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WWW Weekly - News & Rumors

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Welcome to the official World Wide Wrestling website! This week's Monday Night Madness was as aptly-named as ever, both on-screen and backstage. To get the full scoop on all the greasy, sordid details, check out our award-winning* column, WWW Weekly!

Following the shocking turn of events of Monday Night Madness, we are experiencing higher than usual traffic (you). Please excuse any delays, as we have only 100 bytes of bandwidth. For best results, please view this website using dial-up and disable Flash. The only "flash" compatible with this website is that which was perpetrated by Dirk Diggler©™ on PPW television.

*WWW Weekly was the proud recipient the 2009 Webby for "Least Accurately-Named Link On The Internet"!
Dirk Diggler©™ is a registered trademark of Universal Studios. Copyright 1997.