which he asserts is the self-evident Atman or witness. Buddhism, according to Shankara, denies the cogniser. He also considers the notion of Brahman as pure knowledge and "the quintessence of positive reality."

🕉The teachings in Brahma Sutras, states Shankara, differ from both the Buddhist realists and the Buddhist idealists. Shankara elaborates on these arguments against various schools of Buddhism, partly presenting refutations which were already standard in his time, and partly offering his own objections. Shankara's original contribution in explaining the difference between Advaita and Buddhism was his "argument for identity" and the "argument for the witness". In Shankara's view, the Buddhist are internally inconsistent in their theories, because "the reservoir-consciousness that [they] set up, being momentary, is no better than ordinary consciousness. Or, if [they] allow the reservoir-consciousness to be lasting, [they] destroy [their] theory of momentariness." In response to the idealists, he notes that their alaya-vijnana, or store-house consciousness, runs counter to the Buddhist theory of momentariness. With regard to the Sunyavada (Madhyamaka), Shankara states that "being contradictory to all valid means of knowledge, we have not thought worth while to refute" and "common sense (loka-vyavahara) cannot be denied without the discovery of some other truth".

🕉Advaita Vedanta is most often regarded as an idealist monism. According to King, Advaita Vedanta developed "to its ultimate extreme" the monastic ideas already present in the Upanishads. In contrast, states Milne, it is misleading to call Advaita Vedanta "monastic," since this confuses the "negation of difference" with "conflation into one." Advaita is a negative term (a-dvaita), states Milne, which denotes the "negation of a difference," between subject and object, or between perceiver and perceived.

🕉According to Deutsch, Advaita Vedanta teaches monastic oneness, however without the multiplicity premise of alternate monism theories. According to Jacqueline Hirst, Adi Shankara positively emphasises "oneness" premise in his Brahma-sutra Bhasya 2.1.20, attributing it to all the Upanishads. Nicholson states Advaita Vedanta contains realistic strands of thought, both in its oldest origins and in Shankara's writings.

🕉Advaitic Meditation (Bhramara-kita-nyaya)Bhramara-kita-nyaya is based on the analogy of the wasp and the caterpillar, which states how the caterpillar gets transformed into a wasp by transformative changes in time. Similarly, the Jiva(Atman) becomes Brahman itself by ultimately transforming on Brahman.

🕉No-body is "say-ing" any-thing, as though some-body, as a permanent, individual, physically solid person, is in some fixed position, "in" space and time, stating statements, in a particular language, as though that needs to matter, when there is absolutely no-body any-where to be found, "in" space and time, as though some-body is some-where, speaking words that matter, to and for some-body, in some fixed position, referred to as some-where here or there.

🕉Those are simply subjective and objective thoughts, that are thought to be so, via a self-conjured, conjured self's beliefs, that they have a mind of their own, with free will and choice, to experience a life of their own, filled with ideas of subjects and objects to learn about, and call that "my knowledge" of what needs to be known and what needs to be done about this and that, when no-thing needs to be done about any-thing, and no-thing needs to be known about absolutely every-thing that is simply an appearance, as time apparently appears to be timing appearances of every-thing, out of no-thing, from no-where, as every-thing arises, for no-body and no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.

🕉Although, a recognition can seemingly be cognised, that the story that had been self-conjured, by a self-conjured self, that believed it had been living as a separate independent self-centered, self-managed, individually self-sufficient, self-conjured, conjured self, in a world of dualism and a self-generated dream-like reality, that had once been believed to be exclusively associated with the real-ness of cause and effect; subjectivity; objectivity; physicality; one's own self-identification of claiming their very own body-mind / action figure; with free will and choice to exist as a separate person, in a world it believes is filled with exclusive dualities; and that life is always happening to and for a person to spend time, seeking personal experiences, when that is only part of what is seemingly so, but not entirely so.

🕉There are no self-proclaimed non-duality teachers necessary to organise "talks" / "satsangs" that need to teach what Advaita Vedanta is all about, as though it is a teaching that needs to be shared among others, within an un-real portrayal of a societal structure that does not exist. It only apparently appears to exist and is seemingly reinforced, via groups of self-conjured, conjured selves, that are in agreement that non-duality needs to be construed as a teaching.

🕉In view of those apparent appearances of human corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy forms, that are apparently appearing as temporally temporary appearances, that are visibly observable in mirrors, for an impermanent, indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, that is also similarly expressed as "spiritual teachers" expressing "spiritual teachings" that are apparently appearing to be stemming from separate groups of self-conjured belief systems, that are in agreement as separate groups of self-conjured, conjured selves, that are seemingly perpetuating ideas that there must be engagements of activities that need to be available for seekers seeking liberation, to include conjuring of "spiritual paths" and methods of "spiritual teachings" as though such "spiritual teachings" are going to help seekers find that which they already are, from that which they are not, since the seeker has always been the sought all along.

🕉That which you are not, cannot be claimed as a pre-supposition that life is happening to and for separate exclusively, permanent, physically solid mortal body-minds / action figures, as though each body-mind / action figure, belongs to individual people in some exclusively real physically permanent world, that is not thought to be a dream-like reality, but as though it is an exclusively real and permanent reality, for separate people to each experience life for themselves.

🕉Even when there is an apparent recognition that "you" were never the self-conjured idea, as a separate sense of a self, had seemingly "fallen away;" "evaporated;" "partially liberated;" etc... as a self-conjured conjured self, that had been supported by the mental thought system, to believe in the idea that life must be claimed to be: "my life to live under my own terms and conditions since I have free will and choice to control my own life as I see fit" and as though: "I have my own life to live, with free will and choice to live life for my-self" and to reinforce a belief that: "life is always happening to and for my-self, in order to gather my own personal experiences towards finding a better way of conditional life to live for myself to personally experience and add my own reasons, meanings, and purposes for life to be all about "you and me", as though life was intended to be lived for separate individual people, in a societal structure that had been conjured by groups of self-conjured, conjured selves, in agreement that a societal structure is exclusively real, and required for people to be fully engaged within that societal structure.

🕉Such ways of believing "you" are separate from every-body and every-thing else, reinforces such ideas of self-identification with what "you" are not, as self-conjured conjurings of self-importance that might be expressed, so that life can have an artificially self-conjured meaning, reason, and purpose for each self-conjured person to claim the energetic movements of engagement within that societal structure, under specific conditions, for people to claim self-conjured experiences of life in some particular way.

🕉And that that needs to support the idea of personally separate self-importance. Once it is recognised that there never was a separate person, living their own life for them-self, no-where to be found in some fixed position "in" space and time, that held a separate free will and choice to do so, as what had always been no-thing more or less than a temporally temporary appearance, as a humanly corporeal appearance, as a body-mind / action figure, that had been believing in the idea of "you and me"; "you and I"; "he and she"; "us" and them."

🕉And as though we are separate from every-body and every-thing else, as a sense of a separate self, that can also run the risks of shifting over to entertaining other ideas that support believing that there can now be separate non-duality teachers in society, to use the message of non-duality, that is just a simple fact, that absolutely every-thing is non-separation, as what is and is what is not empty fullness, for no-body, and no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.

🕉All dualities as this and that, do not need to be turned into a teaching in any way, shape, or form, since every-thing is already whole, complete, and perfect, just as it has always been. No-thing is required to be added, and no-thing is necessary to be removed from every-thing that apparently appears to arise as life, of its own accord and volition, for no-body, and no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of however life arises as it will.

🕉Therefore, to self-profess that it is necessary to have non-duality teachers "who" are travelling around the world, to hold "talks"/"satsangs" can some-times seemingly be happening, as though it is helpful in some way to do so, when it is not meant to be neither helpful nor not helpful in some way to begin with.

🕉The sense of a separate self, as though accompanied by an exclusively real, and seemingly physically solid version of "us," is and is not as though that is apparently appearing to be another part of "us," as thought there are separate entities that are and are not seemingly apparently appearing to be appearing as though "we" are "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, as though some seemingly clever mixtures of energetic movements.

🕉And that that also convincingly appears convincingly so to "us," as that which "we" apparently appear to be, to include apparent appearances of that which "we" are not, that is the mental projection as another version of self, that also produces the idea, as though that which "we" apparently appear to be, requires "us" to conjure a necessity of "us" to think and believe that that is also so, when it all apparently appears to be that which is both so and not so, "in" space and time, that includes what "we" truly are at "our" source, as not "of" space and time, but that which is also both seemingly seamlessly time-less and bound-less non-local qualia consciousness energy.

🕉And so, "we" are all apparently appearing to be seemingly taking on those energetic movements of apparent appearances as multi-dimensional energetic movements, that apparently appear as multifaceted manifestations, that are seemingly seamless, just as there are no visibly observable boundaries between light and darkness.

🕉It is then understandable, to some degree, as to how so easily fooled any-body could seemingly be-come convinced to believe that they are exclusively real, physically solid, and self-identified with that which is simply a mental projection as to what "we" think "we" are, but that that is also a temporally temporary manifestation as to what is also thought to be the totality of "us." When that is just simply how human corporeal apparent appearances can show-up as apparent appearances "in" space and time and not exclusively "of" space and time.

🕉Which is also how and why "we" are not exclusively that, as those apparent appearances of what can also be construed as another version of apparent appearances, as a collective-ness of human corporeal-ness, and as holographic appearances that apparently appear as though there are holographic selves that are constantly part of the content, that is seemingly so and not so, throughout the Universe.

🕉And that there are no finite numbers of lifeforms, as all lifeforms comprise an innumerable countenance of life, that happens to include innumerable versions of humanly corporeal appearances throughout the Universe, just as plentiful a countenance that can be noticeably so, of sea-life, in all the oceans of the Earth.

🕉What is apparently appearing to be seemingly visibly observable, facilitating the use of eyes that facilitate sight, is from the "holographic version" of "us", that is simply another way of recognising that "we" are not exclusively those humanly corporeal apparent appearances, but that they are also both aspects as to how the idea of "you and I" comes up, and simultaneously apparently appearing temporally temporary, whenever referring to "we" that are witnessed, and not "who" are witnessed, as a type of split that is temporarily appearing temporal "in" space and time, and not an example of absolute separation, since separation does not exist as an absolute.

🕉And that that also includes that which "we" are also being, that is not "of" space and time, at our core. And that that also happens to seemingly be and not seemingly be non-local qualia consciousness energy, as though there are exclusively external apparent appearances of every-thing energetically seemingly moving outside "of" space and time, that is also not exclusively un-real; un-observable and un-knowable.

🕉"You" and "I" are neither "here" nor are we "there" as though there are real physically solid fixed positions "in" space and time to be. There is also neither a "you" nor is there a "me" as an "I" any-where to be found, independently singled-out as though to be counted as an independently real, physically solid person in some permanently fixed position "in" space and time.

🕉This is apparently so, since time is apparently appearing as every-thing that is and is not, simply an apparent appearance from no-thing, for no-body in particular, and for no reason, meaning, and purpose other than of its own accord and volition, to be apparently appearing as every-thing from no-thing ad infinitum.

🕉No-body can claim to know how and why every-thing is apparently appearing to be arising as every-thing apparently appears to continuously arise, as an apparent appearance of every-thing from no-thing./br>

🕉Any-thing apparently appears to arise, as though there is any-thing apparently appearing as the content of that which continuously seemingly arises as every-thing from no-thing, as though there can seemingly arise to be some-thing within the apparent appearances of every-thing from no-thing.

🕉All this and that dualities of some-thing, that can apparently appear to be visibly observable as any-thing, is apparently appearing to be so, simply be-cause time is apparently appearing to be timing the cause of every-thing that is seemingly apparent out of no-where, from no-thing.

🕉There are apparent non-duality speakers in the world - that apparently appear to be visibly observable in mirrors, as humanly corporeal temporally temporary body-mind complexes / action figures, that are and are not observably visible in mirrors for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time - and not "of" space and time.

🕉Although we are seemingly projected manifestations of human corporeal temporally temporary impermanent apparent appearances "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, that are and are not observably visible and visibly observable in mirrors, for an impermanent duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time for no-body.

🕉And that no-thing that is apparently appearing to be mingling with every-thing, that is apparently appearing as humanly corporeal, is seemingly mingling with All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness, as the contextual content as what apparently appears to arise, as though every-thing is no-thing-ing and no-thing is every-thing-ing for no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition ad infinitum, as infinitudinal complexified empty fullness.

🕉And yet, non-duality speakers are seemingly increasing in greater numbers than ever before, as a seemingly new resurgence of the "Advaita Movement" that had once been strongly prevalent and mainly local to India in the "Ancient of Days" thousands of years ago, when the Bhagavad-Gita and Upanishads were seemingly introduced into this dream-like reality frame as the story of Earth.

🕉The Conjured Self is self-conjured, via other groups of carefully organised self-conjured predecessors, as especially privileged self-conjured, conjured selves, within a societal structure, from particular positions of authority, who must ensure that every newborn person, continues to be introduced into the societal structure, in a particular fashion, using academia of the public school system to do so.

🕉That has been carefully designed to convince every newborn baby boy or girl, once they begin to integrate into society, that they should be naturally accepting a belief that they are a separate uniquely special person, as an individual "whom" that possesses their very own life to experience, along with their very own free will and choice and exclusively physically solidly real body-mind complex / action figure to claim as their very own with which to do so as they please, when that is clearly not so.

🕉That is just mistakenly taken to be convincingly so, instead of the humanly corporeal, local unit of qualia consciousness energy form, that is simply temporally temporarily impermanently visibly observable in mirrors, apparently mingling with the apparent appearances of every-thing as Empty Fullness, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of space and time.

🕉Such a self-conjured, conjured self's acceptance to believe that that is truly so, is part of what a self-conjured, conjured self must eventually be coerced to accept as the only belief that there has always been, regarding their very own existence in the world, as the only way of life with which they must all be-come familiar to learn about and to know by heart.

🕉And that every person in society, must also continually believe, as other self-conjured, conjured selves before them, had also been taught to blindly accept and believe without question, that they too are born as separate people in a shared reality, to include the claiming of their very own body-mind complex / action figure, with free will and choice, to experience their own life, that has meaning, reason, and purpose, for and by its very own self.

🕉And that it must also find its own special way of integrating with other self-conjured, conjured selves, within a reality that it must be convinced to believe, is an exclusively real shared reality with all other self-conjured, conjured selves, in the world, as a taught and learned version of the story of the world, that has been and continues to be told, from an agreed collective perspective, of self-understanding, self-importance, and self-significance, as the story of planet Earth.

🕉Such an idea of separation helps to reinforce the doctrines and beliefs that accompany a separate sense of self, as though reality has always been the way that it appears to be, as an interpretation for and by people who exist within a societal structure of a singular reality, that is exclusively and physically real for people of the world, as the story of Earth continues to seemingly unfold.

🕉These ideas of separation, that there has and should always be a societal structure of individual people in the world, and that you and I are from generations before us, who have always been part of that societal structure, that is to be filled with uniquely independent people, to be taken for granted as a reinforced belief, as the only way life has always apparently been appearing to be for humanity, and for the apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures, collectively believed to be part of a human species in the world, that are scattered throughout various areas of lands, upon a planet's surface, to be widely accepted and known as the planet Earth.

🕉Every agreed upon knowable idea, belief, and/or concept among self-conjured, conjured selves, is to be associated with the existence of separate people in society. And that such knowable ideas, beliefs and/or concepts are to be taught to every person in society, regardless of race, nationality, and any other description of a person, via an academic public school system, that has always seemingly been the way that it seems and needs to continue to be the case, for self-conjured, conjured selves to learn all about the reasons, meanings, and purposes of its own life, that are devoted to the common good and well being of all people in society, who have every right to be part of that societal structure, as the human race.

🕉And that they are part of society, regardless whether or not that is accepted by any-body, who happen to possess a birth certificate, as a way of proving that they are part of such a society. Since certain groups of self-conjured, conjured selves, have some-how agreed to set-up this idea by which such an academic public school system must be critically vital and necessary for all people to participate, regardless if any-body believes that they claim to know that as a fact or not.

🕉That is reasoned to be so, as a sense of belonging and a set of civil rights and liberties, so that people can feel a sense of civic duty, as they may or may not seemingly take every opportunity presented to them, of be-coming a useful, economically viable part of society, who may then seemingly begin serving society, for society as a whole, and as a citizen, whom is to believe that they are individually born into the reality of this world, recognising them-self as a person whom is entitled to exercise their civil rights and liberties, as a unique contributing citizen of society.

🕉And so, the sense of a separate self continues to be perpetuated as the most popularly held understanding and belief, as the main group consensus for all people in society, as self-conjured, conjured selves, who have become part of every generation of self-conjured, conjured selves, who are presumed to have been born from a previous generation in this particular way, without question, as a generation of exclusively real and physically solid, individual people, claiming a human corporeal apparent appearance, as the self-proclaiming of a body-mind complex / action figure, to claim as their very own body-mind complex / action figure, and to live and experience their own life with free will and choice to do so.

🕉Meanwhile, there is an apparent appearance of ordinariness that is so often so very easily overlooked, as to how and why every-thing is already truly every-thing, just as it apparently appears to arise, of its own accord and volition.

🕉And that this is how every-thing has always been apparently appearing to be as every-thing apparently appears to be - just as every-thing has always apparently appeared, and will continuously appear to be, as Empty Fullness apparently appearing as every-thing from no-thing.

🕉And that every-thing will continue to apparently appear to arise and spring forth as the apparent appearances of every-thing from no-thing - and as the apparent appearances of time timing apparent appearances of any-thing - and as the apparent contextual content within the apparent appearances of every-thing from no-thing.

🕉And that all this and that dualities, are also temporally temporarily impermanently visible in mirrors, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, via self-conjured, conjured selves, who believe that they are part of the societal structure of organised groups, via the mental thought system, with perceptions of their own version of reality, as that version of a self-conjured reality, and as though each self conjured, conjured self is to be assigned a birth certificate of authenticity with which to self-identity, that will automatically include a birth name and birth right, that must be accepted without question, within the apparent appearances of a societal structure, as the default of a self-conjured belief in a shared version of reality, as the story of Earth.

🕉The story of Earth, is a story that has been told by groups of self-conjured conjured selves, within the apparent appearance of an ancient past, as part of the story of Earth, that has been apparently appearing to be perceived as it is perceived, via the mental thought system and collective consciousness of the societal structure of self-conjured, conjured selves, who are in agreement about the story of Earth, that has been continuously believed to be happening in the manner by which the story of Earth has been told, and continues to be told, "in" space and time, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time.

🕉And that that will continue to be held as a popularly shared version of a story told and believed without question, by, from, and for self-identified, self-conjured, conjured selves, as apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures, humanly corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy forms, whom are believed to be exclusively real, separate, individually independent, self-sufficient, self-sustainable, human beings.

🕉And that we are born into this reality, that is convincingly believed to be so, as a pre-supposed shared reality, as a physically real reality of external places as separate coordinates "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, as personal presences whom are separate from every-body, and every-thing else in the world, upon which we are to convincingly believe we exist upon.

🕉The moment that a person is said to be born, is a moment apparently appearing to be happening "in" space and time and not "of" space and time. That is far too often mistakenly interpreted as a moment when a human corporeal baby boy or girl, is apparently appearing to be born, followed by a necessity from the authorities of a societal structure's methods, to issue forth self-identification certificates of authenticity, proving that each body-mind complex / action figure, is a separately uniquely born, individual person, whom must possess an exclusive birth name and birth right to be accepted as their very own, without question, thereby reinforcing the idea, that every-body must embrace and submit to a separate sense of self.

🕉There are apparent non-duality speakers in the world - that apparently appear to be visibly observable in mirrors, as humanly corporeal, units of local qualia consciousness energy forms, temporally temporary body-mind complexes / action figures - observably visible in mirrors, for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉Although this will never be understood and knowable by any-body, every-thing is simply seemingly so, since every appearance as a human corporeal local unit of qualia consciousness energy form, apparently appears to be mingling with no-thing apparently appearing as every-thing, visibly observable in mirrors, for an impermanently indeterminate duration, apparently appearing as every-thing, "in" space and time" and not "of" space and time.

🕉And as though time is timing the apparent appearances of every-thing from nothing, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, to and for no-body and no-thing, other than what is always seemingly mingling with All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness, as the contextual content - as what apparently appears to arise - as though both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & unknowable, as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing - for no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose - other than of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.

🕉And yet, non-duality speakers are seemingly apparently appearing to be increasing in greater numbers than ever before, as a seemingly new resurgence as a so-called "Advaita Movement" that had seemingly once been strongly prevalent and mainly local to India during an apparent distant past as the "Ancient of Days" thousands of years ago, when the Bhagavad-Gita and Upanishads were seemingly introduced into this dream-like reality frame, as the story of Earth.

🕉Time is apparently appearing to be timing the apparent appearances of every-thing that appears as though there are separate things within the appearances of every-thing, that seemingly arises of its own accord and volition, ad-infinitum.

🕉All apparent appearances of that which is seemingly witnessed, as though every-thing is appearing out of nothing, is no-thing apparently appearing as every-thing. It is also suggested, that the human corporeal appearances of body-minds / action figures, are apparent appearances of personal presences.

🕉And that such personal presences are apparently appearing as representations of individuated units of local humanly corporeal qualia consciousness energy forms, visibly observable in mirrors, for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.

🕉And that each personal presence, as a unit of local qualia humanly corporeal consciousness energy form, is apparently appearing to be independently manifesting, as though that is mingling and/or blended within the apparent appearances of every-thing.

🕉And as though there are individuated units of local qualia consciousness energy forms, apparently appearing as though there are separate individual appearances within the apparent appearances of every-thing, that apparently appears as though time is timing the apparent appearances of every-thing. And as though any-thing can apparently appear within those apparent appearances of every-thing.

🕉The impersonal presences of all apparent appearances of humanly corporeal units of qualia consciousness energy forms, are manifestations of personal presences, that are temporally temporarily visibly observable in mirrors, for an impermanently, indeterminate duration, "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.

🕉All this and that dualities, are apparently appearing to be so, simply be-cause that which manifests as personal presences, are the energetic movements of projections, from non-local qualia consciousness impersonal presences, that are not "of" space and time, as time-less, bound-less energetic movements, as non-local qualia consciousness energy fields, mingling and/or blended with Empty Fullness.

🕉A separate sense of self, is self-conjured, from apparent appearances of energetic movements, apparently appearing to be released from the mental thought system. And that such releases of a constant flow of energetic movements, are apparently appearing to be mingling and/or blended with time that is apparently appearing to be consistently timing the apparent appearances of every-thing, as thought-patterns / thought-waves are released.

🕉And as though there are separate body-minds / action figures, that can then use its own self-proclaimed, self-conjured, conjured self's mind, to claim as its very own self-reliant receiver of information, to self-conjure its own interpretations, using its very own claimed free will and choice to do so, as a mind and body claimed as its own, and calling that "my mind and my body."

🕉And that any entertained thought-forms from the mental thought system, can also be considered to be claimed as "my thoughts" that are then easily susceptible of be-coming mis-translated transmissions from the self-conjured, conjurings of mis-interpretations from a mind of a body-mind / action figure, that is mistakenly claimed as "my perceptions of my own mind's thoughts."

🕉And that that can be entertained as a self-conjured, conjured self's own version of mis-translated perceptions in some particular way, other than simply allowing every-thing to naturally apparently appear as it arises as every-thing naturally does, of its own accord and volition, with-out the interference of self-proclaimed, self-conjured body-minds / action figures.

🕉And that that then seemingly begins to be-come the development of self-conjured ideas, that are claimed as self-conjured entertained thoughts, to call such self-conjured entertained thoughts "my own personal presence of personal thoughts from my own body and mind, to experience as my life."

🕉And that such perceptions can be translated via what apparently appear to be separate individual apparent appearances of body-minds / action figures, that apparently appear to be using the mind, of each apparent appearance of a body-mind / action figure, that apparently appear to be separate from every-body and every-thing else, as though there are apparent appearances of independently separate humanly corporeal body-minds / action figures, within the apparent appearances of every-thing.

🕉The mind of a body-mind, is easily susceptible to be convinced to believe, via the mental thought system, that all apparent appearances of every-thing, are always apparently appearing as though every-thing is seemingly defaulted, as that which can apparently appear to be perceived as some-thing, that must then be interpreted, via self-conjured, self-conceived perceptions, from self-proclaimed apparent appearances of body-minds / action figures, that entertain the idea of separation, as the claiming of its own body and mind, calling that "my body and my mind to do as I please with -since I also have my own free will and choice to rightfully do so, to live out my life on my own terms."

🕉Such mis-translations of distorted perceptions, be-come self-perpetuated, self-pre-conceived, self-conjured interpretations. Such an interference of every-thing apparently appearing naturally of its own accord and volition as no-thing appearing as every-thing, results in self-conjured mis-translations about every-thing that apparently continues to naturally appear, as it arises of its own accord and volition.

🕉That is then mistakenly over-looked and replaced by mis-interpretations and/or mis-translations of mis-directed distortions of interference, via the facilitation of sight, directly interpreted from a body-mind / action figure, that is taken to be one's own personal presence, as a self-conjured, conjured self-proclaimed body-mind / action figure, as "my body and my mind."

🕉And that that can then be fully self-reliant and entrusted upon its own self-conjured interpretations, from the entertainment of thoughts believed to be "my own personal thoughts."

🕉And that it can also acquire its own understandings of interpretations and translations of self conjured, self-knowledge, to claim that as its own uniquely perceived awareness of knowing, about every-thing that it may or may not be encountering at any given moment "in" space and time, in which it believes can be directly perceived, from a mind that it believes to be "my own mind."

🕉And as though all apparent appearances of every-thing, are apparently appearing to be conditionally happening, to and for them-self, to call that "my experiences of my life."

🕉The interpretations that are perceived via the mind of a body-mind action figure, are simply apparent appearances that are blending and/or mingling with every-thing that apparently appears as manifestations from no-thing-ness.

🕉The personal presences, as apparent appearances of local humanly corporeal qualia consciousness energy forms, are temporally temporarily apparently appearing as energetic movements, impermanently visibly observable in mirrors, as reflections of energetic movements, that apparently appear from every-where-ness, since every-thing is an apparent appearance as Empty Fullness.

🕉And that such apparent appearances of humanly corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy forms, are apparently appearing visibly observable in mirrors, for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time, as though there are separately independent personal presences, that are exclusively real, as physical body-minds / action figures, with free will and choice, to claim life, and call that: "my life."

🕉That which claims it is thinking, is a conjured self that claims every-thing with which it believes it is in direct conscious contact. This is how the heist of presuppositions are conjured, to claim that you are a separate self. The mental thought system "jacks into" the mind of a body-mind complex action figure to convince that to claim it is a separate individual person, with its very own body-mind complex / action figure to proclaim as its very own, by agreeing to be given a birth name, that is to be believed as its very own uniquely special birth name and birth rite.

🕉Although, death is simply just another conjured idea, self-conjured via the mind of a body-mind, that is temporally temporarily imbued with an energetic movement of self-conjured energies as false claims, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, that is seemingly enlivened, enriched, and supported, via the collective consciousness of the mental thought system.

🕉No-body is ever born and no-body ever dies. Such conjured selves, claim that they possess a free will and choice to self-proclaim the body-mind that they believe they had chosen to be born with for them-selves, as a false claim that that is "my body" and "my mind" accompanied by a self-consciously self-conjured belief that they are a separate individual "whom" has a right to entertain self-conjured thoughts, subjectively and objectively, with false claims that such self-conjured thoughts are originally self-conjured by an independently self-sufficient, self-conjured self, that has been self-convinced to believe that that is so, via the mental thought system.

🕉Those self-conjured false claims are believed to be justifiable evidence, via a birth certificate of authenticity, that they believe can be used by a conjured self, as self-evidential proof that they are a very uniquely special individual person, with their very own personal birth name and birth rite, to justify a self-conjured conjured self's processing of self-conjured false claims, perpetuated via the mental thought system, to help support and promote self-conjured proclamations of self conjurings, as a separate sense of self-perpetuated self-conjured conjurings of self-indulgence.

🕉Therefore, all ideas believed to be true, from a self-conjured conjured self's false claims, are convincingly so, as self-conjured beliefs of false claims, that they exist as a separate individual entity, separate from every-body and every-thing else, and that they are convinced that that is so, as self-evidential proof, that is supported via the mental thought system, resulting in the self-conjured self-perpetuation as a separate sense of self.

🕉And that it also must be convinced to believe that they are unlike any-body else who also have their very own uniquely special birth name and birth rite, as a separate individual self-sufficiently, self-sustainable person - along with its very own free will and choice.

🕉And that they will be spending the rest of their life believing to be a separate individual that will always remain separate from every-body and every-thing else, "in" space and time, as a reality in which it believes to be existing upon.

🕉And that it must uphold such a reality, by providing that reality with all the meaning, reason, and purpose that that reality will ever have, for its life to be fulfilled and have exclusively special meanings, purposes, and reasons for all of its wants, needs, and desires to be fulfilled. That is not what's happening and is the basis of all un-necessary self-afflictions, as a separate sense of self.

🕉Prior to the inception that a conjured self had been recognised, as though likened to a "familiar stranger," whom I had eventually come to know, as a child conjures an imaginary friend, that I had eventually continued to use, as that imaginary friend became more familiar to me, whom would also be-come as a type of scapegoat to do all my bidding for "me."

🕉Interestingly enough, I could always rely on a mirror to expose a version of that conjured self, and also rely on the convenience of having unavoidable conversations with it, anytime I felt the need to do so. Especially during times of what were considered difficult decisions to make in life, especially whenever there were no parental figures around, upon which to bounce new ideas. I could also see that conjured self any time I wanted to get a better look at what I had presumed were other people seeing me the same way I saw that conjured self in mirrors, looking back at a "me" - calling that as my-self.

🕉And whom had also become an emotional "dumping ground" so-to-speak, whenever parental figures did not seem to possess the paternal or maternal instincts that are usually present, when-ever they should have already been some-how seemingly pre-equipped with a natural propensity or know-how regarding how to properly raise children.

🕉Although it took awhile to become better acquainted with that familiar reflection in mirrors through the years, I felt that I had no choice but to be-come more well acquainted with that conjured self, that had to be addressed as "my-self."

🕉Since there were apparently seemingly innumerable other body-mind complexes /action figures all around "me" within a reality that I had presumed that I must eventually join, and that had gradually be-come a very special club that any-one could seemingly also be part of, once they too could be proven worthy of an initiation, via an academic educational institution, so-named: "The Public School System" of an American societal structure, of which I had unavoidably come to know, as part of an alleged exclusively real, and physically solid reality, so-named the human race / humankind / human species.

🕉Every-body had that same fate and/or destiny seemingly imposed upon them as well, so I never felt out-of-place, provided I kept doing every-thing as I was told by those managers of that public school system.

🕉Fortunately, although I felt self-assured, that had been a false sense of security, as a separate sense of self. And yet, still feeling as though I had been accompanied by a "conjured self" that seemingly had a knack of helping me to figure out ways of making those years go by, filled with great entertainment and wild experiences to be had every step of the way. Although, many of those excursions were considered detrimental to the principles of those public school systems, with which I had no choice but to eventually be-come much more well acquainted.

🕉That "familiar stranger" as that conjured self that I had to drag along with me every-where we seemingly went. Especially during those childhood years of wonder and awe, that had gradually become replaced with demands that were imposed upon that conjured self, that were seemingly filled with corrosive conformity, whereby all conjured selves were expected to obey those managers who were responsible for maintaining the smooth operation of that public school system all along. That had become one of the most obvious factors of control over all conjured selves to be indoctrinated into becoming an economically viable citizen for that societal structure at large.

🕉And as that "conjured self" had eventually become an integral part of the person that I had pre-supposed I needed to be, and whom I was to eventually discover had seemingly been, just a reflection of a body-mind complex / action figure as a humanly corporeal image, visibly observable as though governed by two separate realities. One reality that had once been considered "out there" and the second reality, as an internal one, where I was "in here" trapped in that conjured self of a body-mind complex /action figure, and solely responsible for its every action.

🕉And as though I had been hitching a ride in that mirror image of what I had presumed to be "me" as that "conjured self." I eventually be-came a bit unsettled when that began to gradually feel more and more uncomfortable as more time had been spent in that reflection of that body-mind complex / action figure I had become so well acquainted with through the years, that had been visibly observable and/or observably visible in mirrors.

🕉I can recall when there were many times I would ask my-self: "What kind of trickery is this?" I had eventually figured-out that I had seemingly turned-out to be-come an individual person that I had never been all along, and yet, I had also been the narrator of a story that I had presumed to be a story of life that was always presumed to be all about "me" when that sense of ownership with that familiar reflection in mirrors had seemingly been presumed to be a natural sense of belonging, that had also been accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling as a false sense of security that was supported by a conjured self that was not, by nature, what I truly was all along.

🕉Although that conjured self had a story to tell, it was eventually going to be a case of self-admittance as being its own narrator of narratings that I had been self-identifying with as that conjured self.

🕉And that that had also been presumed to be my true self, when I had eventually come across a sense of a "true self" at heart and by nature, as a more natural response as a deeper sense of self, other than that conjured self. Especially after very careful self-contemplation one day in the month of June, of the year 2016, when I had been examining the works of Dr. Thomas Campbell and his 3-part book series: "My Big T.O.E. [ Theory of Everything ].

🕉I had finally come to a self realisation, as what most people might refer to as an: "awakening" that so many of those groups of "New-Agers" I always used to frequently witness, speaking of metaphysical subjects, back in the 1990's, when metaphysics had become so popularised back then, and as what had also been construed as a type of "spiritual quest" that I had under-taken to try and figure-out what is that conjured self that I had become so well acquainted with, as more time had seemingly gone by.

🕉It had also eventually dawned on me one day, that I was catering to a character of a story, that had turned-out to be all about a conjured self's selfish wants, needs, and desires. I began to surmise that there was a greater need arising in "me" that was for that conjured self and how that conjured self had been cleverly re-directing a life that was all about that conjured self and not about what I truly am.

🕉I had finally caught that heist, as an external representation of "me" - that would always be standing before "me" staring back at a face that kept changing with time, and as that change had been something every-body experiences so-named the "aging process."

🕉Perhaps, I would have fared best, had I seemingly appeared spending those first critical years "in" space and time with exposure to this reality, to be raised in India, instead of seemingly some-where else in America - or perhaps that simply was never meant to seemingly happen to that conjured self that had once been pre-supposed as my-self, when that was simply just another apparent appearance of a body-mind complex / action figure to temporally make a few apparent appearances within an impermanence of a reality "in" space and time for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, ad infinitum.

🕉Although there is no-body, claiming to be some-body, as an individually independent separate self, situated some-where in space and time - there is apparently every-body every-where as every-where-ness, seemingly temporally temporarily humanly corporeally appearing observably visible in mirrors, for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.

🕉And apparently appearing as What Is and What Is Not Empty Fullness, continuously seemingly appearing, both real and un-real; observable and un-observable; knowable and un-knowable, as All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness, for and by no-body, for no reason, meaning or purpose, other than what seemingly arises as Life/Nature/Reality, as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum." ~ Richard Tyshantivedanta Trevino

🕉Be-ware of those claiming that they are as "gurus guru-ing conjured guru selves" - that profess to "have" the "Spirit of the Law" mistakenly so - as "having" the "Letter of the Law" instead.

🕉That conjured self that is associated with a self-identification as: [ "insert birth name here" ] - believes that a "point" needs to be made for the conjured self's liking - since it believes that any time there are statements that are being shared using the English language - that that must surely make sense for all readers.

🕉If that which is read by a conjured self that may or may not be making any sense - that any statements may seemingly be interpreted as a riddle - then that may simply be a situation whence that reader's eyes are in direct relation to the processing of information mis-directed, by-passed, and/or intercepted by the mind of a conjured self's body-mind complex / action figure - instead of a properly directed, streamed feed, reaching and connecting back to what we truly are as non-local qualia consciousness energy.

🕉That conjured self that is associated with a self-identification as: [ "insert birth name here" ] - believes that a "point" needs to be made for the conjured self's liking - since it believes that any time there are statements that are being shared using the English language - that that must surely make sense for all readers.

🕉If that which is read by a conjured self that may or may not be making any sense - that any statements may seemingly be interpreted as a riddle - then that may simply be a situation whence that reader's eyes are in direct relation to the processing of information mis-directed, by-passed, and/or intercepted by the mind of a conjured self's body-mind complex / action figure - instead of a properly directed, streamed feed, reaching and connecting back to what we truly are as non-local qualia consciousness energy.

🕉The Upanishads & the Bhagavad-gita are likened to reading a scientific textbook regarding that which is accessibly knowable and directly associated with how and why All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness apparently appears as it does to both the conjured self as a body-mind complex / action figure / unit of local qualia consciousness energy form and what we truly are as energetic movements of non-local qualia consciousness energy that is not "of" space and time.

🕉It is simply that those projections that are humanly corporeal in nature - and temporally temporarily visibly observable / observably visible in mirrors - for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉And that that may or may not be seemingly happening as happenings "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, that are seemingly happening "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, regarding that which is seemingly so, as the seemingly natural nature of Life/Nature/Reality as a combination of both all subject-matter that pertains to science and all subject matter that pertains to metaphysics.

🕉Then, a direct response to that, may or may not be a realisation, that that which is the source of all "sight" is not "of" space and time. Since non-local qualia consciousness energy is seemingly so, as the activity of "seeing" through a body-mind complex / action figure, and not from a body-mind complex / action figure.

🕉It is the activity of expression, enacting and engaged "in" space and time as both the witness and the perpetrator of that which is seemingly so "in" space and time. This often becomes a dilemma of confusion leading to a tough decision of whether or not the heart as non-local qualia consciousness energy, or the mind of the conjured self should or should not be entrusted more or less than its constituent other half.

🕉Usually, nine times out of ten, just as a random count of probability distributions, the mental thought system seemingly gets its way by convincing the mind of a body-mind complex / action figure that it is a self-sufficiently self-sustainable individual person with free will and choice.

🕉Support and reinforcements of a strong belief are then entertained by the conjured self - that they are thereby convinced to be existing as no-thing more or less than an exclusively real and physically solid body-mind complex / action figure.

🕉And that is obviously what's not happening at any given time "in" space and time. It is only apparently appearing to be this or that way due to the fundamental nature of how all dualities are also naturally supported by the mental thought system, that needs to claim a "doer" and a "know-er" of being some-thing that it never was.

🕉Hence why a body-mind complex / action figure is an ideal candidate for the mental thought system to use as a "scapegoat" so-to-speak - so that the mental thought system can use a body-mind complex / action figure as another host to seemingly conjure-up a whole other new fictitious character as a conjured self.

🕉And that often results in a separate sense of self presupposing that every-body else is also living/existing in much the same way as they are, in a society filled with other conjured selves, that are seemingly in support of building a whole new paradigm of conjured selves, and calling that a "societal structure."

🕉And that that societal structure is to be used to perpetuate the conjuring-up of an infinitudinally complexified array of different concepts, ideas and beliefs, to keep the mental thought system busy at supporting all manner of self-conjured stories of self-conjured self-importance, as though every-thing that is no-thing-ing and no-thing that is seemingly every-thing-ing is happening as happenings for each apparent appearance of an individual body-mind complex / action figure.

🕉And that that can be entertained and convincingly so, as believably so, as to how and why every-thing can be construed as seemingly, indisputably so, for every-body else, who are also seemingly visibly observable in mirrors and temporally temporarily apparently appearing humanly corporeal for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, ad infinitum.

🕉The conjured self can some-times seemingly be-come so self-convinced and influenced to such a great degree, by the mental thought system, that it can then seemingly be-come a willing participant in supporting ideas of being self-identified as a separately unique individual person in society.

🕉And that it also must be a "do-er of "doing" and a "know-er of know-ing" for conjured selves to collectively support each other, in such a set-up. And as though that may or may not apparently appear to be necessarily so, in some particularly dualistic way, as a societal structure set-up for that society to be seemingly exclusively real - when that may simply be construed as a story about the development of a conjured societal structure in a conjured society.

🕉This and that dualities can some-times also apparently appear to cause a conjured self to be-come so extremely convoluted with separateness, that they can then apparently appear to be "spiritually neurotic" and "spiritually schizophrenic" and riddled with very high doses of ego.

🕉That can then become the result of conjured self-expressions and/or demonstrations of separateness - as being in the act of entertaining ideas of extreme self-delusional delusions of self-conjured self-ing afflictions as delusions of grandeur and as that which is self-afflicted as a conjured self self-ing self-perpetuated self-ing, and self-identifiable self-ing with what it also believes to be the engagement of interactions with all other apparent appearances of all other human corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy forms.

🕉And that all those other apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / actions figures and the contextual content of a society structure are apparently appearing in society - that is seemingly exclusively real as though comprised of separate components of conjured selves helping to uphold the apparent appearances of a societal structure that is seemingly observably visible / visibly observable in mirrors for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉And as each next generation of conjured selves continue to seemingly be collectively engaged in a societal structure that apparently appears to have been established "in" space and time, to be seemingly accommodating an idea of a separate sense of self.

🕉All this and that dualities, are therefore seemingly so, as the basis of a natural propensity, for most body-mind complexes /action figures, to be-come involved with, as though they are some type of a "natural force" that is seemingly monopolised by the mental thought system.

🕉And that that has been perpetuating a separate sense of self for just a few centuries "in" space and time, in some particular manner - compared to the establishment of information far more ancient on this planet, as the Upanishads; the Advaita vedanta; the message of all non-duality satsangs.

🕉And yet, a separate sense of self continues to seemingly be the more well established way of life, that is presumably established as routinely established for all humanly corporeal appearances of body-mind complex / action figures to be engaged with Life/Nature/Reality - that is seemingly more in favour of choosing a separate sense of self to over-ride the apparent appearances of there being the presence of no-body any-where to be found "in" space and time.

🕉And that that does not require any necessities for there to be no-thing seemingly any-where in some fixed position. And that that also does not need for any-thing to be done about no-thing to seemingly be no-thing.

🕉And as though all this and that dualities must seemingly be with-out any necessities for there to be no-thing any-where in some fixed position. And that there is no-thing necessary to do about any-thing that is seemingly no-thing. And that that does not need to be done as no-thing for no-thing to be seemingly so. And as though no-thing needs to be some-thing since no-thing needs to be knowable as some-thing.

🕉It is as though a society structure of collectively engaged conjured selves is what's seemingly happening all the time, despite how the message of Advaita / non-duality can show an entirely different point of view and perspectives that are associated with so many of the main belief systems; world religions and/or spiritual groups that are each seemingly "jockeying" for a "unified agreement."

🕉A type of "unified agreement" of supporting the idea of a separate sense of self that includes becoming part of a particular group of other conjured selves who can share similar viewpoints and/or perspectives, as to whether or not there is any reason, meaning, and/or purpose to what seemingly appears to be a person's existence or as the presence of an entity, as what can sometimes apparently appear to be, an unusual dream-like reality frame of 3rd-dimensionality.

🕉Most people simply do not question about Life/Nature/Reality in such a way, as they seemingly continue to simply get on with living life, as though there is a separate life to be lived. And that they, as an individually self-sufficient conjured self, can seemingly use an approach, with their own free will and choice to do so, to incorporate a sort of "general consensus rule" in a societal structure, of which it believes its conjured self is a willing participant.

🕉And that it can also pass along for all other following generations of body-mind complex /action figures that are apparently appearing to be born, as though they are brand new body-mind / action figures that have never seemingly appeared as an entirely new human corporeal unit of local qualia consciousness energy form, into this particular dream-like reality frame of 3rd-dimensionality.

🕉The "general consensus rule" in society is to uphold all ideas that support individuality and a recognition of uniqueness. Although that is seemingly more in favour, rather than the obvious nature of how a separate sense of self is seemingly the most prominent cause of what apparently appears to be wasted energy; confusion; disharmony; distortion; and needless entropy of seemingly endless suffering.

🕉And that that is to be perceived as a body-mind complex / action figure that is seemingly exclusively real and physically solid. But what is also seemingly so, as no-thing every-thing-ing and every-thing no-thing-ing.

🕉And more or less seemingly so, as an apparent appearance of humanly corporeal local qualia consciousness energy forms - that are apparently appearing to be temporally temporarily observably visible / visibly observable in mirrors - for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉And that that is continuously an energetic movement of mingling, as a humanly corporeal apparent appearance, with every-thing that is no-thing-ing and no-thing that is every-thing-ing ad infinitum.

🕉That is seemingly so regardless of how the mental thought system seemingly be-comes as the root cause of all senses of separation as separateness seemingly must be upheld by a conjured self, and that such an idea needs to be passed along to all of the next apparent appearances of other new batches of arrivals - as more new apparent appearances body-mind complexes / actions figures that are seemingly born every day, into this particular seemingly shared dream-like reality frame of 3rd-dimensionality.

🕉And as though each of those newly born apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures, may also seemingly be-come more or less susceptible to the mental thought system's claiming parasitically energetic movements - that can apparently appear to be latching-onto the minds of un-suspecting seemingly new presences of body-mind complexes / action figures - into what is seemingly a dream-like reality frame of 3rd-dimensionality.

🕉The mental thought system continues to remain seemingly present "in" space and time - along with time timing the apparent appearance of happenings that can seemingly be happening for each of those new arrivals of body-mind complexes / action figures - so that they too can have opportunities to seemingly be-come what they will believe to be another uniquely so conjured self.

🕉Although, they may or may not "awaken" to the fact that they are not a separate individual person, with their very own body-mind complex / action figure to claim as their very own, with free will and choice, to self-identify with a conjured self, and label that body-mind complex / action figure - that is temporally temporarily observably visible / visibly observable in mirrors - for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time - for no-body and for no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose.

🕉And with what it presumes to be no-thing more or less than a separate person, that has its very own body-mind complex / action figure - along with its very own birth name and birth rite, that is un-like any-body else's birth name and birth right.

🕉And that is so and not so for all other body-mind complexes /action figures in society that have been convinced by the mental thought system to be separate from every-body and every-thing else. And to also be pre-supposedly convinced, as a self-conjured conjured self, that it will be living the rest of what it believes to be their own life, with a separate sense of self, to address their conjured self as "my-self" living "my own life," and mingling in society as that and in that manner that is seemingly so to such a self-conjured conjured self.

🕉And that that will also be seemingly perpetuating the idea that it is just fine and a natural process that every-body will apparently appear to be seemingly experiencing, as time continue to seemingly be timing all apparent appearances of that which is arising as All That Is & All That is Not Empty Fullness for no-body in particular and no apparent meaning, reason, and purpose other than of its own accord and volition ad infinitum.

🕉Especially those areas of the Earth where the societal structure of society is seemingly most well established on the planet, such as geographical areas so-named: Canada; North America; Mexico; Central America; South America; Africa; United Kingdom; Australia; Japan; and all other countries throughout Europe. Body-mind complexes / action figures, that are seemingly born as though apparently appearing "in" space and time, as though seemingly arriving off of some "un-observable assembly line," so-to-speak."

🕉And that that is apparently appearing to be so, for the mental thought system to feed off of such an idea, and rely on body-mind complexes / action figure to entertain such an idea of presence - so that that can be how the mental thought system responds as though likened to a parasitic movement, that will continue to be seemingly running rampant in society - as more and more body-mind complexes / action figures are apparently appearing to be continuously arriving into this dream-like reality frame of 3rd-dimensionality, in one of innumerable infinitudinally complexified seemingly dualistic ways.

🕉That which is thinking from the mind of an apparent appearance as a body-mind complex / action figure, that is humanly corporeally; temporally and temporarily appearing; visibly observable / observably visible in mirrors - as a projected human corporeal unit of local qualia consciousness energy "in" space and time - for an impermanent and indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, is what's not happening.

🕉"We" are "in" this temporal dream-like reality frame of 3rd-dimensional impermanence, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time - and "we" are not "of" this dream-like reality frame of 3rd-dimensional impermanence as what "we" truly are as non-local qualia consciousness energy.

🕉And that that body-mind complex / action figure that is humanly corporeally and temporally temporarily apparently appearing "in" space and time, as a unit of local qualia consciousness energy form is what you're not, that is being constantly bombarded with thought-patterns from the mental thought system, to convince that host body-mind complex / action figure that it is existing in a reality of its very own design, since the mental thought system claims body-minds as separate entities that live in an imaginary reality with a separate sense of self.

🕉That separate sense of self is reinforced by the mental thought system as a parasitic movement to conjure an imaginary "conjured self," to be influenced and used by the mental thought system as its own host - and persuasively convince the mind of any body-mind to believe that it is a separate individual person, separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉And that that is existing as what it is not, convinced to believe that it possesses its very own free will and choice, but what is instead, driven by the mental state as misdirected attention and awareness, with a self-deprecated sense as a separate sense of self. It is convinced to believe that it is a single individual person, with its very own free will and choice, to claim its very own body-mind as its very own, and to live its life on its own terms.

🕉A "conjured self" is also led to believe that it can self-identify with its very own uniquely special birth name & birth rite believed to be self-proclaimed as its very own exclusive birth name and birth rite, with a life that it can choose to live however it wishes to live what it believes to be its own life, with free will and choice to use that self-identification as a reinforcement of its own delusional sense of a separate self.

🕉If you happen to believe that experiencing life is to be left to the whims of the mental thought system, and for that to be your decision-maker for you, then perhaps you feel that you should continue being convinced to believe that you are existing as a separate individual person, whom must be convinced to believe that they can only be entrusted with them-self as a self-sufficiently, self-reliant, and self-assured "conjured self" - despite the fact that such a non-existent thing does not belong to any-body as neither "him-self" or "her-self."

🕉And since that is not what's happening to no-body as a separate sense of self-identification as a "conjured self" that is not exclusively real, as what you are not. That is merely the reflection of a body-mind complex / action figure that is be-ing used for the use of 5 conscious contact points of "seeing"; "hearing"; "tasting"; "touching" and "smelling." Whatever can be perceived is not what's perceiving.

🕉The seeker is the sought. Light cannot seek light since it is already that which is light. You are what you are looking for and you are not that body-mind that is being used to see thru, that is also temporally temporarily observable visible, as you see that projection standing before any mirror.

🕉Every-thing is no-thing-ing and no-thing is every-thing-ing as What Is & What Is Not Empty Fullness apparently appearing both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness for no-body and no apparent reason, meaning & purpose other than of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.

🕉No-body can ever know how and why every-thing apparently appears to arise as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing since there is no-body any-where in some fixed position "in" space and time, as a single independent individual person, that is not the "do-er" of every-thing apparently appearing as no-thing and the "know-er" of every-thing apparently appearing as no-thing. That will always remain a mystery for no-body ad-infinitum.

🕉Therefore, all manner of infinitudinally complexified ways of narrow-minded thinking, can also be used by the mental thought system, to seemingly perpetuate a continuation of unintentional mis-translations to apparently appear to take place "in" space and time, regarding as what is being processed either directly or indirectly by the mind of a body-mind complex / action figure or indirectly by-passed altogether - as that which is naturally "seeing" through it all as not "of" space and time - and as that which is non-local qualia consciousness energy by nature.

🕉Whatever can be perceived is not what's being perceived as the perceiver of such perceptions. All dualities as seemingly this or that are so - simply be-cause of the sheer infinitudinally complexified magnitude of the mental thought system's influence on a conjured self.

🕉And that a conjured self may or may not be convinced to believe that a "point" needs to be made - in order for some idea to be interpreted as factual and satisfactorily logical, to some degree, before a conjured self will seemingly deem such a concept or idea - that may or may not be entertained, as that which is to be so or not so.

🕉Every-thing is paradoxically so as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing. It is therefore highly recommended to continue keeping a careful watch over how that conjured self is using those 5-conscious contact points and how all entertained thought-forms are being pre-supposedly intercepted by the mind of that conjured self / body-mind complex / action figure that is not you.

🕉That is seemingly that way, simply because you and I are not "of" space and time but merely apparent appearances temporally temporarily humanly corporeal "in" space and time for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" time but not "of" space and time - as that which is visibly observable and observably visible in mirrors.

🕉And that that is also not "of" space and time for no-body and no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than the accord and volition as whatever will seemingly arise as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness ad infinitum.

🕉Life/Nature/Reality enlivens that which we are not - as though as a seemingly real and physically solid body-mind complex / action figure projection - that apparently appears observably visible in mirrors - for an indeterminate impermanent duration "in" space and time but not "of" space and time.

🕉And as all this and that dualities that are most often relied upon by a conjured self, to be exclusively real. Although seemingly exclusively real for no-body and for no meaning, reason, and purpose other than of its own accord and volition ad infinitum, as What Is & What Is Not Empty Fullness apparently appearing as both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable, as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing, as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness ad infinitum.

🕉No-body has their own free will to decide to do and know any-thing about every-thing since there is no-body any-where in a fixed position "in" space and time that is separate from every-body and every-thing else to claim that that is so.

🕉All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness is all perfect, complete, and whole just as it "Simply Is" that requires no-thing more to be added nor any-thing else to be removed from every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness - that is already complete-ness; whole-ness and perfection just as it always has been and always will be - of its own accord and volition ad infinitum.

🕉You are not a separate entity as a conjured self - although that is seemingly so - as though you are a seemingly separate entity - that is existing in some fixed position "in" time - as though seemingly suspended upon coordinates "in" space and time and not "of" space and time - since units of local qualia consciousness energy forms - that we are not - are seemingly directed and re-directed by what we are as non-local qualia consciousness energy fields - projected as contextual content upon Life/Nature/Reality.

🕉All this and that dualities are also seemingly as simply visibly observable projections that are projected as an infinitudinal array of non-exclusively real projections - that are seemingly humanly corporeal in Nature - as temporally temporary apparent appearances as units of local qualia consciousness energy forms of infinitudinal complexification - seemingly appearing for an indeterminate duration of impermanent space and time - for no apparent meaning, reason, & purpose - other than of its own accord and volition ad infinitum.

🕉The story about these apparent appearances of a body-mind/action figure, so-named: "Richard Tyshantivedanta Trevino" had been seemingly making apparent appearances in Peterborough, United Kingdom since the 2nd of April 2010, having relocated from San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.

🕉Information shared in this website, had been based on observations, descriptions, and a pointing to, what apparently appears to be Life/Nature/Reality, seemingly appearing to be arising as Life/Nature/Reality for nobody, as a separate individual self-sufficient self had been apparently appearing in time, impermanently temporally temporarily, as a human corporeal unit of local qualia consciousness energy, for an indeterminate amount of time, observably visible in mirrors.

🕉Recognise that is in the thinking of believing any-thing to be convincingly so - as that which is entertained as a presupposed idea regarding thoughts that cannot be claimed by a separate sense of self that was never born into this imaginary dream-world / reality frame - as a non-existent thing seeking salvation for a non-existent thing as a separate individual conjured self.

🕉There are no separate individual conjured selves to be found being some place else other than mingling with every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing - as that which can never die from an imaginary place that it had never been born into as though being upon some place other than the every-where-ness as the now-ness of now; awake-ness always awakening awake to being awake; alive-ness always enliven-ing alive-ness to being enliven-ing and aware-ness aware-ness-ing to being aware-ness-ing - since what we are is as the infinitudinal complexified Nature of drops in an infinitudinally vast ocean of every-where-ness as non-local qualia consciousness energy fields ad-infinitum.

🕉And since there is only every-where-ness that any-body cannot be what they think they are and that which cannot be thought into being - as though being in some fixed position "in" space and time - since we have never been being nor be-coming some-thing else other than that which is not "of" space and time.

🕉There is time, but we are not "of" time, simply be-cause - time is what apparently appears to maintain impermanent energetic movements in space, that maintains all apparent appearances as a dream going on as though seemingly happening as time timing - and as though suspended as an impermanent 3-fold principle of past, present, and future that is stretched out as time timing - always seemingly happening in the now-ness of now.

🕉We are non-local qualia consciousness energy fields - mingling with All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness - as visibly observable infinitudinal complexified apparent appearances observably visible in mirrors - for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time but not "of" space and time - as temporal temporary humanly corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy forms - for an indeterminate duration of impermanence "in" space and time but not "of" space and time.

🕉All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness is apparently appearing both real and un-real; observable and un-observable; knowable and un-knowable as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing for no-body and for no apparent reason, meaning and purpose other than What Is & What Is Not Empty Fullness as this and that every-thing-ing as no-thing and as no-thing every-thing-ing as this and that dualities apparently appearing to arise of their own accord and volition ad infinitum.

🕉Then there will have been "Absolute liberation" from making apparent appearances in time, that had once been observably visible in mirrors for an indeterminate duration of impermanent time, that had been making apparent appearances as a local unit of human corporeal qualia consciousness energy.

🕉There is awareness aware to being aware, as there is awake-ness awake to being awake - that are be-ing seemingly temporally temporarily out-sourced via local qualia consciousness energy forms, temporally temporarily appearing humanly corporeal, for an indeterminate duration of impermanent space and time, that is temporally temporarily observably visible in mirrors, apparently appearing infinitudinally complexified, as units of local qualia consciousness energy forms - that happens to be the contextual content of that which is temporally temporarily visibly observable in space and time - as that which is non-local qualia consciousness energy.

🕉This and that is awake to be-ing awake but not as neither a do-er of awake-ness nor a know-er of awake-ness. That which is apprehensible as know-able information - is limited to the finite nature of the conjured self - for an indeterminate duration of impermanence in space and time - which is why it can be said: "We are 'in' this dream-like reality frame but not 'of' this dream-like reality frame.

🕉This is what is being-expressed here as though it is seemingly be-ing expressed by and for some-body, when there is simply the content of every-where-ness, apparently appearing as though exclusively real, as every-thing-no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing.

🕉Stress is the result of a body-mind's reaction to what's not happening. You are not that body-mind visibly observable in mirrors, simply be-cause that which is visibly observable in mirrors is associated with all appearances of every-thing that casts reflections in mirrors, as time timing such temporal appearances as impermanent manifestations of temporarily visibly observable energetic movements "in" space and time.

🕉There are also no fixed positions for any-body to claim standing upon, since time is also timing the appearances of every-thing that is thought to be positioned in some fixed position some-where. Non-Duality is a fact that there is not two of any-thing. Therefore, there is no separate me, standing upon some fixed position thought to be "here."

🕉And there is no separate you, standing upon some fixed position some-place else that is thought to be "there." It is the entertainment of thoughts, "in" space and time, that convince a body-mind to think in such a way, that they are a separate individual entity, that is convinced to be existing separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉The conjured self of a body-mind / action figure, believes it is not only separate from every-body and every-thing else, but that it is also a very unique and special individual person, with its very own birth name and birth right, unlike any-body else in that dream reality it believes to exist upon.

🕉A majority of body-mind complexes are self-convinced to believe a false claim that they exist as a separate self-conjured, conjured self, as an individual person, living in a reality of separation with billions of other separate individuals within a societal structure.

🕉The story of Earth involves the idea of a societal structure, that is believed to be comprised of billions of individual, exclusively real and physically solid and permanent body-mind complex biological action figures, each with their very own self-conjured birth name, birth rite, and birth certificate of authenticity, as though that must truly be the way that that is to be rightfully so.

🕉The separate sense of self is reinforced via a primary idea of individuality, as a separately unique and special participant of a societal structure, simply be-cause, that is part of the story of Earth. This is also how and why a self-conjured, conjured self conjures and prefabricates the development of its very own fictitious story, along with all other appearances of every other fictional body-mind that is apparently appearing to be witnessed, by a self-conjured, conjured self, via what it believes to be its very own self-proclaimed body-mind / action figure, as though that is exclusively real and physically solid.

🕉And to also reinforce the idea of separation and individuality, that a newborn humanly corporeal appearance as a baby, is separately born upon this self-conjured dream reality frame. And that it must also support a belief that this dream reality has been specifically set-up to cater to any new arrival of another individual person to be born. And to also negotiate what they have construed to believe as a death process of final departures of individuals from this apparent dream reality frame of separateness in various ways.

🕉This reality-frame of separateness, as though there are billions of separate individual body-mind complexes that are born, live for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and then die to never exist again, is part of the contextual content as the story of Earth has been told. It is immediately recognised how there is no-body "getting" or "losing" any-thing any-where at any time.

🕉It only apparently appears as though there is some-body some-where that can claim to be avoiding some-thing when there is simply the apparent appearances of body-mind complexes, visibly observable "in" space and time, and that they are all simply apparently appearing as human corporeal local units of qualia consciousness energy forms, temporally temporarily visibly observable in mirrors, for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉Every-thing visibly observable in mirrors that casts reflections, are manifestations of energetic movements, both real & unreal; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable by and for no-body, that are most often believed to be accepted as separate from every other visibly observable reflection of a body-mind / action figure.

🕉Thoughts are entertained by the mind of a body-mind, convinced that it is a separate individually self-sustained self-conjured, conjured self, that is at the mercy of interpretations of thoughts and constant entertainment of various ways of thinking from the mental thought system, as though they are separate from the contextual content of a visual field as Empty Fullness or All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness, apparently appearing both real & un-real; observable and un-observable; knowable & un-knowable as What Is & What Is Not Empty Fullness, for no particular reason, meaning and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition ad infinitum.

🕉Therefore, no-body ever goes to work, and neither avoids or not avoids stress or any other energetic movement of emotions or feelings in some fixed position as though at work, at school, at home, at the park, or as any other appearance of a public place etc. There are simply energetic movements of appearances of places and things, and not as though you and I are separate individual body-mind entities, sharing our existence with billions of other body-minds, to travel upon various places of duality as here or over there, when that is simply a description of a dream.

🕉Life is indeed a dream, displaying any-thing that a conjured self believes to be an exclusively real and physically solid reality frame, that is comprised of innumerable separate things of duality. And as though there are a vast array of activities for an individual to engage with, for actions of doings to take place. And that there are many different separate places to travel upon as more than just one here and just one there, that comprises several other here's and there's.

🕉That dream-reality that is self-conjured by a self-conjured, conjured self, that has falsely claimed taking the appearances of a body-mind that is visibly observable in mirrors, as though that is its very own body-mind, self-convinced that that is so. A body-mind complex / action figure that has been claimed by a conjured self, lives in that dream-like reality frame of separation, with what it believes to be in possession of separate things, and that it falsely claims its very own free will and choice to exist as it believes it can freely and willfully choose to do so.

🕉Therefore, the conjured self exists in its very own self-conjured dream-like reality frame of separation, continuously perpetuating false claims of beliefs as a separate individual entity, with its very own self-proclaimed body-mind / action figure, and its self-conjured, conjured self-proclamations of false claims, that it possesses its very own free will and choice to reinforce ideas that it can choose to decide knowing all about what it can freely choose to do with its own life, and that no-body else can ever change their way of thinking, to believe that that is not the only way that they should or should not choose to be.

🕉Since everything is an appearance, as Simply This, it is suggested to Simply Be, since that which is visibly observable in mirrors and casts reflections, is Simply This appearing as everything. The conjured self, that is also visibly observable in mirrors, is impermanently observable, as a human corporeal unit of local qualia consciousness energy, that is blended with Simply This as Empty Fullness.

🕉Since this is suggested to be visibly so, it is observably so, as part of all apparent appearances as Empty Fullness, for an impermanent duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time. This is suggested to be so, since that which is visibly observable with Simply This, that is apparently appearing as humanly corporeal, is temporally temporarily impermanently visibly observable in mirrors, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, as apparent appearances of units of local qualia consciousness energy forms, that are visibly observable impermanent manifestations as temporally temporary units of local qualia consciousness energy forms, mingling with Empty Fullness as energetic movements of non-local qualia consciousness energy, that are not "of" space and time, temporally temporarily appearing "in" space and time, as impermanent manifestations, seemingly blended and mingling as apparent appearances of Empty Fullness, impermanently visibly observable, as appearances of everything.

🕉The conjured self takes what is visibly observable as everything, convinced that it must know all about itself and how it must need and desire to be actively engaged in doing activities that reinforce how special and unique its own self-conjured individuality is significant and important, as it also begins to jack into the mind of a unit of local qualia consciousness energy, via the mental thought system, that is the apparent appearance of humanly corporeal energetic forms, that are temporally temporarily visibly observable in mirrors, and apparently appearing to be mingling with Empty Fullness, for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.

🕉The mental thought system seemingly operates thru the minds of body-minds / action figures, to convince each apparent appearance of a humanly corporeal local qualia consciousness energy form, that it is an independently physically real conjured self - likened to how time is apparently appearing to be timing the apparent appearances of everything as Empty Fullness. No-body can claim to know how and why that is so, as everything continues to be apparently appearing as Empty Fullness. It is simply suggested to be so.

🕉These appearances of seemingly recorded and suspended sights and sounds, captured in these recordings upon this so-called You-tube network, is apparently appearing to be captured "in" space and time, as a recording of a portion of everything apparently appearing as Simply This. This is another story of how everything is apparently appearing as Empty Fullness, and suggested to be seemingly so, based on how time is apparently appearing to be timing the appearance of Empty Fullness, as though everything is appearing as happenings of separate events.

🕉The conjured self lives in a world of separation, filled with personal proclamations of false claims, that it believes it is an exclusively real and physically solid self-conjured, conjured self, as a separate individual person, living in a society among other self-conjured, conjured selves, who agree with that same idea, regarding that same belief that they are no-thing more than their own mind and body, that is separate from every body and every-thing else, with their very own self-conjured free will and choice, and their very own uniquely special birth name and birth-rite, and birth certificate of authenticity to prove that that is so.

🕉That is simply another story of a conjured self, that is living in its own self-conjured, conjured self-realisation, as the dreamings of a dream-reality that apparently appears as Empty Fullness. All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness, is an apparent appearance of What Is and What Is Not Empty Fullness, apparently appearing as both real and unreal; observable and un-observable; knowable and un-knowable, for no-body and no-thing, and for no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.

🕉That is not what's happening since every-thing is the appearance of happenings that are not happening as happenings for no-body, as a separate sense of a self-conjured conjured self, as the mental thought system uses the timing of time to represent delusions that are apparently appearing as appearances of every-thing appearing since there is an apparent time that is timing all appearances as what is seemingly appearing as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing for no-body and no apparent meaning, reason, and purpose, other than the accord and volition as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Full.

🕉There are the apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures, that are temporally temporarily observably visible in mirrors for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time for no-body that is not existing as a "whom" but rather seemingly so and not so as a humanly corporeal apparent appearance as though a unit of local qualia consciousness energy form, that can manifest as one of infinitudinally complexified temporally temporary manifestations, that are seemingly existing independently and exclusively physically real and solid upon fixed positions as though "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉When that is not what's happening for and by no-body. And yet there are body-mind complexes / action figures convinced by the mental thought system, that they are an independently self-sufficiently self-sustainable self-conjured conjured self, that has mistakenly believed to be whom miss-takes self as a separate individual some-body, with a very special and uniquely so birth name and birth right, as though they are independently separate from every-body and every-thing else - filled with self-convictions and beliefs that they are separate from every-body and every-thing else. All that is visibly observable is paradoxically meaning-less; purposeful-less; and trivially illogical as that which is un-knowable by and for no-body.

🕉Life/Nature/Reality is appearing real to what is pre-supposed as exclusively real - by and for a separate sense of self - whom believes that they are a separate individual self-sufficient, self-reliant, conjured self, convinced to believe and claim that they are indeed an exclusively real and physically solid independently individuated individual person - as their own uniquely special body-mind complex/action figure/unit of local qualia consciousness energy form/embodiment - with an exclusive birth name and birth rite - unlike any-body else has - and existing independently separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉Such a sense of separation with a belief and claim that a conjured self is individuated by Nature and that they are the unsuspected cause of experiencing a plethora of needless suffering - many of which can seemingly appear to be manifesting as one of innumerable infinitudinally complexified distortions - as Life/Nature/Reality continues to arise undisturbed of its own accord and volition.

🕉And that such needless suffering is seemingly promulgated by beliefs and presuppositions that each apparent appearance of a humanly corporeal temporally temporary body-mind complex/action figure/unit of local qualia consciousness energy form - that is seemingly observably visible in mirrors - for an indeterminate duration of impermanent time - is the same as every-body else, that is also a separate conjured self independently and separately mingling with every-body and every-thing else, in much the same manner.

🕉And that this must be claimed and convincingly believed to be so as exclusively real - as though there are also other bodies elsewhere. And that each person exists as a separate conjured self - that must make every effort to control what apparently appears to arise - as Life/Nature/Reality seemingly making appearances of its own accord and volition.

🕉Every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing will continue to apparently appear both simultaneously real and un-real; observable and un-observable; knowable, and un-knowable - for and by no-body - for no reason, meaning, and/or purpose behind all apparent appearances of every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing - as All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness, ad infinitum.

🕉Infinitudinal complexification is what is seemingly appearing as What Is and What Is Not Empty Fullness at all times be-cause of impermanent time that intentionally distorts what is always happening in favour of what apparently appears to be what's not happening - as though there has always been some type of a universal process that had been purposely set-up as a way to test the endurance, integrity, and truthfulness of a human be-ing all along.

🕉Lest this and that is over-looked - whereby, no-body goes to bed, leaves messes, and uses bad language. That simply happens whilst such a body-mind complex/action figure, is taken to be a separate individual self, that lives life based on its own agendas, as what's not happening.

🕉If some-body believes that they are a separate individual person, with their very own body-mind complex / action figure - along with their very own birth name and birth rite - unlike any-body else possesses - and that they have free will and choice, as an individual person with a separate sense of self - then such a body-mind complex / action figure will apparently appear to be self-afflicted with a separate sense of self without recognising that that is not happening to any-body.

🕉Such a body-mind complex / action figure will insist upon being self-convinced that it is not only separate from every-body and every-thing else, but that it also has a free will and choice to give reality all the meaning that it will ever have for its own sake, to be the "do-er" of its own doer-ship and the "know-er" of what-ever it believes it must choose to know as an individual "know-er of knowing" what-ever it believes must be known for them.

🕉And that that is a reality that is happening to and for them at all times. They are then self-convinced to live what they believe is their own life to freely choose living in any way they may see fit to do so and that every-thing that seemingly happens must matter to "my-self" and no-body else.

🕉They are thereby also self-convinced that they can discover all there is to know about how special and unique that they truly are - for them-self and every-body else that they will ever meet in life and to spend as much time as they may want to choose seeking self-fulfilment for their own life to matter for them-self and any-body else that they may or may not decide to include within the realm of their own self-conjured reality.

🕉And that they will always have the free will and choice to decide how-ever they wish to spend the rest of their lives, in pursuit of their own wants, needs, and desires and whether or not they may or may not decide to choose involving other people in their life, who they may believe might be worthy of their conditional friendship or companionship, in some particular way, which then becomes the theme of their own story.

🕉And that such a conjured self can continue to exercise their own free will and choice, whether or not they may or may not decide to choose sharing details about them-self and share their life with some-body else that this or that is the way that their story has been going on since they were living in the past and planning for their future.

🕉And that they are the final decision-maker of how their life should or should not turn-out to be and the type of person that they believe they can or must be. And that their story must be all about how and why they are going to go about making their own decisions of choosing to live their life under their very own terms - using all manner of this and that dualities that they believe are always at their very own disposal.

🕉And to also choose exercising their very own free will and choice to claim that they are the meditator of any meditative practice that they may or may not choose to claim as their own method of meditation. All of their own actions will be self-induced and self-righteously executed - using what they believe to be their very own free will and choice to do so at any time they may willfully see fit to be doing so.

🕉And that they can entertain any thought that they so desire, despite the fact that they do not realise there is no-body any-where who can claim to be the meditator of meditation. There is simply meditation. There are also no separate meditators whom can claim that they are a separate meditator of any-thing. That is not what's happening. What's not happening is simply entertained by separate individually self-proclaimed conjured selves, that live in their own reality of separation, as a separate sense of self governs a life that they believe belongs to them-self.

🕉And that they possess their very own free will and choice and their very own body-mind complex / action figure to exercise that free will and choice - that is also equipped with their very own unique birth name, and birth rite. The mental thought system has obviously convinced such a body-mind complex / action figure that that is what's happening to and for them, where-by they are living in a reality among meditators; gurus; spiritual guides; spiritual advisers, and all other manner of entitlements with which conjured selves can self-identify.

🕉And all those other conjured selves who have been subjected to similar parasitic movements by the mental thought system, claiming other apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures, convincing them that they too are also as individually self-centered and self-convinced as every-body else who are also existing among other individual people who are just as self-sufficiently self-sustained as most every-body else in society.

🕉That is not what's happening. That is only apparently appearing to be happening to and for a body-mind complex / action figure that lives in a world/reality of its own design, and reinforced by the mental thought system with an endless supply of thought-forms to entertain - as though such thought-forms belong to them-selves, that are simply parasitic energetic movements used to cause the mind of a body-mind complex / action figure to believe it is a separate individual entity.

🕉And that they are motivated to be self-convinced that their own conjured self must support all ideas associated with individuality as though they are an exclusively real and physically solid person with their very own physiological genetic make-up; and assigned their very own birth name and birth rite along with their very own unique and original personality unlike any-body else.

🕉The conjured self is often under the impression that they have their very own free will and choice to exercise fulfilling all of their own wants, needs, and desires. And that they only have so many years of time to figure-out how they are going to go about planning to fulfil living-out their own life under their own terms for what-ever indeterminate duration of time that they may or may not believe they can anticipate for that to happen.

🕉We are all seemingly non-local qualia consciousness energy fields, effectively projecting humanly corporeal, temporally temporarily, observably visible apparent appearances in mirrors, for an indeterminate duration of impermanent time, and consistently mingling, with All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness.

🕉And that this and that, as What Is and What Is Not Empty Fullness, is infinitudinally complexified, as what is apparently appearing, both real and un-real; observable and un-observable; knowable and un-knowable, as every-thing no-thing-ing, and no-thing every-thing-ing, apparently appearing as every-where-ness - for, by, from, and as no-body any-where, since that is not in fixed positions of time, for no apparent meaning, reason, and purpose, other than its own volition.

🕉All events thought to have occurred in a past timeline, and all anticipated events that have yet to occur in a future timeline, as part of what has already happened - to include all events that have yet to happen upon all other past and future timelines - since now contains all timelines with-in the now-ness of now - It is simply every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing as this and that - that has ever occurred and every-thing that has yet to seemingly occur in the future - stretched out as a time continuum.

🕉Every-body is simply apparently appearing as temporally temporary humanly corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy forms, seemingly appearing observably visible in mirrors for an indeterminate duration of impermanent space and time. We as non-local qualia consciousness energy fields are out-sourced outside of time - which is why the appearances of body-mind complexes/action figures are only temporally temporarily observably visible in mirrors.

🕉This and that is seemingly appearing to be so, because the visibility is happening in time - but not outside of time. An event in time is an amalgamation of temporally temporary suspensions of non-local qualia consciousness energy fields for a time, likened to visibly observable imagery on a movie screen. This is what is referred to as the be-ingness/alive-ness of being awake to being awake "in" this particular dream-world/reality frame, but not "of" this particular dream-world/reality frame.

🕉The word "dictionary" implies that there is the dictation of words that are used to convey thoughts and/or ideas. Words are used to describe experiences. Experiences are experienced by experiencers claiming that their experiences are based on a person's personal experiences of their very own personal existence, that implies there are separate individuals, each with their very own self-pro-claimed birth name and birth rite, unlike any-body else possesses.

🕉And that each person is no-thing more than their own self-pro-claimed body-mind complex/action figure, that is exclusively real and physically solid, and that Life/Nature/Reality will accommodate each of us according to our very own individual desires, wants, and needs, to help us with fulfilling our destinies, as our very own self-proclaimed existence can be justified in this way, as no-thing more than a conjured self that is exclusively real as a body-mind complex/action figure, with our very own birth name and birth rite to live by.

🕉The problem with that is that such beliefs that there are separate individual experiencers of Life/Nature/Reality, cannot be self-sustained as each conjured self is deluded into believing that that is the way that their very own existence is established, as what's not happening, and as what we are not, just be-cause some-body self-professes to claim that they are a separate individual conjured self, experiencing Life/Nature/Reality.

🕉It is actually Life/Nature/Reality that is being experienced through the apparent appearances of body-mind action figures - as temporally temporary humanly corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energies - seemingly appearing as infinitudinally complexified visibly obThere is the activity of consciousness as awakeness being awake to being awake - that is inherent alive-ness mingling as Life/Nature/Reality at all times - be-cause Life/Nature/Reality is apparently appearing as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing as All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness.

🕉The activities of alive-ness are consistently expressed as the apparent appearances of body-mind complexes/action figures, temporally temporarily visible in mirrors for an indeterminate duration of impermanent space and time, as units of local qualia consciousness energy for a time, until what we truly are, as non-local qualia consciousness energy fields, are no longer sustainable as the energetic principles of body-mind complexes/action figures - manifesting as a temporally temporary humanly corporeal unit of local qualia consciousness energy form in space and time.

🕉This and that is so - as dualities continuously emerge - to expose the obvious Nature of such a predicament - until time eventually runs out for further apparent appearances of what we are not - to gradually no longer be observably visible in mirrors - that had once been allowing for those energetic principles to be humanly corporeal and temporally temporarily apparent appearances as observably visible energetic movements in mirrors for a time - only to return to a state of energetic movements that may seemingly be else-where in the Universe - and that are seemingly continuously recycling as an infinitudinally complexified array of energetic movements as Life/Nature/Reality - beyond the range of understanding - since that is relegated to that which is not exclusively un-real; un-observable, and un-knowable.

🕉Every-thing-ing is no-thing-ing as no-thing is every-thing-ing for and by no-body - for no apparent reason, meaning, and/or purpose - other than of its own accord and volition - as some of the best scientists and philosophers of today are just beginning to pierce new veils to gradually begin a fundamental basis of understanding as to that which had once been relegated to the un-knowable...until now.

🕉All this and that dualities - which sound either good or bad to a "me" is be-ing directed by the mental thought system to support your separate sense of self - as a conjured self. A separate sense of self then reinforces all ideas that support a conjured self replete with beliefs and an artificial or un-natural version of your-self as a conjured self.

🕉A separate sense of self is then supported by the mental thought system that begins to convince that conjured self within what is believed to be a separate individual conjured self - with its very own uniquely original birth name and birth rite that is separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉Belief, religion, spirituality, enlightenment, awakening, meditation and other similar words, take on a personal meaning, purpose, and reason, which the mental thought system uses to conjure thoughts and ideas of how it can convince a body-mind complex / action figure to believe it is a separate entity that will entertain those conjured thoughts, provided by the mental thought system, for a body-mind complex's / action figure's self-identification as a conjured self, with such conjured thought-forms and entertainment of ideas for self-identification with meanings, purposes, and reasons to justify how they are convincingly so, as a separate individual entity, equipped with its very own body-mind complex / action figure that it can deem to be addressed as "my-self" with their very own birth name and birth rite, unlike any-body else has, and how they are separate from every-body and every-thing else, independently so, with their own free will and choice to direct their-self in any way they may see fit to do so.

🕉Those conjured reasons, meanings, and purposes, that are imposed upon a self-conjured, conjured self, by the mental thought system, are for a conjured self to help them reinforce the conjured self's justifications and beliefs that support all ideas of individuality. Every-thing with which a body-mind complex /action figure comes in conscious contact, then be-comes ideas of ways that a conjured self can use to embark on a journey of self-discovery by accessing an energetic movement of seeking.

Those energetic movements that perpetuate seeking are provided by the mental thought system that a body-mind complex /action figure can utilise to be-come most vulnerable by an infinitudinally complexified array of thought-forms/thought-patterns that are endlessly supplied and generated by the mental thought system for body-mind complexes / action figures to choose from, that result in all manner of religions and spiritual beliefs.

🕉This and that dualities are then formulated as the groundwork to act as a catalyst by which parasitic movements can latch onto the minds of unsuspecting body-mind complexes / action figures, resulting in causing each vulnerable body-mind complex / action figure to convincingly believe that they are a separate individual entity that is separately so, unlike any-body and every-thing else. That way of thinking then results in conjuring self-conjured beliefs, supplied by the mental thought system, for a conjured self to entertain, at the body-mind complex's / action figure's disposal.

🕉The mental thought system can thereby begin to "have a field day" so-to-speak, bombarding the unsuspecting body-mind complex / action figure with all sorts of thought-forms/thought-patterns to distort the natural being-ness of innocence, that is at the core of every body-mind complex / action figure that seemingly begins to appear within reality, apparently appearing "in" space and time, during the first 18 months of time, that such a body-mind complex / action figure has been making what seemingly appears to be a while new apparent appearance as another different body-mind complex / action figure "in" space and time - that can then join the ranks of all the other apparent appearances of new arrivals into this dream-like reality frame "in" space and time.

🕉Although that is not "of" space and time - we are nevertheless susceptible to the impositions of a mental thought system, that seemingly exists to purposely interfere and interrupt another innocence-filled body-mind complex / action figure - filling its mind with all manner of infinitudinally complexified arrays of seemingly endless supplies of ideas for a conjured self to be-come established, so that that can begin supporting conjurings for a conjured self, as a body-mind complex / action figure begins to self-identify with great self-importance for their conjured self to feel as though they are in control of any experience that they may encounter, during an indefinite period of time, that such a conjured self can then convincingly believe to begin experiencing life as an independently individually-based self-important and uniquely individualised conjured self, that is separate from every-body and every-thing else at all times.

🕉You and I have always been inherently on as non-local quality consciousness energy fields - awake to being awake - enlivening to being the aliveness of being alive - aware to being aware as energetic movements that are never static or still but are simply mingling and naturally flowing with All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness. If this and that dualities are the focus of your conjured self, then All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness will not make any sense to that which had become a conjured self by being convinced with the mental thought system that you are a separate individual unit of local qualia consciousness energy and no-thing more than that.

🕉Such a conjured energetic movement is then ideally usable for the mental thought system to support and assist a conjured self that must seemingly become self-identified with a self-centered self-identification for a conjured self. Studying all you can about what you are not results in knowing about what you are not to reveal you had never been that conjured self that you believe to be you as an individual entity that had once been presupposed by the mental thought system to be separate om every-body and every-thing else.

🕉This and that in separation is not what is happening at any given time "in" space and time simply be-cause you have never been originally "of" space and time and never will be part of this and that dualities. You have been, are, and will always be mingling with All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness, despite what-ever the conjured self of the mental thought system makes some effort for you to believe other-wise.

🕉Starving the questioner is seemingly what happens at satsangs that will apparently continue to be appearing to happen for and by no-body - that could seemingly be observably present at any satsang that may seemingly appear to be happening. Messages as transmissions are apparently appearing to be witnessed with some particular type of accompanied manifestations that are seemingly manifesting as that which is apparently be-ing communicably transmitted by apparent appearances as body-mind complexes / action figures.

🕉This and that is then apparently appearing to be messages/transmissions be-ing seemingly read, dictated, typed, spoken, etc from such mediums by which energetic movements are seemingly be-ing expressed as apparent appearances of body-mind complexes /action figures that are seemingly visibly observable in mirrors for an indeterminate duration of impermanence "in" space and time and not "of" space and time for no-body.

🕉This and that is then apparently appearing to be messages/transmissions be-ing seemingly read, dictated, typed, spoken, etc from such mediums by which energetic movements are seemingly be-ing expressed as apparent appearances of body-mind complexes /action figures that are seemingly visibly observable in mirrors for an indeterminate duration of impermanence "in" space and time and not "of" space and time for no-body.

🕉There is dispersed awareness as the nature of our being-ness seemingly reverberating a constant flow of energetic movements that are seemingly originating from outside "of" space and time as non-local qualia consciousness energy fields that are apparently appearing to be exclusively real "in" space and time - since we are mingling with All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing.

🕉We are consistent energetic movements already "moving" even though that is not apparently appearing to be happening "in" space and time - simply be-cause we are not "of" space and time. Time is seemingly causing happenings to be temporally suspended as though there are separate events "in" space and time that are happening to each body-mind complex / action figure that is seemingly existing with-in their own pockets "of" space and time.

🕉That is seemingly so in this or that way due to the apparent appearances of time timing every-thing to appear a certain way to each body-mind complex / action figure - resulting in the pre-supposed assumptions that there are separate individual people in this dream-like world/reality-frame - each body-mind complex / action figure self-professing to be experiencing their own version of a dream-like world/reality frame via artificial means as a self-perpetuated conjured self that distorts reality to apparently appear as though it is a separate reality that is given all the meaning that that reality will ever seemingly have.

🕉And as a conjured self that is seemingly existing as a conjured self as a sense of separation is reinforced by the mental thought system convincing a conjured self that they are in their own separate body-mind complex / action figure - regard-less of any particular ways of thinking thoughts that are seemingly be-ing entertained as ideas by a body-mind complex / action figure's conjured self that Life/Nature/Reality is exclusively the way that some-body or a group of conjured selves as some-bodies are believing that Life/Nature/Reality must appear in particularly predictable ways. That is not what's happening.

🕉That is not so since we are all not "of" space and time. This is one of the main reasons why a "conjured self" could never be entrusted with what we truly are at the core of our be-ing that is not associated with outward manifestations. If that were so - there would seemingly be a collapse of every belief system associated with religions and spirituality.

🕉Since that is always thought to be probably happening - that may already be happening in the now-ness of now and simply has yet to be witnessed as seemingly happening as an apparent world-wide event that no-body will eventually not not know about - an event that can arise out of just one thought entertained by just one apparent appearance of a unit of local qualia consciousness humanly corporeal temporally temporary appearance as a body-mind complex / action figure - seemingly visibly observable in mirrors for an indeterminate duration of impermanence "in" space and time and not "of" space a time.

🕉This and that can so easily happen as a gradual or sudden shift of consciousness on a globally worldwide scaled event that could affect all appearances of all humanly corporeal apparent appearances that will ever seemingly appear, disappear, and re-appear "in" space and time - that are also already seemingly beginning to collapse even now -as these words are read by eyes that are not belonging to any-body self-professed to be a single individually separate conjured self that is separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉In view of such a predicament - this and that is so be-cause of that apparent reason of how languages can seemingly cause explanations about pointing to this message that is associated with non-duality speech / Advaita vedanta - and those that are most often shared in satsangs.

🕉This and that can also seemingly cause the perpetuation of spiritual practices since that has always also been what is seemingly included "in" space and time as part of the contextual content of all this and that dualities that are part of what is always seemingly All That Is & All That is Not Empty Fullness - and that which is communicably transmitted to be one of the most effective ways to do so - via the spoken English word transmitted and received - or the linguistic arrangements of specific words transcribed as seemingly utilising the English language in countless ways.

🕉Therefore, transcriptions that are transcribed must be very concisely specific. Especially whilst utilising the linguistic syntax of the English language to communicate with other apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures that are self-convinced they are a separate individually self-regulated conjured self that is seemingly appearing as the contextual content of What Is & What Is Not Empty Fullness - apparently appearing real to what is both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable - since it is one of the most powerfully energetic languages with-in the environs of this particular apparent dream-like reality-frame.

🕉Movement is not "gotten" and is not any-thing that is held in place any-where upon particular coordinates "in" space and time, simply be-cause we are not "of" space and time. Focus is not required by any-body since we are always inherent alive-ness as units of local qualia consciousness energetic movements effectively energetically enlivenings as presences of energy fields - as the essence of what we truly are - and as to how the animating principles of energetic movements that are seemingly appearing visibly observable in mirrors - as projections that are seemingly both real and un-real energetic movements covering over what is seemingly beneath that as a natural current of Life/Nature/Reality freely flowing throughout the Universe.

🕉Those activities of manifestation that are ever-presently radiating energetic movements - can be seemingly temporally redirected "in" space and time - via the degree of connectivity with collectively apparent appearances of temporally temporarily humanly corporeal body-mind complexes / action figures - visibly observable in mirrors for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉And that that can happen to seemingly be happening with units of local humanly corporeal qualia consciousness energy forms that are subjected to the influences by a mental thought system's constant barage of projected thought-forms via parasitic movements by an apparently real and un-real mental thought system that can seemingly be imposing energetic movements of influence upon body-mind complexes / action figures - convincing them to believe that they are separate individualised people who are especially uniquely equipped with their very own uniquely so - body-mind complex / action figure whom must accept beliefs that they possess and can exercise their own free will and choice to do so.

🕉A body-mind complex / action figure that self-professes to be a conjured self will make every effort to make sense of every-thing that it comes in conscious contact with - and will make every effort to find meaning to what it believes is a self-professed and self-regulating conjured self, with a birth-name and birth-rite, unlike any-body else possesses - as a separate conjured self riddled with a sense of separation.

🕉And that that has convinced it-self what it believes to be so - as its very own self-pro-claimed and exclusively real conjured self. Henceforth, such a conjured self would continue perpetuating the idea of self-identification as a conjured self by addressing them-self as my-self and self-identifying with other body-mind complexes / action figures that are thinking and self-convincingly believing that they too are that way as well - whom are also riddled with a separate sense of a conjured self as their-self - regardless if that is still what you may or may not believe to be deemed as your-self - as an individual person - whom may or may not believe this or that to be part of their own body-mind complex / action figure.

🕉Thereby, such a self-perpetuation of beliefs as a conjured self is believed to be conceivably so - then those conjured selves will continuously be seemingly supporting ideas of be-ing a self-perpetuation of be-ing convincingly so-driven by the mental thought system as a direct association of self-identification with what it believes to be its very own body-mind complex / action figure that is existing as a separate individually self-regulated conjured self - convincingly so - to always maintain beliefs that it is uniquely separately separate from every-body and every-thing else - and that that can then eventually lead to seemingly be reaching a point of no return from an imaginary place that it never left.

🕉All apparent appearances of a body-mind complex / action figure - will continue to seemingly generate projections of appearances "in" space and time - for an indeterminate duration of the impermanence "in" space and time for no-body.

🕉That which is seemingly temporally temporarily humanly corporeal and visibly observable in mirrors - as a unit of local qualia consciousness energy form - seemingly has an indeterminate duration of "shelf life" time - likened to a piece of produce that is vulnerably susceptible to entropy.

🕉Since there is the apparent appearance of time timing - every-thing that is seemingly no-thing-ing and no-thing that is seemingly every-thing-ing as that which can also seemingly be susceptible to entropy - since time is timing all apparent appearances of that which seemingly continues to be every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing for no no-body and no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose.

🕉That also includes all humanly corporeal apparent appearances as local units of qualia consciousness energy forms - as time timing those appearances visibly observable in mirrors for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time.

🕉This and that is seemingly so - as an apparent appearance of an infinitudinal array of complexified appearances - be-cause of time that is always seemingly timing every-thing to apparently appear as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing for no-body and for no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition.

🕉Apparent appearances as a local unit of qualia consciousness energy form will eventually seemingly begin to gradually diminish "in" space and time - as time continues to be timing animating principles of energetic movements that can eventually seemingly begin to reduce as a reduction of energy - that may apparently appear to be seemingly so - as a reduction of energy "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉Until that time when time will be timing that which is generating a humanly corporeal apparent appearance as a unit of local qualia consciousness energy form - eventually dissipates as though transcending back to "Absolute Liberation" with-out no further observable visibility in mirrors.

🕉Since there can seemingly be the reduction of projected images "in" space and time - as humanly corporeal apparent appearances - that are visibly observable in mirrors - for an indeterminate duration in space and time.

🕉This and that can then seemingly be based on the manner by which time is seemingly timing every-thing to appear as though it is every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing as any-thing that can seemingly be doing so - for no-body and for no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose.

🕉It can also appear to be as though every-thing is happening for every-body to either notice it is seemingly this way or that way for no-body or every-thing is seemingly appearing for every-body. And some-times this and that dualities can also seemingly appear as though every-thing has been restored to that which had never been "in" time.

🕉This and that is seemingly so - simply be-cause body-mind complexes / action figures are seemingly appearing "in" space and time - but are not be-ing generated as apparent appearances "of" space and time.

🕉Since the source of that which seemingly projects images visibly observable in mirrors that are humanly corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy forms - is the essence of those projections that are temporally temporarily appearing but do not originate as that which we are not - since that which we are is non-local qualia consciousness energy that is not "of" space and time to begin with.

🕉That is simply temporally temporarily visibly observable in mirrors for an impermanent duration "in" space and time - since such a non-local qualia consciousness energy field will eventually seemingly reach a point that it will apparently appear to begin seemingly be "shifting" as it seemingly transcends over into another wavelength of resonance "in" space and time.

🕉Once a non-local qualia consciousness energy field can no longer sustain visibility in mirrors - as apparent appearances of local units of qualia consciousness energy forms of infinitudinal complexification - that is then eventually no longer sustainable within-in space and time.

🕉That which had once been apparently appearing visibly observable in mirrors - eventually transcends the timing of time upon a seemingly real 3rd-dimensional construct of impermanence - along with that unit of local qualia consciousness energy form that had once been observably visible in mirrors "in" space and time.

🕉And that has now seemingly "transcended" beyond that which had once been observably visible in mirrors - when it also had once been doing so "in" space and time - seemingly disappearing as though returning to an original state of non-locality - that had never been "of" space and time all along - since non-local qualia consciousness energy fields are not "of" space and time.

🕉Such a "shift" is often referred to as: "transcendence." There are allegedly "many mansions" throughout the Universe that "transcendence" is allegedly now taking place - even though that can neither be validated or invalidly so.

🕉There are no body-mind complexes / action figures as individually separate and exclusively real; physical; and biologically solid entities that exist this and that way as all the dualities of separateness that can seemingly appear to be separate things that could be held upon fixed positions "of" space and time as though here or there when that is not what's happening.

🕉Every-thing is simply apparently appearing to be observably visible and visibly observable in mirrors for a temporally temporary impermanently indefinite duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time for no-body, that is seemingly visibly observable and observably visible as this or that way, for a time, in time, as timing is timing every-thing to seemingly be no-thing-ing and no-thing to seemingly be every-thing-ing and not "of" space and time.

🕉Every-thing observably visible and visibly observable in mirrors are just apparent appearances of projected energetic movements that are temporally temporarily humanly corporeal projections that are seemingly impermanently appearing "in" space and time for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness includes every-thing that had seemingly happened as happenings to every-body in the past and every-thing that will ever seemingly happen as happenings to every-body in the future.

🕉Happenings are seemingly happening as happenings due to how time is timing all happenings that have already seemingly happened and happenings that have yet to be seemingly happening as happenings for no-body and for no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose other than the accord and volition.

🕉All this and that dualities that are apparently appearing as all happenings that have already seemingly happened in the past and all happenings that have yet to seemingly happen as happenings in the future.

🕉Therefore, all this and that dualities that have apparently appeared to have happen as happenings in the past - and all this and that happenings that will be apparently appearing to be happening as happenings in the future - is What Is & What Is Not Empty Fullness apparently appearing both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing for no-body and for no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose other than of its own accord and volition ad infinitum.

🕉An "Egoic mind" is seemingly a by-product produced by a conjured self that relies on the opinions of other conjured selves that it believes are also supporting the idea that there are separate individuals in Life/Nature/Reality that can each experience separate individual realities of experiences as Life/Nature/Reality continuously arises for no-body in particular.

🕉And that that is as though this and that dualities are seemingly consistently so as a shared reality that is being experienced by other individual body-mind complexes / action figures - each experiencing their own version of a shared reality in Life/Nature/Reality how-ever that may or may not apparently appear to arise as so and not so.

🕉And that there are other individual conjured selves - also believing to be experiencing reality - as a separate individual conjured self - whom is also pre-supposing to be experiencing life in much the same way.

🕉There is no "whom" any-where to be found "in" space and time since a "whom" is not what is being witnessed as apparently appearing any-where "in" space and time as a temporal temporary human corporeal appearance that is visibly observable in mirrors for an impermanently indefinite duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉This and that is seemingly so - simply be-cause our essence as non-local qualia consciousness energy is not "of" space and time. Experiencing Life/Nature/Reality - is likened to a 'Force' that apparently appears to be "enlivening" all humanly corporeal apparent appearances as units of local qualia consciousness energy forms.

🕉Energy forms that are infinitudinally complexified and temporal temporarily visibly observable and observably visible in mirrors - for an impermanently indefinite duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time - seemingly apparently appearing visibly observable and observably visible in mirrors for an impermanent indefinite duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉This and that dualities apparently appearing "in" space and time as exclusively real independent individually separate people - that are seemingly existing "in" space and time - that seemingly appears as a shared reality that the conjured self in its world of a sense of separation - believes their existence to be an independently personalised experience of Life/Nature/Reality.

🕉And that it also believes to be convincingly so - as an independently personal experience about Life/Nature/Reality - as what it also believes to be shared with other individuals who are also seemingly appearing as exclusively real and physically solidly separate individuals that are humanly corporeal body-mind complexes / action figures with their very own self-proclaimed birth names and birth rites unlike any-body and every-thing else possesses.

🕉And that they each must be self-convinced to claim a belief that they are each just as independently self-reliant and separate from every-body and every-thing else - that also must be believing in much the same way about Life/Nature/Reality, as a separate self-convinced individually self-sustained conjured self that has free will of its own accord and volition.

🕉And that it must be self-reliant on its own conjured story about its very own uniquely special conjured self - even though it does not realise it has become lost with-in its own self-conjured story about what it believes to be an independently and exclusively real personal conjured self that is separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉And that they must remain steadfastly self-convinced to believe that there is a societal structure in place in the world that it believes it must constantly be engaged with - in that specifically independent mode - with which it is openly and independently existing along-side.

🕉And that that is the one and only true reality that the conjured self must believe it needs to be self-reliant upon. And that its own conjured story about it-self is exclusively real that is filled with personal experiences that no-body else can ever experience in a particularly personal and uniquely special way. And that they must continuously be experiencing Life/Nature/Reality in some particular manner that matters.

🕉And that they believe they must exist in Life/Nature/Reality as though Life/Nature/Reality is always happening to them as personal events that are presupposed to be separately affecting every-body's own personal experiences about Life/Nature/Reality.

🕉Such perspectives can seemingly be-come un-real conjured stories that can be conjured by conjured selves - as a replacement of the natural uncontrollable course of Life/Nature/Reality arising and apparently appearing as "Absolute Reality/Nature/Life" constantly and consistently appearing as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness.

🕉Such a conjured self believes that it cannot trust on that which cannot be exclusively real and non-physical. Discretion would not seemingly be necessary, if there were not such conjured selves apparently appearing to be accompanying each body-mind complex / action figure as the contextual content of all apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉That which apparently appears as Life/Nature/Reality continues to arise as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing for and by no-body other than of its own accord & volition.

🕉All this and that dualities seemingly reveal every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing that temporally temporarily apparently appears visibly observable in mirrors, as an infinitudinal array of humanly corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy forms - for an indeterminate impermanently temporally temporary duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉This and that dualities apparently appear to be envisioned as what's not happening in the egoic mind of a conjured self that is self-convinced to believe that they are no-thing more than their own self-proclaimed body-mind complex /action figure that they can claim to be their very own self and call that "my-self" and you can also claim "your-self" to be you as another separate person as "your-self."

🕉And that every-body else has and will always have the free will and choice to continue accepting them-self as a separate person in society - with their very own body-mind complex / action figure.

🕉And that you too can also accept "your-self" to be you as though that is a fact that your are free to make choices about your own existence and to be self-convinced and certain to know for a fact that you are, have always been, and will always be that self-convinced individually separate uniquely special person with your very own body-mind complex / action figure with your very own self-proclaimed birth name and birth rite unlike any-body else has in a society that you may or may not freely choose to be part of or not.

🕉And that all the rest of the other individually separate conjured selves in society have "them-selves" to include "them-self" as a self-proclaimed individual person with their very own uniquely special individual birth name and birth rite to self-proclaim as individually valid since that is how society must be structured.

🕉And that that must be the way that it is for every-body else to go along with the same or similar idea or train of thought that reality is this or that certain way that they too are also seemingly perceiving to also be the same way for each and every other person in the world that they perceive as their reality or as a shared reality with every-body else - also presumed to be individual people.

🕉And that they too have the free will and choice to lay claim over their very own body-mind-complex / action figure that is to be named with a particular self-proclaimed birth name and birth rite unlike any-body else has - in a world they believe they exist upon as exclusively real, physical and solid - and that every-body and every-ting exist as separate individuals and separate things in that reality that they believe to be a shared reality.

🕉And that every-body else in the world apparently appears to exist as though they are a separate individual person this and that way. And that each person seemingly has free will and choice to be how-ever they may choose to be at any given point "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉And that each body-mind complex /action figure in the world they believe to be a shared reality as exclusively real and physically solid - seemingly have their very own personal responsibility to claim their own sentience as a separate individual self-sentient being - and seemingly as a self-sentient individual being who has free will and choice to choose to live their own life exercising self-conjured free will and choice that does not happen for any-body.

🕉And as though each person - seemingly as an individual body-mind complex / action figure - with a birth name and birth rite unlike any-body else has - apparently appears to exist seemingly separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉And that that is pre-supposedly self-sustainably so and apparently appearing to be existing with an equal distribution and degree of self-conjured senses of separateness. The conjured self also live in a world that it believes to be seemingly belonging to a societal structure with other conjured selves - as a collectively shared reality.

🕉And that that must be apparently appearing to be as an exclusively real and physically solid reality to and for all conjured selves - as though each individually self-sustainable conjured self has free will and choice to live their lives according to what they believe to be based on all social norms of that societal structure.

🕉And that each person is to be seemingly presupposed that they too are apparently appearing as separate from every-body and every-thing else. And that they are supposed to be living in a reality that they too believe must be a shared experience - that must always seemingly be constantly shared in similar ways at all times.

🕉And as though Life/Nature/Reality must be seemingly naturally catering to each and every individual person - whom is seemingly naturally endowed with a mind that is self-convinced to believe to know with certainty - that they are in touch with their very own uniquely original version of how reality should or should not be - that is based solely on their own free will and choice to do so.

🕉And that each person must believe that they are apparently appearing to exist in Life/Nature/Reality as an individual entity with their very own seemingly physically solid and exclusively real body-mind complex /action figure. And that that must have its very own personally original birth name and birth rite unlike any-body else could ever attain.

🕉And that they must reinforce beliefs that they have free will and choice to know what-ever they may wish to choose to believe to be so. And that they also have the free will and choice to decide what-ever they may wish to be doing and knowing at any given time.

🕉Life, that is believed to be for all conjured selves, must also entail making every effort of being in control of every-thing that the self conjured, conjured self possibly can. And also with other conjured selves, who are believed to be separate individual human beings, who are engaged in such activities that are similarly assimilated towards common goals of that societal structure, that they believe to be the best way of living life as a self conjured, conjured self in society. And that each self-conjured, conjured self, has every right to freely exercise their very own free will and choice to do so, at any given moment, "in" space and time.

🕉And that it can also take action to freely choose engagement with other separate individual conjured selves who are seemingly basing their life on all the infinitudinally complexified dualities that continue to apparently appear as the content of their own self-conjured and self-designed realities.

🕉Every-thing is then apparently appearing to be either this way or that way dualities that will be continuously taken for granted by a conjured self - as though it will be provided for what-ever a conjured self needs or desires and believes to be self-appropriated accommodations that each person must always have access.

🕉This and that dualities will seemingly be so or not so - provided that they are firmly self-convinced that they are a separate individual person as an individual body-mind complex action figure - whom can exercise free will and decisions to do so or not do so in any manner they may or may not see appropriately so or not so.

🕉However a body-mind complex / action figure happens to seemingly be interpreting, what is believed to be their very own existence, is seemingly so, with their very own free will choice, accord, and volition, that is believed to be pre-supposedly this way; that way, or some other exclusive way, that are seemingly accompanied by a vast array of innumerable, conditional dualities.

🕉And that they can also be free to choose and entertain any ideas, that are thought to be one's own original ideas, as to what they may or may not believe, whatever they may or may not believe, that they may or may not need to conjure, as something to do and something to know, regarding that which they may or may not believe to be associated with their very own self-conjured version of a self-conjured presence./br>

🕉And that that may or may not be construed, as that which may or may not be convincingly so or not convincingly so, as neither matters or matters not :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after a self conjured, conjured self, whom believes that they are separate from everybody and everything else. And as though there are other separate people who seemingly exist separately from everybody and everything else, that self-identifies with individuality, that is nothing more or less than a self-conjured idea, that is seemingly exclusively so, and not seemingly exclusively so.

🕉And as though this and that conditional dualities, need or do not need to be entirely up to each person's very own free will and choice to do so or not do so. And that Life/Nature/Reality has always been the way that any-body may or may not choose to perceive and believe that to be seemingly so or not seemingly so.

🕉And that each person has the free will and choice to interpret however they may or may not choose to believe their very own existence that is in some way physically and exclusively real or not. And as though they are or are not present as a natural state of being-ness "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉However one may or may not be apparently appearing to be so or not so - at any given point "in" space and time since we are not "of" space and time - that may or may not be seemingly be so or not seemingly so as believably or unbelievably so and as validly so or invalidly so and factually so or not factually so - be-cause that it is so or that is not so - based on a conjured self's personally bias experiences alone.

🕉Personal experiences are validated to be so since each individual conjured self lives in their own version of reality - as a sense of separation that happens to be an entrusted self-interpretation that is conjured by a conjured self.

🕉And that this is how this and that dualities are processed by a conjured self that seemingly exists in its own self-deluded separate sense of self - despite how Life/Nature/Reality will continue to arise as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing continuously seemingly carrying on as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness ad infinitum.

🕉The conjured self lives in a reality that it believes is happening to them as a personal experience and that that is to be self-proclaimed as self-induced and entrusted self-validated existence that may or may not be associated with a conjured self's very own self-perceived reality.

🕉And that that is to be based on the interpretive feedback that the mind of a body-mind complex /action figure reveals to them via parasitic movements of the mental thought system. Thought-forms/thought-patterns are seemingly consistently moving as energetic movements of thought-forms across the minds of all apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures likened to how there apparently appear to be cloud formations in the atmosphere to use a metaphor loosely.

🕉And that such thought-forms always continuously seemingly roam free along with time timing as another part of the content of how self-conjured conjured selves apparently appear to conjure what they may or may not construe as their own personally accessible beliefs as convoluted distortions of reality that were un-necessary to be conjured all along.

🕉And as time continuously apparently appears to be seemingly timing the first 18 months of an apparent appearance as a newborn humanly corporeal unit of local qualia consciousness energy form - that will only be seemingly presently visibly observable and observably visible in mirrors - and as seemingly as though that is an entirely other new humanly corporeal apparent appearance that had be-come newly visibly observable and observably visible in mirrors for a round of impermanent appearances for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉Although apparent appearances as units of local qualia consciousness energetically humanly corporeal forms will seemingly appear; disappear; and re-appear visibly observable and observably visible in mirrors with time timing such apparent appearances to seemingly appear for an impermanently indefinite duration "in" space and time - none of those apparent appearances of projections are self-sustained happenings of a reality that is not stagnant since all this and that dualities are not "of" space and time.

🕉And in the now-ness of now every-thing that continuously appears as some-thing happening - are seemingly all happenings simultaneously happening from the past as though there were happenings that happened as past time-lines of happenings and that which has yet to apparently appear to happen as every-thing - will seemingly continue to be apparently appearing to be happening in the future.

🕉And that that may or may not apparently appear as though that is how Life/Nature/Reality should or should not be anticipated to be arising with unnecessary expectations - as though some-body knows what to expect as Life/Nature/Reality continues to be apparently appearing how-ever it may or may not seemingly appear to be apparently appearing as every-thing that continuously seemingly appears as that which may or may not appear in one of infinitudinally complexified ways that are impossible to predict.

🕉This and that could or could not also include all the apparent appearances as though newly introduced as new-born apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures to seemingly be included with the contextual content of human presences as a societal structure that can seemingly be-come presupposed along with the mental thought system.

🕉Time is apparently appearing to be timing every-thing that is apparently appearing as every-thing seemingly arising and that is apparently appearing as all happenings that could ever have been happening "in" space and time of the past and all happenings as that which could ever have yet to be happening in the future - since all happenings of the past and future are continuously part of all happenings that are the happenings as happenings happening in the now-ness of now.

🕉This and that dualities are seemingly covering up the underlying energetic movements that apparently appear as Life/Nature/Reality to be what is apparently appearing to be happening - as though there are always exclusively separate realities going on for each body-mind complex / action figure to experience as a separately self-sufficient conjured self.

🕉This and that apparently appears as all the dualities of this and that to apparently appear to be so - simply be-cause of how time continually seemingly causes Life/Nature/Reality to become suspended for a time - as though time is seemingly timing suspensions in time - to seemingly appear as separate events for each individually conjured self that believes to be self-contained with-in its very own body-mind complex / action figure.

🕉And that it is sharing a reality that it too believes is how conjured selves are to be collectively engaged with-in a societal structure that is seemingly exclusively real and as a planet so-named 'Earth' that is filled with separate individual body-mind complexes /action figures as conjured selves.
🕉And that that must be uniquely so as a separate individual person whom must seemingly claim their very own body-mind complex / action figure - and self-identify its self to associate such a conjured self with its very own birth name and birth rite - that is unlike every-body and every-thing else - as a separate individually conjured self that must also believe that it is existing with-in an exclusively real Life/Nature/Reality.

🕉And that Life/Nature/Reality is being seemingly collectively shared with other body-mind complexes / action figures that each must also exist upon the surface of an exclusively real and physically solid planet so-named:

🕉And that that too exists seemingly exclusively real that is surrounded by planets within a solar system of exclusively physically real and solid planets - that each must seemingly be identified and/or named with their very own planetary names - that are so-named: Earth, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, and Venus.

🕉And that that automatically seemingly includes any other individual self-conjured self-claimed body-mind complex / action figure that is apparently appearing to appear; disappear; and re-appear as though that will seemingly continue to arise however the contextual content of what-ever seemingly appears to arise of its own accord and volition as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness for no-body and no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose other than of its own accord and volition ad infinitum.

🕉Contextual content of dualities arise before that which apparently appears in space and time as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing arising as time is timing that which is temporally temporarily visibly observable and observably visible in mirrors - for an impermanently indefinite duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉And that that is seemingly included and mingling with every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing at all times "in" space and time and not "of" space and time as timing timing that which is as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness ad infinitum.

🕉And this and that as each self-proclaimed conjured self that seemingly claims to be in ownership of its very own body-mind complex /action-figure, also seemingly claims to be self-sufficiently and permanently so, to continue being always seemingly so, in one of innumerably conditional dualities. They may also believe to be actively engaged with other separately so, self-conjured, conjured selves, who are also seemingly claimed by separate individual body-mind complexes /action figures.

🕉And that that will continue to seemingly self-proclaim that they are self-reliant; self-sufficient; self-sustained, self conjured individual selves that can now seemingly be considerably included as another addition to the collective societal structure of seemingly separate individual body-mind complexes / action figures that are seemingly existing separately as individual entities, with Life/Nature/Reality.

🕉Each seemingly self conjured, conjured self, is believed to possess its very own self-proclaimed body-mind complex /action figure. They will often label, define, defend, believe, that they must categorise each of those other seemingly individual body-mind complexes / action figures, that are also thought to be independently so, according to their very own exclusive self-proclaimed birth name and birth right.

🕉And that that had been proposed as an agreement between 2 other seemingly self conjured, conjured selves / body-mind complexes / action figures as parental figures/legal guardians - apparently appearing to be taking the apparent appearance of a parental role, as though there is an exclusively new birth of a new body-mind complex / action figure, that they must be responsible for its upbringing, and that is unlike any other birth of a body-mind complex / action figure, because they will eventually become part of their very own family.

🕉Although that will seemingly appear as simply just another apparent appearance of a humanly corporeal body-mind complex / action figure, it will be seemingly so, as another separate physically solid individual person, that is uniquely so and separate from every-body and every-thing else "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, but to be especially self-identified as a deeply personable part of their very own family unit.

🕉And that that then also seemingly requires to be named a conjured birth name and birth rite - seemingly now newly labelled as such - to now join Life/Nature/Reality as a seemingly "new arrival" as a separately unique and special individual person - as another seemingly exclusively so, physically, solid and real individual, biological body-mind complex / action figure.

🕉And that that then needs to join the seemingly real societal structure with all other seemingly individual independent conjured selves - to seemingly exist individually so, with their very own birth name and birth rite - to continue seemingly exist as a separate self conjured, conjured self that is separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉And that that must also be seemingly given its very own special and unique birth name and birth rite - as though each conjured self seemingly exists to automatically believe to be convincingly so - as that which must possess an original birth name and birth rite - unlike and separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉And all the while, outside of space and time - every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing continues on seemingly arising and apparently appearing as it does, as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness for no-body and no particular meaning, reason, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition.

🕉Life/Nature/Reality simply apparently appears to be displaying apparent appearances of Life/Nature/Reality, as What Is & What Is Not Empty Fullness - seemingly appearing both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable for and by no-body other than of its own accord and volition ad infinitum.

🕉An "Egoic mind" is seemingly a by-product produced by a conjured self that relies on the opinions of other conjured selves that it believes are also supporting the idea that there are separate individuals in Life/Nature/Reality that can each experience separate individual realities of experiences as Life/Nature/Reality continuously arises for no-body in particular.

🕉And that that is as though this and that dualities are seemingly consistently so as a shared reality that is being experienced by other individual body-mind complexes / action figures - each experiencing their own version of a shared reality in Life/Nature/Reality how-ever that may or may not apparently appear to arise as so and not so.

🕉And that there are other individual conjured selves - also believing to be experiencing reality - as a separate individual conjured self - whom is also pre-supposing to be experiencing life in much the same way.

🕉There is no "whom" any-where to be found "in" space and time since a "whom" is not what is being witnessed as apparently appearing any-where "in" space and time as a temporal temporary human corporeal appearance that is visibly observable in mirrors for an impermanently indefinite duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉This and that is seemingly so - simply be-cause our essence as non-local qualia consciousness energy is not "of" space and time. Experiencing Life/Nature/Reality - is likened to a 'Force' that apparently appears to be "enlivening" all humanly corporeal apparent appearances as units of local qualia consciousness energy forms.

🕉Energy forms that are infinitudinally complexified and temporal temporarily visibly observable and observably visible in mirrors - for an impermanently indefinite duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time - seemingly apparently appearing visibly observable and observably visible in mirrors for an impermanent indefinite duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉This and that dualities apparently appearing "in" space and time as exclusively real independent individually separate people - that are seemingly existing "in" space and time - that seemingly appears as a shared reality that the conjured self in its world of a sense of separation - believes their existence to be an independently personalised experience of Life/Nature/Reality.

🕉And that it also believes to be convincingly so - as an independently personal experience about Life/Nature/Reality - as what it also believes to be shared with other individuals who are also seemingly appearing as exclusively real and physically solidly separate individuals that are humanly corporeal body-mind complexes / action figures with their very own self-proclaimed birth names and birth rites unlike any-body and every-thing else possesses.

🕉And that they each must be self-convinced to claim a belief that they are each just as independently self-reliant and separate from every-body and every-thing else - that also must be believing in much the same way about Life/Nature/Reality, as a separate self-convinced individually self-sustained conjured self that has free will of its own accord and volition.

🕉And that it must be self-reliant on its own conjured story about its very own uniquely special conjured self - even though it does not realise it has become lost with-in its own self-conjured story about what it believes to be an independently and exclusively real personal conjured self that is separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉And that they must remain steadfastly self-convinced to believe that there is a societal structure in place in the world that it believes it must constantly be engaged with - in that specifically independent mode - with which it is openly and independently existing along-side.

🕉And that that is the one and only true reality that the conjured self must believe it needs to be self-reliant upon. And that its own conjured story about it-self is exclusively real that is filled with personal experiences that no-body else can ever experience in a particularly personal and uniquely special way. And that they must continuously be experiencing Life/Nature/Reality in some particular manner that matters.

🕉And that they believe they must exist in Life/Nature/Reality as though Life/Nature/Reality is always happening to them as personal events that are presupposed to be separately affecting every-body's own personal experiences about Life/Nature/Reality.

🕉Such perspectives can seemingly be-come un-real conjured stories that can be conjured by conjured selves - as a replacement of the natural uncontrollable course of Life/Nature/Reality arising and apparently appearing as "Absolute Reality/Nature/Life" constantly and consistently appearing as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness.

🕉Such a conjured self believes that it cannot trust on that which cannot be exclusively real and non-physical. Discretion would not seemingly be necessary, if there were not such conjured selves apparently appearing to be accompanying each body-mind complex / action figure as the contextual content of all apparent appearances of body-mind complexes / action figures "in" space and time.

🕉That which apparently appears as Life/Nature/Reality continues to arise as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing for and by no-body other than of its own accord & volition.

🕉All this and that dualities seemingly reveal every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing that temporally temporarily apparently appears visibly observable in mirrors, as an infinitudinal array of humanly corporeal units of local qualia consciousness energy forms - for an indeterminate impermanently temporally temporary duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉This and that dualities apparently appear to be envisioned as what's not happening in the egoic mind of a conjured self that is self-convinced to believe that they are no-thing more than their own self-proclaimed body-mind complex /action figure that they can claim to be their very own self and call that "my-self" and perceive other selves as "your-self" which obviously seemingly interferes with the affairs that are apparently appearing to be displayed "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉All this and that dualities that are apparently appearing day in and day out - by what is constantly making apparent appearances as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing - as the contextual content of What Is & What Is Not Empty Fullness is seemingly appearing as both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable by and for no-body - other than of its own accord and volition.

🕉The conjured self is always pre-supposed to be the self-reliant entity and witness to all that it surveys - living its very existence on the grounds that it must continuously judge, label, define, critique, categorise, and criticise all that arises as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing-ing every-thing-ing, "in" space and time but not what is apparently appearing this and that way as dualities for no-body that is not "of" space and time.

🕉This and that dualities are seemingly covering up the underlying energetic movements that apparently appear as Life/Nature/Reality to be what is apparently appearing to be happening - as though there are always exclusively separate realities going on for each body-mind complex / action figure to experience as a separately self-sufficient conjured self.

🕉This and that apparently appears as all the dualities of this and that to apparently appear to be so - simply be-cause of how time continually seemingly causes Life/Nature/Reality to become suspended for a time, as time timing suspensions in time - to seemingly appear as separate events for each individually conjured self that believe to be self-contained with-in its very own body-mind complex / action figure.

🕉And that it is sharing a reality that it too believes is how conjured selves are to be collectively engaged with-in a societal structure that is seemingly exclusively real and as a planet so-named 'Earth' that is filled with separate individual body-mind complexes /action figures as conjured selves - that each must be equipped with their very own separate body-mind complex / action figure that must also be self-identified with its very own special and unique birth name and birth rite - unlike any-body else in society possesses.

🕉And that that must be uniquely so as a separate individual person whom must seemingly claim their very own body-mind complex / action figure - and self-identify its self - to associate such a conjured self with its very own birth name and birth rite that is unlike every-body and every-thing else - as a separate individually conjured self that must also believe that it is existing with-in an exclusively real Life/Nature/Reality.

🕉And that Life/Nature/Reality is being seemingly collectively shared with other body-mind complexes / action figures that each must also exist upon the surface of an exclusively real and physically solid planet so-named: Earth.

🕉And that that too exists seemingly exclusively real that is surrounded by planets within a solar system of exclusively physically real and solid planets - that each must seemingly be identified and/or named with their very own planetary names - that are so-named: Earth, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, and Venus.

🕉And that that automatically seemingly includes other individual body-mind complexes / action figures to appear; disappear; and re-appear as though that will seemingly continue to arise however the contextual content of what-ever seemingly appears to arise - as the contextual content that must be included and mingling with every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing at all times "in" space and time and not "of" space and time as All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness ad infinitum.

🕉And that each conjured self - that seemingly claims to be in ownership of its very own body-mind complex /action-figure - that is also seemingly claiming to be self-sufficiently so - to continue being always seemingly so in this or that way - and actively engaged with other conjured selves that are also seemingly claimed by separate individual body-mind complexes /action figures.

🕉And that that will continue to seemingly self-proclaim that they are self-reliant; self-sufficient; self-sustained conjured individual selves that can now seemingly be included as another addition to the collective societal structure of seemingly separate individual body-mind complexes / action figures that are seemingly existing separately in Life/Nature/Reality.

🕉Each seemingly self-conjured, conjured self, with its very own self-proclaimed body-mind complex / action figure, then labels, defines, and/or believes it must categorise each of those other seemingly individual body-mind complexes / action figures according to a self-proclaimed birth name and birth right.

🕉And that that had been proposed as an agreement between 2 other seemingly conjured selves / body-mind complexes / action figures - apparently appearing to be taking the apparent appearances as the new birth of a new body-mind complex / action figure as though that needs to be-come and appear as another separate physically solid individual person "in" space and time and not "of" space and time.

🕉And that that then also seemingly requires to be named a conjured birth name and birth rite - seemingly now newly labelled as such - to now join Life/Nature/Reality as a seemingly "new arrival" as a separately unique and special individual person - as another seemingly exclusive physically solid and real individual biological and physical body-mind complex / action figure.

🕉And that that then needs to join the seemingly real societal structure of all other seemingly individual independent conjured selves - to seemingly exist individually so, with their very own birth name and birth rite, to continue seemingly existing as a separate conjured self that is separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉And that it must also be seemingly given its very own special and unique birth name and birth rite - as though each conjured self seemingly exists to automatically believe that it must possess an original birth name and birth rite - unlike and separate from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉And all the while, outside of space and time - every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing continues on seemingly arising and apparently appearing as it does, for no-body and no particular meaning, reason, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition.

🕉Life/Nature/Reality simply apparently appears to be displaying apparent appearances of Life/Nature/Reality, as What Is & What Is Not Empty Fullness - seemingly appearing both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable for and by no-body other than of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.

🕉There is no separation of every-thing since non-duality is a fact that there is "not two" of every-thing as time timing "in" the apparent appearances of every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing for no-body - since we are all not "of" space and time.

🕉All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness is not even "One-ness" simply be-cause there is no-body any-where, whom can individually control the manner by which all apparent appearances are appearing with various degrees as "One-ness."

🕉It can also be stated that: All That Is & All That Is Not Empty Fullness is apparently appearing as "One-ness" for no-body and for no apparent meanings, reasons, & purposes other than of its own accord and volition.

🕉The apparent appearances of coordinates "in" Space and Time - as time timing as though here and a there - are not two separate places any-where. It is an apparent appearance of different geographical places that are apparently appearing in some way as some-where.

🕉There is every-where-ness every-where - likened to observing a movie on a " non-dual screen" being projected onto a "non-dual screen" - and we are that which are the projected images as the contextual content of apparent appearances on a "non-dual screen.

🕉The "non-dual screen" represents the apparent appearances of Space and Time as a dream-like reality frame that is interpreted by the mind of a body-mind complex / action figure - that thinks to believe conjured thoughts of ideas as though it needs to define reality and give that which it witnesses - meanings, purposes and reasons to arise and apparently appear as Life/Nature/Reality to be seemingly appearing as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing.

🕉Every-thing that appears as though there are separate things as some things are apparently appearing to be separate things that are not separate things thing-ing - but in actuality - every-thing is be-ing witnessed as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing.

🕉This and that does not require names and labels for every-thing-to be no-thing-ing and for no-thing to be every-thing-ing, as though every-thing requires meaning, reason, and purpose.

🕉Every-thing does not require a labelling or to be named as this and that dualities that are simply apparent appearances of things but not exclusively physically solid things comprised of matter that are exclusively real. Things are neither exclusively real or exclusively un-real.

🕉Every-thing is simply an appearance of things in a reality that is apparently appearing as it does with-out things requiring names assigned to things since no-thing is not a separate exclusively real object.

🕉This and that does not have to be defined with definitions and names assigned to things as particular varieties of things that must be named and/or labelled as separate types of things.

🕉Things are simply the apparent appearances of objects as the contextual content of reality that is seemingly superimposed "in" Space and Time and not "of" Space and Time.

🕉Therefore, every-thing that is no-thing-ing and no-thing that is every-thing-ing is apparently appearing as appearances that are both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable, for no-body.

🕉Every-thing is an apparent appearance of that which is seemingly appearing as with-in and with-out meanings, reasons, and purposes other than of its own accord and volition.

🕉Every-thing that makes an apparent appearance is apparently appearing as a paradox seemingly appearing paradoxically so - as that which can seemingly appear to be so and not so.

🕉This and that is apparently appearing this and that way as dualities - since dualities are apparently appearing as so and not so - due to how time is timing this and that dualities to apparently appear this and that way.

🕉This and that is apparently appearing to be so - as though such dualities are seemingly timing that which is apparently appearing to arise and seemingly appearing as appearances that are cycling and caught in a continuous loop - to be seen as though every-thing is apparently appearing to be both real and un-real as real and un-real appearances for no-body.

🕉Time is seemingly timing every-thing every-thing-ing and no-thing no-thing-ing as that which is an overlay of what is seemingly appearing both real and un-real as every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing as "Simply This."

Sonic Run: Internet Search Engine
Search Engine Submission - AddMe

🕉️Are you ready for honesty?

🕉Notice how easy it is, with-out even try-ing to try this... Drop your name out of every-thing you have ever believed to be claimed or owned by you, as a separate individual body-mind complex/action figure, and as though a lonely, separate self, isolated as an independent individual entity, separately apart from every-body and every-thing else...

🕉Are you not now, and have always been, awake to being awake? You are indeed! You are that which is not that apparent appearance of a body-mind complex/action figure, that is facilitating sight, through eyes that are not your eyes, since that is what you are.

🕉Since that way of thinking, has been the most popular and seemingly obvious singularly believable way, that life is appearing to be happening, to every-body else in the world, and that commonly held conditioned reactions must continue in such a way, to be handed-down to all of the next consecutive generations of people.

🕉Any other ideas, outside the alleged certainty of individuality, is considered to be deemed the rantings of a deranged lunatic. If any-body happens to believe, that there are not separate individual people living in the world, then such a person is considered delusional for thinking that way, and claiming reality to be no-thing other than exclusively real, physical, and comprised of solid matter.

🕉And so that appears to have been the general consensus between what apparently appear to be exclusively real and physically solid people in reality, upon a planet, that has been accepted, by popular belief, to be the only inhabitable planet, containing billions of separate individual human beings who are separate people, seemingly living in an exclusively real world, comprised of physically solid matter, that all other body-mind complexes/action figures are also willing to agree to be accepted as a shared belief, regarding the way life appears to be for the human race.

🕉And yet, behind all pre-supposed scenes of various worldviews, there is a mental thought system, that seemingly continues to be busily engaged with body-mind complexes/action figures throughout the world, expressing and apparently claiming through all the various billions of body-mind complexes/action figures in the world, and allegedly causing each of them to believe that they each have their own free will and choice to exist in some particular manner of their own volition.

🕉Life apparently appears to be operating as a universally shared worldview, and yet, this does not always apparently appear to be consistently seemingly so, as though there are apparent appearances of different people every-where, that each seemingly appear as a humanly corporeal body-mind / action figure, that can seemingly report to express in very uniquely obvious ways with all types of differences that apparently appear to be specifically visibly observable unique forms of expressions.

🕉A sense of separation can be reinforced in many different ways, via the mental thought system, using various quotes such as: "Variety is the spice of life." And that: "there is no other person in the world quite like your-self."

🕉It is then no wonder why there is so much confusion in the world, as to what is to be believed as true or what is to be believes as false, and what is real and what is un-real; what is knowable and that which is unknowable or that you are a separate individual person, that must eventually give in and be-come conditioned to believe that any-body can make up their own mind about the human condition.

🕉You are not an exclusively separate body-mind complex/action figure that you might believe your self to be, as though separate from every-body and every-thing else, and as though you exist independently where you believe that you are internally inside your very own body to claim as your own, and that every-thing else exists in an external reality as the world out there.

🕉You are the animating principle, as energetic movements of non-local qualia consciousness energy, that is always apparently appearing to be a natural consistent flow of energy, that apparently appears to be outside of space and time - as the apparent appearances of energetic movements that are seemingly constantly oscillating and moving through that apparent appearance of a body-mind complex/action figure seen visibly observable in mirrors.

🕉All the dualities of this and that are apparently appearing to be observed through eyes that are not yours, since eyes of an action figure/body-mind complex are simply facilitating sight - It is that which is the activity of seeing, that is the source of our be-ing.

🕉This is why the seeker is the sought and what-ever can be temporarily temporally seen in time - which is not what is perceiving as an action figure/body-mind complex, is simply witnessing that which is observably as this and that dualities, which is that part of reality that you are seemingly believing to be confined to a separate individual person that you believe you are, as though separately independently from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉Anything that is thought to be "two-ness" is the apparent appearance of a reality frame that causes a sense of separation to be seemingly so - as this and that is sensed from that which we are not, as a body-mind complex/action figure/self-conjured, conjured self.

🕉A self that looks into a reflection in a mirror, will either believe or not believe that they are comprised of that reflection as the apparent appearance of an individual, solitary, body-mind complex/action figure. You are simply be-ing what you have always been, as awake-ness be-ing awake to be-ing awake - infinitudinal complexification as an appearance mingling with every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing, ad infinitum.

🕉If the apparent appearances of humanly corporeal local units of qualia consciousness energy forms truly had free will and choice, that most believe they possess, as their very own free will and choice, most people would more than likely choose self-fulfilling personal experiences. And yet, no-body exists any-where as an independently separate person from every-body and every-thing else.

🕉That is simply be-cause self cannot get out of self, and is always mingling as apparent appearances with every-thing else that apparently appears to be every-thing, apparently appearing as though any-thing is apparently appearing as though the content of innumerable separate things are within any-thing that is apparently appearing as the content of every-thing, that is seemingly appearing from no-thing out of nowhere.

🕉Hence, that is why a body-mind complex/action figure does not require control by a self that believes they are a single individual self, as a body-mind complex/action figure, that has daily control of every-thing that it can seemingly conjure any belief about any-thing to seemingly manifest, as though it can claim to be exclusively real, when it is obviously not the hearer of sounds; not the feeler of feelings; not the taster of tastes; not the feeler of any-thing thought to be felt; and not the seer of sight.

🕉Those are just 5 basic conscious contact points as in-put/out-put modalities as "gates", that seemingly appear to be that way, but are instead, as energetic movements of seeing; smelling; hearing; tasting; and touching, that cannot be claimed by no-body that is not separately existing no-where as what can seemingly be consciously contacted, giving all the meaning that reality might ever apparently appear to be seemingly so and not seemingly so, for no-body and no meaning, reason, and purpose.

🕉More often than not, even the things that we say we want to do, we do not end up doing, since there is no "do-ing" required by any-body for life to arise as it does of its own volition. There is simply being, as non-local qualia consciousness energy. The reason is also not due to any-body lacking willpower.

🕉The reason is also not because we have not figured out how to do them. The reason is be-cause, there is no-body any-where, as an individual self, who can claim seeking is required as some-thing else that needs to be done, in order for life to appear as it arises each and every day, of it s own volition for no-body in particular, since there are no separate selves to do so.

🕉There are obvious apparent appearances of body-mind complexes, seemingly appearing here and there and every other here and there, that is seemingly some-where in particular, as a fixed position in time.

🕉Upon seemingly fixed positions in space and time, a separate sense of self takes the apparent appearances of a human corporeal reflection in mirrors, as though they are seemingly appearing as exclusively physically real and solid, due to proof of the reflections that are observably visible and visibly observable in mirrors.

🕉And yet, they also seemingly seem to be otherwise apparently observable, be-cause of how time seemingly operates as a medium that can cause the conjuring of entertaining thoughts as beliefs of past experiences, that a separate individual had seemingly experienced, and a future that they have yet to experience, as a collection of personal experiences to look forward to, upon a future time-line of sequential personal experiences of their own life experiences, that they have yet to personally experience to, for, and by itself.

🕉That can, however, often be believed to be so, as though they are thought to be a self-conjured, conjured self, that is self-convinced to believe that they are a presupposed single individual body-mind complex/action figure, that has yet to be-come enlightened in some way, when they lack the ability to recognise that they are already inherently on as the aliveness energetic movement as that, at any given space and time.

🕉There is no direct or indirect way for any-body to be living a life, as though any-body can claim life as their very own, with their very own free will and choice to do so. There are no fixed positions to be found here, there, or any-where, since All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness is every-where-ness.

🕉There are no distances between 2 points to be found. Everything is an apparent appearance of everything apparently appearing as no-thing every-thing-ing and no-thing is apparently appearing to be everything no-thing-ing.

🕉And that there is no separate self anywhere to be found upon some fixed position "in space and time, whom can claim to know how or why that is how everything continuously apparently appears to be the apparent appearances as everything and no-thing that is inseparably so and not so, but also seemingly appearing of its own accord and volition.

🕉There are no two presences, whereby, one is constant and another is representing some-thing else, since there is not any-thing else other than what is simply this. Simply every-thing apparently appearing as appearances of every-thing from no-thing exclusively real and exclusively un-real, but as though seemingly out of no-where.

🕉There is no-body any-where, who can claim to be giving life any-thing, such as the semblance of reality or any-thing else, since All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness is the source of that which is the semblance of all realities and is also the backdrop of life, as though set-up as a perfect arrangement of permanent fixed positions in space and time.

🕉Everything apparently appears to simply be the apparent appearances of what is seemingly thought to be everything that can also apparently appear as separate things, that can then be reduced to separate things, that are seemingly appearing somewhere upon independently fixed positions "in" space and time. And that such fixed positions can be acceptably so, by the self conjured, conjured self, to be allegedly claimed as observably so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after somebody.

🕉And that that is seemingly permanently so, since everybody else is also pre-supposedly appearing to be an appearance as a humanly corporeal body-mind complex/action figure, that is temporally, temporarily, apparently appearing, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, for an impermanently indeterminate simultaneous duration "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, as the infinitudinal complexification of everything and no-thing, both inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉No-body is being a separate body-mind complex/action figure any-where, whom can claim that they are representing thoughts that can be owned by a separate individual self-conjured, conjured self at any given time. No-body as an 'I" leaves trails any-where, since there is no-body any-where who can claim to be leaving trails some-where. The "I" that is claimed to be some-body experiencing the persistence of experiences does not exist any-where. It is simply an apparent appearance that makes that seemingly appear to be the case, as though every-thing is appearing as though every-thing is exclusively real, physically solid, and finite.

🕉What Is and What Is Not Empty Fullness, are the apparent appearances of infinitudinal complexification, seemingly appearing as everything from no-thing and out of no-where as nothing every-thing-ing and everything no-thing-ing ad infinitum, for no-body and for no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition.

🕉Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are mental conceptions of time that a separate self claims to be events that had occurred to them and others in the past, and events that have yet to happen to them and others in the future, when that is not what happened in the past and events that have yet to happen in the future, because no-thing apparently appears to happen for any-body in the past, and no-thing apparently appears to happen for any-body in the future.

🕉Every-thing is simply happening as that which is seemingly appearing to be happening, as every-thing and no-thing, and not 2 separate every-things and no-things, that can apparently appear to be simultaneously happening.

🕉It is as though there are separate yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's, all seemingly appearing upon one single, linear time continuum as always "Now," to be somehow included as simultaneously and collectively containing absolutely everything, anything, and no-thing that is apparently appearing to be happening in that "Now" and in the everywhere-ness of everywhere, as though as all places that are thought to contain somebody to seemingly appear, can somehow continue to be visibly observable as an individual person when there is the apparent appearance of innumerable conditional dualities as this, that, and the other.

🕉And that that can somehow continuously appear as everything that is seemingly appearing to be happening specifically upon a particular coordinate that cannot be considered either here, there, or somewhere else - and neither as a separate happening that has happened yesterday; that will be happening tomorrow and what is seemingly happening right now :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after nobody, as though here or now are 2 separate types of appearances of something that can be apparently appearing as anything that could apparently appear as a separate something, other than what is already always making apparent appearances "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.

🕉Apparently appearing as "All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness," as everything no-thing-ing and no-thing every-thing-ing, as the infinitudinal complexification of everything and nothing inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.

🕉Minds do not wander any-where, simply be-cause there is only every-where-ness, apparently appearing as though there are separate individuals, as separate people with their very own body-mind complexes/action figures to claim as their very own, along with a birth certificate to prove that, which contains their very own birth name and birth rite as that proof that they believe is all that they will ever need in order to provide a justifiable amount of evidence that proves this is factually so.

🕉What Is and What Is Not Empty Fullness, is apparently appearing both real and un-real; knowable and un-knowable for no-body, as All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness. Karma, hope, faith, religion, belief are all aspects of a separate sense of self, whom believes they are a separate person in an exclusively physically real reality, whom can claim their very own quality of life, with their very own personal and exclusively real experiences, as though they are in full control of the fate and/or destiny of their own life.

🕉And then as though each individual separate self as a body-mind complex/action figure can entertain thinking about self-conjured claims of knowing that they are making separate individual decisions, to self-profess that they are a separate individual person, as a self-sufficient self, separate from every-body else, and every-thing else. And that that is apparently appearing to be exclusively happening here and now, along with main concerns about yesterday and tomorrow.

🕉These are one of many ways that a self claims how and why they believe that they are a separate individual self, as a special and unique person, with their own birth name and birth rite, unlike any-body else has, in their way of thinking how reality should or should not be perceived and recognised as though it must constantly seek its own way of life, with free will and choice to do so, as though they are a self-conjured, conjured self, with their very own body to experience life for, by, from, and to its own self.

🕉And that that can seemingly reinforce such beliefs that the self conjured, conjured self, is having their very own personal experiences of their very own life that they believe that they are leading of their very own accord and volition.

🕉And that that can be claimed to be happening, as though they are a separate self claiming to be doing so, whom also lives in a reality where belief can help them to experience improvements in their own life, by claiming that they are the producer of their own personal experiences, when that is not what's ever happening. It only apparently appears to be that way.

🕉That can also some-times apparently appear to be happening in time, as though there are separate individual selves, who can claim that that is what's happening for them. The seeker is simply the sought, since there is no-thing that needs to be sought by any-body claiming to be some-body seeking.

🕉Life is lived as an expression of life being seemingly lived through us - and not of any-body independent control. And yet, separation can seemingly cause a body-mind complex / action figure to believe that it is separate from every-body and every-thing else, simply be-cause of thinking about such an idea that is seemingly and convincingly true, to the body-mind / action figure that believes they are a separate individual observer of life, as life is seemingly happening to and for them, instead of life simply apparently appearing as life of its own accord and volition, and not an accord and volition by, for, from, and to any-body in particular.

🕉All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness, is apparently appearing as What Is and What Is Not Empty Fullness, simply be-cause, every-thing that is observable and every-thing that is non-observable - every-thing that is known and every-thing that is unknowable - is Brahman / "The Absolute" - as complete-ness; whole-ness and perfection of its own accord and volition.

🕉All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness, apparently appears to be appearing - as both real and un-real - knowable and un-knowable for no-body, since What Is and What Is Not Empty Fullness, is simply the totality of all apparent appearances - as All That Is and All That Is Not Empty Fullness - that is unknowable by any-body claiming to be a separate entity, in possession of life as its own to live their own claimed life, with free will and choice to do so.

🕉And that it must unquestionably maintain a sense of separation, to reinforce and conjure all manner of self-conjured conjurings, of self-centeredness, self-gratification, accompanied by a belief that the apparent appearance of their human corporeal form, that is temporally temporarily visibly observable in mirrors, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, is :: to; by; for an impermanently indeterminate duration "in" space and time.

🕉And that they possess their very own body-mind / action figure, that is exclusively real, physically solid, and intelligent enough to learn how it can control its own destiny and/or fate of a life, provided that it believes this to be so, if it has enough faith to believe in its own self, and the spiritual forces it believes somehow govern order in the Universe.

🕉A separate self-conjured, conjured self also believes that it must claim its very own life of existence to live, and to seek out all types of human experiences for it-self to experiences, since it believes it is a spiritual being that needs to know spiritual knowledge and take actions of doing spiritual practices, in order to acquire be-coming fulfilled, and more spiritually evolved.

🕉️And yet, even though we believe that we have this power of choice, life keeps showing us that we cannot even manipulate where our minds go, be-cause the mind of a body-mind complex/action figure is not owned by any-body to be claimed as anybody's own mind, as though there is a separate individual self, to claim a mind of its very own.

🕉There apparently appear to be 5 points of conscious contact, that seemingly appear to be that way, but are instead, as energetic movements of seeing; smelling; hearing; tasting; and touching as what can seemingly be consciously contacted, giving all the meaning that reality seemingly has in store for a person to claim personal presence, when there is no direct correlation of life happening for any-body. It is just life apparently appearing to happen, for no reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum, as no-thing every-thing-ing and every-thing no-thing-ing.

🕉More often than not, even the things that we say we want to do, we do not end up doing, since there is no "do-ing" required by any-body for life to arise as it does of its own volition. There is simply being, as non-local qualia consciousness energy. The reason is also not due to any-body lacking willpower.

🕉There are obvious apparent appearances of body-mind complexes, seemingly appearing here and there and every other here and there, that is seemingly some-where in particular, as a fixed position in space and time.

🕉There are also apparently appearing to be body-mind complexes/action figures, upon an exclusively real dream reality, as what we are not, for and by a separate single individually self-sufficient self, whom believes that they must make life work for it-self, when that is not what's apparently appearing to be happening. Life is apparently appearing to be happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after nobody.

🕉And yet, life is believed to be happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after some-body that is taken to be separately alive, as though they are existing as a separate human being, with their very own free will and choice to claim life as their very own life to live in any manner, way, shape, or form, as a separately independent, self-sufficient, self-conjured, conjured self, that is alive and existing under their very own self-regulated terms and conditions, via their own version of a self-conjured free will and choice to do so - that is separate from everybody and everything else, in a seemingly shared dream-like reality frame, self-conjured to be perceived as exclusively real, physical, and solidly laden with finiteness and duality.

🕉Using clouds as a metaphor for thoughts - and the mind of a body-mind complex/action figure - temporally temporarily humanly corporeally observably visible in mirrors for a time - as an apparent appearance of an action figure - as a unit of local qualia consciousness.

🕉Fixed positions are simply apparent appearances of places - as though separate events of every-thing seemingly temporally temporarily suspended in time - as though these are apparent observable appearances - appearing as though they are moments in time.

🕉In other words, every-thing that is seemingly appearing as What Is and What Is Not Empty Fullness - is apparently appearing both real and un-real; observable and un-observable; knowable and un-knowable, for no-body and no apparent reason, meaning, and purpose, other than of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.

🕉Advaita Vedanta is the oldest extant sub-school of Vedanta, which is one of six classic Indian philosophies regarding the true nature of being. Non-duality is the English rendering of the sanskrit term Advaita of Advaita Vedanta. Advaita means without duality; Dvaita means duality and in modern western terms, non-duality and nondualism, is defined as that which is not-two or simply, that which is non-separation.

🕉Non-duality, like spirituality, is experiential in nature. A good example of non-duality is awareness and consciousness. Many people use these terms interchangeably, yet a distinction can be made that is both helpful for their use and the understanding on non-duality.

🕉Non-dual awareness is the home-ground of consciousness. Consciousness is the expression of awareness. The primal experience of being, is the experience of being aware. This is what sages like Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj spoke of as 'I am.'

🕉You can test that this is true by asking the question, "Am I aware?" and then taking note of how you answer it. Notice that you do not have to go anywhere to answer this question as it is self-evident that you are aware [ note that this is not the same as being aware to being aware ].

🕉The true nature of being is prior to, includes, and transcends duality. Ultimately it is not possible to speak about the true nature of being, yet we objectify it to be able to point to it. In general, this means stating what the true nature of being is not.

🕉It is the nature of a mistake to end once it is clearly seen. In the case of Non-Duality, the mistake is deriving identity via the content and activity of the mind, which causes duality of 'me' & 'not-me' [ separation as subject and object ] that veils the true nature of being. Clearly seeing that it would take lifetimes to properly study them]. Here is the invocation of the Isha Upanishad followed by English translations and commentary:

🕉Om Purnamadah Purnamidam Purnat Purnamudachyate
🕉Om, That is the whole, This is the whole; from That whole, This whole comes; yet That whole is not diminished in any way, the whole remains whole. Om. Peace! Peace! Peace!

🕉What is being described here is what scientists call a hologram, which they describe by saying, "all of it is in every bit of it".

🕉The Omkara that is believed to be the most ancient depiction of Om clearly illustrates motion. The dot, called a bindu, and semi-circle at the top of the image shown below, represents apparent separation [actual separation would be represented by the dot being completely enclosed in a circle].

🕉The Sanskrit word for sound is Nada, which has the root Nad and that means to flow. The Sanskrit Nada Brahma is rendered in English as the world is sound. This corresponds to the biblical creation story that begins with the words "In the beginning was the word..."

🕉Today Om is represented as the primal sound and its wave nature is more clearly emphasised in a modern depiction. The dot and semi-circle continue to represent apparent separation and the three waves represent the Great Triad, which can be interpreted as waking consciousness, dream, and time timingf apparent appearances as every-thing from no-thing out of no-where and into every-where-ness.

🕉A flowing wave folding back and harmoniously interfering with itself is called a standing or stationary wave by scientists. Although the wave appears to be standing still its substance is motion, like the whirlpool shown above that is sustained by flow, which is also its substance.

🕉"Curving back on my own Nature, I Illustrate, again and again, all these multitudinous arrays, as beings of infinitudinal complexification, under the regime of Nature." ~ Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 verse 8.

🕉Back-ground space represents non-duality, as temporal space represents non-dual awareness. The whirling waves represent appearances [ like whirlpools in a river ], which is consciousness as the expression of motion, as the true nature of being.

🕉And that all dualities as this & that are & are not seemingly happening for any-body "in" space & time, that is & is not conjured by a conjured self-conjured conjured self, via the recognise that it is & is not - not that.

🕉The conjured self lives in a reality that such a self-conjured conjured self cannot recognise how every-thing arises as an apparent appearance of every-thing no-thing-ing and no-thing everything-ing for no-body.

🕉Including every-thing that apparently appears to be arising, as that which is & is not seemingly happening, as continual happenings for no-body, that are & are not apparently appearing as every-thing happening.

🕉And that that is & is not always inherently on as the now-ness of now, consistently seemingly mingling with All That Is & All That Is & Is Not Empty Fullness.

🕉And as all this & that dualities that are & are not seemingly both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable for no-body & no apparent meaning, reason, & purpose, other than of its own accord & volition ad infinitum.

🕉And that such a self-conjured conjured self is & is not being convinced to believe it is & is not living in its own reality of separateness as a single individual "whom" is & is not seemingly accompanied by a sense of separateness, as a separate sense of self that has yet to recognise that it is & is not - not that.

🕉Including every-thing that apparently appears to be arising, as that which is & is not seemingly happening, as continual happenings for no-body, that are & are not apparently appearing as & What Is Not Empty Fullness, that are & are not seemingly both real & un-real; observable & un-observable; knowable & un-knowable for no-body & no apparent meaning, reason, & purpose, other of its own accord & volition ad infinitum.

🕉In the apparent appearances of life, as though there is and is not an apparent appearance of a grand scheme about life, as life obviously continues to apparently appear as it does, and as time continues to apparently be timing the appearances of life on this massive ball, so obviously referred to as the planet Earth, will continue to apparently appear to be happening, long after you and I and every-body else who may or may not believe that their life mattered, have disappeared, as though returning to no-thing-ness and back out into the Universe for another round of life.

🕉These apparent appearances as generations of people, will continue to appear, disappear, and reappear for an obvious indeterminate duration of centuries “in” space and time. And not a single one of those apparent appearances of people will ever matter, in any way, shape, or form, other than the interest and attention that is temporally temporarily given, to a “Self-Conjured” - “Conjured Self” who may or may not believe that they are a special, unique, and important person that matters to life as it apparently appears to arise, "in" space and time.

🕉What a crazy cosmic joke that life apparently appears to be, to and for people who believe that they have to control every-thing about life, as though they have a life to live, to call that “my life.” There is just simply the apparent appearance of life apparently appearing to be happening, for no-body ad infinitum.

🕉It has always been this way. Life will always apparently appear to be just as it continues to apparently appear to be apparently appearing to be, as every-thing temporally, temporarily appears as every-thing from no-thing, for no-body, and no particular meaning, reason, and purpose, other than how every-thing continues to arise as life continuously apparently appears as life arises, as any-thing and every-thing, from no-where and no-thing.

🕉It is clearly realised that life is an impersonal experience that no-body can claim to have with life, that is happening for no-body any-how. And in that understanding stems the obviousness, as to how and why no-thing is ever taken personally, since any-thing that is said by any-body never matters to any-body else who may or may not believe that they are hearing some-body speaking about any particular subject.

🕉Regardless if that subject happens to be about non-duality, or any other subject for that matter – as though any-body can expect or anticipate any-thing special or significant to happen from such speeches.

🕉All satsangs in the world that have, and will ever be held, with apparent non-duality, "Neo-Advaitin" speakers, who may have written non-duality books or travelled around the world, recording such satsangs along the way, and saving them onto a website or a Youtube channel - will either matter or not matter to be significant or special in any particular way, shape, or form.

🕉It just apparently appears to be a subject, that has seemingly turned-out to be an apparent ultimate subject of all time, of which to seemingly hold a conversation. Regardless, if it apparently appears to be available for a short period of time or a long period of time.

🕉Nobody embodies happiness. However, happiness can, in all due courses, apparently appear to Nobody, who is neither agreeing nor disagreeing, that there are levels of awareness. This is so and not so and not, not so, simply because "we" are and "we" are not "who," that is not one without a second. "We" are, and "we" are not likened to, innumerable expressions of "The Absolute"/Brahman.

🕉There are simply apparent appearances, as that which believes it is being aware to being aware, of innumerable appearances. The self conjured, conjured self, can conjure, and will conjure, innumerable conditional dualities :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after that which self-conjures all manner of conditional dualities.

🕉The self conjured, conjured self, is self-convinced, that it exists separately and independently :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after, that which is believed to be "everybody and everything else," as a shared reality. There is no "shared reality per-say. It just apparently appears to be this, that, or some other way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after a self conjured, conjured self.

🕉And that which self conjures innumerable ideas, believes in whatever is seemingly conjured, that there could be innumerable levels of awareness, that are believed to be countless levels of awareness :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after that which self identifies :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after what is believed to be its very own self.

🕉That is neither so, nor not so, and not, not so - as an example of triple negation. There can simply seemingly be, that which takes a self conjured, conjured self, to be that which is believed to possess their very own sets of beliefs, and a personal life of one's very own.

🕉And that that is pre-supposedly aware of different levels of awareness - when there is simply everything awareness-ing, along with everything no-thing-ing and no-thing, every-thing-ing; and as everything and nothing is inseparably so and not so; and not, not so. Everything, is apparently appearing to be constantly "verb-ing;" "mixing;" "blending;" "coalescing;" "emerging;" and "oscillating;" - "in" all spaces and "in" all times, as always, in ALL always.

🕉This is the infinitudinal "Absolute"/Brahman, that is always exemplifying complexification. "The Absolute"/Brahman, that is beyond all spaces and all times, that is also beyond that which is presumably knowable; and beyond all measures as immeasurable; boundless, and timeless - beyond all spaces and all times.

We as Human Corporeal Temporally Temporary Units of Local Qualia Consciousness Energy Forms, are Apparently Appearing as Energetic Movements as Appearances "In" Space and Time & Not "of" Space and Time, Ad Infinitum

No-thing Comes from No-where Since Every-thing Is No-thing-ing and No-Thing Is Every-thing-ing

The Absolute Prior to Consciousness; The Absolute Prior to Awareness, and The Absolute Prior to Absolute Nothingness

The End of the Game: Deconstructing the Portals to the Absolute

Interview with Andreas Mueller

Interview with Neil Denham

Interview with Tony Parsons

Interview with Jim Newman

Interview with Richard Sylvester

Interview with Paul Hedderman


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"Once a salt doll went to measure the depth of the ocean. It wanted to tell others how deep the water was. But this it could never do, for no sooner did it get into the water than it dissolved. Now, who was there to report the ocean's depth? What Brahman is cannot be described. In samadhi one attains the knowledge of Brahman -- one realizes Brahman. In that state reasoning stops altogether, and man becomes mute. He has no power to describe the nature of Brahman."

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